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You are not supposed to upvote based on the user, only the content of the post
If you thank somebody by upvoting a large amount of their posts, you're serial voting, which will get reversed by the system and can lead to a suspension.
@Dennis thanks for explaining, brb upvoting some of your posts /s
Q: Solve a Matchstick puzzle

Wheat WizardOn puzzling SE there are what are called "matchstick problems" in which math is written in match sticks and you are allowed to move a certain number of them to get a certain property. In this question we will be considering only integers represented in a 7-segment display format. Here are all 1...

@BusinessCat are you sure you want to practice jelly?
Well I guess I should ask a bit about it first
Is there a requirement I have to do it every day or something? I do want to practice but I can't necessarily guarantee the time
@BusinessCat no. You can do it whenever
@BusinessCat nope
you can even be forever inactive (although that's not productive :p)
Well then I'd like to learn more. I know some already but not enough
yeah I get it
hmm... why access requests go >1 per wave???
@BusinessCat you got accepted
Jelly is fun
jelly is life
> jelly is love, jelly is life
@totallyhuman well another student had an access request today too...and it has happened at least 3 times or so plus once with 3 students
@totallyhuman I made this for you codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/135703/65836
although i did abandon ,,,
What was wrong with it? :P
it's boring
and horribly done
ooh ooh i might crack that
ey cracked
it wasn't supposed to be too hard :P
I love it when someone answers an old question and then it gets like 5 more answers because it was on front page
@StepHen This one has gotten 7 answers today, lol
@dennis What is the difference between x and ?
x repeats in place, repeats the entire list. They also vectorize differently.
For example, x2 maps [3, 4] to [3, 3, 4, 4], while ẋ2 maps it to [3, 4, 3, 4].
Oh, ok
And x1,2,3 maps [3, 4, 5] to [3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5], while ẋ1,2,3 maps it to [[3, 4, 5], [3, 4, 5, 3, 4, 5], [3, 4, 5, 3, 4, 5, 3, 4, 5]].
OK, one more question. How would <nilad><dyad><monad> be parsed? monad(dyad(nilad, a)) or dyad(nilad, monad(a))?
The former.
The second should be <monad><nilad><dyad>, correct?
I would say it's starting to make sense! but every time I say that, I get stuck on a challenge and horribly confused and I just want to throw it all out the window :P
@DJMcMayhem Yup that's the one I was talking about
> document.all
< HTMLAllCollection[3368]
> typeof(document.all)
< "undefined"
Every time I think I've come to terms with JavaScript's weirdness, something like this happens.
@Dennis document.all is also falsey
I know. Context.
> typeof NaN
< "number"
i can't get over this
@totallyhuman The ECMAScript standard states that Numbers should be IEEE-754 floating point data. This includes Infinity, -Infinity, and also NaN.
That one's funny, but NaN is a floating point number to begin with, so we can't really blame JavaScript.
that just means js isn't funny, the floating point standard is funny
But a collection of thousands of elements being falsy and of type undefined...
It's bad enough that things that are equal to false can be truthy.
omg dennis my hero
@Dennis yeah that's just downright stupid
I'm learning jelly rn
@NoahCristino What did I do now?
@totallyhuman put in your console: if([]){console.log([]==false)}
@NoahCristino Nice! If you have any questions, we have a Jelly room.
Entirely made of for Jelly.
I think you should make a Jelly v2
with only 1 byte characters
@Dennis just be careful not to spoil jelly hypertraining stuff without your knowledge...that is after a forewarning
replace the 2 byte with random stuff
@NoahCristino impractical
you could take a few bytes off tons of answers
Yeah, too many useful stuff requires two bytes. I'll probably use a sub-byte encoding for version 2.
make jelly v2
so we can just steal all the jelly answers
Currently busy with TIO.
by subbing out 2 bytes chars xD
O_O the first program I tried for @MDXF 's quine challenge worked
Isn't M sort of Jelly v2?
Sort of.
@Dennis huh?
you're not referring to the "Jelly 2" stuff do you?
I'm not really sure at this point about M's future.
what character could i use for status code
@totallyhuman whatever is at unicode 404
oh yes that will be the error for intrnt btw
> Error 404: Command not found: 'p'
@totallyhuman This: U+0404 (Є)
@Dennis I suggest merging m will jelly 2
not incredibly suitable, is it :P
@EriktheOutgolfer I would if SymPy wasn't so unbelievably slow.
is this about the millionth fibonacci number again?
in Jelly, Feb 26 '16 at 19:46, by Dennis
43 seconds to sum the inverses of the first 10,000 natural numbers...
well speed isn't something you should expect from python :P
@Dennis Wait, huh? Wouldn't that be small?
(inverse as in 1/N, right?)
How could that possibly be so large? it should be smaller than 10,000
It's a fraction.
>>> sum(1/i for i in range(1, 10000))
Oh, I couldn't see the / anywhere
@DJMcMayhem CtrlF /
unless i'm not understanding this
I had to paste it into vim to see it
@totallyhuman yes
that looks tiny in chat
why does it look so tiny
anyways, i've been meaning to ask this
would a language that relies on the internet to be able to add numbers or perform a primality test be valid?
well ok
tfw you try to answer this in 05ab1e...while you need to [|.g¾Q#¼])εõ‚}˜¨ just to take the input
that's 176bytes
was just gonna have string manipulation builtins but i guess i need arithmetic now
@totallyhuman well anytime you go to the internet for anything in it that'd be the loophole too though
it's only for challenges :P
ah I gotchu
then just make empty program do it like bubblegum
@StepHen Good job :P
some times unicode surprises me with the characters it has, some times it disappoints me
@totallyhuman what do you want now
a character for getting the text of the webpage
@cairdcoinheringaahing Bash, 49 bytes, Try it online!
@bash people, can you offer some golfing tips for ^? (I'm new to golfing in bash)
also ⁇ is a thing
⁇ ??
@totallyhuman ﹖
@StepHen thanks 𝍌
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

