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like small programs have like 10 extra lines for stupid things but big programs have nice thingies you can do to shorten them (sometimes)
Note that C# does have a dynamic type.
except something I really like about Python is anything can become a function if you give it a __call__ function and functions are objects
@HyperNeutrino I have to agree with you there... Java is pushing it with it's weird lambdas...
dynamic x = "foo"; Console.Write(x);x = 5;Console.Write(x); not only compiler but has the expected result of printing foo5.
What I really like from JavaScript et al. is the ability for functions to be stored in variables very easily, and the ability to attempt to call any variables as a function (and closures)
Its to bad PPCG is so dead on the weekends
@SocraticPhoenix Yeah the lambdas were... really weird lol
@HyperNeutrino C# kinda has that with the delegate keyword.
@WheatWizard yeah ikr
Thats when I have the best ideas
also I didn't repcap UTC-yesterday ;_;
You all bored? Crack my cipher >:)
@HyperNeutrino Oh the humanity
@StepHen I don't know how to cipher, so...
@HyperNeutrino Same, I only got 35 ;_;
@StepHen xD I mean I had 199??? rep
I had +201 until 2 people downvoted my question and I lost rep, and one of the downvotes was canceled out by another (capped) upvote
Wait. Team blue is winning.
Ouch, this week I had 198 coming off a 5 day streak of rep caps
When did this happen.
what I hate is that if I get 5000 upvotes and then one downvote, I'll have 198 rep >.<
I haven't gotten any rep since the 18th... xD
liek dat make no sense
I've got to do more things...
ooh new week means I can try to win rep league for week :P
@HyperNeutrino I hate that, I wish the rep would just be min(200,rep)
I was 6th last week xD
@HyperNeutrino as far as I remember they said that gets fixed once they run the queries
@WheatWizard Yeah ikr (excluding accepts and bounties) lol
@StepHen I certainly hope so (that's Sunday IIRC)
hey I'm the 4th most active voter lol
(this month)
this week there haven't been enough votes apparently ;_;
@HyperNeutrino nvm I was wrong
I'm also 4th for editing
@StepHen darn it :(
somehow the review queues aren't empty right now
From Jon Skeet himself:
> I don't know whether it "counts" for badge and rep report purposes... but you will lose the 2 rep. Of course, it only takes one upvote to get you back on track, even if you've had up to 5 downvotes. But it sucks for the last vote of the day to be a downvote...
yeah exactly xD
@HyperNeutrino I had one point this morning where the review queues had ten things in them five minutes after I checked them and they were empty 0.o
.o0(someone went crazy with bad posts lol)
wat ._.
Negative, they were actually from 4-8 hours before I reviewed
but I swear it was empty five minutes before
that's weird
I've never seen a queue have more than 2 posts lol
@WheatWizard I suspect your challenge is impossible
It is not
I have done it
so, you have done it?
it is not even very hard
Map the postive integers to the integers, (not very hard) perform +1, and then map back, this satisfies the properties.
all integers would be too easy
@WheatWizard but what maps to 1?
@HyperNeutrino Please read what I said again.
I think you are misunderstanding
Q: Make an infinite chain

Wheat WizardLets define a class of functions. These functions will map from the positive integers to the positive integers and must satisfy the following requirements: The function must be Bijective, meaning that every value maps to and is mapped to by exactly one value. You must be able to get from any p...

@WheatWizard first of all
when you say positive integers
do you include 0?
Question: how is capture implemented in compilers? Do you add a global variable? that is not thread safe though so do you create a struct of a bitfield of fields and pass that to child functions?
if yes, that's usually called the nonnegative integers
Every value maps to and is mapped to by exactly one value. 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4, etc., but what maps to 1?
1 maps to exactly one value but is mapped to by exactly 0 values.
but even if we include 0, nothing changes
then the issue just shifts one
what maps to 0?
we don't have -1
If you change it to all integers, then it's possible.
I think you're ignoring the first part of what @WheatWizard is saying. First turn 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ... into 0, 1, -1, 2, -2, ...; then add one, then reverse the transformation.
oh ._.
He's learning
If it is possible on any infinite set it must be possible on all infinite sets.
as long as they're the same infinite size, or just in general?
I am bad at explaining
@HyperNeutrino They have to be the same size
ok. thought so
this is not possible on uncountable sets
because of the second rule
The fact that I vaguely understand the math words you are two are saying impresses me...
I'll concede that my intuition maybe false (which is why I called it intuition and not a proof)
@LeakyNun Remember that CMC from several days ago about applying a wave ([1,0,-1,0,1]) to an array? I posted that to main in case you want to dig up your answer and post it.
@orlp Sorry that sounded more aggressive than I intended.
(I don't think anyone else answered that CMC)
@Doorknob Incidentally, this strategy can also be described as "add 1 if 0, subtract 2 if (nonzero) even, add 2 if odd."
No that is not a bijection on the positive integers
this is literally what we were just arguing debating about
@StepHen the second bullet point is there (I believe) to prevent something like x->x
I forgot the first rule sorry 0.o
@SocraticPhoenix or something like swap 1 with 2, 3 with 4, etc.
There are a lot of functions ruled out by the second bullet
@Phoenix nevermind, @Mego did it in actually, too.
It is the bullet that kind of makes the challenge
@WheatWizard I deleted my comments
Ok I'll do the same
> Alike minds think great
lol xD
@HyperNeutrino Exposed: Dennis == Yoda
@Phoenix Well technically, yes, but close enough :P
@Phoenix Wait seriously? (xD /s)
Anyone here know about wifi powersave mode on Linux?
@musicman523 That sounds like not a feature of Linux but something a Distro/DE maker would put in.
I just turned it off by changing the value of 3 to 2 as suggested here but I'm wondering what the numbers actually mean, and why not set it to 0
I'm still a bit confused why my permutation intuition was wrong though
Or maybe not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@Phoenix you're probably right, I'm running Mint with Cinnamon desktop
I guess infinite permutations are a bit weirder
well you can just take a basic transformation, bump everything over a bit, and then move the illegal mapping into the open space
Q: Apply a wave to an array

