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@HyperNeutrino Feel free to flag these for deletion. The roomba ignores questions with a positive score.
@Uriel WTF?
"The roomba", lol.
@Uriel "In (Obscure Implementation with complete documentation) how do I use (Implementation specific library function which does not at all follow Lua standards)?"
@Dennis Oh okay. Thanks.
If you think I'm joking, "Command+DELETE no longer working on Hammerspoon once the app focus switches to another"
"How can I add a 2nd NamePipe?" "Is Torch7 defined-by-run like Pytorch?" "Temporal CNN to classify sounds: cur_target assertion" "How to open a directory in Hammerspoon?"
@ATaco "I've almost all of the code, downloaded package X, imported package Y, installed package Z, and want to use feature W to calculate the factorial of a number. How do I do it?"
Wait ... it's seriously called that?
Which is all generally disappointing, because Lua is an excellent and powerful language in the right hands.
in the right hands
It's my favourite language for rapid prototyping code.
I am definitely not the right hands
Hey, does anyone here program D?
That doesn't look very golfable.
(I don't use D for golfing, of course)
Does anybody here program Malbolge?
Malbolge is a fine language, I think it might even be turing complete!
Anyone here program(ed) Dartmouth BASIC?
55 mins ago, by Uriel
50 rep for bubblegum answer
@Dennis Got to love it when people contradict themselves.
22 hours ago, by Dennis
Don't: Avoid using the term avoid in Don't sections.
Don't: Avoid saying what one shouldn't do.
>>> int('01001110110001011',2)
@DestructibleLemon I told you to include a worked out example
CMC: Given a list of numbers, output the product minus the sum.
I'm pretty sure Jelly can do this in 3 bytes.
@ATaco P_S
@ATaco in ascii
@ATaco how can I get EOF?
APL, ×/-+/
@DestructibleLemon Not part of the challenge, take it however is logical.
@ZacharyT ninja'd
2 days ago, by HyperNeutrino
2 hours ago, by Erik the Outgolfer
please, "ninja'd" should be restricted to when you actually post the message a split second later than somebody else posting the same message, and then you are the one who is ninja'd
I'm not sure what is logical... I guess the length of the stack on TOS
He did, he just removed the message.
@DestructibleLemon How would you normally format a list of numbers?
I was thinking of using sad-flak
Q: Parse a list of lists into a Sad-List

Destructible LemonIn this challenge, you must parse a list of lists, into a simpler list format. This challenge is based on my sadflak parser. In my sadflak parser, it has all the () removed, replaced with the sum of the ()s at the start of the list, to make the program run faster. To parse into a Sad-List, you ...

Jelly, P-S.
@ZacharyT I can do it in 4. good night :)
o_o, HOW?
@ZacharyT This doesn't seem to work.
3 mins ago, by Leaky Nun
@ATaco P_S
ninja'd, and yours wasn't correct. Sorry :P
I know that works.
- is reserved for use in a literal negative number.
Crap, I meant _! I always seem to forget that.
in that case, ninja'd :P
it's so that you can do -1 in one byte
I know that, but why - for literal and _ for subtraction?
Because otherwise weird things would happen if you try to have both as the same character.
And not `-` for subtraction and `_` for literal?
Or was it just some random design choice?
Why did we choose × to mean multiplcation and not !?
Q: Draw an ASCII contour plot

helloworld922Consider the following 3x3 blocks which the marching squares algorithm would identify for every cell (with 0-based labeled ID): 0: ... ... ... 1: ... ... \.. 2: ... ... ../ 3: ... --- ... 4: ..\ ... ... 5: /.. ... ../ 6: .|. .|. .|. 7: /.. ... ... 8: /.. ... ... 9: .|. .|. .|. 10: ..\ ...

