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@ppperry wait, you're homeschooled too? there are dozens of us!
how did you know?
@ppperry your SO profile
@StepHen everything gets creepy inverted :P
@totallyhuman Text doesn't.
I was back when I joined SO
not anymore
@StepHen Same here
I bet mine would be worse
@ppperry I guess we all graduated then
in a way
@wizzwizz4 ƨɘi⅃
> Hutchins, who is also malware researcher at the Kryptos Logic security firm, created a killswitch that prevented the spread of the virus.
He definitely created a killswitch 0.o
Someone post a horrible challenge.
I want to downvote something.
@ppperry Well hopefully it will help the next person who has this conversation - I found the question searching for this...
@totallyhuman What's wrong with smurfs?
@totallyhuman You turned into a a smurfy-cat.
is there something special about the number 8696
@wizzwizz4 they aren't totally human
@totallyhuman You could use the t between c and . in the URL.
@ppperry it's 86 concatenated to 86 + 10
8697 is 86 concatenated to 86+11
@MagicOctopusUrn no u
Oh, speaking of concatenation: is ~ completely unintuitive for concatenation?
I'd pick ^
you're all too late
as in caret, not as in up-arrow
@AdmBorkBork I'm already using +, &, and ^ for other stuff
i'd pick + /o_o
all of these operators already have a meaning
~ means bitwise negation
@ppperry yes but I made all of the bitwise ops two bytes because they are never useful in codegolf
*whispers* overload! overload! overload!
@StepHen Writing your own code page?
^ means power or bitwise XOR
@StepHen are you kidding?
@totallyhuman I can't overload because I have no strings, and I want numeric concatenation
@totallyhuman sorry, they are never used in golfing sequences
Q: Bitwise GCD Challenge

Coding manWrite the shortest iterative function to find gcd of two numbers (assume 32 bit numbers). Rules: Arithmetic, Comparison and Logical Operators are not allowed (except equality comparison (a==b) operator). Function should work for both positive and negative numbers No inbuilt functions allowed. ...

@AdmBorkBork kind of
@ppperry ok, but I'm going to have a GCD function :P
Q: math with bitwise operators

tryingToGetProgrammingStraightobjective write a program that can perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, using only bit-wise operators, by bit-wise operators i mean the equivalent of JavaScript &, |, ^, ~, << ,>> ,>>>. (AND, OR, XOR, NOT, and SHIFTs) rules you can use other operators, just not for the...

@ppperry Or string concatenation.
@StepHen Go for a plus-in-a-circle?
@AdmBorkBork it's exponents
@AdmBorkBork and I haven't opened up to unicode yet, because I'm clueless on how to do the file :P
Q: Write a program that turns every 17th bit of a text file to a 1

matrixuglyMy coworker and I work on a legacy piece of software that we hate sometimes. Whenever you run it, debug asserts come flying everywhere, and it's never a guarantee that anything will work. The motivation for this round of code golf came from my coworker saying the following about our software. "I...

@StepHen Use foo bar, not foo~bar.
@wizzwizz4 so space for concatenation?
How about underscore?
@StepHen A gap.
@AdmBorkBork underscore is correctly for constants, but I can switch that
Q: Exploring the xorspace

GrimyThe xorspace of a set of integers is the set of all integers that can be obtained by combining the starting integers with the usual bitwise xor operator (^). For example, the xorspace of (8, 4) is (0, 4, 8, 12): 0 is 4^4, 12 is 4^8, and no other numbers can be reached. Note that the starting numb...

