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@H.PWiz it depends
@EriktheOutgolfer ?
afaict o can get function composition to work with up to 4 arguments
even though sometimes that's unwanted behavior
o doesn't take 4 arguments
it takes 2 arguments, I meant the resulting function
os second argument can take up to four arguments
When did you learn husk @Erik
or lookup the docs
Yes the resulting function can take up to four arguments. but it always matches the second argument
@Mr.Xcoder trying to learn it because it's beating everyone in many challenges
Do either of you know any Haskell
Because that makes learning a lot of Husk almost trivial
Not me :P, not at all. I don't think erik does
yeah not me
crappy repcap is soooo annoying.
@H.PWiz well, at least a good thing with husk is currying :p
@H.PWiz So you say we should learn Haskell now?
well I didn't need to learn prolog to learn brachylog
I don't think so, Husk is more like a subset of Haskell
well for one thing it seems to be brutal to jelly so I need to learn it
and by that I mean completely
of course the builtins are easy the more complex syntax needs work
Not always
It may also have something to do with how easy some recent challenges were. And how good Zgarb is
or that there are some builtins in there that don't exist in others
Well, most of the answers that outgolf Jelly are posted by you (HP.Wiz)
@Mr.Xcoder umm, I think they're by zgarb although not sure maybe on par
And most of my answers get at least one byte golfed off by Zgarb
that's why I said on par
also it can literally make lists of functions how crazy is that
while other languages may need strings to make such lists
and of course there are languages like golfscript or cjam which both support lists of blocks (i.e. function objects similar to strings)
but husk manages to make them terse, that is
2 new Husk learners then
Feel free to also ask questions in the Husk chatroom
ok what was that
@Mr.Xcoder nope
@EriktheOutgolfer What nope
it's from different people referring to themselves
@EriktheOutgolfer ಠ_ಠ
it's like saying that just because two vtcs happened at the same time one ninja'd the other
or two up/downvotes for that matter
Can we just stop this
@EriktheOutgolfer Just a bad joke, please forgive me
does the chat not scroll automatically anymore for anyone else?
@betseg for me it does
try to scroll down a bit
@betseg try scrolling to the bottom
what is your browser?
Now I've been ninja'd
@betseg Safari
@betseg Sometimes it stops autoscrolling for me, so I just refresh
since i updated to chrome 61 it doesnt scroll
when loading the chat page it often scrolls up a bit automatically try to scroll down and see if you can
i know that, but it still doesnt scroll
hmm...I have chrome 60
maybe refreshing stops the problem but until update comes in I can't test on chrome 61
@EriktheOutgolfer chrome://settings/help
> Version 60.0.3112.113 (Official Build) (64-bit)
I went there and it automatically started downloading the update
Of course, I don't have enough hard drive space :(
@Mego I use ubuntu 16.04
maybe they just haven't rolled out chrome 61 for debian-based distros yet
That's possible
and yeah hard disk space is depleted if you download a bunch of esolangs :p
the chrome package in AUR gets its source from chrome .debs, so i dont think they didnt roll
also if you have ssd it's depleted much quicker
@EriktheOutgolfer I'm not really even sure where mine all went
I'm sure having an unpacked Dark Souls install doesn't help it at all
downloading every commit of seriously and actually?
@Mego ~50GB?
Q: Implement Anyfix Notation!

HyperNeutrinoIn prefix notation, the operator comes before the arguments, so you can kind of imagine that the operator calls next() which is recursively called. In infix notation, the operator goes between the arguments, so you can imagine it simply as a parse tree. In postfix notation, the operator comes aft...