LeoWhen an error is the correct output The task You should submit two full programs or functions which produce the same (non-empty) result, but the first one should produce it as an error while the second one should produce it as a standard result. Rules The two functions/programs will receive ...

@cairdcoinheringaahing sed+bash, 46 bytes, Try it online!
lambda n:[i*'#'for i in range(n+1)]
Speaking of design; have SE designers quit or something? Puzzling seems to have been the last site design and that was over a year ago
just wait another 6 to 8 weeks
@Downgoat They all decided to quit when PPCG graduated
ok that makes sense
brb applying for Junior Marketing Designer
> 4-year degree or equivalent
O_o apparently median UI/UX salary is higher than JS dev. salary :(
what do they mean by equivalent
you either want a 4 year degree or not right?
If I have had a fever of 1 degree for 4-years does that count
that's cold
it's a cold fever ok
actually average goat temperature is 103F so I have had a degree for many years :P
@Cowsquack 1deg fever = 1deg above normal
@Downgoat How many radians is that fever?
Consider a polar coordinate goat ...
@AdmBorkBork 0.017
> Valuing unit standardization over being helpful possibly makes me a bad friend
> possibly
Would a chat plugin that displays an image as a pop-over when you hover over a .png .gif .jpg .jpeg or imgur link be helpful so you can view images inline on the starboard
it exists already
that is for existing image
Works on links for me
are you using Firefox or Chrome
i'm definitely using firefox on this chromebook
@totallyhuman link pls
@totallyhuman did you just say the c-word
-1 chrome-only
@Riker 2/10 no thanks, I don't like chewing gum
wait :| mac has this built in with three-finger tap
Curious - why is The Nineteenth Byte named The Nineteenth Byte?
> Elon Musk says Mark Zuckerberg's understanding of AI is 'limited'
Q: Let's think of a creative name for our chatroom

DoorknobI'm hoping we're nearing the end of beta soon, but even if we aren't, our chatroom name is so bland. "Code Golf." Look at all the creative names others have thought up: "Root Access" for Super User "The DMZ" for Security "The Renderfarm" for Blender "The Litter Box" for Pets "The Hangar" for Av...

