Not to toot my own horn or anything, but I'm super happy with how the language turned out. I didn't realize how well it works until wheatwizard started using it and finding cool things in its design
The nesting nature is incredible once it makes sense
It only has 8 commands but they are really useful commands and people (like WheatWizard as your example) can find really smart and golfy things to do with them
ok someone else needs to start answering hard sequences. I've done it 3 times by now and I'm on vacation for two weeks starting next week and I don't want the challenge to be won :3
Here's the nice thing about making dumb languages that nobody wants to use (Positron, Proton): nobody will outgolf or ninja you because nobody wants to touch the language :P
> The totient φ(n) of a positive integer n greater than 1 is defined to be the number of positive integers less than n that are coprime to n. φ(1) is defined to be 1. The following table shows the function values for the first several natural numbers:
Syllables in a Number
Make a program/function which takes in a non-negative integer as input and returns how many syllables it has when spoken in English. The number zero can be zero (two syllables) or nought (one syllable). Make your code short.
Test Cases
> 0
1 or 2 -- either is acceptable
But that name was made up by the technicians that added it on a button on phones, and it apparently the thorpe part was because one guys really liked an olympian named Jim Thorpe
isaacg Were you inspired by Pyke when you designed Pyth (most of the commands are identical)? Sorry for bothering you if you have more important stuff to do.
Divisibility Streak
We can define the Divisibility Streak k of a number n by finding the smallest integer k such that n+k is not divisible by k+1.
In your language of choice, write a program or function that outputs or returns the Divisibility Streak of your input.
@HyperNeutrino You just have memorize one symbol for every word, and also the symbols can mean different words than normal when combined with other symbols. Great trade-off
@StepHen I should try to learn Spanish sometime. It wouldn't be too hard because I have several friends who are native speakers but I don't have the motivation ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Think of a road as a number line, starting at 0 and continuing indefinitely:
There are two cars on the road: C and R. C is the cop who is trying to catch R, the robber. C starts at 0, and R starts somewhere on the road:
Let us consider a regular n-sided polygon where all of the sides are equal in length with n being a natural number larger than or equal to three. Now let's draw all possible diagonals (including the edges) which connect all n vertices to one another. Here is an example for n=11.
This results i...
Given a single integer x where 0 <= x <= 91 output a stack of bottles of beer with that many bottles (and shelves) missing. For simplicity sake I'll only show the first 6 bottles and what it would be for each of the first inputs.
Note, we're using 91 instead of 99 because 99 would result in an ...
@StepHen I think 100, 100, 50 is in fact falsy. The cop/robber/robber speed for each step would be (0, 100, 0), (100, 150, 50), (200, 250, 100), and then the cop will never catch up. I might be grossly misunderstanding the challenge though
Tri...Tri...Tri to Count the Triangles
Let us consider a regular n-sided polygon where all of the sides are equal in length with n being a natural number larger than or equal to three. Now let's draw all possible diagonals (including the edges) which connect all n vertices to one another. Here i...
Archer Battle
Your challenge is to simulate a battle between two armies of archers.
Each army has a population and an accuracy. Each round, every archer will let fly an arrow at the enemy army. The archers are trained each to shoot at different targets. Any archer hit by an enemy arrow is elimi...