as in _p is pi
Has wikipedia updated their style or something?
Bitwise operators can certainly be useful
has it?
@wizzwizz4 that would mean 1 1 == 11
@ppperry Especially in golfing
I've been waiting for a wiki redesign
@totallyhuman I see that doesn't apply for all pages
@StepHen How about period?
@stepHen see ...
@ppperry yup but I don't like having threeish operators taken byte bitwise, so I took them off 1 byters :P
@Mr.Xcoder that's mobile
@StepHen ? I'm on desktop :/
remove the m. from the URL
@Mr.Xcoder Look at the URL.
Oh lol
Sorry guys
Dennis' fault...
@Mr.Xcoder I think we should have a ban on sharing mobile links.
@wizzwizz4 gluck with that
Ah, ninja'd by Step Hen
plus the mobile UI is simpler anyway
this shows the errors of ...
Q: Ninjas in a Chat Log

Step HenThanks to HyperNeutrino for making more test cases Often in chat, someone will ask a question, and multiple people will answer it at the same time. Usually, the person who was beaten to the gun will say "ninja'd", creating even more unnecessary chat. Given a chat log similar to the following: ...

that challenge is way too simple!
@AdmBorkBork would break my parser, 1.1 would be 1.1 not 11
Yay, the first time I actually get more than 201 rep in a day :)
why isn't no.no registered already
is there a badge for that?
What's our policy on this?
@wizzwizz4 that'd be fine imo
@wizzwizz4 I wouldn't accept it.
me to
I'd say it brings no improvement whatsoever.
also, it has an inaccurate edit summary
@StepHen Ah, gotcha. Hmm...
@AdmBorkBork yeah the problem is I'm only working with nums
no strings
I'll stick with ~ for now
does that do anything yet?
@totallyhuman yeah
Interesting fact: I have 4,15% from Dennis' rep
the available ones iirc are ~"{}[] and backtick
along with kind of #:;?
:39213156 I think ~ is more intuitive than backtick though :P
Poll: What is your favourite bitwise operator for golfing?
@Mr.Xcoder NOT
Why not " then? Use backtick for string delineation if/when you ever do that.
Mine is ~ by far.
@Mr.Xcoder -shl
@AdmBorkBork left shift?
@AdmBorkBork What does that mean?
@AdmBorkBork hm, that might work
A implies B is my favourite by far.
If that's not available, XOR.
@Mr.Xcoder Yep, shift left.
(just in powershell I assume?)
Why do I have three messages on the starboard with one star each?
you just fed the troll
@StepHen Do you want any stars cancelled?
Ok, stop it.
Thanks for removing them...
the totally human one is fine up there but I don't see how "that's mobile" is star-worthy
Oh. I know who it was. >:-)
@StepHen Yeah. I'm pretty sure that this is the only time I've used it in roughly 450 golfing answers.
@wizzwizz4 ಠ_ಠ
@AdmBorkBork what the heck is that
I won't call the user out, but don't do it again.
@wizzwizz4 or your mega super duper mod powers will be utilized
Code review is spying on TNB!!! Weren't we in a KOTH war with them or so?
@Mr.Xcoder not in, it hasn't happened yet
@StepHen Construct the numbers 1 to 100 using only 2 0 1 6
@StepHen I'll just be using RO powers to start with.
@AdmBorkBork -bnot that's long
Kicking, shoving, punching, challenging to a death battle, etc.
So is -bxor
TFW (right) you have no idea what you're doing.
mine is b~ and people are saying that isn't golfy enough
IF you're nesting if statements in 05AB1E you're definitely messing something up...
@MagicOctopusUrn Nice, you used my challenge as an example :)
@StepHen And -band, but that's at least kinda cool because it's a word.
@Mr.Xcoder It's actually quite the difficult challenge for 05AB1E.
@MagicOctopusUrn You mean it's difficult to solve in Osabie?
(too lazy to switch to the digits pad)
btw I call first bounty on the Tetris question
@Mr.Xcoder AFAICT, yes. I could be 100% missing something, as I said if you're double nesting if statements in 05AB1E you're missing something.
@StepHen that's... not how any of this works /o_o
@totallyhuman gnome.
in The Quest for Tetris, 3 hours ago, by Step Hen
brb putting a 50 rep bounty on it so that people can't put 500s for a week :P
@totallyhuman Gno, me. - Been using this response to "no u" since 2007.
#kthxing before <s>it was cool</s> it was never cool.
---strike--- strike
@MagicOctopusUrn I'd be very glad if you would solve my semi-zigzag challenge in 05AB1E (even with nested conditionals)
It hasn't been done before
@Mr.Xcoder it's in his starred msg
@StepHen That, unfortunately, is not valid.
There is no Jelly answer either?!
it's hard in some of those langs
@Adnan Can you solve this in 05AB1E?
any C/Java/Rust/nim etc coders able to solve codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/137436/… for n = 32 please?
And no Pyth answer?!
