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23 messages moved to Trash
Finally @trichoplax ;)
Unicode char for concatenation?
How's this?
or is this better:
(it's not)
Why is it not better
it does weird stuff like some unicode chars do, at least in my IDE
it went to the bottom
@cairdcoinheringaahing pls check email
@StepHen cdot
@ASCII-only this? ·
@StepHen yes
mkay thanks
because c = concatenation :P (also perl uses dot for concat)
is this the most highly voted answer on the site?
A: Produce the number 2014 without any numbers in your source code

dansalmoPython (52 bytes) print sum(ord(c) for c in 'Happy new year to you!') Updated for 2015 thanks to @Frg: print sum(ord(c) for c in 'A Happy New Year to You!') Mouse over to see 2016 version: Try it online!

@MDXF well you can write a query
Yeah if I knew MySQL
@MDXF hang on brb also T-SQL
Or just type is:answer in search and sort by votes
(and yes, that is)
If you're feeling golfy you can type is:a
Oh.. duh
Also where's that challenge to print your language's version number?
@trichoplax this is what I do
is:a charcoal to see if Neil has discovered any more bugs
is:a jelly to look for slimes
I missed the first page of results by 5 votes...
(closed question so that'll never change)
That is indeed the top answer.
SELECT TOP 10 Id, Score, Body FROM Posts WHERE PostTypeId = 2 ORDER BY Score DESC
The most downvoted answer and the second most upvoted answer are on the same question
and that question is the second most upvoted locked question
huh interesting
I'm surprised at how high the score for the lowest scored answer is.
(only -11)
Most downvoted question has -24 though
and 38 answers xD
there's a badge for that
a badge for what now?
upvoted answers to downvoted questions
Not for asking a bad question and getting lots of answers :P
hold up so now SE is encouraging people to seek out bad questions and answer them? oh please, this is exactly what ais was complaining about before he left
@trichoplax yeah at least it's not that :P
anyway brb o/
> Provide an answer of +20 score to a question of -5 score
Gold badge too
Does anyone know if there's a challenge based on determining language version number?
Q: Can we retire the Reversal badge on main sites and keep it only for meta sites?

Yvette ColombThe Reversal badge: Provide an answer of +20 score to a question of -5 score. This badge can be awarded multiple times. There are multiple issues about discouraging Fast Gun In The West (FGITW) and on SO meta and answering low quality questions and on SO meta. Rewarding users for answering...

@MDXF Versatile Integer Printer boils down to that for a lot of languages
Yeah, but is there a challenge that's specifically for determining language versions?
And if there's not, and I were to write one, would it be closed as a dupe of anything?
Looking at the OEIS polyglot challenge, most of the answers consist of mainly constant sequences
@ppperry it was closed and reopened a couple times
I know
also @ppperry is it intentional that your profile says Homechooled?
and it author has a version sandboxed with no constant sequences
in fact, I cast the first close vote
Superset (and so not necessarily a dupe target):
Q: I'm not the language you're looking for!

muddyfishIsn't it annoying when you find a piece of code and you don't know what language it was written in? This challenge attempts to somewhat solve this. Challenge You will have to write a program that when run in two different languages, will output the string: This program wasn't written in <lang...

no, but I don't care
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

ThePirateBayEncode integer code-golf Given positive integer n > 1. We convert it to an array as follows: If it is equal 2 return an empty array Otherwise create array of all n's prime factors sorted ascending, then each element replace with its index in prime numbers sequence and finally convert each ele...

@Dennis Could you please delete this? OP edited it but decided to ignore the comment saying that it's invalid and since it's on an challenge I think it should be deleted ASAP. thanks
@OliverNi non-competing status does not exist anymore.
@HyperNeutrino What were you replying to with that message?
(If anyone rolls it back I don't really even care though)
why is PPCG so quiet ;_; it's not even sunday
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

MD XFDetermine your language's version code-golf code-challenge Your challenge is to write a polyglot that works in different versions of your language. When run, it will always output the language version. Rules Your program should work in at least two versions of your language. Your program's ou...

@HyperNeutrino wat
Q: Let's allow newer languages/versions for older challenges

Martin EnderI've been thinking for a long time that our non-competing policy for newer languages (or language versions) is harmful. Just for context, we currently require all answers which require implementations that are newer than a challenge to be marked as non-competing. At the core there was a good inte...

