To come back to it after over a year. Should we end the popcon?
I personally think we should, just like with code-trolling and underhand there was too much bad for the good. We just keep closing them over and over. If there is so much bad for the good why should we keep it.
Reverse Maths Cycles
Inspired by this
Given an array of integers, cycle through +, *, -, //, %, ^, where // is integer division and ^ is exponent, while applying it to the reverse of the array. This may be confusing, so lets work through an example.
Input: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
Four-In-A-Row AI Tournament
Today, we will be playing a Four-In-A-Row tournament. However, it is not us humans playing... instead, we must have our computers battle instead! This challenge is completely in C#.
Basic Game Rules
If you have never played, there are simple rules. 2 players ...
I think I need to just memorize this darned framework's docs, since the guy that made it is not a native English speaker and I keep finding new things I can use, with really weird names
@totallyhuman see that's why you have an e operator :P
@StepHen I have nothing against non-native english speakers, but I do have a rule that if they can't write comprehensible English, they should get someone who can to do it for them.
@cairdcoinheringaahing Actually, this guy can write English fine, it's just that his vocab probably isn't as big as some peoples, and he's not the best at choosing section titles
His documentation is pretty thorough, once you find it
How much of a change to someone's answer constitutes a new answer? I further golfed an answer from 316B down to 187B, but that's not an easy change to post as a comment.
I think that we should have a new type of "challenge": showcase questions. These questions aren't questions where answers compete for the lowest bytecount, or the best score, they are answers to a specific question that demonstrate interesting or unique features of languages.
A showcase question...
@trichoplax I just discovered that you offer a bounty for solving the "pop con problem" but I don't see much of a problem that has not been discussed yet?
@flawr I don't see questions being closed as a problem. The problem I'd like to see solved is that there doesn't seem to be consensus on what a popularity contest should be.
@Adám Yup. I think it would be interesting. Not too easy nor too difficult. Just in case, it may be necessary specify where the origin for summation is (at the lowest-index corner)
Are you going to post to sandbox or directly to main? You may need to think about minimum input size. Probably empty-input corner case is not interesting; I'd go with minimum 1x1. Also, the two partitioning Boolean vectors should probably have at least a 1 value
@ASCII-only yeah I based it off of Python as that's the best example I can think of, but I'm on mobile so the capitalisation of print was my phone's fault
@flawr Just had a look back through last year's popcon meta posts in case I'd missed anything. I was delighted to see the tag wiki rewrite at the time, but I still feel there is lack of consensus on how to apply it. The objective validity criterion seems to mean different things to different people at different times.
Given a matrix M with r rows and c columns, and two Boolean lists V of length r and H of length c, calculate the partitioned cumulative vertical and horizontal sums.
r and c are greater than or equal to one
H and V begin with a true value
The values in M are within your langua...
One of them is closed, the other is open. Ideally we would have a consensus that makes them both closed, or both open, unless there is some reason to consider them different types of contest?
The difference with "Images With All Colours" is that it does have a criteria that needs to be achieved, although realistically, it should be closed, as it's technically just "Do this, but creatively"
Neither restricts what images you can make, or gives any requirement of what they should look like. In both the output can be arbitrary provided it meets a criterion
The second is expected to, atleast, on a theoretical scale, contain every colour if provided a high enough resolution, the first is not given such a restriction.
Fixed code length challenges don't really work because what would make a good length varies so much between languages, but for a language specific contest it just seems like an alternative to code golf
@ATaco Both the byte count and the colour requirement are trivial to achieve. All of the voting was on what was produced with it (whether because the output was aesthetically pleasing or impressive to achieve)
lol even a lambda in Java would be like s->.. and there are then only two bytes left with which you could only apply a unary operator or return a constant value
Personally, I feel both should still survive in some form, especially the second, but I feel our definition of what makes a good Pop-con contest is incredibly difficult, as it's usually "Do X Creatively"
People like seeing X done creatively, but as it's almost impossible to actually quantify that, it doesn't fit with PPCG.
I definitely agree defining pop cons is still incredibly difficult. That's why I made these comments - in response to flawr asking why I'm offering a bounty since the popularity contest problem has been solved
I think there was a big improvement but it still seems fairly arbitrary which pop cons survive.
@ATaco I actually think that one is pretty well defined, and I like that the program has to take input so it's less about the programmer just coding fixed output they find aesthetically pleasing
@JohnDvorak That's another one I think is a good fit for the site despite being subjective, precisely because it has to take input and work for a range of different images.
The "Image with all colours" is actually fairly similarly specified, but allows much more flexible output, it's an example of a Bad question that should be good, in my opinion.
@ATaco I think a variation on that one that required an input image to match to would be interesting too, but as it is it specifically discouraged using a target image (as so many on do), which meant the contest focused on novel ways of generating pattern spontaneously, which I found very interesting too
I'd just like there to be strong consensus one way or another. Then we can either have creative but challenging contests here on PPCG, or if we know we can't we can put effort into setting up something externally
@JohnDvorak I'd love that to be the answer, but I posted the open ended bounty on meta because I would rather either conclusion than no conclusion, as I think the current situation is putting people off writing popularity contests
I like the copy/paste to the dithering contest, with the disclaimer "By the way, I'm the one who wrote this"
Ordered Dither:
magick B2DBy.jpg -gamma .45455 -ordered-dither [all] 4x4 ordered4x4g45.pbm
Before complaining about my using an "established algorithm" please read the ChangeLog for GraphicsMagick and ImageMagick for April 2003 where you'll see that I implemented th...
Not copy/paste - I misremembered. Using ImageMagick...