@EriktheOutgolfer 12.3 on a 60 GB SSD
ssd is the issue then
but if you want 500GB ssd or something like that who knows how much salaries you have to pay
Yeah I need to upgrade it - I got it like 2 years ago
@EriktheOutgolfer A 500 GB SSD is only about $140 USD on Amazon
anyways that's a pretty hefty price imo I mean you can't just pop $140 out of nowhere can you?
Not right now I can't, but hopefully with a new job it will be in the realm of possibility
hi can I get people to test this and try to break it: repl.it/KkTX/58
oh that's pretty big
:o wow
that just happened
that's a nice sandwich
:o look at betseg's network rep
quick downvote 3 questions
wait is a question downvote -1 or -2
@betseg 0/10 no 10k SAS
@HyperNeutrino -2
@HyperNeutrino -2
downvote 9 times and accept once
that's 6665
Or... Upvote once and downvote 7 times
-18 + 15
but downvote 3 answers works
wait who downvotes?
oh no I meant we downvote betseg 9 times and then accept one answer
or just downvote once (4 times, I'm stupid) and upvote a question
I thought downvote was -1 turtled because bad internet
> turtled
@betseg I just updated, testing it now
Yep, no scrolling for me either
or we downvote betseg 4 times and we upvote a question of his
preferably we downvote 4 questions of him (because downvoting answers isn't free ;))
Preferably we let it be 6669
@Mr.Xcoder +1
@HyperNeutrino Darn, too many other active rooms
@Mr.Xcoder well preferably we don't get suspended for voting abuse but that's another story :p
@HyperNeutrino yeah :p
well we have three people, downvoting twice is not that suspicious so we could distribute the votes
you are in many rooms indeed
sees Hyper Posted a challengesighs as they've already lost over 60 today
@Mr.Xcoder really? why?
wait you passed me
by 101
@EriktheOutgolfer Repcap...
;_; gg
anyway gtg now o/
@HyperNeutrino Overnight meaning today... Should have had about 280 already
@HyperNeutrino o/
@Mr.Xcoder that's gained 200 not lost 60 for a moment I thought something bad happened
@EriktheOutgolfer Oh no, everything is fine :p - well, somewhat
Yeah, as of now I answered too much for -70
I should really stop Leakying some challenges...
@Mego hm
It's trolling to not be able to earn rep after 2 o'clock :p
@EriktheOutgolfer Is it just me or Husk is extremely similar to a non-ascii-only Pyth?
Well, except for some nice additions.
@Mr.Xcoder well both languages are transpiled and interpreted I think
and both are prefix
I remember reading that "Husk is to Haskell what Pyth is to Python" or something
yeah, probably
Q: Decide if objects' content equals unless objects are null

gavenkoaI tried to implement equal method that relays on equality of properties on inner objects. I would like to write compact check for equality that takes in account null value to avoid NullPointerException. Naive implementation is: if (this.prop == null && that.prop != null) return false; if ...

Q: when the OEIS answer chaining reaches 150, should I say that each language can be used again once or as many times as wanted?
pls as many times as wanted
I need Python DDDD:
Just checked
I have 345 hours of uptime on my phone
@HyperNeutrino Ok, so once only :P
^^ more than two weeks
ಠ_ಠ How had Perl not been used for it?
because perl
@Dennis Is it OK to call Sesos a "concise BrainF*** assembler language"?
@HyperNeutrino A new Python has been added to TIO, so you could use that
... but why
@betseg It's targeted at C# users
can someone help me with some c code
hollers for @MDXF
can you pls let us use languages more than once
after 150 answers of course
@HusnainRaza sure
also why this no work tio.run/#c-clang
Um you didn't link the code
@HusnainRaza If I do that, it'll turn into a code golf, but not based on length, which is what I'm trying to avoid.
Unrelated: Is my profile pic too similar to Digital Trauma's?
@Mr.Xcoder Yes, but we can't VTC profile pictures as dupes, or off topic, for instance
Anyway, I won't change it, because I like it, so back to Husk
pretty pls @cairdcoinheringaahing
@HusnainRaza ummm
@Adám That sounds about right.
@HusnainRaza Click the chain picture at the top, then copy one of the hyperlinks given
also @Dennis can i suggest something for tio.run