my python code isn't fast enough
I'll have to answer my own challenge
@Mr.Xcoder it should be possible yes
@Mr.Xcoder It's actually REALLY EFFING HARD. But, fine... since you asked I'll do it.
especially with the recently added canvas mode
9 mins ago, by Magic Octopus Urn
TFW (right) you have no idea what you're doing.
@Adnan I don't know how to use canvas mode at all.
A semi-failed attempt ^^
or any other language that isn't as slow as a slow dog :)
@Lembik Try this
O god it's bad... the entire idea was to split it into 4 cases, the increase, the max, the decrease, the min.
@MagicOctopusUrn for easy things it's quite simple
@StepHen very helpful thanks :)
@Adnan it's really not that bad, it's just I can't think around the need for conditionals. 05AB1E really struggles with conditional logic.
@Adnan If you post an answer, I'll give it an upvote when I wake up tomorrow
why not now?
And by "05AB1E struggles" I mean "I struggle writing conditional logic in 05AB1E".
@totallyhuman Because I doubt he'll post it before I fall asleep
I've never hit vote cap
@StepHen Nope
@MagicOctopusUrn Well, the canvas mode should actually make this challenge easy
it's just undocumented, but here is an example: tio.run/##MzBNTDJM/f9f3d/43Oz//00B
@Adnan teach me, o master.
Only 116 people have ever earned on PPCG
@Adnan It's like a bit more verbose Charcoal?
@StepHen is a non-existent tag :P
@StepHen I don't have it, although I vote-capped 3 times! It just didn't want to come...
@Mr.Xcoder Well, that's difficult to determine but this example is
@MagicOctopusUrn the Λ command takes three arguments; like this: <num><fill><pat>Λ
num is just the length, fill is the filler string used and pat is the pattern of the direction
@adnan Sounds cool. No idea how to use it still, need an example <3.
which one would you say is harder to learn: Pyth / 05AB1E?
Just like learning base 255 compression, I understood the concept, but not the syntax ._.
@MagicOctopusUrn I'll try to answer the challenge and add an explanation, because it's difficult to explain in chat :p
'O3Λ'O5Λ is cool
@Mr.Xcoder depends on what you are used to
@totallyhuman I meant the badge
@Mr.Xcoder You have to vote 40 times - that means 10 question votes. If you only vote for answers you only get 30 votes.
@MagicOctopusUrn The pattern uses numbers for direction:
That's why no one has it
7 0 1
6 X 2
5 4 3
I drew an M!: 'O0Λ'O3Λ'O1Λ'O4Λ
I'm a god, apparently? - completely by accident I guessed 3.
how does one string in 05ab1e
We need an esolang based on pentagon tiling
@totallyhuman just with quotes: "hello" should output hello
@adnan lemme answer that I think I got it, this should be less than charcoal.
I'm pretty sure it should beat Charcoal
@Adnan I now love 05AB1E more than groovy. Less than node.js still but...
3212 is a key number in that challenge ;).
btw, you can concatenate directions: 'O23456701Λ
and even compress the numbers
I've been wanting to learn an ascii art language and I think I found one
What language?
@adnan you sure those directions are correct?
@MagicOctopusUrn you mean for the challenge?
the spaces are going to cost about 15 bytes though :P
you need spaces when you're going horizontally
Sorry, that was rude, gnome spaces...
That's not gonna end up shorter than Charcoal
Anyway, bye!
Oh god, you can't store the canvas in a string?
you need to use rather than Λ for that
Try it online!? Is that what you meant by spaces?
.replace('OO', 'O O')
wait that's not gonna suffice
To win a golfing challenge, do you need to use a golf language, or can you just golf a "functional" language?
each time you replace 'OO' with 'O O', you have to add a space above it
@Bobawob any language that meets our standards is acceptable :) winning, on the other hand, depends on your definition
I just didn't know what you meant by replace spaces, is the bottom like spaced?
if you wish to compare a regular "practical" language with a golf language, then you're probably not gonna win often
however most people usually just compare solutions in the same language
@Bobawob that depends on what you call winning :)
@Lembik plz time me
I like to give an example of my favorite answer (top voted): https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/106496/score-rock-paper-scissors/106505#106505
It isn't a golfing language but it's by far my coolest answer and voted as such.
@Bobawob if you outgolf a couple other solutions in Python, you'll get a lot more upvotes than if you post a trivial Jelly solution
@Bobawob if you want a ton of rep, do something like this (and fastest-gun-in-the-west it for the best affect):
A: The Crow vs The Taxicab

