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@HyperNeutrino It's mostly because of the beautiful way that commands nest.
Ah I see :P
Not to toot my own horn or anything, but I'm super happy with how the language turned out. I didn't realize how well it works until wheatwizard started using it and finding cool things in its design
The nesting nature is incredible once it makes sense
It only has 8 commands but they are really useful commands and people (like WheatWizard as your example) can find really smart and golfy things to do with them
it's nice :) :P
great so i = 5; i == 5 is false
@HyperNeutrino what about i != 5
Wth? What language is that?
@DJMcMayhem the one he's making
@StepHen TypeError: 'int' object is not callable
Because != doesn't exist...????????
oh ! is getting tokenized before !=. Need a quick fix :P
The next OEIS sequence is pretty easy now
@BusinessCat How many langs have been used?
Oh damn... I should've done that one in 99
Goddarn it
Still a while to go before freedom :P
I deliberately padded my code to make it easy
because there were two hard sequences in a row
Once all langs are reopened I'm going to write like 10 Python answers :3
@ppperry I did too
@HyperNeutrino Unless I do it first :)
I went to 30 instead of 29 because it's easier
ok someone else needs to start answering hard sequences. I've done it 3 times by now and I'm on vacation for two weeks starting next week and I don't want the challenge to be won :3
@Mr.Xcoder yeah true :P
I think I'll solve the next one
I don't understand the maths @HyperNeutrino :P
Here's the nice thing about making dumb languages that nobody wants to use (Positron, Proton): nobody will outgolf or ninja you because nobody wants to touch the language :P
Nor do I ^
get Leaky to do it
@StepHen kek I didn't understand any of it before I asked 5 questions on math.SE either
@StepHen He kinda left us by ourselves
@StepHen Leaky isn't always available to help :P
I like how A153 has no description in the title of what it means it's just a function
Aug 6 at 18:13, by HyperNeutrino
@LeakyNun Can you halp here
Aug 6 at 18:36, by Leaky Nun
@HyperNeutrino lolno
@muddyfish Sorry for bothering you: What is <sequence>[0] in Pyke?
@Mr.Xcoder ?
@muddyfish The first element in a list
Are there lists at all?
@Mr.Xcoder yes. h returns the first element
@muddyfish Thanks a lot :)
Huh, Pyke hasn't been used yet
@Mr.Xcoder There's a slight documentation here: pyke.catbus.co.uk:5000
Neither has Husk
Is there a way to cast an int to a string?
What for?
@muddyfish An OEIS answer-chaining challenge
@Mr.Xcoder `
Digit list should work too
lol I think == and != aren't converting identifiers to their values
@muddyfish Thanks again
I solved it
That link has at least a bit on the characters and how they're used
Is the entire program just `h plus whatever padding is necessary :P
@muddyfish Thanks for the interpreter link
@BusinessCat I know
I need to get it back up on port 80 so my links work again :P
and here comes another mathy sequence
@Mr.Xcoder why
\o/ breaks exist now
@StepHen cuz I can
> The initial 2 should really be a 1. See A011260 for official version.
Should I change it?
@StepHen @HyperNeutrino ?
@Mr.Xcoder nah it's fine
don't change it after you post it
what's GF
generating function?
lolwat A(400) has SO MANY TRAILING ZEROS
@StepHen huh maybe
@HyperNeutrino oh you mean in the title? I dunno
all you need is a EulerPhi function and it's easy though
fortunately the Mathematica program in the description is really easy to read
The next one sounds worse than it is
guess what, EulerPhi is something I plan to add to cQuents :P
Maybe I should edit to this?
@Mr.Xcoder no
> Number of centered hydrocarbons with n atoms.
don't edit it, after you post it
just don't
I'll let it be errorneous
that looks worse
If[n==1, 2, EulerPhi[2^n-1]/n]
this is really easy actually, we just need EulerPhi
what is EulerPhi
@Mr.Xcoder the first char errorneous is better than half the sequence erroroneous
I have the 100th answer!
@HyperNeutrino Totient
@StepHen I know
@BusinessCat Goddamit ninja'd
I'll make sure to post a hard sequence somewhere in the next 50 answers
> The totient φ(n) of a positive integer n greater than 1 is defined to be the number of positive integers less than n that are coprime to n. φ(1) is defined to be 1. The following table shows the function values for the first several natural numbers:
what is totient
as a test before you can reach language freedom
ಠ_ಠ ninja'd
Jul 27 at 1:19, by Dennis
@BusinessCat Sure, multiply the number by (p-1)/p for each of its prime factors.
@ppperry if you do I won't be here to help you xD
maybe ...
(I don't have any Pythons left so I'm saving Proton for this)
@HyperNeutrino Why do you have this:
(Anyone who understands Python and Java will get it really easily)
> 97. [Python 3 (PyPy)],
@HyperNeutrino Number of positive integers <= n that are coprime with n (i.e. gcd(n, i) = 1)
Because Python 1, 2, 2 PyPy, and 3 were all used
@HyperNeutrino I mean, did you forget the link?
@BusinessCat yay
that should be easy
@HyperNeutrino no the [], you must have taken out the link
@HyperNeutrino No, the brackets around it
oh whoops
@HyperNeutrino As I said, the description makes it sound worse than it is
They could just say totient(2^n-1)/n
Mathematica has a really awkward If syntax
it's If[condition, if, else], which is how if is stored on the AST in Proton but not how you write it lol
@HyperNeutrino I think you still have python bytecode
(sorry misunderstood)
yay continue exists now in Proton
it was so easy with break already in place
@HyperNeutrino Did you create Python Proton to have one more language to compete in the OEIS challenge?
What are your thoughts on the great hashtag vs pound sign vs octothorpe debate
@Mr.Xcoder not exactly, it was originally meant to be Positron remade but then it became much better
so I split it off from Positron
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

