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idk what most things use anymore
probably otf
That's the whole point. Google font CSS only returns the format that your browser understands. WOFF2 for most, WOFF or even SVG for others...
So it doesn't load the format it doesn't need, to save bandwidth
@Mr.Xcoder I don't think you should go around asking people for try it online links
either add them yourself or don't bother
i guess woff2 is used because of the compression
@orlp Ok :)
@Poke afaik Safari has some problems with that. It'll probably use WOFF, not v2
the internet is exciting
do sandbox answer posts fall here in the chat?
@mınxomaτ i haven't looked into woff before but i guess it's the same as otf with compression and whatever else to be optimized for the web?
I don't know.
now I know where you got the problem :)
@orlp which?
@LeakyNun you can't :P ಠ________ಠ
@Mr.Xcoder :P
Is there a challenge for n -> number of strings of fully matched brackets of length n
@HyperNeutrino Catalan?
@LeakyNun the one regarding equivalence classes formed by checking if the difference between two numbers is rational
@HyperNeutrino yes
aw ok
@orlp oh, that's from mathologer's death by infinity
@sergiol There is a feed that will automatically link new Sandbox posts to chat.
@LeakyNun ah, I guess multiple math channels covered it then :)
wait that's just catalan numbers?
@orlp sure
> Number of ways to insert n pairs of parentheses in a word of n+1 letters. (OEIS)
@AdmBorkBork ok I am still waiting for my post to fall here
@sergiol It updates every once in a while. Not sure, but I think ~20-30 minutes
fixed font test
@AdmBorkBork: Rammstein's post
@Mr.Xcoder yup :P
As I am tired of waiting the post falls, so I past the link
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

sergiolShift-left golfer Sometimes when doing code-golf, a person needs to understand which format is shorter: 2147483648 0x80000000 1<<31 The task: You will receive a number in one of the three formats above: decimal, hexadecimal, or shift-left operation. If there is no advantage in converting i...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

sergiolShift-left golfer Sometimes when doing code-golf, a person needs to understand which format is shorter: 2147483648 0x80000000 1<<31 The task: You will receive a number in one of the three formats above: decimal, hexadecimal, or shift-left operation. If there is no advantage in converting i...

@sergiol Don't, just be patient.
Excellent timing.
@sergiol Hehe ^^^
Brilliant timing
If I wanted to done it intentionally, I wouldn't!
@sergiol Honestly, I think it is extremely unclear. Please add some test cases and make the specs stricter.
@sergiol I think we've had a question which is "Which is shorter, decimal, hex or e-notation?" which I think I'd vtc as dupe of.
my question is: how can I improve the question, please?
@sergiol What is the task again? I cannot understand it at all.
Q: Compute the shortest decimal representation of a IEEE 754 double-precision binary floating-point number

Arthur BFormat The format is a 64 bit value x representing a IEEE-754 double-precision binary floating-point number (a.k.a "a double"). x is assumed to represent a real number (not a NaN or Infinity). Goal The goal is to print/output the shortest string containing a decimal representation for which x ...

