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I suppose that's one way to format an array.
Actually, ungolf that. One must not undo the 42
@ConorO'Brien Mathematica: StringCases[##,"0x"~~HexadecimalCharacter..]&
@ASCII-only that's pretty neat. Does StringCases[##,"0x"~~"abcdef0123456789"..]& work?
@ConorO'Brien no :| that would match multiple of the string abcdef0123456789 lol
oh, what type is Hexa...ter?
also :/ mathics is refusing to work
mathics has less functions defined than mathematica IIRC
@ConorO'Brien It's a builtin so I'd assume it has no type internally (so they can optimize depending on usage) but I guess the closest equivalent is Pattern (regex)?
I meant "what is its kind of thingy"
array, string, number
> kind of thingy
10/10 least confusing
@ConorO'Brien well if you mean what it can match then the Character in its name should give it away :P
@ASCII-only well it's not a character
@ConorO'Brien oh >_> that's what you mean, then it's probably a Pattern
@ConorO'Brien ok so I'm terrible at mathematica so the best I could come up with was StringCases[##, "0x" ~~ Alternatives[Characters["abcdef0123456789"]] ..] & :P
@ConorO'Brien Not sure if I should add boxing to Charcoal :P
hey I think I got a very basic PEG parser framework kind of working
@HyperNeutrino use PEGJS :P
but... I use Python...
@HyperNeutrino then use parsimonious?
I wrote a parser in Javascript and gave up all hope when I realised it had $O(2^n)$ complexity.
my friend once made something that was something like $O(n!!^2)$ or something like that
double factorial, or factorial factorial
@ATaco pretty good compared to nearley which is n^3
oh well, I wanted to make my own PEG parser but my thingy is too hacky. I'll just use something someone already made I guess
@Downgoat n^3 is better than 2^n
@HyperNeutrino My friend wrote out 100 if statements instead of using math given a score from 0 to 100
@MistahFiggins oh yeah my friend (same one) once wrote out (using copy-paste) about 100 <div> elements instead of using JS
($d\over dx$ is more important for complexity)
yeah true
@ATaco what is type of parser
@HyperNeutrino s/JS/templating engine
Takes a string as input, outputs a multi-dimensional array like: <program <expression <a + b>> <expression <a = 3>>> (As a drastic over simplification)
@Downgoat shh I don't know what that is (actually, I might?)
hi does anyone here know how to use parsimonious
@mınxomaτ You're good with clang, right?
Do you know how to disable the "ordered comparison between pointer and zero" error?
CMC: Share the best looking math art
@quartata Why do you want to do that
@quartata but why do you want to do that :|
because this code base does and I don't want to touch it
at any rate I think it's -Wincomplete-implementation
that's what the internet tells me
@quartata My trust for the internet is thinner then one-ply
@ASCII-only What are you trying to do?!
Do we have a quine question where the quine has to output the inverse of the source code?
@ATaco Yep, even if, it's a very basic change.
RProgN2, 6 bytes. «` .i
Using the 5 byte quine, « . `
@ATaco trying to get @quartata's error
It's new in Clang 4 I believe
@ATaco No, not the reverse; the inverse.
then i don't know what's going on
this is a void*
oh you know what
might be C++ spec specific
-Wincomplete-implementation doesn't do anything
cause it's not a warning
yeah, just thought "Disable all diagnostics." referred to errors as well :P
@ZachGates What do you mean Inverse?
@ATaco I guess it doesn't make a whole lot of sense for non-binary/hexadecimal languages
@ZachGates Retina, 1 byte. 0xFF.
@ATaco Aw, dope
The byte 0xFF will not match the input, so Retina will return 0. (Wait fek that's wrong)
@ATaco :P
@ZachGates How does inverse make sense for binary??? (also what's a binary language)
0xCF works though.
@ASCII-only If the source is 11111111 the inverse is 00000000
@ZachGates That's not inverse though :/ well i guess it kinda is
What would you call it?
:| never mind
Binary not.
but idk, for less ambiguity i'd say one's complement
OK, that works for me. What would the complement of a character be?
*one's complement :P
@ZachGates :| what do you mean, didn't you just describe it
What would the complement of "my totally working source code" be?*
Q: What is a meta consensus?

2EZ 4RTZHow many votes does it take to be a consensus? And what is the vote ratio needed? The accepted answer will A. Abide by the rules for consensus it answered with and B. Have the most upvotes.

