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ಠ_ಠ That Dennis had something to do with the downhill-ness of TNB. ಠ_ಠ
I was wrong, obiviously
Downgoat's userid?
Please don't accuse users of causing issues with chat.
I wasn't. I just want to pin down the moment when it became ... this.
Then why do specific user IDs matter to you?
i don't see anything wrong with... this
OH. Duh, what am I doing. Search for ಠ_ಠ.
That should get me near the point in time.
Jun 2 '14 at 13:50, by Trimsty
Okay, that didn't work. Lenny face?
Jun 20 '14 at 16:05, by mniip
@Geobits You think someone would do that? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Gah, that's after it.
Instance of " Can't outgolf dennis" or something similar?
Oct 31 '15 at 2:47, by quartata
I need to outgolf Dennis but I'm stuck at 17 bytes
Jun 20 '14 at 16:39, by m.buettner
^ what does it look like if someone stars this? (please? :))
Where is quartata, anyways?
in a place
First occurence of the word "meme"?

[no onebox]
Found a possible downhill date. https://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/240/2014/4/1
(of course, on my birthday)

 Star bait

People, please.
in Star bait, Jan 1 at 0:43, by Geobits
This whole room makes me sad.
LOL. That ever existed.
> Do you want to leave Star bait?
If only it kept starbait out of TNB...
Mar 31 '14 at 22:32, by TheDoctor
If people on SE could buy rep, how would life be different?
Interesting thought.
It was just for when there was a hat for stars, which we didn't want people trying for in TNB
Oh okay.
@HyperNeutrino I would have the same exact amount of rep
I wasn't active when that existed I think :P
@Phoenix same
possibly less if I could sell rep for real money $_$ :P
If I could buy things with rep I'd post a lot more often
Not because I wouldn't want to pay, but because I'm broke.
CMC: Make a program to loop until Dennis leaves TNB. Python: while 1:0
@HyperNeutrino APL: →1
Befunge, 0 bytes:
(btw I don't know Befunge)
All of you are false. He will eventually die.
And by "leave", I mean his icon no longer shows up on the right side, not Starman-leave.
@ZacharyT Blasphemy! Dennis is a God; he shall never die!
His body will die. (By then, we might make a code-golfing bot and name it Dennis)
anyway will be back soon
Please stop with the "mod is god" memes; they're like a 10* worse version of "dennis no outgolfed!"
What is Starman-leave???
@ZacharyT We used to have a user named El'Endia Starman
They left forever because there was too much noise in TNB
It was very sad.
How long ago was that?
TNBDE became outdated.
@ZacharyT I think February
We've had a number of users leave because of the noise. Unfortunately they don't all announce it so we don't know exactly how many we have lost
This year?
It was that recent?
I don't recall having ever seen El'Endia around before.
Then again I might not have been an active chatter back then.
Was it this February??
That kind of punctuation doesn't help the problem...
Yeah, that's the sort of stuff that causes people to leave, etc.
It's all because we are chatroom 240, if we were chatroom 420 we'd be set for life
<insert look of disaproval>
@HyperNeutrino <insert change.org link>
So, what is it with @EvilSheep and @Downgoat?
9 messages moved to Trash
Wow, so you guys are that quick to kick, I assume?
At the end of a conversation specifically about noise, after being asked not to use excessive punctuation, it doesn't seen that quick
I don't know if they actually did kick
They kicked.
Honestly, I just got here and didn't read the conversation above
Should have
I think it was more about asking not to be kicked
So I asked to not be kicked, then was immediately kicked?
It could have been an RO.
Besides, you should know better after having been kicked multiple times already.
Wait, you got kicked?
And you are not a low-rep user anymore.
@Mendeleev this is how you get kicked again
I wonder, what's the maximum kick time?
Wait, seriously?
30 minutes.
Please don't find it out in practice using me as a test subject
Kicks and suspensions are different. Kicks only go up to 30 minutes, and suspensions can be as long as a mod wants
OK, thanks
Sο, dοn't get suspended.
So you can do 9999 year suspensions?
I believe so
Just please don't do it to me
I can't
οverkill, οbviοusly.
ok, good
it'd be 256 years prob, can store in one byte
@Mendeleev You were kicked for an entirely off topic irrelevant image, not for asking not to be kicked (which has no reducing effect on previous messages)
@trichoplax OK, makes sense
I've seen irrelevant images posted (and starred) here a lot
We're not looking to suspend anyone. It's a last resort
And ban is fοr ... hοrrible ρeοple, I assume?
@Mendeleev You're right, and we're working to reduce that. We don't spot every one but I remove particularly irrelevant images and cancel stars where I can
@ZacharyT Ban == suspension
οh, just a life-lοng duratiοn?
@ZacharyT akaik you don't get banned on se
