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00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

@Downgoat I beg to differ.
On the other hand, yeah, I don't like the new SE top bar very much.
The contrast of the SE logo is what really bothers me though.
@Downgoat ... and counter intuitive / impossible to find anything for people coming from Android Studio
tbh, it looks like it was thrown together at 10:00 in the night, not something that SE has been working on for many months. Also not sure how it will play well with the many userscripts which add things to the nav bar
@Stephen there's not much to find tho, like there's like the Run button and that's about 99% of buttons you'll ever click
@Mr.Xcoder have you used SceneKit before? I'm having a lot of trouble with getting materials to show up correctly
Ok so my dad got a new gun (22 pistol) and it is so fun :D
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ huh, I thought you were from Canada for some reason :P >_<
@Downgoat the new bar has been out for a long time XD
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ it isn't even out yet.......
@Downgoat lol no. Canada is too nice for me to live there
@Downgoat I have had it for months on SO
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ I'm talking about the network bar
@Downgoat I have it already and have had it for months
I see the difference now XD
I couldn't ever live in aussie land no guns :_()
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ O_o no gun? how do they defend against the emus (cc @ASCII-only)
@Downgoat Well i read the rules and I use semi-auto guns only pretty much
closest thing I've used to a gun is an air rifle with speed reduction device
anyway gtg hackathon opening now
@HyperNeutrino Oooh, hackathon where?
I missed it :_( I wanted to do a hackathon XD
@El'endiaStarman IIRC it is this one: hackthenorth.com
@El'endiaStarman hack the North right here in Waterloo
i lied about having to leave lol but will have to soon
@Downgoat Oh neat.
@ASCII-only okay so I am working on execution graph but not sure on how 'atomic graphs' (i.e. smallest S -> {f1, f2, ..., fn} -> E connection) would workl
like how would we match them when doing things like graph observers
btw @El'endiaStarman how is progress on Pytek going?
@Downgoat I haven't worked on it; been busy with other projects and work.
@ASCII-only also one more thing, for ExecutionGraphs should we always check to ensure all execution paths converge to an exit node (e.g. return, exit(0), etc.)
@Downgoat boomerangs
Also Bowie knifes
@ASCII-only oic
@Downgoat I'd say have Ruby style return but idk
@Downgoat ???????
@ASCII-only see VSL room
1 hour later…
D: wrong 19th byte
also wat. if divide by 8 give 19 then it just means your name is 19 bytes long...
also everything doesn't work and it's abandoned D:
Q: Java vs Kotlin performance

asdfw4t2wFrom my understanding, On Android, java compiles faster than Kotlin, so during development things are slightly faster. Is there performance benefit/drawback when it comes to production apps? When an app is published in the app store, does it run faster or slower depending on what language was used?

I still don't get why that even got any upvotes in the first place
@DJMcMayhem Really, teamscript?
@DJMcMayhem But not gradscript for some reason
yes ಠ_ಠ
Q: Any clever way to compute fibonacci values using C preprocessor?

SunI am wondering if there is anyway to perform calculations using the C preprocessor (mainly). There seem to be various different modes that each C preprocessor can be put in, so I'm wondering if anyone has come up with a way yet to calculate values for instance using addition? So let's say I w...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

i cri everytimTranslate Tetris moves to GoL! code-golf Unless you've been living under a rock, you're probably aware of the fact that the highest voted unanswered, incredibly hard challenge to build a working game of Tetris in Conway's Game of Life just recently got answered. (Go check it out if you haven'...

