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@StephenS Me neither but you said to try a new language :)
"int(" = all integer conversion shortcuts... "stack" is all stack manipulation commands... etc.
@MagicOctopusUrn You're always welcome in the APL chat room.
@musicman523 Yup, that was the point :) now you have to find someone who actually knows it to debug it
Aahaha, as an introvert, I often forget that others are a learning resource.
INTP for life.
Stupid Apple and their darned need for keys everywhere, you can't put a make a dev version of an Apple app with a signing key
@MagicOctopusUrn INTP?
Also, if you like girls on Tinder it's not a bad pickup line to find nerdy girls lol.
@musicman523 you're probably missing a main function. e.g. in the footer: main = print $ f 1 2 3
"Whats your Meyers Briggs result?" "What?" Unmatch
@StephenS I didn't know there was a theory about that
@Jim there are multiple theories, don't stop at Meyers Briggs.
That's just the most widely accepted, with controversial results on border scenarios.
@Jim Myer's-Briggs just one (fairly popular) way of sorting people into buckets
It's fortune 500 accepted.
Which means that fortune 500 companies paid a company to give their employees that test.
@StephenS Well, that's also how I perceive that kind of theories
@MagicOctopusUrn Seriously? That's in the US?
I mean the study of psychology is generalization of the human mind.
@Jim This one's usually viewed more as a personality test than a theory
Yeah, I got mine for free from my company and they make me display it on my desk.
@MagicOctopusUrn That's a bit overboard 0.o for something that you can rig if you really want to
Oh yeah, for sure, but buckets are buckets.
The more you can generalize your population the more efficient your infrastructure.
@rogaos Thanks, Try it online! out of curiousity what does the $ do?
@MagicOctopusUrn I can't believe that. It seems so inappropriate
I mean our company is a joke, so it may be lol.
I'll omit what our company is.
@MagicOctopusUrn I think your company would appreciate that
Q: Degree of Unsaturation

Archie RoquesDegree of Unsaturation This is not a particularly hard code puzzle - but I'm interested to see your multiple ways of solving it. The Degree of Unsaturation is the number of double chemical bonds between atoms, and/or the number rings in a chemical compound. You will be given the molecular for...

