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use <nav> and <section> etc instead of <div class="nav"> etc plz
font differences are a little weird
in that <h2> is serif and the rest is sans-serif
monospaced versus not
maybe that's just me, though
I also feel the font differences cause reading to take more effort
@HyperNeutrino the section header fonts are eh
maybe a non-monospace but still "code-y" font would look better
for the theme, but not the weird spacing that monospace things have
@HyperNeutrino ^^^
@HyperNeutrino The h2 should have more margin-top than margin-bottom.
@HyperNeutrino imo make headers sans serif with very light font weight and solid white while body either 400 or 300 font weight with 0.8 opacity white
Should I use Open Sans again to reduce the number of fonts?
@HyperNeutrino ... you won first place in Canadia robot thing. That is achievement
not canadia, but ontario
Has anyone here ever used Kotlin/Scala/any non-Java JVM language? Are they good?
@HyperNeutrino that works what other fonts do you have?
@PhiNotPi Scala compiles to Java doesn't it?
@HyperNeutrino :| aren't they same
Q: Magnanimous numbers

Wheat WizardGiven an positive integer as input determine if it is a super magnanimous number. A magnanimous number is a number such that any insertion of a + sign between any two digits in base 10 results in an expression of a prime integer. For example 40427 is magnanimous because 4+0427 = 431 is prime...