Step HenTaxi, 7394 3773 bytes Go to Post Office:w 1 l 1 r 1 l.Pickup a passenger going to Tom's Trims.Pickup a passenger going to Tom's Trims.Go to Tom's Trims:n.[a]Pickup a passenger going to The Babelfishery.Go to The Babelfishery:s 1 l 1 r.Pickup a passenger going to Cyclone.Go to Cyclone:n 1 l 1 l 2...

Okay... No 2 character Python 3 wins... What is the key to golfing in a functional language? I never see any loops or if statements in golfed answers...
@Bobawob "winning" is kind objective though. You get +2 rep for "best answer" and +690 rep for getting an answer people thought was interesting.
@Bobawob well, you're allowed to use either a function or a full program, so chose the shorter one
@Bobawob If you consider "winning" to be getting Rep and comments/support from users, golf in whatever, but don't copy the methods answers have previously used.
@MagicOctopusUrn *+15
@Bobawob a lot of python answers use builtin functions well, and there's a lot of list comprehension going on
@StepHen oh, right, you get +2 for SELECTING a best answer... I only have 2 best answers lol.
@Bobawob the best way is just to post it and watch the community golf it down, and learn that way
@Bobawob function for that is function lambda _:"Hello, World" which is longer
@StepHen Thank you!
Can I use def or do I have to use lambda?
@Bobawob you can use def, but if you use def you have to do return so it's usually longer
This isn't valid CSS right? .someElement[value=]
@StepHen u don't need the _
I just found a bunch of code with it, and I can't figure out why anybody would write it (and it looks intentional)
@NathanMerrill I forget, but with value='1' it would be valid
oh, I know. I'm specifically talking about when there's nothing on the right hand side
@Bobawob if you're looking for a language that isn't an esolang that nobody uses and you're familiar with Java try Groovy.
@Maltysen oh right I forgot about that
You won't be winning, but you'll probably get votes as it's rare.
@NathanMerrill it's probably valid but not semantic, web stuff usually lets you do w/e you want
I don't think those words mean what you think it means :)
@NathanMerrill "valid" as in it won't crash your browser and it won't screw anything else up
not sure if it'll match anything though :P
I need some questions to answer in Maybe Later, but it sucks at pretty much everything.
@ATaco do tetris in gol in maybe later
I feel like there's a fundamental issue with that.
@ATaco maybe later
I need to keep a counter for the amount of times that pun's made.
@StepHen that try was awful
@ATaco you should've expected it...
@ATaco I really want to say maybe later again in response to that :P
@StepHen B&
@ATaco I have a challenge for you
@ATaco figure out/automate the monstrosity I made: Try it online!
Once again, I don't think that's a challenge for MaybeLater
@StepHen is it really that hard for one to read your interpreter code?
@totallyhuman well you can go read it - I'm saying, given an output, what was the input? It's really seems like a hash function
but I haven't studied enough, I wrote it Sunday
@totallyhuman I put an input into the program I just linked, and the output was wVNA>1/);:/F> What was the input?
Ok well I'll try later
@totallyhuman xD
Although I'm not great at this
@MagicOctopusUrn added with explanation
@totallyhuman the "language" is seriously screwed up, don't waste too much time on it
@Adnan [Push "O" if N is odd, else "O "]: was my idea too, I just got distracted by work stuff I should be doing ._.''. I like this canvas thing. Maybe post "canvas_explanation.py" to the github.