PhoenixYour task today is to apply a wave to an array of numbers. A wave looks like this: [1, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, -1] Applying it to a given array means adding together the first elements, the second elements, etc. More precisely: Your program or function will recieve an array of integers. It must print o...

@orlp Infinity - (Infinity - 1) != 1
@NewMainPosts Someone answered that with Mathematica's builtin Sine function. That was... unexpected.
my Jelly answer is... dumb ;_;
not gonna look at the spoiler xD
except my wifi's dying
so I'm going to have to just copy it over and try it myself tomorrow ;_;
but no that's still cheating lol
I really like getting notifications
If anyone ever pings me with random things I would love them forever.
I just like that notification
@Christopher happy now?
@SocraticPhoenix Let me leave first
CMC: given a decimal string representation of a number, determine if its binary version would repeat
@Downgoat what do you mean by "would repeat"
CMC: Create a pull request for Mathics implementing the Tr command, because it's currently the number 1 feature that breaks Mathics compatibility in Mathematica solutions.
If animals don't want to be eaten, then why are they made out of food?
@Phoenix oh cool it's implemented in python, maybe I'll understand some of it
@musicman523 i.e. has repeating decimal (0.2 is 0.0011 in decimal for example)
@Downgoat it's still unclear
what part is unclear
what exactly is repeating in 0.0011
oh 0.2 would be true in this case because in binary it is 0.0011 where the 0011 repeats
then it's true for every decimal
0.5 == 0.1000000000000000000000
or 0.5 = 0.01111111111111111111111111
lambda x:1
Should probably be can be represented as a non-repeating binary
I bet there's a good way to do this with floats
@Downgoat is the number guaranteed to be less than 1?
@orlp 0.1 does not repeat?
@Downgoat yes it infinitely repeats zeroes
Rip, Brain-flak
yeah but the whole decimal part doesn't repeat
I'd have to write a parser and I don't feel like that right now
only 0
but we also have 0.5 (10) = 0.01111111... (2)
@Downgoat Unless you represent it as 0.01111111111...
Wait I'm confused... 0.011... only 1 repeats... so does that not count either?
A repeating or recurring decimal is decimal representation of a number whose decimal digits are periodic (repeating its values at regular intervals) and the infinitely-repeated portion is not zero. It can be shown that a number is rational if and only if its decimal representation is repeating or terminating (i.e. all except finitely many digits are zero). For example, the decimal representation of ⅓ becomes periodic just after the decimal point, repeating the single digit "3" forever, i.e. 0.333…. A more complicated example is 3227/555, whose decimal becomes periodic after the second digit following...
0.0111... = .1000...
@WheatWizard that's not how repeating decimal work...
@Downgoat Yes it is
@Downgoat yes it does, 0.99999... = 1
> the infinitely-repeated portion is not zero
In mathematics, the repeating decimal 0.999… (sometimes written with more or fewer 9s before the final ellipsis, for example as 0.9…, or in a variety of other variants such as 0.9, 0.(9), or 0. 9 ˙ {\displaystyle 0.{\dot {9}}} ) denotes a real number that can be shown to be the number one. In other words, the symbols "0.999…" and "1" represent the same number. Proofs of this equality have been formulated with varying degrees of mathematical rigor, taking into account...
@Downgoat oh, okay. that's what I thought it was... so are we just looking for non-terminating rationals in base 2?
@Downgoat .5 (10) = .011111111111... (2) The repeating part is 1
@SocraticPhoenix yea
@WheatWizard 0.01111... is slightly more than 0.25 not 0.5
@orlp that works but 9 is not 10 and 0.5 is not 0.25
No it is exactly 0.5, if you are confused as to why that is the case read the article linked, it will do a better job than I at explaining
@Downgoat 0.01111111 = 1/4 + 1/8 + 1/16 + 1/32 + ... = 1/2
It is an infinite series, 1/4 + 1/8 + 1/16 + 1/32 ...
ok: please give an expression that evaluates to 0.01111
Hey everybody, git.io/tacoscripts is now a thing
it's just a geometric sequence, yes? I actually know what that is xD
It is a geometric series, technically but yes
@Downgoat please be a bit more specific
@orlp any mathematical expression with real numbers
@Downgoat that was pretty simple :)
ಠ_ಠ I mean 0.01111....
@Downgoat 1/4/(1-.5)
wait huh
@Downgoat 1
@Downgoat you mean 0.1111... (2)?
@Downgoat 1
@SocraticPhoenix no this evaluate to 0.1
wait 0.111 works too
@MDXF Neat. You can also go to a-ta.co and get the tacoscripts bundled together rather than installing them individually.
I'm suddenly confused...
@Downgoat which is another representation of the same number
@orlp 1 is has no repeating value but 0.111... is same number but has ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@Phoenix I can't find that...
@Doorknob yes that is the point
I am very confused. What are we arguing? are we even arguing? Whats going on?
@Downgoat what?
@Downgoat I can't tell what point is being made
1 = 0.111...
they are the same number
@WheatWizard You should drop this argument? and answer codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/135129/… instead, perhaps in brain-flak.
anyway, all pedantics aside
@Phoenix Ohh huh, I think I suggested that too lol
@Phoenix (You linked an answer) I'll look at it
That he make a tacoscripts.min.js or something, so that we wouldn't have to install them one by one
a number with a finite representation in base 2 is a/2^b