> canadia
@Downgoat no ontario is a province, like CA being a state
it's one of the bigger ones I think though
Yea but CA is in US
and ON is in CA
@Riker sorry norther-USA
ontario is in canada
it's just not all of it
so canada is in the us
> north-USA
@KritixiLithos qed
brb writing a paper on this
@EriktheOutgolfer I don't think(?) it compiles to Java, but it at least does compile to Java bytecode and runs on the JVM.
Pretttyyy sure America is only country in America :P
@Downgoat uh ok then :p
I did have to explain to somebody the other day that alaska wasn't an island
he thought canada was just a thing on the map and it wasn't real
something to show how far away the us was from alaska
@PhiNotPi ikr
there were 4 of us + him in the car, all in absolute disbelief
Wait wat
Was he trolling? How old was he?
@Riker lol did they think it was island because it is separate in maps or something? :P
Apparently I'm not a real thing poofs into smoke
@PhiNotPi no and 14
@Downgoat no they thought canada didn't exist irl so therefore alaska was an island
@BusinessCat before you leave can you give me your rep
@Riker D: obviously sheep propaganda at work
@Riker By that logic there should be a fake country between Hawaii and the mainland
no I asked hawaii is just a set of islands
Did you ask why he thought that
eh has anyone heard of the ongoing virus attack and what's up with it
about hawaii? no I think he just was right about that
about alaska? no we were laughing too hard
@HyperNeutrino the one that kasik got?
But at the very least, he was able to locate Canada on a map
it's not that hard >_> it's bigger than the us
idk, i think it's some petya cyber attack
yeah looks right
yeah my dad's workplace shut down the entire system to prevent any attacks so he just got home cuz the workplace is just giving everyone a free paid leave and told everyone to get out lol
knowing how dumb people can be that's probably a good idea
:| obviously leaving work is best way to prevent virus
wait shit plane taking off bai
man listening to US Congress Committee hearings is so entertaining
o bai have fun on metal bird
@Downgoat have fun!
@Riker ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
TIL planes are metal birds
@HyperNeutrino yea, tho did you add responsive meta tag
@HyperNeutrino s/Programming Puzzles and Code Golf Stack Exchange/Programming Puzzles and Code Golf @ Stack Exchange/ or something like that, IMHO.
@Downgoat what is that
iphone JS butchering rendering of page for some reason >_<
@HyperNeutrino google it
@Downgoat is it cuz of the email obfuscator
@Riker lol ok
it's things that allow crawlers & some extensions to parse the page better
I think
19 hours ago, by Downgoat
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
either that or the page-width things
@LeakyNun lemme try that, that might look better
oh ok its' that
what does it do
Makes mobile phone not so stupid
ah ok
do i just stick it in the <head></head> section of every page
Basically adjusts for pixel scaling
:D 10/10 looks great now
@Downgoat you mean makes smartphone not so stupid...?
yay :D was not aware that mobile was that dumb
the title could use some left & right padding though
like the main title? hm
lol what is this
that anagram though
Dennis suggested anagram
oh ok if dennis suggest then it's good
@Downgoat how much do you suggest?
@HyperNeutrino 1em
Isn't that just a near-anagram? There was no G in the original name
just that on mobile phone header text goes to very edge of screen
@Dennis I suppose it is ._.
@BusinessCat carusocomputing
ok shit plane making loud noise I think taking off for real now bai
...I'm an idiot
@Downgoat o ok bai have fun on metal bird
No it is I'm just stupid
@HyperNeutrino I would leave your name in the h1 as a banner and not add the current page name. Instead, the "buttons" should indicate where I am, with an underline or background or foreground color. Also, you should add the page name to the <title> tag.
OH thank god.
@Adám oh interesting idea
also fixed padding
Better than the alternative... [NSFW Tag] Octopus *** Rag [/NSFW Tag]...
Was the third suggestion on the anagram engine ._.
Octopus sh*ep rag?
is plane not take off tho
I think moving toward runway
oh ok
you can tell it's taking off when it accelerates to about 130 kph in about 3 sec
Wait will mobile phone break plane because radio signal :P
do not mobile signal or wifi while plane is takeoff or landing
because atc may get interference with plane
@Downgoat yes
@WheatWizard 0(...) == 0o(...)
@WheatWizard octal???
._. ninja'd
@HyperNeutrino [citation-neded]
@WheatWizard leading zeroes makes it octal. 011 == 9
@Downgoat i am air cadet i learn metal bird science
i am citation
> neded
:O so you can make metal bird flap flap?
@MagicOctopusUrn I was about to say "yea it's not" but I realzied you're not timmyd/admborkbork
I don't like this
why do you have the same avatar >:U
@WheatWizard it's one of python's few annoying bits
@MagicOctopusUrn that's not nsfw unless you have very dirty brain
@Downgoat that sounds bad
@Downgoat no lol i can't fly planes i am too young but i theoretically could
I still haven't figured out what the NSFW name is and I'm not planning on making a serious attempt
what's wrong with spicy octopus rags? :P
yeah me too
not the same
@EriktheOutgolfer Idk, it's pretty bad...
Or maybe I just have a really dirty mind
@HyperNeutrino make sense, neutrino don't react to ordinate matter much (plane) :P
like, come on it's just a kind of spice
@Downgoat lol i see but yeah did plane take off yet
@HyperNeutrino close enough
@EriktheOutgolfer ikr what is with these people
>_< now making louder noise bai
Uhm i think I get it and it's not great...
@EriktheOutgolfer Ooooh, I forgot the last two letters. >_> Haha, yeah that's not as bad
Wait what plane stopped
this is confusinf
uh wat
i think you're just lining up with runway
topic change!
you're just turning towards runway
Ok shit now taking off
are you near wings
o ok fifth time already, but have fun on metal flappy bird :D
Yes right next to them
@Downgoat bye bye
ah ok. when flaps go all the way up then you're taking off
Ok not touch ground anymore
o ok bai have a safe flight o/ :D
Uh is plane suppose to make alarm sound
it won't bork, it will just get trash signals between ATC and plane
which usually doesn't cause problem
i'm surprised flight attendant did not murderize you yet
Why is goat on bird anyway
did goat bork?
ono bird helper murderized goat rip?
@Adám what would you say is the primary difference between Retina and QuadR other than the APLness?
:o ono did sheep put goat on bird D: D:
@KritixiLithos QuadR uses PCRE while Retina use .NET regex. QuadR isn't APLy per se (in fact, simple Retina submissions work in QuadR too) but has the ability to run arbitrary APL code on each match. I don't know much about .NET regex, so I'm not sure if it has overlapping matches like QuadS.
@Adám of course that implies you must have dyalog apl installed?
@EriktheOutgolfer Or use TIO.
@HyperNeutrino ono what did bird do
@HyperNeutrino Much better, but I didn't mean you should remove your name from the titles, just say "Home – Alex…"
oh, so QuadR does not execute the substitution/replacement one by one like Retina
@Downgoat oh yay you didn't die :D
@Adám oh ok lol. will do
@KritixiLithos No, which is part of its power. ME is now considering adding that to Retina :-)
> Me is now considering
@HyperNeutrino :D
that almost makes it look like you can't engrish
@HyperNeutrino Formatting: Too many heading styles. h1 is thin titlecase, navbar is thin uppercase, h2 bold titlecase.
What should I change?
Also h1 is just my name
@HyperNeutrino Make the h2 not bold (font size is enough) and make the navbar titlecase "Home About me Projects Contact"
h2 as in the About Me section headers?
@HyperNeutrino yes "Who am I?" etc.
Those aren't bold...
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Stephen SRemove Spaces, Maintaining Capitalization //Better title would be appreciated code-golf string Your input will be an English sentence, phrase, or word. It will only contain a-zA-Z' -,.!?. Your task is to take the input, remove spaces, and then redistribute capitalization such that letters at i...