@cairdcoinheringaahing I gave up and went to sleep :)


Development of Math:The Programming Language
Come discuss MathTM :)
2 hours later…
@Downgoat I did try to use it, but I cannot say i liked it. TBH I cannot really help you with that.
1 hour later…
It is official: Build a working game of Tetris in Conway's Game of Life became PPCG's most upvoted challenge.
JoeZ clearly knows what he's doing
@Mr.Xcoder Make an insanely difficult challenge, with quite a few upvotes, then ride the coattails of the answers to get the rest?
@cairdcoinheringaahing precisely.
@cairdcoinheringaahing Do you have time for some Jelly training? I am in the mood right now :)
@Mr.Xcoder No sorry, I'm on mobile right now. Although I should be able to in around 3 hours.
@cairdcoinheringaahing ping me, maybe I'll be around. Not 100% sure though
@Mr.Xcoder partition
4 -> 5
5 -> 7
@LeakyNun What?
integer partition function
@LeakyNun Oh in Jelly?
@LeakyNun Then join me in JHT
@LeakyNun BTW thanks for the challenge! :-)
4 hours later…
Come and join The code-golf hackathon, for golfing languages only!
@Mr.Xcoder Could you add 2Deorstv now that its finished?
Can I join two teams? @Mr.Xcoder
@cairdcoinheringaahing oh lol you have done it already?
@LeakyNun a golfer can participate in one or more teams
@cairdcoinheringaahing Can you link the repo pls?
Looking forward for cool solutions to Puzzle 1. Btw please ping when you answer.
@Mr.Xcoder how do I answer? I don't have write access
@LeakyNun Request Write access :-)
@Mr.Xcoder requested
Let me open GH
@Mr.Xcoder why is the average of [] 0.0?
@LeakyNun Because the empty sum is 0.
@Mr.Xcoder but 0/0 is undefined
@LeakyNun For the purposes of the challenge, the average of [] is 0.
@LeakyNun why?
@Mr.Xcoder nothing
@cairdcoinheringaahing @LeakyNun I added you as collaborators.
Hope you'll enjoy those challenges :-)
@LeakyNun Do you think I should post them on PPCG too?
@LegionMammal978 Hello
Trying to figure out what the chemical formulae would be for single elements
@LegionMammal978 Maybe I can help?
For example, He is just a straight-up gas, whereas H₂ needs two atoms
oh no, then I can't help :)
@LegionMammal978 and then?
@LeakyNun Not sure which molecule is being referred to when, e.g., someone shows a picture of a sample of lithium, copper, etc.
I think you don't say "molecule" when talking about metal
@cairdcoinheringaahing Added 2Deorstv.
except, you know, gases, where all hell is loose
Compounds, then?
not sure what your question is
I have to go, ping if you have suggestions or requests.
(It's 8:15, I can't terminology)
I still don't know what you're trying to ask
@Mr.Xcoder Thanks. Could you clarify Puzzle 1 in that you have to determine whether an array is golfy or not? It took me a second to understand the task
@LeakyNun To try and say it in another way: "Oxygen gas" (the kind you breathe) has chemical formula O₂. Correct?
@LegionMammal978 correct
Now "helium gas," as I understand it, just has chemical formula He. Correct?
@LegionMammal978 correct
My question is, how do I determine, for a given element, which physical compound is being referred to by the name of the element?
convention :P
well, the halogens and the period 2 non-metals are diatomic
But where is this convention described?
and hydrogen
You just have to learn those elements by heart
At least, that's what I did
@LegionMammal978 IUPAC?
@cairdcoinheringaahing what shall I clarify?
(You are welcome to edit it yourself. On mobile.)
@Mr.Xcoder I've just edited in that the programs must determine whether a given input is golfy or not. Is that correct, or do you want to change it?
So if I'm understanding this right, H, N, O, F, Cl, Br, I, and At are the only seven elements which are only chemically stable in their diatomic forms. The rest are stable in their monatomic forms. Correct?
@cairdcoinheringaahing perfect, thanks! I somehow forgot to mention that
@cairdcoinheringaahing Can't wait for you to submit an answer :-) - Looking forward to see how 2Deorstv is like (I also can't wait for it to be put on TiO)
@Mr.Xcoder I'm still adding quite a lot of atoms, so it may be a bit of a while, but shouldn't be too long
If no one wants to answer, I think I will be the first to :-)
@LegionMammal978 from what I remember, yeah
@Mr.Xcoder Jelly?
@cairdcoinheringaahing pyth first
@LegionMammal978 forget about At
it isn't even physically stable
now you have seven elements :)
@LeakyNun Suggestions? .A.egb.O<Q
@Mr.Xcoder I give up
on my Jelly attempt
@LeakyNun Why? :'-(
