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Alright, now wait events exist.
x = (1 second pass);
when y is *{
	print "Every 3 seconds!"
	when x {
		y = 1
y = 1
Program that outputs every 3 seconds.
It's kind of less interesting than I had hopped, seeming as most programs just use assignment instead of function calls.
hoped, even.
when range is *{
	local n = range
	if range <= 0{
		rangeout = {}
		range = n - 1
		rangeout[n] = n
range = 81
x = rangeout
print x
Generate a table of values from 1 - 81
@ATaco O_o why does your website have sign in with steam button
also what is .jsd
@Downgoat Things I've not made public yet.
@Downgoat A personal document type because I like to reinvent wheels.
Also y u lookin' at my website ;-;
Charcoal could do this one if it had a way to get cursor position
I'm surprised you don't.
@ATaco ;_; ono what is wrong with look at ur website
Nothing, It's just surprising.
@WheatWizard Are you here right now? I have a question about the OEIS explanation you gave.
nvm I have to go now ;_;
I put a comment though
Is there a shorter way to get -1 if x<0, 1 if x>0 in Python than cmp(x,0)? Don't care about x=0 case. Feels like there should be, but I can't find it
cmp(x,0) is the fastest tmk.
x>0*2-1 might also work...
Unfortunately need brackets...
So yeah, cmp(x,0) is your best bet.
But what's the context, what are you doing with it..?
someone posted a golf to the 'reverse integer' challenge on leetcode and challenged people to beat it
But you need to preserve sign
so -123 -> -321
s=cmp(x,0) looked golfable but maybe not. I though there might be some bit wizardry
If you were using Numpy, you could just do sign(x)
So you've got something like int(reverse(s=eval(input()))*cmp(s,0)
I don't think x&-1 does anything, because the binary represention of -1 is all ones
@trichoplax here you go. do anything you want to it - as long as it doesn't error, it's valid. Try it online!
@Dennis oh good, I was starting to get worried.
Certainly took them long enough. Thanks again! :)
Try it online! is the shortest I can get it ;-;
hi dennis you're a mathematician can you help me with an OEIS sequence? ;_;
That depends very much on the field.
Modular Arithmetic mostly
Power residue classes modulo some prime
A: Explanation of OEIS:A000236 - Residue Classes

Epsilon Neighborhood WatchLet's break this down a bit. You are given $n$ as the placement in the sequence and you are looking for some $m$. $m$ is the largest number such that no two members of the sequence $1, 2, 3, 4, ... , m-1, m$ satisfy a specific property, $P(x,y)$. $P(x,y)$ is true if $x$ and $y$ belong to a pow...

Mostly I'm waiting for Epsilon/Wheat to reply to my comment because I'm confused
@ATaco I used backtick but yeah pretty much the shortest I can do
It just looks so golfable!
Ugh, OEIS and its golfed definitions.
yup :I
Oh ENW/WW was wrong in the comments
Hm now I'm still confused
AAAA confused ಠ_ಠ
9 hours ago, by totallyhuman
PSA: pls put your test cases in a better format (comma/space delimited) at the bottom, especially if you have a lot of them
CMC: any hash algorithm's check file that includes its own hash
@betseg Ooh that should be on main
but with which
be sure to use sandbox first though
@betseg you'd have to talk about hashes that truncate
@HyperNeutrino The fact that the Google search "power residue class" finds only 5 results (including the OEIS, your question, and some SE mirror) isn't exactly promising.
@StepHen yeah i mean like md5 and sha*
@betseg yeah, what I'm saying is that if the hash truncates the input, you could stick the hash after the point at which it truncates
@Dennis Nevermind, "power residue classes" finds hundreds.
@betseg I don't think I understand what you mean.
i think feersum can come up with this. (context: codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/97842/56721 )
$ cat file.md5
1234567890ABCDEF1234567890ABCDEF file.md5
@Dennis ^
@HyperNeutrino I have no idea why the first term is 3. I am probably wrong in my understanding of the sequences
@betseg Unless we get Google to participate, I doubt that's possible for MD5, let alone SHA-1.
@ATaco I'll look at it sometime. MaybeLater.
@Dennis Of the 5 results for "power residue class", one of them is the Stack Exchange question I posted, one is OEIS, and one is an internet thing that's stealing Stack Exchange content ಠ_ಠ
Why is math so hard and complicated?
@HyperNeutrino Yes, I already said that.
if I actually understood the sequence it might be slightly less impossible kek
@Dennis Oh sorry I somehow missed the entire part in brackets ಠ_ಠ but yeah, I've found a few papers including the ones on the OEIS page and they're not the most understandable things on the internet either
@HyperNeutrino Without even rendering the MathJax
Apparently, Shift+ins is paste on windows.
@MDXF ಠ_ಠ
This is going to take you a while...
Thank you for not editing every single one at once
@MDXF -6 on meta and you're still doing it? :P
it takes much more work to revert bold changes than to be bold.
@StepHen The -6 on meta was for doing a bunch at once and flooding the active page
I'm not
I'm doing three a day
for a year
I don't think it'll flood the active page too bad :P
@WheatWizard The first term isn't three; the second term is 3
there is no first term; that's what " OFFSET 2,1 " means
(as I already said in math.se chat)
@ppperry I understand that the n for the first term is 2, but its still the first term
oh, just wanted to point that out
A: Remove noncompeting status from all submissions