@ZacharyT I wanted to keep some consistency between code and I/O. Since I/O using Python syntax and thus - for negation, I kept it the same way in the code.
6 messages moved to Trash because, apparently, I don't have anything better to do.
well, second time I got trashed, probably should stop. sorry @​Dennis
It's possible to kill a Coroutine in lua from outside it, this will come in handy
"Lua has no class"
@Downgoat So to integrate any changes from origin, I just have to do git fetch origin followed by a git merge origin/develop (or whatever branch I'm working on.) Correct?
whoops sorry feersum
@Riker The "Don't tell me how to live my life" award goes to...
tfw you click on a starred message posted an hour ago for context, and it's literally 2 messages above what you were already reading
@Riker That cube illustration on the box either looks convex or concave, switching mentally every 2 seconds or so
@ETHproductions congrats, welcome to my life
@LegionMammal978 :| cannot be unseen
You're welcome.
@LegionMammal978 no it is flat
@DestructibleLemon Dang it, you just put my perception in an unstable equilibrium
Maybe it's a HYPERCUBE but aligned in such a way that it looks like a 3d cube on a 2d plane.
@ATaco are you interested in a compiler chain project?
ok then
@ATaco what is your github username so I can invite you to my organisation?
Guys I just answered the contour map challenge here; does anyone have any golfing tips or tips on how to make it less of a mess?
@HyperNeutrino Why do you have k=lambda if you're just using it on one value twice
good point
but it's invalid anyway right now
because 10 and 5 are different :/
@StephenS you failed
@DestructibleLemon dat not nice >.<
don't think that's what it was supposed to look like
   _ _ _
Yes that
thanks xD
@HyperNeutrino it's true though
lol true
anyway i should go sleep now, got an english final tomorrow morning >.<
@ATaco are you interested in compiler chain or not ;_;
@DestructibleLemon Sorry, was out to lunch
Where do you live that it's lunch time? o.o
I thought about using brainfuck but with interactive io at the bottom but I'm not bound to it
@ATaco invite sent
@ETHproductions Australia, still.
Ah right
Our times are strange, you get used to it
@HyperNeutrino I don't understand the need for l=list if you're going to use it just once in the code
ok, @ATaco do you think there is a better lang to have at the bottom level?
@HyperNeutrino also, [k:][:3] is shorter than [k:k+3] if k is long
@DestructibleLemon I don't even know what this is tbh
so, what you do, is starting from the base language, write a compiler in the latest language, from a new lang, to the latest lang
and do that a bunch of times
That's horrifying, I love it.
so, I was thinking that the only requirements are:
TC, interactive IO
So BF is the easiest to write, so we should start there.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Stephen SASCII Rubik's Cube code-golf kolmogorov-complexity ascii-art Inspired by this and the following chat: Your task is to output the following: _ _ _ /_/_/_/\ /_/_/_/\/\ /_/_/_/\/\/\ \_\_\_\/\/\/ \_\_\_\/\/ \_\_\_\/ Extra leading or trailing whitespace is allowed, as long as it is no...

CMC: output the following
@LeakyNun Can I output as a stack of stacks?
If so, RProgN2, 19 bytes. 6R«x=05R{x*x+7%}r»r
Apparently my phone doesn't know what a monospace font is and has decided to render code formatting in the default serif font.
Ooh, the desktop version of chat apparently works fine
Q: Sandbox Visualization Module Emulator

junkmailThe Zachtronics game TIS-100 contains a graphics display called the visualization module. I could try and explain the specs of this module, but the game's manual will do a better job: (As you may have guessed, the motivation of this problem is to create a code golf challenge in which TIS-100 is...