@Jim It's probably certified by a "professional" MB test giver, so it's not that much different from a diploma or something like that
@MagicOctopusUrn What do you do at your company?
@musicman523 Anything that comes after $ has higher precedence for anything that comes before it. So basically it's a way to avoid parentheses in function application, which can get pretty out of control. It's the same as main = print (f 1 2 3).
@rogaos That's pretty sick. I wish Standard ML had such an operator. I wonder if I could define one...
@StephenS In my company, we don't ask employees to display it/them on their desk
Can you nest them?
I'm an enterprise PoC developer. They basically have me prove shit si possible.
Once you have a handle on $ and . you can make your haskell code as absurd as you like.
@rogaos . is function composition, yes?
@Jim Well, at least on the walls, right? or no
@MagicOctopusUrn Sometimes the projects are interesting
I'm approached by business units that have idea for enterprise website solutions, then I refresh them quickly using Groovy on Grails so they can further validate the idea of converting to AngularJS 2.0
@StephenS I never witnessed that
In essence I provide bullshit to prove trueshit.
@StephenS yeah. haskell.org/hoogle/?hoogle=. (the dot is part of the url)
@MagicOctopusUrn Where I work, the government gives grants for research projects like PoCs
Most of the time, companies abuse this
Doing so-called "research" projects
Imagine being asked to program a website that handles customer ordering. I create a valid database definition then I make a very shitty mock-UI that is devoid of JavaScript and JSON type efficiencies...
@Jim #bureaucracy
So it's like a static webpage with a valid database to prove a conceptual model ._.
And slowly, so slowly, I'm learning Angular and the required tech to publish my own fully-fledged web-solutions.
Our company just... Uhh... Doesn't know how to train IT resources.
@MagicOctopusUrn I'm not web developer, but I know that the learning curve of Angular is really steep
@MagicOctopusUrn I'm interning at a startup, they just said like "here's an app we want, we'll use Cordova, go make it, go learn jQuery and this design framework, and we'll write the backend", it's working atm
@Jim I hear it's not so much of a curve, it's more...............angular.
@musicman523 Don't know if I must star that or flee
Yeah... Web Development is a different beast, if you're over 30 with a heavy bias toward a langauge it'll hurt, alot.
@StephenS at least they tell you what they want it in. With me it's "BRO YOU MADE A WEBPAGE, YOU MUST BE A GOD?" Then me trying to explain to VP level people why it's not efficient enough to support 1,000 concurrent users because I don't know Angular.
@MagicOctopusUrn opls angular is like opposite if efficient
I'm not using angular is my point.
though react isn't better since people render the entire page on every request
I'm using full-stack bullshit to do front-end stuff because I'm a back-end developer
What backend syack
I prototype a full-stack J2EE app, then have people come in and reprogram what I make based on the database design
full-stack Groovy on Grails at the moment, with minimal JQuery to populate 500 item+ loads.
It's awful, and should be demolished.
Web development as a concept should be demolished.
Wait what why
@musicman523 In 20 years web development will all be drag and drop, mark my words
how else will website be a thing
No website, all plaintext. - Linus Torvalds
@Downgoat Abstract it enough, and you can just ask Watson for a website, hand him a 100 dollar bill, and you'll have one
@StephenS I honestly hope it never comes to that
Four open challenges at one time in a row with no answers, that's gotta be a record
Hmm... Lets look at it this way. As a full-stack application, when a user accesses a website, if it's full-stack the server serves all relevant information, correct? Not true... With angular you can sense messages with a fraction of the cost because you cache the styling information with the user while using JSON combined with MsgPack to send "minified" objects to the client from the server. This cuts server stress by over 1000%.
@StephenS Indeed, I think we're gonna tend towards web application. Google tried to introduce that with ChromeOS a few years ago, but too early I think
Some of my applicatios, if concurrently accessed by 1,000 people it'll crash.
If it was in angular, it'd be fine.
@StephenS 0/10 bluemix is pain in ass
@MagicOctopusUrn Well, obviously, you just gotta buy better servers
Stephen, that's the point of angular.
With angular the same shitty server that'd crash with my code would run flawlessly.
@MagicOctopusUrn I know
2048kb is all you need ._.
Which made me sad to learn.
@MagicOctopusUrn wait what angular is front end?
at least the angular I use is front end
@downgoat huh?
and shouldn't caching be do by web server not your backend app?
Back-end vs front-end: FIGHT
Well, yeah, I make prototypes as I said; I don't fuck with efficiency, unfortunately.
I want to learn the right way, but I've been doing my way for 8 years since grails was solid.
And they won't pay to teach me.
I just do memory leak analysis whenever my crap crashes and upgrade the stressful portions of the application to less stressfull alternatives.
I had a memory error last week that was simply from summing the number of attachments. It was eager fetching the objects and loading the full files in the memory just to count the number of attachments...
One activity with 60 attachments was crashing the whole system due to a "count attachment" query.
Just shows how stupid full-stack applications are compared to front-end mixed with API calls...
We're using AngularJS 4.0 + Protractor and JAX-RS to reimplement my PoC's atm, and it's working amazingly.
Protractor is an awesome E2E testing tool.
It's like cucumber, but it doesn't suck.
Who'll help me with a little bash question?
@Adám I can try
$2 is a filename
@Adám whats the error?
.code.tio is a filename
Is there an error or? What's the generic question?
I I need to create an alternate file which is identical to .code.tio, but has a trailing newline, and that filename should then be instead of the $2
Is that helpful?
Not trying to trivialize it, but usually S.E. answers trigger my thoughts more than anything.
@MagicOctopusUrn Well, afaict all those add the missing newline to the offending file. I need to create a new file consisting of the original content, plus a newline.
I don't know bash but I'm guessing it has a duplicate file command?
@trichoplax cp
Something like this?
cat .code.tio > newcode
echo "" >> newcode
@Adám Would something like cat .code.tio > newfile && echo "" >> newfile work?
Q: Minimal command to make a copy of a file

user13107I often find myself copy-pasting long path in order to create a copy of a file cp /path/to/file/file1 /path/to/file/file1.bkp Is there an alternative utility that will NOT require me to type the path/to/file twice? Something like - nameOfExecutible /path/to/file/file1 'bkp' Note: I don't w...