HyperNeutrinoPlease Don't Correct me if I'm wrong, but how often do really old posts show up on the front page? Unless you keep editing them, not very often. So, now that the new decree has been set in place, let's just ignore the old posts and apply the policy to the new ones. I'm not saying that you're not...

I personally don't think it's a good idea or a necessary thing
Perhaps I haven't been helping by golfing other's years-old posts in the bolwers-golfers fraction war
lol :P
Yeah also don't pop that to the front page since isn't allowed anymore
Or is it?
Never mind, it is.
I keep getting it confused with which is officially banished :P
and are just harder but not banished.
is only mythed to be doable well.
still, it's not often to see an answer whose bytecount was reduced by 10^152 orders of magnitude
true lol
A lot of CJam answers with huge absurdly insane things
Mostly Dennis like "354325767254315625472 commas hehe"
Biggest I've seen in a code-golf competition was 5 orders of magnitude
A: What's the shortest contiguous subset of ASCII you need to output the rest?

nneonneoUnary, N=1 14680262330376163203871465704220787333741951071 bytes Uses only the '0' byte (ASCII 49). Golfed about 4.13253e+60 bytes out of @Comintern's solution. Credit still to him :) In the original Brainfuck: ++++++++[->++++<]> [>+>+++<<-]>>- [-<.+<+>>]<< [>-.<-]

"Golfed about 4.13253e+60 bytes
EDIT: Golfed out 9.097887e+87 unnecessary characters.
I like this post.
And unary actually won the challenge!
Why is there something wrong with bumping old posts?
There's nothing wrong with bumping an old post, it's bumping any posts for no good reason.
Sometimes Community will actually just bump posts up because it has answers that the community should see :P
and I'm tempted to do a really hacky golf of the java answer on that question by converting it into a function that prints to STDOUT.
(which is allowed)
Oh crap
... what?
No wonder this sequence is so hard
The creator of it won the John Riordan Prize in 2015 ಠ_ಠ
That's the prize for the best solution to an open problem on OEIS xD
oh no
maybe I should have realized that A00236 would be hard and chosen a different bytecount.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ too late now rip
wait is challenge rip?
I'm beginning to wonder if emailing Dr. Alekseyev was a good idea... :P
@HyperNeutrino oh lol
I mean, he has his email address on his site so I would assume he doesn't hate getting emails...? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
brb reposting OEIS challenge
It's not entirely dead yet. I think Epsilon/Wheat is getting close to figuring out what it means
@HyperNeutrino Inbox messages are a thing :P
why is it so hard to compute?
no one knows how to
Let's not talk about that :P
still, even if I chose a two hard sequence, that doesn't mean you have the right to change my bytecount without my consent!
On an unrelated note. How did my BF challenge suddenly get attention after being unanswered for two months?
Q: Trivial Brainf**k Substitution Interpreter

MD XFBrainf**k is the most famous esoteric programming language and is the inspiration for hundreds of other esoteric languages. In fact, there are quite a few languages that are so heavily based off of Brainf**k that the only difference is the characters used. Your challenge is to interpret one of th...