wtf re.sub doesn't work if you want to include brackets ffs
wtf it doesn't remove digits what on earth
@DestructibleLemon I'm 90% sure you're doing whatever it is that you're doing wrong
@DestructibleLemon Sure it does
>>> re.sub("[^+-\[\]]","","sadds00012-213-3aaa3")
please explain to me what I did to deserve this?
You should be using raw strings for regexes
ok then
- creates a range.
oh right
So once again, the problem was not with Python
Also there's no reason to escape [ inside of a character class
also fairly sure raw isn't that significant
@Mego why not
@DestructibleLemon It is. It would be trying to process backslash escapes without it
@DestructibleLemon Because [ isn't a special character inside of a character class
mhmmm. no harm by having it there
Sure, but it's not necessary, which is what I said (in slightly different words)
@Mego what do you mean? it works fine without raw strings*
@DestructibleLemon That specific example does, but there are plenty of good reasons to use raw strings for regexes. For example, if you wanted to match a word boundary, r'\b' is a lot neater than '\\b'. And goats forbid you try to match a literal backslash escape sequence without raw strings ('\\\\b' is terrible).
It's so terrible that I had to try multiple times to remember how to do an escaped backslash in regex without a raw string
This reminds me of a certain xkcd
@ETHproductions Yep (was about to link it)
anyway I have to continue my interpreter
@LeakyNun Nice one. That might be wortjy of main.
Question: if the language has to query an external source (which happens to be tracked by git) does that violate loophole?
e.g. a dataset for a certain function
planning on doing like wolfram goat detector but IIRC Mathematica has option to download the stuffs
@Downgoat Potentially, but you could argue that updates from the external source constitute different language versions, given that the external source is version controlled
If it's a function of the language rather than the program, and you can choose which version you get, then I don't think it runs afoul of that loophole
hm, ok, what if I have a server which interacts with VSL and updates responses based on previous requests
@Downgoat Updates responses how?
example is /howManyTimesHasThisEndpointBeenQueried
but actual example might be user submitted data to, lets say, dataset
I think it would depend on the functionality
e.g. If I were to have a list of lots and lots of prime and VSL can upload new prime to dataset
CMC implement the alt text of this xkcd
If the only thing that would change is the speed of execution (e.g. bypassing the primality test if the server has the result cached), then it should be valid in challenges that aren't or have run time restrictions.
(a program that finds the line with the highest ratio of special characters to regular alphanumeric characters in .bash_history)
does whitespace count as special character
@WheatWizard Define special characters and regular alphanumeric characters
^ what is an irregular alphanumeric character. Is it like an letter w/ accent?
alphanumeric: 1234567890qwertyuiopasdfgjhklmnbvczxQAZWSXEDCRFVTGBYHNUJMIKOLP
@WheatWizard I think you're missing a few
Alphanum is [a-zA-Z0-9] special characters is [\x32-\x8F] where not in alphanum.
Maybe just have it defined by \w and \W
can we take input as a string of .bashrc contents or do we have to read file?
@ATaco Underscore is often included in alnum (it is in regex, for example)
@Downgoat why would you want the .bashrc?
@ATaco "[\x32-\x8F]" What?
shit sorry mean .bash_history
No input, you should read from the file.
@ETHproductions Visible Ascii, from space to ~+1
Did you mean [\x20-\x7F]?
Really it should be \x8E, but I like that little box character, I respect it.
@Mego \w is word, not alnum.
I Infact did mean 7
I'm stopping standing by 32.
JS ES6: (s,g=x=>x.split(/\w/).length/x.split(/\W/).length) => s.split\n.reduce((p,f)=>g(f)>g(p)?f:p) you can modify regexes based on what you like
Because I was thinking dec.
I'm a failure
You somehow managed to think dec and hex simultaneously there
Don't question me I'm fabulous.
@Dennis From Python's re docs: "Matches characters considered alphanumeric in the ASCII character set; this is equivalent to [a-zA-Z0-9_]."
That's just wrong. _ is neither alphabetic nor numeric.
> A word is defined as a sequence of Unicode alphanumeric or underscore characters[.]
(same document)
@ETHproductions If I have a function g, do you know how I can find the element i in array a where g(i) is greatest in JS?
I am doing reduce but not working :|
I think you need a default value
by default reduce use first elem in arary IIRC
Actually no, it works fine for me
@WheatWizard Python 3, 119 bytes: import re;print(max(open('.bash_history'),key=lambda s:(re.match(r'\W',s)and re.match(r'\W',s).lastindex or 0)/len(s)))
@Downgoat Can I see more of your code?
@ETHproductions entire code is (s,g=x=>x.split(/\W/).length/x.split(/\w/).length) => s.split`\n`.reduce((o,n)=>g(o)>g(n)?o:n)
Requires running in ~ because apparently ~/.bash_history doesn't work as a file path for open
@LeakyNun 7²R×:¥%t0o⁷ 10 bytes with a trailing or leading newline, 9 bytes with both.
@Mego I dislike python but max(,key=) is like the best thing ever >_<
@Downgoat I dislike JS but... Actually no, I don't have anything to add to that :P
@Downgoat This totally works for me, unless I misunderstand what it's supposed to do
oh it's suppose to do above challenge
@Mego Nice. This considers _ as alphanumeric?
if I map each item on function g, it gives correct weights
Can you give an example where the whole function fails though?
@WheatWizard Yep, as per \w
@ETHproductions my test is 123goat\ngoat\n12433\ngoatboat and it outputs goat
Well all of those have a ratio of 0
wait what
why does mapping on g output 0.125, 0.2, 0.16666666666666666, 0.1111111111111111 O_o\
oh /1 ok I see
I am idiot
Add a ~- before each of the x.split's
why subtract one?
Q: That's Radical!

qwrThe radical of a positive integer n is the product of the distinct prime factors of n. Your task is to calculate this value. For example, rad(60) = rad(2*2*3*5) = 2*3*5 = 30. Input: A positive integer n, with 2 ≤ n ≤ 1,000,000. Output: rad(n) Test cases: (More test cases than you could ever n...