I have 5 bytes for Jelly
@Mr.Xcoder there's no way I can golfily deal with average([])=0
> Four isotopes of astatine were subsequently found in nature, although it is the least abundant of all the naturally occurring elements, with much less than one gram being present at any given time in the Earth's crust.
@cairdcoinheringaahing Can I see before you submit it?
@Mr.Xcoder Jelly, 6 bytes: ÆmƤµ⁼Ṣ
oh lol, reminds me I should golf Pyth
@cairdcoinheringaahing Why is the µ needed here?
what is the doing there?
@Mr.Xcoder Otherwise it checks if the prefix means are equal to the original input sorted.
@cairdcoinheringaahing Passes the test cases. Wait for me to understand it though/
What is ⁼Ṣ doing here?
@Mr.Xcoder Checks if the list is sorted ascendingly
What should the answer formatting be? Code golf format from TIO? @Mr.Xcoder
@cairdcoinheringaahing The raw code in the Jelly.jelly file and create Jelly.md with the formatting and explanation + tio link
all in the Jelly team folder
@cairdcoinheringaahing Added Jelly.md
@Mr.Xcoder Added explanation.
I update Puzzle 1.md
@Mr.Xcoder can't seem to be able to request access...
@EriktheOutgolfer You just have to ping me here :-) - Give me a minute and I'll add you.
(I'm @GolfingSuccess btw)
Welp, the 2Deorstv solution is only 6 bytes :P
I'm not going to submit it until I've finished adding my current cluster of atoms though
@EriktheOutgolfer Added you.
@Mr.Xcoder accepted :p
@EriktheOutgolfer Pls take a look at the Pyth one and tell me if you have suggestions.
was writing one that's why I requested access
@EriktheOutgolfer What approach do you use?
Mine is 10 bytes rn
a bit different from yours
I'll push mine it's 10 bytes...feel free to roll back if it doesn't work
@EriktheOutgolfer If you come up with another one, Create Pyth2.pyth and Pyth2.md.
I will then :)
I have mine posted already
And see this for the standard template
heh I've added mine (same length as yours)
@EriktheOutgolfer Interesting approach.
@EriktheOutgolfer Added you on the scoreboard too.
making Pyth2.md rn
Cool, I'll edit once you finish it
@cairdcoinheringaahing @EriktheOutgolfer Should I create a separate chat room?
@Mr.Xcoder Yeah, can't hurt.
Ok then
I don't think there's any point in moving these messages though.
@cairdcoinheringaahing Erik can, if he wants to.
@Mr.Xcoder no
I'm not a ro here...
Oh I thought you are
nah, I don't really want to be one...
@EriktheOutgolfer ^
Anyone good with GraphQL here? Is it possible to exclude an edge node from the result object if a node property is empty? E.g. I want all node { name company } nodes, except when company is empty. (company is of type String!)
@EriktheOutgolfer isn't this why you like having random diamond moderators lying around lol
whistles nonchalantly
@ThomasWard I don't really have a preference for who is here or not, to be honest
also, flags exist
that was a joke, but meh.
bad joke then
FLAGS! They summon moderators in droves.
Chaos usually ensues when you raise flags :P
it's like... *flag filed* *MODERATOR STORM INBOUND*
that "chaos" is the people who vote your flag is valid
(i.e. flag too)
1 hour later…
@LeakyNun As per your question: Not all people there want independence (see for example here, if you want to practice your Spanish). As for those who want, I don't agree with their reasons and their methods. I think it's better together than split. And what they are doing these last weeks is against the law
@LuisMendo I see
are you aware of those hk independence things?
Not much. I know they used to be part of China, not anymore?
still part of China
but then some people are wanting independence
Similar story then :-)
it has caused much controversy
What's your position regarding that? You are Chinese, right?
I'm from Hong Kong lol
I don't really have a position
Anyway, you are going to UK next month, right?
Imperial College sounds great
As does Pure Mathematics!
@LeakyNun why did you chose Imperial College?
@cairdcoinheringaahing over what?
@LeakyNun Any other university
@cairdcoinheringaahing heh, as if I have many universities to choose from :P
Is it a 4-year degree?
Or how does it work there?
3 year only
CMC: Given an array a and an integer n, split a into n chunks of equal length. len(a) is guaranteed to be divisible by n. Example: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] 3 => [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]
FYI, Deorst has 1 byte: ç
@cairdcoinheringaahing Cjam: {_,@//}
MATL: viI$e!
Q: Add and align braces in my code