your decimal input is a number x/10^y
with integer a, b, x, y
so if 5^y divides x it has a finite binary representation
@orlp 1 = 0.111.... meaning 0.111.... represents same value as 1 so in that case if I were to do 1 - 0.111... = 0 so decimal evalutes to a zero-value?
@WheatWizard oops ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@Phoenix Did someone post the haskell solution: zipWith(+)(repeat[1,0,-1,0])?
you can't say 0.111... = 1 and say it's a different value at the same time
they're the same number
What the hey
I've only cast 51 downvotes
two different representations of the same number
12 mins ago, by Wheat Wizard
@Downgoat Unless you represent it as 0.01111111111...
by saying this What Wizard was implying the different representation has a different value
I never said that so why are you quoting that to me?
@WheatWizard No
ok well you said same thing in above message
@Downgoat no, they weren't
No haskell yet
@Phoenix Cool I'm going to do that and then Brain-Flak
@Doorknob see above messages
they said 0.1 = 0.0111.... attepting to justify the repeating part would have a non-zero value
0.1 does equal 0.0111... in binary
I said 0.1 = 0.0111....
and that's correct (in binary)
they're the same number
sorry forgot dots
every number has both a terminating and infinite positional notation representation in any base
so when you ask for 'return if the number has an infinite representation'
no, you missed an important part
the answer is always 'yes'
what you should ask is
'does the number have a finite representation'
the repeating part shouldn't have a non-zero value
which is one of the criteria in my definition
in 0.1 = 0.0111.... the infinitely repeating part is 1
not zero
we're talking about numerical value not if you were to stringify the representation
what does it mean for a numerical value to repeat?
Ok so that is a better question
no, it was a rhetorical question
numerical values don't have anything that 'repeats'
only some representation we choose
(which you call 'stringifying')
Ok if you were to represent the repeating part as a portion of the whole numbrr (0.2333... as 0.03333) would it be zero or non-zero
well, in the case of 0.0111... the repeating part would be 0.0111..., which is non-zero
@WheatWizard feelsbadman
He beat me on the draw. I'm ok with it
Still, I'm sure no one will snipe BrainFlak
@orlp wait no 0.0111.... is 0.1 so subtracting it you'd get 0.1-0.0111... which is a non-zero value?
@Downgoat what the hell are you talking about now
@Downgoat No it's zero.
@Phoenix :38exactky
@Downgoat ok apply your definition now to 0.(10)...
@Phoenix I can't assume the array will not contain zeros right?
@orlp The value of the repeating portion independent from thr original value
@Downgoat ok, so do it with 0.(10)...
@WheatWizard Right. Makes it a bit harder, I guess.
@WheatWizard I actually tried that first because I'm bad with Haskell. cycle is the correct function, as we both learned
you also get 0.(10)... - 0.(10)... = 0
you are really confused
You'd have to do a check with [], but probably not too complicated
you just approach the whole problem from the wrong angle
I spent way to long on Hoogle trying to figure out the function name
you think that infinitely recurring numbers are interesting
when it's in fact the finite ones that are the exception
@WheatWizard Hoogle is love, Hoogle is life
@orlp who said 10, 00, 00, ... are the same repeating values?
@Downgoat 0.(10)... is 0.101010101010...
@DestructibleLemon (•◡•)/
so... I think that some parts of the ant koth are slightly unclear
but I will probably make a bot for it
also I'm still trying to figure out a good idea for a koth
maybe sylver coinage!
oh right, prime numbers make you win
Woo, only 600 more votes until gold ! :P
Wonder if I can get 6000 rep from seg faults
I posted another seg fault and got like 240 :P
See, everyone here complains that I get too much rep for seg faults
then upvotes it
no it's probably hnq
or something
Oh yeah that too
Poll: should I change my name to Segmentation Fault
@MDXF I saw a user earlier that was like "SEGSEV" or something...
whatever the actual code is
@SocraticPhoenix SIGSEGV yeah but that's a specific error code
Segmentation Fault is incredibly generic
@MDXF I'd say yes... but it's really your choice...
Yeah... the only reason I'm not is because I hate name-changing in general. There are probably about a thousand instances of @MDXF in comments, and if I changed my name those would all look weird
@MDXF if u want that name it's better to change now than later :)
Nah... I'll do it if 20 people tell me to or if I get 2000 more rep from seg faults :P
And change your profile pic
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ g'night y'all, don't forget to write lousy code with minimal effort, 'cause that's where the rep lies! o/
@MDXF what if I make a good profile picture?
what if there was a koth where you had a team that had to operate a space craft by moving around inside of it?
Does anyone know Husk?
@DestructibleLemon Yes you got it exactly - the random orientation is randomly rotated but not reflected - I've edited the spec to clarify this.
also the two queens issue I mentioned in the qoth room
@DestructibleLemon I'll answer that there once I've double checked the code to make sure I don't misinform you...
oh ok... what should it be like?
also the live player takes a long time (even with delay 0)... is there a quicker one to use?
For the sake of anyone reading the transcript, answers to both your questions in the relevant chat room
A: One OEIS after another