J843136028Syllables in a Number Make a program/function which takes in a non-negative integer as input and returns how many syllables it has when spoken in English. The number zero can be zero (two syllables) or nought (one syllable). Make your code short. Test Cases > 0 1 or 2 -- either is acceptable >...

@Poke octothorpe
@Poke I'd much rather call it number sign or hash instead though
CMP: include for Python and import for Proton, or import for Python and include for Proton?
Octothorpe? ಠ_ಠ
I just call it a hash
Not a hashtag
Just call it the number sign :P
@BusinessCat Me too, I call it hash, but I had to choose one among the given ones
> I'd much rather call it number sign or hash instead though
It's called a hash though ಠ_ಠ
call it a quadruple plus sign
It's the all-way mirror
The word hashtag came from the fact that you're adding tags to your post that are preceded by hashes
@HyperNeutrino include for Proton and import for Python. It is more obvious
fair enough, cat
i guess if i'm reading c++ i always think "pound include foo dot ayche"
@HyperNeutrino What do you think about an alternative to those (like using or package or module)?
Actually dictionary.com says it's officially an octothorpe
Dictionary.com can eat my shorts
I kind of dislike include because C++ uses it >_>
But that name was made up by the technicians that added it on a button on phones, and it apparently the thorpe part was because one guys really liked an olympian named Jim Thorpe
So that name makes literally 0 sense
package makes it look like I'm defining the current package (Java)
module has the same issue
using makes it seem like I'm using a subset of a specific package
ok, up to you :)
import makes it seem like I'm taking external resources and adding it to the directory, and same with include :))
I am so glad Cthulhu won't have such things
@HyperNeutrino Try export then :PPPPP
@Mr.Xcoder ಠ_ಠ
using is ok
isaacg Were you inspired by Pyke when you designed Pyth (most of the commands are identical)? Sorry for bothering you if you have more important stuff to do.
I agree package and module should be for definitions not includes
Also I have an interesting construct in Proton where you can do <varname> exists to determine if a variable is defined
@HyperNeutrino Very nice. I won't bother to look into your dir, so might be worth adding === for identity checking and is for Type comparison.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

OliverDivisibility Streak code-golf We can define the Divisibility Streak k of a number n by finding the smallest integer k such that n+k is not divisible by k+1. Challenge In your language of choice, write a program or function that outputs or returns the Divisibility Streak of your input. Exam...