@MDXF someone answered it
@HyperNeutrino Have you figured out why f(2)!=1?
I still have no idea.
Have you tried reversing the exponent and the base? Its not 100% which is which from the description.
done. Golfed 45 characters from the java answer, turning it into a terrible hack.
I'll try that.
I hope I haven't made some mistake golfing submissions.
@HyperNeutrino this is what explode does: Try it online!
@HyperNeutrino mess around with the input or the code (as long as it doesn't error you're fine)
@WheatWizard But doesn't the exponent need to be constant? I think that's why it says "n-th power residue class for input n
@StepHen o.0 what even is that
Thats what I thought
But maybe the base is the constant part
The definition is not 100% clear
Would the base be the input then?
@HyperNeutrino I don't really know anymore
@StepHen lol
@WheatWizard Still doesn't make sense:

Instead of the residue class of $f(x)=x^n$ its the residue class of $f(x)=n^x$
(see invmodclass rather than modclass)
@HyperNeutrino just brute force every python program until you find one that works
I would email the guy. If I were him I'd be happy to get emails about my OEIS sequence
Neither does the original:

@WheatWizard I agree
@WheatWizard Ah okay. Well I already emailed him about an hour ago so I hope he doesn't mind and I hope he replies soon :P
Ok good
Ping me when he replies please
he probably has 15 year old C code sitting around
this is getting out of hand -- in a good way
on a laptop in his attic
In other news, I'm rather proud of MaybeLater.
I suspect that the problem has no know algorithm to solve it even though I don't know exactly what the problem is.
@WheatWizard Alright, I will. :)
Anyway, I gtg. o/!
@HyperNeutrino You pinged me. Does that mean he replied? :P
I think this demonstrates a loophole in the challenge:
come up with some code that solves a non-trivial sequence of a byte length like 236
then post code for the sequence it solves
I forgot to add support for negative and decimal number constants
hope no one answers within an hour
and win, if no one can solve A00236 in a week.
@ppperry You can always hard code the solutions
@WheatWizard Standard Loophole.
Thats bullshit
no, hardcoding is fine, generally
Then you can redirect it to a non-computible sequence and win
Yes you can hardcode 1000 values
A: Loopholes that are forbidden by default

Peter TaylorHard-coding the output Unless the question is an obvious exception (the primary exception being those tagged kolmogorov-complexity), your program is expected to do work, not just print a pre-calculated result. If the question doesn't require input and so a solution which just prints the answer w...

"n will never be larger than 1000"
@ATaco the question explicitly allows it
Oh, then that's fine.
but, quoting dennis (in a comment on a deleted answer to that challenge), " Just because the next values are unknown doesn't mean that they do not exist"
I wonder what happens when you post a link to a deleted post in chat
does it get autoformatted?
@ppperry Nope, it's just a plain link, that will lead to 404 for people without the privilege of seeing deleted posts
But there are sequences that are not computable. Just because the next term exists doesn't mean you can compute it.
Can someone link the challenge..?
Q: One OEIS after another

caird coinheringaahingThis is an answer chaining question that uses sequences from OEIS, and the length of the previous submission. This answer chaining question will work in the following way: I will post the first answer. All other solutions must stem from that. The next user (let's call them userA) will find the...

The next answer should be 60843 bytes.
"[n will never be] out of bounds for the sequence", so non-computable sequences are just terminated at however many terms are listed.
As are aforumlaic sequences like A00017.
Why did that even make it into OEIS?
A000236 is evil.
@ATaco .....wat was that
@ATaco no i mean i read that
Look at it, look at it and fail to computationally solve it.
i keep on trying to read it but at each part of the sentence i realize that it doesn't get any clearer
@ATaco does it just mean m=(bigger adjacent residue)+1
I have no idea, you're asking the wrong person.
@Mego Believe me, you don't want to add my handwriting into the mix.
goodbye. Have to go now.
@Dennis Believe me, I do want that
More samples = better challenge
woah wtf why does Mego's answer have -9 votes
> Disallowing non-programming languages is like disallowing arbitrary classes of languages
this doesn't even make any sense
it literally contradicts itself
I guess we can start to make English a programming language?
I mean I can execute it with deterministic results with a human!
I think the point is, is that we shouldn't disallow arbitrary programing languages.
@Downgoat Which answer?
A: Do submissions have to be answered with a programming language?

MegoNo, answers in non-programming languages are not allowed This site is Programming Puzzles and Code Golf. From Wikipedia: Programming involves activities such as analysis, developing understanding, generating algorithms, verification of requirements of algorithms including their correctness a...

@Downgoat A lot of people want to use stupid languages like HQ9+ and such, I guess
Monking, golfers
@Phrancis Monks are monking? Where?
does that mean the "what are programming languages" post is meaningless?:
Q: What are programming languages?

Ingo BürkOften, answers to questions asking for "programs" or talking about "programming languages" utilize things like sed, awk, … in order to get around having to write an actual shell script. Therefore, a question comes to my mind: What qualifies as a programming language? Sure, ultimately the OP ca...