@Newmetaposts nice job! 1 min
@ZachGates 1. one's complement (which is unary ~), since there's also two's complement (unary -), and :| it's a bunch of unprintables
@ZachGates RProgN2, 17 bytes. «` .S{c`ÿc\-o}r.
@ATaco What are the char-codes for the output? And how do they relate to the char-codes of the source?
@ZachGates Many unprintables. Which is definitely going to happen.
What are the code point ordinals?
For that particular output, I mean
All of printable ascii sits below 0x7F, which is 01111111. The inverse of any printable ascii will always have the 128 flag ticked, so assuming your program is just generic ascii, it will always contain unprintables.
(84, 159, 223, 209, 172, 132, 156, 159, 0, 156, 163, 210, 144, 130, 141, 209, 223)
(That's the output)
(171, 96, 32, 46, 83, 123, 99, 96, 255, 99, 92, 45, 111, 125, 114, 46, 32) is the input.
@ATaco Output is 1 char less than source length
@ZachGates No it isn't? Both are 17 bytes.
@ATaco There was an extra space at the end.. Maybe I typed it, though
(That's intentional)
Without it, it's not a quine.
OK then idk what issue I'm having
What encoding are you outputting in?
UTF-16, I think. I've since closed my interpreter, though
(Also, do you have an RProgN2 interpeter?)
It should be in Win-1252, which only has single byte characters.
I do not
OK, well then that makes more sense :)
@ATaco You're welcome to put that here
Question: what does this mean:
> The sum of the squares of two consecutive even integers, the first of which is 2n
like is it:
though it does say 2n which I'm not sure what n is
and what the antecedent of 'which' is
@Downgoat I interpret it as (2n)^2+(2n+2)^2
I thin it's $x^2+\left(x+2\right)^2$
@PhiNotPi oic
Simplifies down to 4 + 8*n + 8*n^2
so apparently the cars in my math textbook go 1,300km/h
Q: A Complementary Quine

Zach GatesWrite a quine that outputs the complement of the source code from the next largest power of two. Here's an example: IN : source OUT: \r\x11\x0b\x0e\x1d\x1b The largest code point in the string "source" is the letter u, which is 117. The next largest power of 2 would be 128, so all the code poi...

I wonder if any language's complementary quine could output the original :o
It's doing about 300 km/hr against the rotation of the earth, which is still impression, but more do-able :P
:| that is not how earth rotate work?
Well about about that?
1300 km/h has Almost been achieved anyway
yeah but that uses jet engine math textbook is talking about a family going on a trip using their SUV and wants to use quadratics to estimate their average speed to an intermediate stop.
Okay sure it's a bit unrealistic.
But not impossible!
Especially if their SUV happened to be propelled by a Jet.
:| how can suv be propelled with jet won't tired explode due to heat
Come on, you're making me grasp for straws here! :P
TIL tacos can grasp
@ATaco *at
Question: $f^n\left(x\right)=\left(f\left(n\right)\right)^n$ right
this weird representation of function power is confusing me
pastes into WA
@Downgoat yes
that's correct
I've only ever seen it used for trig funcs though
iirc that can mean (or maybe it's subscript instead) composition instead
yea I thought it was just for trig but I saw $\Gamma^4x$ so thought for a second $\Gamma$ was variable and confused me 0/10 very confusing syntax
@Riker btw what maths are you in
taking calc ab this year why
are you a freshmen?
:O you are genius cat
at my school like 99% of people take calc ab senior year
how u do this
did you take Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2, and Pre-Calculus already? O_o
I'm leaving now to go do homework
@Riker :O
@Riker bai .o/
@Downgoat I mean I took precalc last year, and iirc I took geometry and alg2 concurrently
my geo class was kinda dumb tho
seriously night though
@Riker oh, that is smart idea
wait it is only 9:00
yes I have homework
and I was not smart about planning my night
everyone knows the best 1000 word english essays are churned out at 10:00PM the night before they're due :P
yes but are they in latin
I have 4000 word essay due at some point in the next month :/
How much is 4000 words? I've never actually checked the word count on my essays.
How many pages is that?
@Pavel Easily 10 or more
I guess it depends on the spacing, though. Could be fewer pages if you single space it.
The most I've ever written in one essay is 4 pages. This was in 7th grade, we spent almost an entire semester on that essay.
I mean, it wasn't assigned yesterday :/
What's it about?
@JonathanAllan: What makes the other challenges I linked different from mine in their description? Both have a good amount of upvotes, and neither specify what you've quoted. Not only those two, but many more, as well. I have no problem adding more information if it's unclear, but from what you've brought up, I can't understand what's unclear.
@Pavel literally whatever we want
we get to choose
That actually seems fun.
then we get assigned an advisor based on the general topic
I'm doing mine on the 4 color theorem
@ZachGates I am no expert on quines - hence why I want clarification of what is acceptable. See the Retina answer for example...
I dont think it adheres to this meta post, but I'm not 100% sure.
I don't see part of the code that "encodes a different part of the code" - do you?
@JonathanAllan That post is about a "proper quine"
...please just clarify - don't assume we all know what you want.
I would have thought that was what a quine was!
a proper one, not a cheaty one??
it states "a true quine will in one way or another consist of data, and code"
so what you want is not a true quine?
See my confusion?
Q: Have you really feel the need of Quicken Tech Support Services any time?