hehe I can make one functional language in about 4 days so in theory for the OEIS challenge I can just keep making languages so I can answer the challenge repeatedly :D
@HyperNeutrino any mathy unicode chars I might be missing?
especially sequence/series related
What do you have so far?
@StepHen ∈∉∃∄∩∪?
@HyperNeutrino what would I implement them as? I have and for in and not in a sequence
as modes
er idrk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
:P ok
but I'm not missing anything really glaring?
not that I can think of rn :P
ok thanks :P
@HyperNeutrino I can't find anything for nth root :(
@StepHen ∛∜ :P
@ASCII-only I have square cube and fourth root, I need nth root :P
@StepHen ᛦ
@ASCII-only lol if I can't find anything better :P
is that... a diagram... of a tree's roots... ಠ_ಠ
anyway brb ಠ/
I just created a slack account. Your password must contain bla bla bla, must be at lest bla characters long, and cannot be something like "password" or "123456". It accepted the password "1234567".
@Pavel brb finding your email xD
I already changed the password >_>
I didn't expect it to work
Unlike last time >_<
May 30 at 5:08, by Phoenix
Anyway, I've deleted my account.
What happened to the OEIS challenge?
The latest version of XStore has been pushed to live.
You should try the password Y0U#H4XX0R@N00B5_C4NN0T*H4CK&MY|P4SSW0RD+GOODLUCK
A moment's silence for goatmemes, which failed to survive the update
@HyperNeutrino ;-;
@ATaco i cri everytiem
except that now that password is public ...
@HusnainRaza what do you mean?
Wait a sec @Pavel did you used to be Phoenix with the blue-ish profile pic?
@MDXF believe so
I'm very much less confused now
@ppperry Nah I dont use that
i knew
@Nobody who did you used to be?
@MDXF Odysseus
@MDXF Hint:My pic
@StepHen facepalm
I used to be SIGSEGV
My favourite feature of the new version of XStore is it live updates the folder items when other people do things in there.
@ATaco What's with the characters changing randomly?
I wanted a fancy effect of it "decoding" when a folder loads.
It'll also shuffle when someone renames it.
Bunch of answers got deleted
@HusnainRaza only two
and they were wrong
keep political jokes outta here pls
tacos are much better.
or the first one was
:39360688 wait, politicians know about domain hacking?
wait no that's deleted
@ATaco You could kinda make TacOS
IIRC there's AvacadOS
Is it a real operating system?
@HyperNeutrino ok I've got like 10 slots open that I dunno what to do with: github.com/stestoltz/cQuents/blob/master/codepage.md
We still need ba.sh tho
@ATaco Oatmeal is disgusting
Sounds like Heresy to me.
@ATaco Someone in ethiopia makes the company Ble and makes the domain ble.et
@MDXF no it was abandoned
@ASCII-only I mean before they abandoned it was it a real thing
@MDXF yes
Whoa who wrote the bootloader?
We were trying to get gcc to compile
or kernel
ofc it was @Downgoat
@StepHen idk either ._. what functions do you still want to implement?
@HyperNeutrino I don't know too well what the codepage I have currently will do, as I haven't implemented anything really of the new stuff :P I have a general idea but I haven't written it down so I might forget it
@ASCII-only The only thing worse than the name of the operating system is the name of the GitHub organization. >_>
Sadly, go.at is taken.
Btw is github organization abusing (to get the wanted name in front of the domain) bad
@Nobody just get a real domain? :P
GitHub will take your user or organization name away if someone else has a better claim to it.
@StepHen No money :(
OEIS answer-chaining challenge is back up
the absurd math stuff was deleted since the JS answer was wrong.
motor.bike is available as a domain.
@HyperNeutrino but... you answered two in a row
erm lol I forgot that because it's been a while since my last answer and there were answers in between (and I'm dumb) heh :'D
someone want to post the answer for me?
I mean sure xD
How many langs you got @HyperNeutrino ?
only like 6 or so
except you edited it and now I can't get at the revision history
actually I kinda want to save Proton for when another absurd math thing comes along because it's similar to Python and Java so I actually know how to use it
anyfix, PostL, Binario, Billiard Ball Machine, Positron, Proton
you can check my github and bitbucket if you want
> bitbucket
yeah I used it for a bit. that's where Symmidium team manager guy put the repository for the koding.com hackathon 2016 so I had an account there. not sure if I put any personal projects up there
I mean there was the Web of Hunger but that's an abandoned project
(btw Symmidium comes from the team manager not knowing how to spell "Symmidian", which is a triangle center we learned about a few days prior)
RProgN, RProgN2, TacO, Jalapeño, MaybeLater, ReRegex, Threead
PostL, Binario, Proton, Ceres, Anyfix, Array-Golfing-Language, Paintbrush, Positron, Extended-BF
This excludes EnglishF--K and SmallF--K which took me under half an hour each
I should probably keep working on Jalapeño some time.
I said I'd continue Ceres but TBH making practical languages is much more fun :D
Jalapeño was an attempt at a tacit language :D
14 more useful math operators, anyone? :P
gamma function?
(essentially factorial for floats)
@HyperNeutrino how's ¡?
sure. (what's !?)
is | set to bitwise or
@HyperNeutrino regular factorial
@Nobody currently, but I'm just trying to fill the codepage
Well factorial(n) = gamma(n + 1).
gamma works for floats though, so just change ! to do gamma(n + 1)
@StepHen okay
btw C++17's got lots more math
You could get inspired there
I feel really bad about bothering Dennis so much :( I've asked him to clone twice and pull twice already today :(
anyway gtg now o/
Dies anyone know whirl?
Isn't that in the polyglot?
Yeah that's why
I figured out a solution
3 hours later…
@Pavel Psst. Pavel. You should totally play around with the new version of XStore.
I have, a little bit
It's completely broken for me to RN tho
How so?
@Pavel What's broken ;-;
@Cowsquack What no Australia uses credit cards
Actually Australia uses Debit Cards
@ATaco Why not credit cards
Because a Debit Card is easier to get
Well yeah but most people have a credit card too
The requisites for a Debit Card are: Be Over 18, Have a Bank Account. A Credit Card however needs a credit score and things.
Wait what
I don't think over 18 is a requirement
(It was for me)
Oh, apparently it's 16.
The title edit war on chebyshev polynomials has become somewhat amusing
Someone should flag that >_>
It really needs moderator attention.
@WheatWizard Good job! But if it starts at % and goes down or up, won't it fail?
Q: Words crossing over