@sergiol Add some test cases.
@sergiol define the notation types
Yeah I'd use regex to specify the three formats if I were you
I am the asker an I feel the unclearliness, so the answerers will have even more.
should I accept octal too?
CMC: Given the deltas of a list, reconstruct it (undelta it - [2, 1, -2, -1] -> [0, 2, 3, 1, 0]) and get the sum of its elements. [2, 1, -2, -1] -> 6
05AB1E: .¥O
I think this is the solution you were looking for; I have a feeling it's that since [2, 1, -2, -1] is the list in the 05AB1E answer on the Sort a Delta List challenge :P
@dzaima notation types are already defined
Jelly: 0;+\S
@HyperNeutrino I am trying to see answers in other languages as well.
@HyperNeutrino 0; is unnecessary
@sergiol Not quite; what case does hexadecimal take? Does it accept a non-zero integer before the x? Does left-shift have spacing around the operator?
@LeakyNun oh thanks
Jelly: +\S
@HyperNeutrino Polyglot with Deorst :P
Husk: Σ∫
Pyth, 5 bytes: ssM._
@Mr.Xcoder remove the M :)
@LeakyNun :c
addition is associative
@Mr.Xcoder where is your pyth answer to my question?
@LeakyNun What's associative? Maths has too many words to remember :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing (a+b)+c = a+(b+c)
@cairdcoinheringaahing (a+b)+c = a+(b+c)
@cairdcoinheringaahing a+b+c=(a+b)+c=a+(b+c)
O ninja'd
@HyperNeutrino you remember your group theory well
@Mr.Xcoder PowerShell, 39 bytes -- ($args[0]|%{+$l;$l+=$_})+$l-join'+'|iex
@LeakyNun Into oblivion. Maybe I'll give it a go
@AdmBorkBork :O
@LeakyNun well I did learn this in grade 4 but yes :P
@HyperNeutrino have you solved the problem?
I learned that in grade 1 >____>
I think I might be close but since I have the hackathon really soon I've temporarily stopped working on it for just the weekend. I'll pick up where i left off Sunday afternoon though
@Mr.Xcoder What's so ":O" about that?
@Mr.Xcoder I mean in school; in reality, I've known that since like grade 1 or so from a math book in my bedroom :P
@AdmBorkBork Powershell-based golfing language, written in Powershell (duh)
@AdmBorkBork The fact that Powershell does that in 39 bytes!
@cairdcoinheringaahing I'm working on Pish-Posh (still in early design stage)
@Mr.Xcoder Why, how long is Python? I'd expect a low 30s or so.
Oh, that reminds me, I have to update the Deorst chatroom with its development. Brb.
@AdmBorkBork I'd guess longer actually
@AdmBorkBork I can't be bothered to solve it right now :P
@AdmBorkBork Actually, 46 bytes
@Mr.Xcoder That's Python, not Actually.
@cairdcoinheringaahing pun not intended
@Mr.Xcoder Puns should always be intended :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing I don't think the puns should always actually be intended (pun intended) (pun intended)
@Mr.Xcoder I'm just confused now :P
@AdmBorkBork Actually, 42 bytes
:o this is longer: lambda x:sum(__import__('numpy').cumsum(x))
@Mr.Xcoder As a teenager, I have to laugh at that :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing I'm just confused now
@cairdcoinheringaahing huh?
@Mr.Xcoder Good, 'cause this conversation shouldn't continue
CMC: Create a good CMC, for god's sake!
@Mr.Xcoder The irony that you just failed your own CMC
CMC: Recreate the behavior of ŒD from Jelly.
@DJMcMayhem I have posted a ton of CMCs today, I just think I should stop.
@Mr.Xcoder VTC as unclear
@cairdcoinheringaahing Jelly: ŒD
@HyperNeutrino Then I'll VTC you as off-topic!
wth how does that even make sense :P :P :P
@Mr.Xcoder I agree, neutrinos aren't coding problems :P
it doesn't :P:P:P
CMC: Given an input n, output the absolute value of the difference between the nth Triangular Number and the nth Perfect Square.
set m [== CMC {chat message conversation}]
@AdmBorkBork Well done! You solved my CMC
is m true?
@sergiol CMC=chat mini challenge
@sergiol no :P
ok tks @Mr.Xcoder
@AdmBorkBork @_@
is my challenge clearer now?
@AdmBorkBork Jelly: RSạ²
@AdmBorkBork Python, 17 bytes: lambda n:n*~-n//2
@AdmBorkBork 2Deorstv, 4 bytes: ΣàsÁ
Yay! Tied Jelly :P
@AdmBorkBork Jelly, 3 bytes: ’×H
@cairdcoinheringaahing Not quite
@LeakyNun Interesting that there's a closed-form solution like that.
@AdmBorkBork That's actually pretty short in brain-flak
factoring :P
@AdmBorkBork n^2 - n(n+1)/2 has a closed form isn't interesting
@LeakyNun In that case, 2Deorstv, 3 bytes: (×H
Oh right, duh. I are smart.
@AdmBorkBork Jelly, 2 bytes: ḶS
the previous triangle number.
wait really?
relevant discovery: consecutive triangle numbers add up to form a perfect square
that's interesting
@AdmBorkBork Brain-flak: 12 bytes: ({({}[()])}{})
@LeakyNun :o that is quite interesting
@DJMcMayhem :O Brainflak beats Python!?!?
It's actually shorter to compute t(n-1) then it is to compute t(n) or n^2
5th triangle + 4th triangle = 5th square :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing When it's the type of challenge that brain-flak is ridiculously good at
Yep, that doesn't make sense
> When it's the type of challenge that brain-flak is ridiculously good (for Brain-Flak) at?
@LeakyNun You mean next? Not previous?
@AdmBorkBork previous.
@DJMcMayhem I had ({({}[()])}{}) too :P and also that's 14 bytes not 12
5th square - 5th triangle = 4th triangle
Ahh, yeah
@LeakyNun Oh I see what you mean.
Still beats python :)
Something spooky just happened: Someone send me a mail telling me that my wasm build server is down (which runs on clang). So I told my Google assistant to "remind me tomorrow afternoon to refresh the software" (I said, and it understood "software"). It then proceeded to create a reminder saying "update clang".
well first of all lambda x: is already 9 bytes, so...
@mınxomaτ :O
skynet is taking over
:o creepy
n^2 - n(n+1)/2 = n^2 - (n(n+1)/2) = n^2-(n^2+n)/2= n^2-n^2/2-n/2=n^2/2-n/2... Is my logic flawed?
@Mr.Xcoder it isnt
CMC: Find a PPCG challenge where brain-flak is shorter than python
@DJMcMayhem Main or CMC? Cause I've found a CMC :D
Wait nvm
because of Python's sum
@HyperNeutrino Python has 3 bytes
Please VTD!
CMC: find a no [graphical-output] where there is not a golfing-language answer
Actually I'm not sure about that
@HyperNeutrino Brain-Flak is 54... Python is 11
@Mr.Xcoder VTD what?
yeah I also realized that Brain-Flak actually isn't that good...
1 min ago, by dzaima
It's already deleted
Ok then
Also, I can't VTD, so I don't know why I asked :P
A: Convert pointfree to pointful

LaikoniHaskell, 163 142 133 bytes p(x:r)|[a,b]<-p r=case[x]of"("->["(\\x->"++a++p b!!0,""];"."->['(':a++")",b];")"->[" x)",r];_->[x:a,b] p r=[r,r] f s=p('(':s++")")!!0 Try it on Ideone. Ungolfed: p('(':r)|(a,b)<-p r = ("(\\x->"++a++(fst(p b)),"") p('.':r)|(a,b)<-p r = ('(':a++")", b)...

@sergiol How about this?
@LeakyNun Damn you beat me... By 1 byte: lambda n:n*n/2-n/2
Guaranteed never to get a golfing language answer.
This one almost works, but then Xnor had a freakishly well golfed answer...
wait, that's Leaky's solution in Python 2....
challenge passed!
@sergiol What challenge? Your CMC?

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