Leaky Nun65. Fortran (GFortran), 371 bytes, A000152 function A000152(n) integer :: n, i, a, sum, index, A000152 integer, dimension(n+1) :: gf gf(1) = 1 do i=2,n+1 gf(i) = 0 end do do a=1,16 do i=n+1,2,-1 sum = 0 index = 1 do while (index * index < i) sum = sum + 2 * gf(i - index * ...

Using gf again, in a newly learned language \o/
now the next sequence doesn't even need gf
> A000371 a(n) = Sum_{k=0..n} (-1)^(n-k)*binomial(n,k)*2^(2^k).
I'm making a GH repo for golfing Project Euler questions in various languages, anyone want to join?
@Qwerp-Derp that's like missing the entire point of PE
but I'm in
@LeakyNun How is it missing the point? :P
@Qwerp-Derp PE is obviously about efficiency
this is why it makes the arguments very large
Eh, efficiency schmfficiency
> schmff
Golfing code obviously improves efficiency - since there's less code, it's faster!
(the sad thing is, that's actually true for languages with very complicated/inefficient parsing steps)
This is the first one, I'm not sure if this even works
@Qwerp-Derp where's the GH?
@Qwerp-Derp add me as author?
@LeakyNun Uhh sure
So, no hard-coding?
@LeakyNun No hard-coding
What's your username?
@LeakyNun invited
@Qwerp-Derp accepted
I may not be able to contribute much today though
tomorrow I'll do more
@Qwerp-Derp but what counts as hard-coding? where's the line? can I, for example, precalculate which values to include in a cycle of 15?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

MD XFASCII quine quine we-really-need-an-ascii-tag Your challenge is to write a program that produces output which has an ASCII value sum identical to the program source. An example of an ASCII quine would be if the source code was ABC and the output was !!!!!!. This is because the sum of the the AS...

@LeakyNun Hmmm, that's a good point - maybe we should do PPCG rules?
@Qwerp-Derp If you want, you can invite me too, and I'll add some more. github.com/Mego
So if it's not acceptable on PPCG, then it's not acceptable on the repo.
@NewSandboxedPosts Thanks
@Qwerp-Derp it's different. PPCG won't have constant-output.
PPCG says, if you can hardcode it, then it isn't a good challenge
@LeakyNun but you can hardcode any challenge
@MDXF but it won't be shorter
@LeakyNun Uhhh... how about "you can't include the answer in the actual code?"
I don't think that'll help though
@Qwerp-Derp 233167+1
@LeakyNun That was what I was thinking of
But you can tell that it's hardcoded
let's just use common sense then

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