@JanDvorak My Chromebook runs just fine with openSUSE and is no longer Chrome only. That said, I still use Chrome.
well i usually describe my os situation on this chromebook as "gentoo with a touch of ubuntu"

ZacharýFortress was a language being developed by the Sun Programming Language Research Group (R.I.P. Fortress) that had a unique property to it, it was possible to render ("Fortify") programs in different font-styles (i.e. blackboard bold, bold, italics, roman, etc. ). The goal is to represent a one-ch...

'cause chrome os is based on gentoo and i run ubuntu in a chroot
@totallyhuman cool thanks
Well bye again everyone, I'm back to work in about an hour
Someone knows Pyth string compression here?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Heikki MäenpääHow Fermat is this number? code-golf Fermat numbers are positive integers that can be expressed as 22x+1 with an integer x. Let us now define an attribute of a number called "Fermat-ness": The Fermat-ness of the number is one less than the amount of consecutive twos in the power tower compone...

>>> x = requests.get('http://x.com')
>>> x.text
>>> y = requests.get('http://x.com/index.php')
>>> y.text
@totallyhuman I think you can type anything to get y, it doesn't have to be index.php
@Adám I thought he already picked ?
x seems tob eonly in index.html
>>> y = requests.get('http://x.com/blah')
>>> y.text
probably mod_rewrite
@totallyhuman x.com/blah
Anyone know of a Wunnel implementation?
[totallyhuman] still don't how people deal with php
[Xyzzy] They don't, it deals with them.
@EriktheOutgolfer can I be have access to Jelly training room :3
@Downgoat do you really want to learn jelly or something? that's what the room is about
@EriktheOutgolfer yea, or at least understand the language
you can read the tutorial for an introduction
Is there a way to ls a webpage?
I don't know how the internet works
@EriktheOutgolfer I've read the one on the wiki
@WheatWizard curl?
@Downgoat That just gives me the html
I want to know what files are in a directory
@Downgoat are you really interested? I'm just asking because, well, I haven't seen any jelly answer of yours in the past
I have this
but its incomplete
so I thought perhaps I could travel up a level and look for files in the same directory
@WheatWizard oh you can't do that unless the we server has an option for directory listing and that is enabled
And if they do how would I do that?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

JonahProblem We wish to visualize Euclid's algorithm for computing the greatest common divisor of two numbers as a 2-dimensional tiling, such as this one: This interactive version may also be helpful in understanding the visualization. Input Two positive integers a and b, where a > b. You may t...