OkiChallenge Given a string of text, complete it with braces and semicolons based off its indentation. All braces/semicolons should be placed starting at a fixed column. The challenge is inspired by this screenshot Input and output will be a string (or an array of strings by choice) Input and out...

@NewMainPosts I'm 99% sure this is a dupe
@cairdcoinheringaahing SOGL, 4 bytes: l≤/n - expects the input on the stack as number; array
@dzaima Do you get an autoping every time CMC is posted?
no. That answer was 30 minutes too late :p I just have TNB open and look trough it every now and then
@dzaima Hmm. You do have a tendancy to answer every CMC with a SOGL answer then fade back into the shadows :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing I don't chat unless necessary, and I just like using SOGL :p
@dzaima I wonder why you like SOGL... :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing I don't like SOGL, I like using SOGL :p
@dzaima Are you still developing SOGL or is it stable now?
@cairdcoinheringaahing I'm not really developing it (I do every now and then add something or fix a bug however), nor is it stable
ಠ_ಠ Why is chat so quiet?
It means I actually have to do something
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

flawrInversion in SLₙ(ℤ) code-golfmath Given a square matrix with integral entries and determinant +1, return its inverse. Examples [1] -> [1] [3,1;2,1] -> [1,-1;-2,3] [3,2,3;4,5,6;7,8,10] -> [2,4,-3;2,9,-6;-3,-10,7] Try it online!

@cairdcoinheringaahing weekend
@HyperNeutrino Damn adults, doing stuff on weekends, forcing us to do stuff as well :P
I'm doing hackathon right now so I won't be around too much :P
@HyperNeutrino Did I hear hackathon (P.S.: I know you are talking about another Hackathon)?
You are terribly confusing sometimes
> sometimes
@HyperNeutrino ಠ_ಠ
> You are terribly confusing sometimes
(infinitely nesting conversations)
1 min ago, by HyperNeutrino
> sometimes
I vote to not continue recursing :P :P :P
@HyperNeutrino agreed.
anyway I am going to go back to project for hackathon o/
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Jonathan FrechCasciitus Introduction Cacti come in various different sizes, shapes and colors. However, the most iconic cactus and must-have in every Western has to be the saguaro. Important features are its size and arms, which have defined the stereotypical cactus appearence. Your task is to bring the s...

@JonathanAllan you can continue, since you found it independently
also you'll not arrive at exactly the same thing anyways
the final call is yours however
I was about to comment with your 13 byter ^^
like, with the _` thing too?
it actually stands for 0,0
@JonathanAllan o_o what a coincidence
btw ^` would also work in its place
I first went to 14 just by moving the + to the lhs
not 100% I would have got the Ạ} trick though - I never quite understand } and {
they're pretty simple
} makes a dyad from a monad and then applies the monad to its right argument
they never seem to do what I want :)
{ is the same but for the left argument
@JonathanAllan yeah you rarely use them
> old description, updating....
yes I know.
wondering what to do :D
:O Jonathan doesn't know something in Jelly. Are we going have to bring him into JHT? :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing he must request himself to
also I think he knew about it
it's just that you never think of them
like with c
come into the classroom
@EriktheOutgolfer If I weren't a Python coder, I'd ಠ_ಠ, but I have to agree :P
I must request myself to what?
I guess c is the most often forgotten-about thing in Jelly
@JonathanAllan a classroom for jelly learning aid
it's not necessary to
what's JHT?
"Jelly HyperTraining"
it's where you do learning boost or skill sharpen in jelly