@ZacharyT Ban is not a separate thing from suspend. Suspensions are for unacceptable behaviours. People are all welcome, regardless of whether they have been previously suspended
Although there's no guarantees that even the Stack Exchange Network will last that long
though I hope it does
@Mendeleev archive.org
If it does, then a bot could get banned and "live" tο tell the tale.
@StephenS there's no guarantees that even archive.org will last that long
@Mendeleev If the Internet's still around, these sites will be, barring worldwide natural disasters
Heck, English language might not last that long.
You guys are pessimistic
Yοu're tοο οpimistic.
What's going to happen, another Tower of Babel or something?
No, just extinction of English language.
Due to spread of others.
Latin's still around, and I think English is much more prevalent now than Latin ever was
English has done it to a few, so who's to say one can't do it to English.
It's too big, it might die but it won't go extinct
It'll become the next Latin.
We have recordings now, so cryptoanalyists could always analyze them
@ZacharyT Then it's dead, not extinct :P
Sorry, misterminology
@ZacharyT well, if you are talking about your life time, you will have to be the last english speaker to make it happen
you can cryogenically freeze yourself
Nah, rather just have my brain made into software.
how do you know the hardware it runs on wont be destroyed?
How do you know your cryogenically frozen body won't be destroyed
@Uriel If you're on the web, and the web spread across the world like blueprints are imaging, the whole net would have to go down :P
@ZacharyT Because you buried it inside a pyramid... oh wait
That a plot to a movie or something?
I feel TNB needs one of these
@ZacharyT That's kinda the plot to ancient Egypt
@trichoplax I love the title text on that
@trichoplax All that'll do it fill people with the desire to link to obligatory xkcds
@StephenS I'd find that less depressing...
@StephenS well, it might go down if it would be restructured in the future
@trichoplax xD
as a part of some intergalactic communication system
@trichoplax Obligatory XKCD: Positive Attitude
Is it obligatory to post the horrifically low quality 3d version?
Considerably more readable
@Uriel cryonically*
and also it isn't freezing
Something's wrong here
Do they have an issue tracker?
Got to love it when Linux decides to randomly drop to 0%!
@trichoplax I don't know
@ZacharyT Please elaborate
CSS is basically the worst thing to happen to the modern internet. But I couldn't think of a better way to do it.
My plug wasn't in for like 5 minutes, then the battery percentage just dropped to 0.
JSSS was a thing.
I've got SCSS on a-ta.co
But, it's not much of an improvement.
@ATaco Why?
@ATaco hi
how is the bobby going?
@ATaco Any way to disable the parentheses auto completion? Which userscript is it in?
it is at your work at the moment? I was kind of disappointed I couldn't work on anything yesterday
@Mendeleev AutoFormatter, I don't use it myself.
OK, thanks
I just installed all of them]
@DestructibleLemon Well now it's in my hands, and I've not yet continued on it.
well... can you put the current thing on github mebbe?
@Mendeleev Lack of cross-browser consistency, low quality syntax and difficult positioning in a project designed around design.
@ATaco The consistency is on the browser devs, not the standard. The syntax issue is debatable. Positioning is easy with flexbox.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Beta DecayOutput the nth Supremely Magnanimous Number code-golf number Challenge Given a number, n as input, where 0 <= n <= 1000, output the nth supremely magnanimous number. Supremely Magnanimous Numbers Magnanimous numbers are numbers greater than or equal to 10 A magnanimous number is a number suc...

@Maltysen Is there any update on this? I'm currently considering migrating to Linode, but I won't if there's DO credit. ;)
Q: Short Date into English Long Date

GarethPWConvert short date format into English long date in as few bytes as possible. Input Input will be in the form of a string with format, yyyy-mm-dd, with zero padding optional for all values. You can assume that this is syntactically correct, but not necessarily a valid date. Negative year values...

I don't understand why we're so worried about thinking that PPCG has become a nasty site
I've found that SO is extremely hostile
That's why we're concerned. We don't want to follow their hostility.
IMO PPCG is one of the best sites
TNB isn't that bad.
We're just, a bit loud and careless.
TNB is a community of awesome people who do bad things sometimes
I think we have the strongest sense of community of all SE sites (maybe also along with Puzzling.SE) partly because we're not a Q+A site, we write challenges and solve them and have fun on this site. Q+A sites don't have as much fun as us :D
PPCG is the party site of SE
PPCG aka Ibiza

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