@HyperNeutrino Oh, they just look so due to larger font. Hm. Make them font-weight: lighter;
okay. i'll also need to import another font weight then probably, but that should be fine (increases loading time a bit)
oh wait nvm don't need to
@HyperNeutrino Works by me.
@HyperNeutrino Also waiting for more margin-top than margin-bottom.
@Adám Question: do you use windows, mac, Linux, or other?
right, lemme go fix that. font-weight: lighter
@Downgoat Windows 10.
@KritixiLithos How does one detect runs of identical characters in PCRE?
@Adám ([chars])\1*
@Downgoat Right.
You should actually use relative capture group
@HyperNeutrino Canadian, eh?
@Downgoat ?
@Mayube >.<
I was poking fun at my canadian friend's accent last night
she was not amused
@Adám I think is \k'-1'
@KritixiLithos I can get this far, but I'm not sure how to flip it upside down.
TIL what relative capture groups are
oh wait i borked something now it looks like home is the current page in the navbar on every page
@Downgoat (.)\g-1* works, but is much longer.
What are you using for backend
@Adám \g does recursion IIRC
@HyperNeutrino yeah of your websitr
there is no backend
well i'm hosting on firebase
So no like react router
what is that
@HyperNeutrino That's good. Now if you want to be fancy: when the user slides down, the name banner shrinks or slides out, while the navbar sticks to the top of the window.
It's like a router which make do react thing
nope no that
@Adám how would i do that? i don't know much css especially not animations xD
@HyperNeutrino you'd need js
Ah okay. I haven't used JS in a while either :P
@HyperNeutrino you'd need JS but don't you dare use jQuery
use jQuery, be literally worse than satan
why is jq bad
why isn't jquery bad?
because it does nice things
like $(id).hide() instead of document.getElementById(id).outerHTML = ... hidden ...
or $.ajax()
@HyperNeutrino opls can be really short with ES6
jQuery promote really bad practice too
@Downgoat such as?
@StephenS super imperative static code that sucks for accessibility, SEO, and dynamic device sizes
@Downgoat Heh, I mostly use it with Cordova, so I bypass SEO, and use frameworks for dynamic sizing
how to make text decoration (underline) thinner?
@Adám is QuadR/S TC?
@HyperNeutrino This SO answer says take off the text-decoration and add a custom bottom border: stackoverflow.com/a/13840572/7605753
@KritixiLithos is Retina?
If Quad is TC, it should be able to do the challenge somehow
I think
@StephenS that's an interesting idea. thanks.
@Downgoat glad you got that sorted out
Pyth question: is there an equivalent of the Python's all()?
That is [True, False, True] -> False and [True, True] -> True
hey look, I accidentally did adam's suggestion about underlining the current link
@ConorO'Brien on a scale of sheep to goat. How important is having (+) over (a,b)=>a+b
@Downgoat the most magnificent goat that ever existed, though a different syntax would be acceptable
e.g. haskell's "`op`" or something
You're missing a comma.
> Downgoat, the most magnificent goat that ever existed
@KritixiLithos Of course; it is a superset of APL.
then the challenge should be very possible
I guess
@Jim Yes, that's .A
@HyperNeutrino Me too (very Google Material Design'y), but then you don't need the retained shading. Minimalism!
Hm. Personally, I still like the retained shading with the underline better, but that's my personal opinion on styling.
Although actually...
The retained shading breaks the navbar, which is meant to divide the header from the body
so having the shading breaks the division
yeah removing it looks nicer
@HyperNeutrino The scrolling should be only below the banner.
oh you mean the banner should stay floating and the rest of the page scrolls under it?
@HyperNeutrino Yes.
I'll need a lot of help with this one; the rest of it I was able to do but this one I have no idea D:
@HyperNeutrino oh good luck doing that with CSS
@Downgoat thanks i'll need the luck
Though flexbox could make it trivial
@HyperNeutrino "Contact Information and Links" on the Contacts page should be h3 (and therefore become lighter).
right. done.
@HyperNeutrino I managed to do it here: miserver.dyalog.com/Examples/Applications/Idiom_Search (change to show 100 entries)
ah, nice.
@KritixiLithos ^^ that page may be valuable to you for APL rather than CSS
how did you get it to float though?
@HyperNeutrino position: fixed
Lol my status page is down but everything else works
I broke something
@Adám oh no bad idea 0/10 don't do very bad idea position fix is like sheep of CSS
@HyperNeutrino what do you use for deploying your website?
@HyperNeutrino that font
@Okx firebase
CLI: firebase deploy
@KritixiLithos which one
your computer
i use surge
oh lol yeah everything is courier 10 pitch
There is a challenge that I want to make a simple edit to and repost it. Non-polygot to polygot. But the core challenge is the same so would that be bad?
is it the editor challenge?
hm surge looks interesting
@Downgoat how is it bad ? lol
@KritixiLithos no XD that being polygot XSD
It is hello-world with every other char
@Adam Just specifying position: fixed by itself doesn't work; what else is needed?
@ConorO'Brien really bad
@HyperNeutrino don't use position fix. Use flexbox and add overflow:scroll to the body div
Q: Every other hello-world polyglot bowling

ChristopherWrite a program that prints "Hello, World!". But also, if you take only the first, third, fifth, etc. characters of your program, the resulting program should still print "Hello, World!" in a different language. If your program is: abc def It should output "Hello, World!", but so should a...

New Main posts is slow.
@HyperNeutrino .main-title, .navbar{position:fixed;left:0;right:0} .main-title {top:0} .navbar{margin-top:-4em} .content{margin-top:10em}
%#*(YR*()#R# R456# RT9u )#R <-- What language?

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