Tech SupportWe are the Independent Adviser for technical services who provides technical guidance on Quicken and also troubleshoot Quicken errors and solve it with best perfections, as you want.You can Call us on toll free number +1-800-656-6115

@NewMainPosts what the fuck...
@Pavel NewMainPosts does not know.
I'm just disappointed I didn't get to downvote that before it got deleted tbh.
well six of us got in there
seven actually
@JonathanAllan No I still do not; most of the participants, I think, would understand what I'm saying, but does "A program must consist of some explicit data or code." clear it up for you?
wait - "data or code"???
is the Retina answer valid??
@JonathanAllan 5 flags, 2 actual downvotes.
Oh I got one of each in :)
@JonathanAllan I can't read your mind.. Can you at least try to work with me? I've asked several times for you input as to what could make it for clear for you.
@Dennis Wait, so you're saying I can super-downvote things by flagging them?
I can't read yours :/
@JonathanAllan The Retina answer would be valid because Ïõ is a regex that is matches against the input.
That seems wrong
@Pavel Spam/offensive flags cast auto-downvotes. I assume there are reversed if the flags end up cleared.
The inverse of Ïõ in Win1252 is 0\n, which is what I was going with.
Of course, the ultraviolence for flagging non-spam posts as spam is implied.
@ZachGates The retina answer has no code that says "Perform this action" It just relies on the interpreter doing what it does. That would make Z be valid so long as it produced & - just as I was saying in my comment!
OP may say it's incorrect as it's not a true quine, but 'eh.
@JonathanAllan Z is not explicit data, it's a variable containing data (hence, implicit). Ïõ is explicitly a regex. I also said "data OR code"
@JonathanAllan It's implicitely saying "How many times does input match: "
sigh this feels like going around in circles
@Dennis But flags are also anonymous. This system doesn't really make sense.
You haven't suggested any amendment.. Only fired back more questions.
The Ïõ is not explicitly a regex, it is treated as one implicitly
@Pavel Who told you flags were anonymous?
I cannot suggest what I do not understand about your requirements
I am asking for clarification of what we need to do...
I feel Z conveniently outputting & should be valid, personally.
@Dennis basically everyone
@ZachGates I don't know what you mean by variable in your edit.
with a program Z then Z is almost surely code.
@Pavel You can't trust that guy. Everyone also told me picking up a baby bird will make its mother reject it.
@ATaco but then it isn't really a "quine" challenge, right? I'm very confused.
Q: Should moderators be able to see who flags a comment?

Tom RitterBackground, elaborating on my answer here: There are 3 queues of flags: Comment Flags Moderator Flags (where you type in the little message) Spam/Offensive (That 10K Users can see) Moderator Flags These flags have your name attached to them, let you write a message, and are the only ones to ...

@JonathanAllan If Z represents &, that's implicit data and not allowed. If Z is a function that prints &, that's code and is allowed.
@JonathanAllan A "Quine" challenge doesn't need to follow our standard definition.
It simply needs to involve manipulating the source. (Preferably without reading it)
@ATaco exactly, which is why I asked for clarification
OK I think the edit makes sense....
@ZachGates ^
I feel like this can be golfed, but I'm the only one that speaks the language ;-;
@ATaco what is this for
@ATaco 0/10 terrible docs/wiki
@ASCII-only :( I wrote a tutorial
Q: My device malfunctions... Abuse its undefined string behaviour!

TheIOSCoderHelp! My device malfunctions and whenever I try to repeat a String, I get a messy results. Instead of repeating the same string N times, it fills a square NxN filled with each of its characters. For example, given the String "Test" and the number 2, instead of "TestTest", I get: TT TT ee ee ss ...