Kevin CruijssenInput: Two strings (NOTE: the order of input is important). Output: Both words/sentences start on lines with one empty line in between them. They 'walk' horizontally 'next to each other'. But when they have the same character at the same position, they cross each other, and then continue walki...

@WheatWizard Space is noop in Lost? This works weird. (stop it after while, it loops on every cell but [0,0])
in lost everything works weird especially since you never know where you start
I think once I've got a decent interpreter for Verbosely working, I'm gunna look into making a compiler for it
Hmm, I'll probably go with compiling for .NET, which afaik actually means transpiling to IL then using .NET's compiler to compile that to bytecode
@Mayube verbosely?
@Mayube just transpile to c# :P
world's best meme 2k19
@Mayube um but IL is bytecode isn't it
@EriktheOutgolfer With -V flag I know where it starts
@ASCII-only IL is not bytecode.
@Mayube Uh yes it is
.NET languages are compiled to CIL, which is then assembled into bytecode
or more specifically
@Mayube It's never really assembled, but MSIL(/CIL) is the bytecode
It's run in the .NET VM isn't it
is "assembled in to object code that has a bytecode-style format"
CIL is for all intents and purposes, the Assembly language of .NET
@Mayube *machine code
Oh nevermind, you're right
my bad
:/ I really need to fix Charcoal a lot
At least it's not braingolf
But bad internet and Charcoal is solely on Cloud9 so :P
@Mayube what about braingolf
Charcoal might need fixing, but Braingolf is a total clusterfuck that at this point I don't even want to try fixing
@DJMcMayhem No that would be unmaking the quine, he lost the quine
@Mayube :|
@Mayube but it's like only a month old, tops
Braingolf or Charcoal?
Braingolf is 3 months old
first commit May 4th
O_o time files
@Mayube >_> charcoal is like 10 months old
but have you seen Braingolf's source?
yay typo
my youngest language is LMBM, which is a month old
@Mayube link pls
pls no
@Mayube I only have one language D:
you'll cry if you look at braingolf's source
I cry every time I look at it to tack on another builtin
@Mayube No I won't
Rip in piece
ignore the js file
@Mayube I'll just be very, very disappointed
And point out ~15000 mistakes
there is only 1 mistake to point out
the entire file
Then I'm going to start a PR before realizing I need to work on Charcoal :P
don't even bother
it's not worth your time, seriously
@Mayube But I think I did Seriously's prime checker or something
@ASCII-only Will you fix the Charcoal solution?
Did I waste my time
as a sample: Nested loops and conditionals don't work, because it just uses a global boolean flag to track whether it's currently in a loop or conditional
@Mr.Xcoder No :| realized it's super buggy the challenge is not as easy as I thought
Wait maybe idk I might try again later
@ASCII-only it failed for whitespace and first letters, huh?
@Mr.Xcoder Yeah lol
My attempt in Python is kinda failed, the challenge is really hard (but also nice)
@Mayube :| I can see your name
@Mr.Xcoder Not that hard
I mostly work on braingolf at work, and I never bothered to add my github email to my git config
@ASCII-only I know, I said hard as in far less trivial than most of our challenges
github tracks username on commits by email, so it doesn't correlate the commits with the email, despite committing with my SSH key :P
Added Q, and probably some other stuff idk
it only adds Q, but I was too lazy to git diff to check if anything else had been changed since last commit
@Mr.Xcoder :P
Poll: Cthulhu or solve the challenge in Python?
@Mr.Xcoder Cthulhu
@ASCII-only Ok, I'll solve the challenge then :P
@Mr.Xcoder That is actually explained, but I'll add a primitive-by-primitive explanation.
@Adám No, it's best to add an explanation to your new answer!
Why do people leave in less than half an hour after posting a challenge >_>
@Mr.Xcoder I usually wait a bit to see if I can golf it more.
@Adám yeah, sure, I do so to when I add explanations :)
waiting for Rod to post a Python solution and then sighs, can't port to Pyth!
@Adám seen this?
@Adám Yeah surely...or maybe? Might have something to do with this as well...oh and an unexplained answer! Or maybe two...? And something I don't quite get. — Erik the Outgolfer 6 mins ago
@EriktheOutgolfer He saw. he replied
before I edited more to that though
there are 5 more answers that need explanation there I think or something
I received Yearling on Meta Stack Exchange but I didn't get Yearling or Fanatic on PPCG >_>

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