@Downgoat note that you can be inactive in the room, it's just that, well, I just wanna know how interested you are in jelly
@WheatWizard HTML strip example: vihan.org/p
@Downgoat putting you in, you can ask me to get out if not interested
(or leaky)
@AdmBorkBork Except Python. Those usually get a lot of upvotes (probably because many people know the language)
Hey I got a flag notification.
@HyperNeutrino I clicked valid
@DJMcMayhem Apparently the flags show up on the top-left corner.
yeah once you have 10k+ rep on chat
I know. I got that ability yesterday. But why are there suddenly 4 flags o_O
And they all disappeared.
they went away
probably because they were never real flags and just buggy chat
@totallyhuman urgh where's my avatar png when i need it
Maybe that :P
@EriktheOutgolfer You think the flag in Trump Dump is valid? I'm not sure.
a little challenge: Why does for($c=A;$$c++<4||$c++<Z;)echo"$c\n"; print A 4 times, but every other letter 5 times? :=)
ಠ_ಠ the flag keeps going away and coming right back
@HyperNeutrino aah, the issues of 10k
@HyperNeutrino There are more than a few people seeing them at once...
Right. So it keeps getting reflagged?
Is that the R10K bug?
Oh you mean exactly the same flag, not just the indicator popping up and quickly disappearing?
@HyperNeutrino it's just my opinion...basically that message still overrides opinions even in the field of that room imo
Well, it was flagged, and I ignored it because I wasn't sure what to do with it, and then it went from (1) to (3) and then (4), and then they all disappeared and it popped up again a while ago and now it's gone.
@Titus TIL about another absurd PHP feature
@totallyhuman accurate lol
You can switch off the chat flag indicator by placing bounties
@BusinessCat That´s nothing to do with PHP. It would fail in any other language, too.
I mean, yeah that's true lol. I'm just barely over 10k network rep so I can drop it by 240 by giving a +50 bounty over on Math.SE
I was referring to how $b = 5; $c = b; echo $$c; would output 5
grrrr why I get rate limited
now I had to use vpn to come back
lol happened to me once
Ok, try for($c=A;$a[$c]++<4||$c++<Z;)echo"\n$c";
@HyperNeutrino happens to me all the time...not sure why they can't understand I'M TOTALLY HUMAN
(pun intended)
i never got rate limited
more evidence
@Titus Because it echoes when it increments what letter C is, but it never increments to A so it misses one step on A
I got rate-limited once after I joined 5 chat rooms lol. I didn't even say much, like I didn't get chat-limited but I got fully SE-rate-limited lol. It went away after like 2 minutes xD
@HyperNeutrino Oh, whoops lol
@HyperNeutrino I'm in 6 atm
@cairdcoinheringaahing lol nice xD
@HyperNeutrino I can't wait that much
ok time to switch back to original ip address
@EriktheOutgolfer someone may outgolf you while you're gone
@EriktheOutgolfer I was writing up an email to rate-limit exempt request and then I realized that would take so long so I went back and it cleared already :P
ok back to original ip
@HyperNeutrino yeah it's not worth it
Besides, it's more if you're actually making a lot of requests to SE, not if they get false-positives.
mine is almost entirely false positives
> The '1>&2' operator is reserved for future use.
OK, PowerShell ...
I am not sure, but I think that adapting my answer of this question in Jelly could beat 30 bytes
Q: Count to 20 with Words!

Magic Octopus UrnUsing the following length-separated lists of words: https://github.com/Magic Octopus Urn/wordListsByLength Print 1 word from each list of length n from 1 all the way up to 20, here's a valid example: a an and hand hands handle handles abandons abandoned understand outstanding newfoundland un...

But I don't know Jelly
@Jim advice: keep it that way. Don't try to learn Jelly :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing And don't learn to try Jelly either
@StepHen what if he wants to check if a jelly solution is valid?
@cairdcoinheringaahing I didn't plan to learn it. Just allowing someone else to maybe write a good answer
30 bytes is already really impressive
@Jim the Jelly compressed string for your string is “ḥœḟȷɱṡʂḲƘḋĿGỵ ɗƲṃṖṣ¬<ẋɗȯDKÐBụ{Ŀɼ⁾ɲWṘ&⁷M[»
@cairdcoinheringaahing Cannot the dictionary be used?
@WheatWizard I think it'd be really cool to publish an OEIS sequence... but I'm scared off by the personal info requirements.
@Jim that is the compressed dictionary code
@cairdcoinheringaahing That's disappointing
@PhiNotPi They are not too bad imo. I put my name and university and I passed quite quickly.
@Jim English CMC (inspired by Psychopathologically adventuresomenesses) What's the longest English word that contains words of length 1 to N in it?
For example, Path is valid because it contains words from 1 to 4 (a, at, pat, and path)
I think Puzzling had that question once
No idea how to search for it though...
advents ... a, ad, ven, vent, vents, advent, advents
ven is kinda an abbreviation, though, so maybe not valid
@DJMcMayhem Computing that
What's it an abbreviation for?
Q: Collapse consecutive integers

AdámRelated: Tell me how many math problems I have to do! Challenge Given a strictly positive strictly ascending integer list L and an integer 3 ≤ N ≤ length of L, replace the middle integers of L's consecutive integer runs of length ≥ N with a single dash -. Rules Horizontal whitespace is irrel...