tutorial looks pretty good to me
> Flow of Control
@JonathanAllan :| but it lacks half the operators/functions he uses in the TIO link
I haven't documented the functions yet.
What's wrong with Flow of Control?
control flow is how normal people write type it
Also, there are only two functions that aren't explained in that program, i and x, x just defaults to the string "x", and i gets the reverse of a string (In this case)
x seems like a weird built-in
Correction, x defaulting to "x" is mentioned.
x, y, z, X, Y, and Z all default to themselves to make assigning things to them easier.
You could have went with something more useful like yielding the alphabet, for example.
@ATaco -1 no option for AST output
For example, to set a to 1, you'd need to do 1"a"= (Or 1`a=), then you can retrieve it again just by calling a. But as x defaults to pushing the string x, you can use 1x= and then retrieve it later with just x.
@ASCII-only I have no idea what AST is.
@Pavel Like a and A?
(Which both yield the Alphabet, lower and upper)
You get the point, you could have more useful defaults
They're defaulted like this to make variable assignment easier, which is used a lot more.
@ATaco this
@ATaco why would anything else make variable assignment harder
Did you not read the part where I said variable assignments need to take a string as input?
oo Retina down to 1 byte too :D
@ASCII-only as far as I can tell without the default you have to declare the variable and that's more bytes.
@ATaco 8.5/10 still confusing
Perhaps there's an assumption about how RProgN2 handles variable assignments in general that's not the case. RProgN2's map of commands is also it's variable space, in order to store a variable, one must do so by setting one of these commands to that variable, which is done by =. = takes two arguments, a variable, and a string, and sets the command that string represents to variable. Then, calling that command, will yield the variable.
@ATaco Yes? but why would it matter what the value of x is if it's going to be overwritten anyway
Because of this, x defaulting to "x" means when you use <var>x=, you then assign x to var for later acessing in 1 less byte than having to specify the string "x" (Which can be done with `x)
if it didn't default to "x" then doing x= would result in assinging to the result of whatever x does, not x itself.
This is probably a flaw of the assignment operator not acting like a quick and effecting the concept, and instead affecting a string at runtime. But meh.
@ATaco *affecting
I've recently gotten pedantic with who and whom and I hate myself for it
@ASCII-only Well now I Need to golf it down that byte.
@TuxCopter APL, 3 bytes: +.×
Alright, I think I'm outgunned here.
There are a thousand ways to do this in 13 bytes...
@Adám Mathematica, 1 byte: .
I am defeated.
I need Connor, RProgN2 and Stacked have great competition!
@ATaco *Conor
@ATaco Well stacked is a practical language :P
@ASCII-only So is APL.
So is Mathematica
@ASCII-only so is j :p
1 hour later…
@EriktheOutgolfer pls explain your comment ty
basically is undocumented
(not like everything else is really documented :p)
Q: Write javascript program that ask the user to enter up to10 golf scores

NosiphoThe program should display all the scores on one line and report the average score. Handle input,display and the average calculation with the separate array process I g function.

@EriktheOutgolfer oh :| whoops
any feedback on this?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

RenzoI'm vertically symmetric, not palindromic! Background Inspired by I'm a palindrome. Are you?, where it is presented the shocking fact that “()() is not a palindrome, but ())(”, I asked myself what instead is ()() and the answer is simply: it is a string with vertical simmetry! The task Write ...

Q: Max power of 2 such that 2^m divides n. (The ruler sequence)

Stewie GriffinHere's a simple one: Input: A positive integer N. Challenge: Suppose you have a list of integers n = 1, 2 ... N. Output a list of integers, where each number is the maximum power of 2, m, such that 2^m divides each number of n. Test cases: 1 0 15 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1...

@NewSandboxedPosts Charcoal has a builtin for this :P but it has terrible support so it isn't going to be very golfy
:| crap forgot to finish ASCII mirroring
Does anybody here know when TIO first went online?
@betseg *early 2015
@ASCII-only Definitely not.
Exactly one year ago, Try it online! was released. Happy Birthday, TIO!
So November 12, 2015.
@Dennis oops sorry misread
What do you call a stack exchange site? "Programming Puzzles and Code Golf Stack Exchange", "Judaism Stack Exchange", etc.?
@Adám I'd say any site owned by SE, or any site under the domain stackexchange.com depending on context
@ASCII-only That's not what I mean. I mean, what would be the fully qualified name of a SE site?
@Adám oh, then whatever is on the dropdown (i.e. no Stack Exchange)
Unless it already refers to something else (e.g. Windows Phone, which is the name of the OS), in which case include the Stack Exchange
@ASCII-only No, that's not what I mean. I mean, what would it be called when not in SE context?
@Adám I guess it would depend on your audience? I mean, for most people saying e.g. Arqade, or Programming Puzzles and Code Golf is enough for them to be able to find the website
@ASCII-only That's not going to cut it for my audience I'm afraid. It isn't to allow them to find it, but rather to tell them what I'm talking about. "Judaism" isn't a proper name for the SE site.
Judaism Stack Exchange then
^ Well what I intended to say is that something like "Arqade" is the name for that SE site I guess? So I would refer to it as just Arqade
Just realized Lynn from here is responsible for that funny Agda tweet.
.oO( It's like APL/J and Haskell had a child )
@Adám Mi Yodeya is a bit more specific for the Judaism example
@Mego Yes, but if I say "My Yodeya" to a group of APL programmers, they will have no idea what I'm talking about.
"A Judaism Q&A site"
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Kevin CruijssenHidden sentences in the license plates code-golfstringrandom Introduction: Inspired by both Perfect License Plates and How many points does my license plate give? Just like in the challenges above, me and my little brother had a game of our own with license plates as a kid. We try to create s...

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