@Mego Are you sure this works? I have tried it on my computer and its getting the wrong result.
@Mego I used to dislike JS, but now that I've been using it for a-ta.co, I've got Stockholm syndrome.
@Downgoat Because .split(x).length gives the number of occurences of x plus one
@ATaco aww yiss evil js machine is working huh
@WheatWizard It works for me
@ETHproductions yea that is corect otherwise would be divide by zero and result in major bork
Hm ok, I'm getting a command with only alphanumerics.
Well true, but you could just do ||0
Oh wait I'm comparing against the length of the string, rather than computing the nonalnum/alnum ratio
And I know I've run a command with symbols before
@ETHproductions divide by zero result in Infinity which is truthy?
What's borked about that? It will just give one of the lines that doesn't contain any alphanumeric chars
that means ! and !!!! will both have same score where !!!! should be chosen no?
Oh should it?
You should be comparing by score and then by length then
Actually I think your current code accomplishes exactly that... :P
Or maybe it's backwards
Yeah comparing the ratios is much harder because of infinities
(s,g=x=>x.split(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/).length/x.split(/[a-zA-Z0-9]/).length) => s.split`\n`.reduce((o,n)=>g(o)>g(n)?o:n) works :D
regex can probably be golfed
tested on 123goat\ngoat\n12433\ngoatboat and outputs 12433
/[\W_]/, /[^\W_]/
@Downgoat wait what? that's not the longest, or the shortest, or the first, or the last
@ETHproductions huh [\W_\d] is still shorter than [a-zA-Z]
@Downgoat Add a ~- before the first x.split and everything should be good
I really don't want to try to golf it
That is the cleanest, most thorough code I have seen written by a PPCGer in a long time, even takes care to handle undefined (mentioning it by name for that matter). Bravo to you sir
@ETHproductions Heh, I am actually very capable of writing clean code, and I'm sure many people here are similarly capable. We just usually don't see each other's clean code.
Golfed: const max=[]::reduce((a,b)=>g(b)>g(a)?b:a)
Right, I can too, but I usually don't... PPCG has somewhat taught me to just get working code and not take the time to think out every edge case. Good thing I'm studying CS at college in the fall
@Downgoat Our solutions were nearly identical: (i,k=x=>x)=>i.reduce((o,n)=>k(o)>k(n)?o:n)
wait nvm won't work with bind
@Downgoat Some people just want to see the world babel :P
@ETHproductions no is actually stage-2 ES7
I think
Oh it is now? It wasn't when I checked a couple days ago
GOSH Darn it apostrophe, why do you have to be right next to the enter button
@Downgoat Nope, still at stage 0
would be very surprise if at stage 0
See "function bind syntax"
:O idea: us PPCG JSers should make TC proposal with awesome golf feature
O_o how is null propogation further than bind
:O there is bigint porpoisal
because this is tough
null is not
nvm only babylon :(
I see someone hasn't checked the proposals repo in a while
The one thing that's finalized for ES2018 so far is lifting template literal restriction (TL;DR: allow things like \unicode and \xerxes in template literals)
WP gives some of the best advice on SE imo
@ATaco WP as in WordPress?
@Downgoat WP as in Workplace
The ancient Chinese had a curse, "May you have highly voted Workplace.SE questions."
can you guys help me write rc4
2 hours later…
The C-submission works on one row at a time. If it gives the same result for all 4 rotations, is it safe to assume that the solution is unique? @isaacg
Maybe flip it horizontally/vertically too...
@StewieGriffin Why is the grid so small?
Ah I see many people have already asked that.
@feersum Because I borrowed it from the app, and I have no idea how to make new test cases that are both unique and non-trivial.
One would expect a grid suitable for casual human solving to be too easy for computers.
I'm quite sure I can't do it manually, and the only program I'm comfortable making something like that in is MATLAB. I only have Octave installed on this computer and I'm quite sure it's not fast enough to (and/or I'm not skilled enough) to make bulletproof large test-cases using only Octave. :(
@feersum agreed... I changed it from code-golf to fastest-code when there were two submissions, whereas one couldn't solve 11-by-11 in less than a minute (and a requirement in the original post was 12-by-12 in less than a minute), and the other one used more than one second. I know Javascript isn't exactly made for speed, but still, I figured it was a bit harder than I had anticipated and decided to change it...
Why would you expect code golf answers to be fast?
I wouldn't... But I would expect them to be able to solve the test cases... And two different users said the test cases were too large for their approaches... (One comment is removed now, I'm not sure whose it was).
In hindsight I should have seen that the test cases were too small. I still think fastest-code is better than code-golf for this challenge... It just suck that I'm (likely) not able to make large enough test cases...
Cops and robbers coming up: Cops: Make a board in less than a minute with a unique solution of size n-by-n (as large as you can) that will take robbers more than 1 minute to solve. Robbers: Solve it in less than a minute..
You should be able to create test cases by using existing solvers.
E.g. generate some random areas. Randomly add trees until the grid becomes unsolvable.
Then undo the last operation.
Then check if there is a unique solution.
I'm looking into it now,,, the unfortunate thing is: I don't know any C or Clingo... I'm not even sure how to install and run it properly :P
I'm not a programmer... Not even close... I just enjoy playing around with MATLAB once in a while, since that's what I used when I wrote my Master's...
I guess you could make the test cases by hand if you really had to...
How large do you think they must be...?
I probably won't be able to finish it today unfortunately... My daughter will wake up in a little while, and I'm afraid I have to spend time with her, and not here... :)
Q: Block of digits