 Jelly Hypertraining

Practice your Jelly :) Rules and stuff are here: golfingsucces...
Oh wow.
no time for this though :(
I gotta learn nix :p
I mean, work or school are some kind of obstacles
will be at an XTerm come Monday :/
I'm like clueless
ono dat no good :(
I mean, what monster makes employees to work on tty come on
nix did not come up through whole process of interviews - they offer, I accept then I go to do a walk through / meet & greet... they show me my desk (no computer yet) and say "we use Xterm"
so that's gonna be fun
xterm is graphical application btw
like, terminal not tty console
it does not seem very graphical from Google searching though
hopefully they can just guide me :)
otherwise they can give me Windows ;p
I'm sure they want a productive employee :)
Q: Iterative solution of a puzzle

Rahul JainBy starting from the number 1 and repeatedly either adding 5 or multiplying by 3, an infinite amount of new numbers can be produced. How would you write a function that, given a number, tries to find a sequence of such additions and multiplications that produce that number? For example, the numbe...

I don't know how to start a browser :p
there should be an icon you can click on and it will start firefox
I already used "search for help" at one stage in the interview process pretty sure they are cool with that idea!
or dolphin
@JonathanAllan sure, an employee should search for help instead of pretending they "know everything", we all know that's not a thing
@JonathanAllan lynx http://www.google.com
oh there are icons in this thing? Google image search looks like text with some drop down menus (which are accessible with ctrl+mouse) - it's all very bizarre to me :)
@PeterTaylor what?
@JonathanAllan ctrl+mouse?
That's how you start a browser in an XTerm
oh how to start a browser?
you're going to use a graphical environment then!
lol @ this
@PeterTaylor huh? he's using a ui, why lynx?
I love how in nix you need to know some magical text
(love = sarc)
@EriktheOutgolfer See my previous post
how does one find out these things when sitting in front of a terminal?
...and do not say "man" because you need to know the command for that right?
you say "man, this is godawful" :p
(actually it stands for "manual" but you need to know the command's name)
Sometimes man pages will point you at related commands, but to bootstrap it you need external knowledge
yeah I know what man is (not 100% n00b)
@PeterTaylor well firefox is easier than lynx
oh lynx is a browser...
yes (colorful text browser that supports no images no videos no plugins no javascript no css only text)
@EriktheOutgolfer If they don't give him an IDE, I wouldn't count on there being a graphical browser installed either
how is he going to use xterm without graphical interface?
I didn't say XWindows client, I said graphical browser
not sure what you mean
They use PyCharm I think
so I get an IDE
what distro are you going to use btw?
I have no idea
you mean nix flavour?
yep I dunno
like ubuntu, mint, debian, etc.
@JonathanAllan In that case it's weird that they should bring up XTerm
@EriktheOutgolfer I mean that lynx may be the only browser installed
@PeterTaylor why?
@PeterTaylor I'm not sure if lynx will be preinstalled either though
I don't want to use a browser that only displays the ascii LMAO
@EriktheOutgolfer True, it may be necessary to fall back to telnet www.google.com 80
we are not in the 70s
I guess they must think it's gonna be no problem since they didn't enquire during the wole interview process...
or test any such knowledge
@PeterTaylor which takes forever
@JonathanAllan it wasn't in the contract right?
No, there is nothing in the contract regarding specific skill sets - contracts don't work like that.
The contract does not say I need to know Python, or how to type or use a mouse or walk to the office...
ref to the 70s
"we used to "
00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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