@NewMainPosts Whoa, that was fast.
@DJMcMayhem "prepossessions" is a good candidate at the moment. I used the dictionary linked in the question
With: i es ess epos posse posses possess sessions repossess possession possessions repossession prepossession prepossessions
@DJMcMayhem I think amusers and abasers were the ones people used
CMC: Given XML string, strip all tags.
Let me just whip out my regex ... ;-)
@AdmBorkBork Š͚̱̱͎̈́͋̊ͅu̳̦̝̯̭̱ͫ̅̾̔r̠̽e͎͎͇͋ͤ͜ͅ,͇̣̪̣ ̜̳̠̙͖͍̃͑ͩ̑̄͊g͓̹̼̯͔̩̙̋̃ͭ͟o̙͚͑ ̵͍̮̜̗̗̅̄̌ͮa͉̫͙̼̞̲͈h̘͈͍̪̥̤̾̄̽̓ͩͅe̳͖a̱̹͉ͬ̍d͕̬̭̭͇͜!̩͓̳͍͈̤̞
Guys, upvote this, it's a new user's first post and they did great, but I'm out of votes today
@Jim Have you not seen that?
It's one of the biggest memes on StackOverflow
@Adám Specifically XML? PowerShell has a ConvertFrom-Json cmdlet.
@AdmBorkBork Specifically XML. JSON is easy.
@MDXF Didn't know it was this famous
@Jim Oh it's incredible
I thought PowerShell did all things
Can we please not use characters that bleed into other messages?
@Jim It does have like 4k upvotes :P
@StepHen It would probably have like 20k if it wasn't locked
"Zalgo is tony the pony" - oh man I'm crying.
@MDXF but it's not a sequence
If five people answer it, I will give a +100 bounty to the best one
That's like 20 rep per head. No thanks.
@Dennis Wait what?
@Adám In that case, PowerShell can handle [xml] type natively. Reference
@BusinessCat ^
@MDXF You want to spend 100 rep to get 5 answers, meaning that each answer on average only earns 20 rep.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Magic Octopus UrnA-Z in 10's, you see? As a follow up to my previous challenge Count to 20 with Words!, we will once again be using the word list from that challenge to perform another task. This time, you will be exclusively using: https://github.com/Magic Octopus Urn/wordListsByLength/blob/master/10.txt To c...

(or 2 upvotes)
@Dennis No, I... hmm, how do you get those stats?
By dividing 100 by 5.
or is it 100 each?
Bounties seem pointless, what does REP even do.
Well yes but how can you tell that starting a +100 bounty with five existing answers, which will go to one answer, will mean that every answer will only get two upvotes?
Isn't that impossible? (since the minimum bounty changes if you re-bounty)
@MDXF It doesn't. He's saying the expected value of answering is +20
@MDXF I don't think you understand how averages work.
@DJMcMayhem does it if you change the reason every time?
I believe so
If you want to attract attention to a challenge, just put a bounty on it. That's what attracts the attention.
I understand how averages work, but I'm a bit confused behind the logic. Only one answer will get the bounty; how does that affect how many votes the other answers get?
In probability theory, the expected value of a random variable, intuitively, is the long-run average value of repetitions of the experiment it represents. For example, the expected value in rolling a six-sided die is 3.5, because the average of all the numbers that come up in an extremely large number of rolls is close to 3.5. Less roughly, the law of large numbers states that the arithmetic mean of the values almost surely converges to the expected value as the number of repetitions approaches infinity. The expected value is also known as the expectation, mathematical expectation, EV, average...
I'm probably gonna understand this in a few minutes and feel really stupid
It has nothing to do with votes, it has to do with the bounty
From my colleague, John Scholes:
"I'd like a 27p stamp please. Oh yeah, and two -9s and a -3."
"Thank you sir, that'll be 6p; will there be anything else?"
@DJMcMayhem Yet the bounty only goes to one answer, so why do you say that each answer will get 20% of the bounty?
No one is saying that. Read the article
I am
@MDXF Did it for you.
I honestly have no idea how to answer that myself, and wanna see a valid answer haha.
@MagicOctopusUrn :P but with your bounty message, after one person answers, nobody else will want to
@MDXF Suppose I propose flipping a coin. Heads means I give you $10, tails means you get nothing. How much would you be willing to pay to play?
@MD XF that's when you use another bounty.
@Dennis $5?
@Dennis $0.01 I mean if you're letting me choose...
'cause if I win, I gain $5, if I lose, I lose $5, so it's even

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