For general discussion and feature requests regarding tryitonl...
@HusnainRaza a) you need to put input
b) x is undeclared
Output is true?
@HusnainRaza Beg all you want (don't actually, I don't need all the pings), I'm not changing the rules
:( okay sorry
@Mr.Xcoder -1, no message like that in Husk chatroom :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing :-/
@cairdcoinheringaahing and who says it's a message?
@EriktheOutgolfer ಠ_ಠ Just ಠ_ಠ
People say Turkish, Finnish and Hungarian are hard to learn
Linguists think they might have a common ancestor
Coincidence? :P
Don't forget Estonian
cant edit now
@Mayube that's my maternal language btw...never actually bothered to learn it
@EriktheOutgolfer I thought you were Greek?
father is greek
@EriktheOutgolfer Are you greek? stalker grin
well technically I'm both but living in greece
@EriktheOutgolfer creepy giggle And what's your address? :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing As his public profile clearly says. You're not very good at stalking.
ImNeverGoingToGiveOutMyAddressSoThatYouAreAbleToComeRobMyHouseOrKillMeOrMyFamily St. 13, Thessaloniki, Greece
(note: Thessaloniki may or may not be true)
>.> not very good at stalking
@Dennis My profile says I'm from "The Center Of The Universe (Willy Wonka's Factory)" but that doesn't mean I'm an Oompa Loompa
No, you're obviously a dog that lives in The Center Of The Universe (Willy Wonka's Factory)
Greece is slightly more credible.
@Dennis not only my public profile
@cairdcoinheringaahing Being Greek is not interesting enough to fake, being an Oompa Loompa on the other hand...
@Dennis Only slightly? I (on behalf of my magical workers) am offended! :P
(Not to mention Greek people)
@cairdcoinheringaahing prove your place exists then :)
@EriktheOutgolfer Many novels have been written about the existence of Willy Wonka's factory
like fiction is real
of course
and I thought "fiction" means "supernatural", how dumb can one be? >_>
@Mr.Xcoder are you starring a new repo every 2 days on Github? :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing No?
At least not on purpose
> Mr-Xcoder starred barbuz/Husk 2 days ago
Mr-Xcoder starred SebastianBoldt/Jelly 4 days ago
Mr-Xcoder starred SatansSon/Deorst 6 days ago
Are you sure? :D
Yes...? What's wrong?
@Mr.Xcoder Nothing's wrong, it's just an interesting pattern
It's just a misfortunate coincidence
@DJMcMayhem ಠ_ಠ
ಠ_ಠ I want to upvote the solutions for the OEIS question that have no votes, but NieDzejkob has posted so many, I'm afraid that it'll be seen as serial voting :P
@Dennis Do you have any way of pinging Alex?
Neat, I can save " €" on this TV, by paying 444€ instead of the ludicrous MSRP of " €".
@quartata I can ping literally anyone.
OK but do you have a means of communication that will get a response within the next ice age is more what I meant
Alex set up the permissions on our Nineteenth Byte Steam group wrong, he made it so that only the owner can accept group invites rather than owner + officers (i.e including me)
This was like a year ago and no one noticed until now for some reason
If you could get his attention we'd really appreciate it
@quartata @@<userid>
I can't do that.
because you don't have diamond
And a superping would most likely not get his attention since he doesn't check SE much
@quartata and he is the owner?
@quartata Short of showing up on his door step, I can't guarantee a response time. Ping is all I got. Iirc he publicly list his email address somewhere.
I don't think he would check his email address he doesn't seem to be on the internet at all...right?
What makes you think that?
he's somewhat active on github yet
but I generally tend to ignore emails at all
so I'm not 100% sure if he'd check his
I doubt anyone with a job could afford to ignore their email.
And I just looked. His GitHub profile shows his work email, so...
yeah it wouldn't be kind to email to work email I guess?
No clue. Tbh I don't understand the issue at hand nor how important it is.
yeah working for julia may be taking up his time
@Dennis Alex hasn't been here in over 4 months. Does that matter in terms of moderator duties/site moderation?
Not on its own as there are four of us.
@Dennis I know that, but is it something that should be addressed, or just left unspoken?
Hi @Mr.Xcoder
I instantly don't like a website if it forces me to scroll in increments of half-pages
@Mr.Xcoder o/
ಠ_ಠ End the ascii and the hi's
@cairdcoinheringaahing That's handled internally by the moderation team.
Ignore that, I can't think of something good to say in response ):
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

ZgarbMeasuring a pile of logs code-golf array-manipulation Introduction This is a log of length 5: ##### I want to pile a bunch of these logs on top of each other. How I do this is that I slide a new log onto the topmost one from the right, and stop sliding when their left or right ends align ...

CMC: Each three elements of a list, with the last element prepended no matter if it appears or not.
[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] -> [1, 4, 7, 9]
5 bytes in Pyth
@cairdcoinheringaahing Possible in Deorst?
@EriktheOutgolfer "somewhat active"
@Mr.Xcoder maybe, but not with the method I'm using for Python
he has like 2k commits this year and it's all Julia stuff
that's his job
@cairdcoinheringaahing i'd like too se your method in python
Sorry for the wrong ping
@Mr.Xcoder Jelly, 5 bytes: Ṫṭm3$
@cairdcoinheringaahing I have 21
@Mr.Xcoder jelly, 5 bytes: Ṗm3;Ṫ
Pyth is also 5.
@Mr.Xcoder Spoiler?
Actually, I'm not sure. Would [1, 2, 3, 4] result in [1, 4] or [1, 4, 4]?
@Dennis [1, 4, 4]
@cairdcoinheringaahing 22, sorry
then jelly, 4 bytes: m3;Ṫ
Well, that's shorter. m3;Ṫ
@Mr.Xcoder Cool trick. Didn't know you could do that
@Dennis sorry ninja :p
@cairdcoinheringaahing Didn't you?
@Mr.Xcoder No, I tend to code production Python
never came up
python, 22 bytes: lambda x:x[::3]+x[-1:]
@EriktheOutgolfer Nope

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