@MDXF On Code Review, they are ;)
Give me a room name and I can move the messages
@Downgoat I kind of feel so, if you're question can be answered by, say, echo, than it's probably not a great question.

 Primes and Squares

For discussion about programming, math, linguistics, music, sc...
A: What's a Zombie? And what are the many other memes of Code Review?

Vogel612Meme: Monking Originator: Morwenn Cultural Height: The 2nd Monitor Background: A morning greeting to the Monkey doing his monkey-business, in other words: monking Examples: A small chat search Variations: Monkernoon, Monkevening, Monknight, ... Important is only that it begins with Monk... ;...

A square number of messages... How appropriate
a square of a prime
That's a wonderful number.
MaybeLater is probably the most programming language looking language I've written.
A: What's a Zombie? And what are the many other memes of Code Review?

Mat's MugMeme: phpoop Originator: Mat's Mug Cultural Height: The 2nd Monitor Background: php is frequently used (see "related tags") along with oop. The contraction of the two gave birth to phpoop... only in the chatroom (don't you dare actually create that tag!). Related: phpoop-security

Oh yeah,
Also related
And poor fools concatenating variables into query strings and passing those straight to the database in a Bobby Tables manner
msql -> query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_name = '".$_GET["username"]."' AND password = '".$_GET["password"] . "';")
(Sorry if I hurt anyone's eyes with that)
rip in peace oeis chalenge
@ATaco You wouldn't believe how many of those there has been on CR. I think it went down because so many PHP people got scolded (in a friendly manner) on CR answers
Is PHP code considered "legacy" at this point?
@Phrancis PHP <5 code probably
pleasedontsqlinjectme.net/login.php?username='; DROP TABLE users; --'&password=frankie
how was php ever not legacy?
PHP is rather sadness.
PHP was pretty cool for a long while
But then Node.js came out
And since Node.js is vastly better, a lot of sites switched over
I used to use PHP, but that was because JS saddened me, because webdesign.
I think part of the problem with PHP is that it somehow just "worked", even with horrible code it would just figure out a way to be functional
Unless you didn't have a semicolon after a block, because of how ambiguous such a thing is.
{echo "Hello"} is invalid, but {echo "Hello";} is valid. Because that last semi-colon cleared up so much
Languages with mandatory semicolons are, largely, highly overrated. PHP doubly so.
^arbitrary opinion, don't lynch me :)
MaybeLater has semicolons ;_;
world's tiniest violin playing
@ATaco it's not so bad
13 imaginary internet points for a MaybeLater quine.
Question - one can get kick-muted (or flagged and pinged by a mod) for using the word "reta**ed" in chat/comments. However, I'm sure that an equal number of people are offended by the phrase "Jes*s Chr*st" and swear words... but those words are never/rarely flagged. Why?
Generally, offensive language isn't necessarily a ban, however, it's required you be considerate of others, see: "Be Nice"
@MDXF probably because the former is more insulting than just offensive?
If someone will get particularly offended by a phrase, and voices that concern, you should back off.
No I know no one should use it on SE, but I also think people shouldn't use words offensive to the entire Christian population, and curse words are never necessary.
@MDXF ok well the people that would get offended probably just care less here (or aren't here at all)?
Has something in particular brought this up?
Oh I slipped and said it (in reference to my obnoxious raspberry pi) yesterday and got pinged. But nobody cares 'bout these 567+1687+33+408
I know it was my fault. I'm just curious
@ASCII-only Maybe. except me lol
@MDXF #1 because it's part of a language name, #2 is a swearword and bad but not really that offensive imo, #3 is only offensive when used on a person, #4 isn't offensive at all wth
I want to acknowledge that "Fuck" is not legally considered a swear in Australia. src
@ATaco Heh that's funny
That said, anything's fine if it's not offending anybody personally.
None of this tumblr, "Someone might be offended" stuff, be a bit realistic.
@ASCII-only and @ATaco I don't want to sound like I'm retorting, or that I disagree, and I don't want this to turn into an argument of sorts so I'm just gonna stop :P
@Phrancis if dna_symbol in "ACTG": return {"A": "T", "C": "G", "T": "A", "G": "C"}[dna_symbol] maybe?
That's fair.
@ASCII-only I was about to do that myself... :)
do 'ATCG'['TAGC'.index(i)]. still errors on invalid input
@HyperNeutrino 0/10 unclear
Personally I think it's more concise and clear than yours :P
yours has a map with a huge amount of non alphanumeric characters which at least for me is difficult to read
@MDXF not really arguing but just imo swearwords aren't really that offensive anymore? i mean at least they are used like everywhere now so they've gradually lost (some) offensiveness?
@ASCII-only What kind of sorcery is that? Do these {} work as a Dict or more like curly brackets in other languages?
@Phrancis >_> that's a dict what does it look like
That's lovely
@ASCII-only I see that as a big problem in and of itself
@Phrancis hang on a sec nvm you're only processing one [bp base pair wait only one it's nucleotide right] at a time oh well
@ASCII-only What's a bp?
I had a few more lined up but I'd rather not starbait.
@ASCII-only Yeah just a utility function to process each char
@Phrancis :| seems very slow
@ASCII-only So yours would just do the whole thing in one swoop?
i have an idea (also no not that one)
XY problem, giv full program.
In DNA strings, symbols 'A' and 'T' are complements of each other, as are 'C' and 'G'.