hm maybe
I also have a and b exist and a or b exist
(the grammar on the last one is wrong, unfortunately)
What does that mean
Oh nvm
I should read
a exists and b exists
@BusinessCat lol
exists is an operator and exist is a keyword
also there's && and || as well
CMP: Should I add an Undelta built-in to Cthulhu? It might be useful (since it is number manipulation)
the grammar is right I believe
@Mr.Xcoder yes
@StepHen no, a or b [singular]
like "Steve or Joe dies"
it sounds right in my head both ways
"Steve and Joe die"
@HyperNeutrino exist is plural
"[singular] and [singluar] <plural>"
or b exist
@Mr.Xcoder that's his poimt
@Mr.Xcoder that's why it's wrong
Yeah, b exist
it is <singular><plural> :O
I know the rules, it just sounds right in my head for s or s p to work :P
"[variable-plurality:a] or [variable-plurality:b] [plurality-of-b]"
I could fix that. Should I fix it for the sake of grammar and making it slightly less golfy? (note: it's designed to be readable, not golfable)
Wow, someone got 666 rep in 16 days :))
And is also a Perl golfer :))
With or the verb should be singular because it's one or the other
no coincidence xD
"Either a or b exists"
I know, perl is a devil ^^
@HyperNeutrino it would break your parser
To fix it, I would need to make exists a keyword equivalent to exist, and put brackets around things
@StepHen er no. I just remove exists and make it become exist
> File sharing is free. Everything should be open source. Everything I ever write will be free and open source.
cc ThePirateBay
a or b exists -> does that mean a or (b exists) or (a or b) exists
it means (a exists) or (b exists)
Curse the abmiguities of English
Like (a or b) exist
so how do I say if a is truthy or b exists? :P
@StepHen a or (b exists)
@Mr.Xcoder This Pyke? It's a lot younger than Pyth.
@Dennis Pyke is younger than Pyth? Really?
Curse English and its plurality! In Chinese/Mandarin, there is no such thing as plurality! xD
@HyperNeutrino yeah but those dumb words are weird
the quantity words or whatever they are
I had 4 months of chinese, it killed my brain
oh yeah there are like 50 articles
@Dennis As a RO, can you please remove my message to isaac? :/
Move to trash or sth
@StepHen I've known it almost all my life :)
@HyperNeutrino You just have memorize one symbol for every word, and also the symbols can mean different words than normal when combined with other symbols. Great trade-off
@Mr.Xcoder I think that's mod abuse. It has no need to be deleted (and deleting ping messages can be annoying)
@BusinessCat Yup :) Except I can't read/write Chinese :(
I learned some Japanese a few years ago but I forget most of it
@Mr.Xcoder At least the GitHub repo is. Pyke was created in February 2016, Pyth in July 2014. (Sources: api.github.com/repos/muddyfish/PYKE, api.github.com/repos/isaacg1/pyth)
@BusinessCat I am in the exact same situation.
@Mr.Xcoder I could have edited out the ping, but since you pinged him again, that seems pointless now.
@Dennis I misunderstood their order, because I saw that the Pyke chatroom has been frozen > 1 year ago.
I did one-on-one Spanish lessons with a tutor who really wanted me to learn Spanish, but I was only there for the high school credits, so...
@Dennis I deleted the other message. You can now remove the ping. (please)
@Dennis Thank you sooo much!
@StepHen I should try to learn Spanish sometime. It wouldn't be too hard because I have several friends who are native speakers but I don't have the motivation ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I made exists an alias of exist now
does that actually remove the notification of the ping
i doubt it
@Poke It does.
leven("Poke", "Pyke") == 1
coincidence? :P
leven("Pyke","Pyth") == 2" :P
StepHen why do you post challenges and sit in silence then?
Q: Predict a Collision: Will the robber get away?

Step HenThink of a road as a number line, starting at 0 and continuing indefinitely: ................................................................. There are two cars on the road: C and R. C is the cop who is trying to catch R, the robber. C starts at 0, and R starts somewhere on the road: C.........

I think there will be some really golfy answers to ^^ that completely ignore the explained method of calculation :P
I think I'll do that one in Prolog
I'll do it in Python
New pop-cons :(
@ConorO'Brien I don't know if you've seen but I added pyramid scheme to the polyglot
@Mr.Xcoder Pyke's first commit: github.com/muddyfish/PYKE/commit/…, from 2016. Pyth's first commit: github.com/isaacg1/pyth/commit/…, from 2014.
I wish you wouldn't have seen that. Sorry
Don't worry - I would just ignore it if I wasn't curious.
Ok. So Pyke was inspired by Pyth
@muddyfish Was Pyke inspired by Pyth?
@WheatWizard nice!
@isaacg I think so. Repr is `, [0] is h, reverse is _, prime is _P, prime factors is P.
Seems convincing
_ is a natural choice for reversal IMO, as it's often used for negation. overloading negation for lists is often reversing
@HyperNeutrino I really should start testing stuff before I upvote it :P
Q: Tri...Tri...Tri to Count the Triangles

Fixed PointLet us consider a regular n-sided polygon where all of the sides are equal in length with n being a natural number larger than or equal to three. Now let's draw all possible diagonals (including the edges) which connect all n vertices to one another. Here is an example for n=11. This results i...