After running „O 3212Λ it was pretty obvious the way you ended up doing it was the 100% valid way.
yeah I wanted to write some docs for the canvas, but it is still very unstable
so a lot of things might change
@adnan by the by, did you see this post: https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/136901/hello-world-with-semi-common-characters/137107#137107
I wondered how you'd do it.
I went through like 20 different attempts before settling on the reverse base-255 conversion.
Yeah I saw that challenge, I thought it wasn't possible in 05AB1E
the base 255 conversion is quite clever
@adnan I was thinking I could golf my answer further with x... No idea, though.
but do you need the full 255
Hmm? 00000g000g00000000000000000g** is still the part I'm like... goddangit... 3*5*17.
I can't believe there's no way to push 255 in 05AB1E ha, you'd think that'd be a basic command. Then again, 1.4 years and I've yet to need the number 255 until now.
@MagicOctopusUrn Base 107 is enough to print Hello, World!: tio.run/##MzBNTDJM/f9fySM1JydfRyE8vygnRVGJi8vQwPzQysPbFA6tc/r/…
@Adnan Interesting, I don't believe that helps me too much though... unless...
@StepHen lol I'll try not to
Oh holy crap, yeh I'm dumb. Sec I'll post a way golfier answer.
@Adnan I knew you'd see somethin I missed.
How did you determine the highest needed base to express S?
S being a string of 05AB1E characters.
and determine whether there is data loss
@MagicOctopusUrn wrong section lol
Now the problem is pushing 107...
and beating perl hahaha
That's wiki syntax I think
@Adnan it isn't beating perl because I dunno how to push 107 ;)
oh nvm perl still kicks osabies ass
@Adnan I could use 108 = 3*3*9
@Adnan Why 107?
X0 0000000gJ should also work
@DJMcMayhem It's the smallest base necessary to represent Hello, World!
106 bytes: Try it online!, also J doesn't work because it joins with the compressed number.
@Adnan Oh. Then clearly I'm missing something. I thought you were saying 107 is a standard base osabie uses
What happens with lower bases?
107 is the lowest required base for Hello, world! to be considered an integer.
Therefore the compression for hello world is 107/255 less big than compressing it with 255.
@Adnan post that in 05AB1E - Oasis and let me star it please.
@adnan that's beautiful.
It's also extremely obvious now, but I've never thought of it like that.
Teach a man to golf, eh?
I don't understand haha
@MagicOctopusUrn 100 bytes
@DJMcMayhem it basically converts the string from base N to base 10 and then back to base N
if the base number is too low there will be data loss
@MagicOctopusUrn Also, X is standardized to 1 so you don't need the 0gU
and the W in world is not capitalized
anger at self intensifies
It can be golfed more, you just need to write an AUX script to figure out which base conversion above 108 has the most consecutive zeros.
And I'm game, but it won't beat SOGL so I'm also not game.
challenge accepted
Final (me): Try it online!
If you get below 95, post it as your own answer
@Riley thanks for pointing out that over-sight btgw.
@Riley I gave you credit even though I had to redo it with a capital W.
Wellp my day is done, I'll see y'all tomorrow. That was fun.
Hey question: If I have g, p, and a and I'm trying to determine if there exists integer k such that (g ** k) mod p == a, what's the largest k I need to check?

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