The reverse complement of a DNA string `s` is the string `sc` formed by reversing the symbols of `s`, then taking the complement of each symbol
(e.g., the reverse complement of "GTCA" is "TGAC").

def reverse_string(string: str) -> str:
    """Reverse the order of the characters in a string."""
    return string[::-1]
The rest is the other thing
It's from ROSALIND, just for practice not business
I'm not looking for a clever one-liner BTW ;)
But that if/elif/else sequence just seemed cumbersome, so I asked here for a shorter version. Not at all opposed to process the whole string at once instead of a char at a time
Oh right, I don't know Python.
import re
import string
complementor = string.maketrans("ACGT", "TGCA")
def reverse_complement(sequence):
    if not re.match("[ACGT]+$", string):
        raise SyntaxError("Sequence must be composed only of A, C, G, and T")
    return sequence.translate(complementor)
idk if this is clear
probably not
I had no idea that maketrans or translate existed
# TODO read documentation about string package
# TODO Read documentation on everything
@ASCII-only is that missing a ^
match only matches at the start
	// @TODO
	// @TODO
@Phrancis NO WHYYY
I use Regex far too much.
@Phrancis Is that even allowed (messages like that)?
@MDXF Generally shunned.
Stats are too move notable messages into the starboard for later users to see, usually containing message that are interesting, of quality, important, or posted by Dennis, not to express opinions
Don't star that ^^
If you could be banned for starbaiting I'd be screwed.
(tempted to star that to get you banned /s)
import re
import string
complementor = string.maketrans("ACGT", "TGCA")  # creates the extended ASCII codepage as a 256-character string where each character in the first string is replaced with the corresponding character in the second
def reverse_complement(sequence):
    if not re.match("[ACGT]+$", string):  # if you don't know this and are reading this comment
    # expecting an explanation please read up on regices
        raise SyntaxError("Sequence must be composed only of A, C, G, and T")
2 messages moved to Trash
Let's not starbait
@Mego My bad, TY
import re
import string
import random
complementor = string.maketrans("ACGT", "TGCA")
def reverse_complement(sequence):
    if not re.match("[ACGT]+$", string):
        raise SyntaxError("Sequence must be composed only of A, C, G, and T")
    result = sequence.translate(complementor)[::-1]
    for _ in range(len(sequence)/10):  # oh no mutations happened whoops
        result[random.randint(0, len(sequence))] = random.choice("ACGT")
@Phrancis ^ this is so much clearer than the original one right :P
Seems about right.
well crap
Does anyone here speak french? If so can someone tell me what the comment syntax is here. At least I think it says something about comments, or maybe a shebang.
@flawr Ah, thought this wild be invalid. My bad!
@Potato44 I speak French, hold on
French: Ce document décrit le GOTO++.
English: This document describes the GOTO++.
@Phrancis in the notions de base section i think it says something about comments
@Potato44 This?: On peut placer des commentaires. Soit en mettant GOTO, auquel cas tout est ignoré jusqu'à la fin de la ligne, soit en mettant #!, auquel cas tout est ignoré jusqu'à ce qu'on rencontre !#, sur la même ligne ou sur une ligne suivante.
Yes that
@Phrancis thanks for having a look
We can add commentaries. Either by entering GOTO, in which case everything is ignored until the end of line, or by entering #!, in which case everything is ignored until we encounter !#, on the same line or the following line.
@Potato44 ^
Okay, thanks. I think those restrictions on comment syntax might be a bit too restrictive for what I need it for
Glad I could be of service
I probably should add comments to MaybeLater.
@ATaco Maybe later
I should have named it literally anything else
I have added comments.

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