Q: 91 Bottles of ASCII-beer on the Wall

Magic Octopus UrnGiven a single integer x where 0 <= x <= 91 output a stack of bottles of beer with that many bottles (and shelves) missing. For simplicity sake I'll only show the first 6 bottles and what it would be for each of the first inputs. Note, we're using 91 instead of 99 because 99 would result in an ...

@StepHen d/w me too.
@StepHen You should. I just added a test suite such that it's easier for you to test.
@Mr.Xcoder no I meant Hyper's answer - I upvoted it, then tested it
@StepHen I know
@StepHen I think 100, 100, 50 is in fact falsy. The cop/robber/robber speed for each step would be (0, 100, 0), (100, 150, 50), (200, 250, 100), and then the cop will never catch up. I might be grossly misunderstanding the challenge though
@BusinessCat it is, I already fixed it
I brainfarted when I made it
...you changed it from false to true
@BusinessCat The cop catches them in the first sec.
@BusinessCat truthy means the robber got away
But from the examples, the acceleration is added to the speed before the step
> I might be grossly misunderstanding the challenge though
only the output part :P
No wonder the test cases looked backward.
@Mego Did you get my proposal about blackbox functions?
@Mr.Xcoder good luck doing += in a lambda :/
@StepHen Recursion. You do not need +=. You only need f(p+a)... Another brainfart?
I'll leave now
Wait... My answer is wrong, isn't it?
The robber accelerates constantly, right (in my answer)?
Oh no, it's ok... Brainfart
the robber always accelerates constantly :P
when I first took physics acceleration confused the crap out of me, especially negative acceleration
Cumulative sum.
@StepHen That's kinda easy.
yay python imports exist now in Proton
@Mr.Xcoder I said at first, I just didn't get the concept of acceleration affecting velocity for a few hours :P
I didn't yet study acceleration in School, but I needed it at the olympiad >_>
@StepHen If you want to hear something truly embarrassing... I was trying to decide how that challenge was a cops and robbers challenge...
ಠ_ಠ lol :P
well if I understand it correctly, you can just imagine acceleration as the velocity for where velocity is the displacement?
@MagicOctopusUrn heh, I had that tag on it in Sandbox as a <whatever you call something to see if anyone is paying attention>>
@HyperNeutrino pretty much
I would call it the rate of displacement increase
uh the next sequence looks scary
> Finding a g.f. for this sequence is an unsolved problem.
Oh great. ಠ_ಠ
@HyperNeutrino except it's not the next one
@HyperNeutrino which?
Leaky already used D
@StepHen :-P
Fun fact: {...:...} is a valid Python expression
@bkul good ol Ellipsis
@LeakyNun ... is an alias for the Ellipsis object in Python
@StepHen I've never heard of that object until now
@LeakyNun yeah apparently is was added to vanilla python just for numpy
It has no use in vanilla Python but is very handy in numpy
gtg now o/
> error: expression was too complex to be solved in reasonable time; consider breaking up the expression into distinct sub-expressions
Swift kills me
Why Swift WHYYYY?
> binary operator '*' cannot be applied to operands of type 'Int' and 'Double'
Does it have casting?
@flawr I did, but I haven't really looked at it yet
@MagicOctopusUrn Of course, but I have to break it into vars, say Double.... It gets far too long
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Fixed PointTri...Tri...Tri to Count the Triangles Let us consider a regular n-sided polygon where all of the sides are equal in length with n being a natural number larger than or equal to three. Now let's draw all possible diagonals (including the edges) which connect all n vertices to one another. Here i...

1 hour later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

MattArcher Battle Your challenge is to simulate a battle between two armies of archers. Each army has a population and an accuracy. Each round, every archer will let fly an arrow at the enemy army. The archers are trained each to shoot at different targets. Any archer hit by an enemy arrow is elimi...

I am the only one in here. :D
Now I am sad and lonely
That doesn't mean you can't say anything, just not commenting on how quiet the room is.

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