Whoa, that's a perfect ninja'd
How to duplicate a file: closed as duplicate...
@trichoplax nice try, starbait
@Jim I'm trying to learn, after being on DOS/Windows all my life.
@musicman523 It just amused me that the first result was a duplicate...
I have no idea man, linux kills me at work.
@trichoplax yeah no i'm just messing with you
I host shit on a WebSphere IBM instance on a RedHat base... So..
doing anything is hell.
@Adám cat will work fine but for anyone else reading your code cp will probably be more clear
@MagicOctopusUrn don't forget --no-preserve-root
I don't think you need the *
@MagicOctopusUrn An unknowing passerby might try that. Maybe you shouldn't post such?
@MagicOctopusUrn You can edit your messages rather than posting corrections
@musicman523 cp $2 newcode ?
@Adám Anyone who would just blindly try that deserves the consequences
@musicman523 That's right, so that would be a cp $2 newcode && echo "" >> newcode
@Adám cp $2 newcode && echo "" >> newcode to add the newline
And I misspelled illiterate, forcing me to learn the delete command.
@musicman523 SE is not the place for causing difficulties to people you consider deserve it
@trichoplax I kiddddddddd is a joke
Ah I see
@Adám If you need any more bash help let me know, I've been using Linux as my main OS for a year or so now so I've picked up some good tricks
@musicman523 @Jim Thank you so much.
Q: Make me a fence!

Christian DeanChallenge This is a simple challenge. Given two positive integers w and h create an ASCII fence with a width of w and a height of h. The fence should be constructed using the following rules: The + character will represent a post. The - character will be used to represent the width of the fenc...

Jesus, being at a bar in this chat does NOT work.
Relax - chat is just fine...
@MagicOctopusUrn You know you can delete your messages?
@MagicOctopusUrn Oh, and mods can move them to Trash too :-)
Ta da...
Aww it's not a really really hard one.
@HyperNeutrino I was on the verge of posting my solution when I discovered I had a bug with numbers of atoms greater than 9 ><
Pyth's r…9 is actually useful here
@Jim what language?
o Pyth?
My buggy solution is 29 bytes
ok good no competitor
(i mean not in my language)
note to anybody looking: dark souls 3 is 60% off on steam atm
it's $25 vs $60
@Jim I wouldn't use "words". How about "Swap character and digit runs"?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

JimMove words and numbers along Given an input string containing only alphanumeric characters and starting with a letter, shift all the numbers a word left. A word is a sequence of consecutive letters. Shifting to the left means that each word swaps its position with the number which follows. Note...

I think the bug in the compiler was that I had a , in comments
I am not smart sometimes
actually it was one of several bugs
You mean subtract 32, because this brings the values to a usuable level?
Hello guys, does this string ring some bell?
@HyperNeutrino yes
also I realised that the main bug was that I wrote move to zeroed cell when I should have written move to non-zero cell
o goodie looks like the bug done got fixed
nope there is still a bug
when I put in ; (last command) it doesn't work. rip
@Riker $\LaTeX$ is interfering
code is too large to post here without being spam
^ go here to see it
So, the issue was, I was autogenerating some of it (I know, heresy). however, I accidentally skipped over the command for 0
so all the command after there got shifted and stuff
How ironic
it could take screenshots of others, but not itself
@Mendeleev that reminds me of the joke about the handyman with the broken doorbell
@DestructibleLemon please don't bring prequel memes into here
yes pls do
@totallyhuman It's treason then
Please learn to spell
Hey, is there a quick way to turn a string into a list of characters in Jelly?

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