Leaky NunOutput/print this block of text: 1234567890 2468013579 3691470258 4815926037 5049382716 6172839405 7306295184 8520741963 9753108642 0987654321 Acceptable formats include: Trailing newlines/whitespace List of strings List of lists of characters List of lists of integers However, list of int...

Q: Never Gonna Give You Up

Benedict Randall ShawThis one is fairly simple; your task is simply to play the audio from Rick Astley's Never Gonna Give You Up. It should ideally run on Ubuntu 16.04 for ease of testing, but if not, specify the OS on which it runs. Rules Default Loopholes apply. Scoring This is code-golf, the shortest valid ...

Morning chaps
almost noon actually
but still
@MartinEnder do you think you can golf this answer?
I think I have finished my bf interpreter!
wait nevermind :P it is still buggèd
I think I have gotten rid of the bugs?
if that is possible
I believe that exact sentence is a programmer's summoning incantation to summon bugs
also anyone want to join the compiiler chain project* now?
my hands are not good at typing things sometimes
compiler chain project?
so, you make a compiler for a (new) language to the language the compiler is written in
then someone does the same for the language that was just made
and so on
lang0 is InterBF, bf but with interactive IO
@Mayube are you interested?
also my in chat rep number is interesting again
starts and ends with 4s, and the the middle is 9 and 6, which are rotations
@LeakyNun didn't really look at yours but here's 59 bytes: tio.run/##K0otycxL/…
@MartinEnder wow...
wait, when did $#1$* become a thing?
it always was, I think
the left-hand operand of $* can be any token
@MartinEnder Why does Retina use .NET regex. Isn't PCRE more powerful?
I'll fight you
@MartinEnder maybe you should post it as an answer
o shit
things heating up in the regex fandom
anyway, see you everyone
@MartinEnder I've been considering making a mini language which is just an interface to ⎕R
@Adám seriously though, it's a bit hard to compare. PCRE has recursion whereas .NET has balancing groups. I think balancing groups are more versatile, but I'm not sure about their actual respective compatibility classes
I've been considering optionally supporting PCRE in Retina as well, because recursion can often save bytes, but I haven't gotten around to it yet. and the longterm goal is for Retina to get its own regex flavour anyway
with balancing groups and recursion?
with all the things, hopefully
I have an idea to generalise backreferences and recursion/subroutines into a single concept that's a bit more flexible. but really, writing my own regex flavour is way down the line.
implement all the things
@MartinEnder Can you give me a simple example of balancing groups? I have no idea what they are (despite Dyalog supporting both PCRE and .NET regex).
@Adám stackoverflow.com/a/17004406/1633117 basically, capturing groups in .NET are stacks, which gives you a different way to match balanced strings. but they can also be used for all kinds of arithmetic.
@MartinEnder thanks.
@LeakyNun done
btw, I don't really understand how yours works
Is there a way in excel to get the value of a cell ?
@AlexKChen yup
I mean, I am making a rearranagment inequality simulator in excel, so at [i][j] it should be s[i]*t[j], and doing that I need a formula which would tell the value of cell the formula itself is in.
  5 	6 	7 	8	 9 10
2 5*2	6*2   ...

1 5*1   6*4  ...

4 5*4


For doing something like this ^ in excel, and I just enter [5,6,7,8,9,10] and [2,1,4,5,6] and it calculates the product.
@MartinEnder OK, I'm finishing up the new language. Probably pretty similar to Retina, but using PCRE. It does have ability to use any APL function to modify the matches, though.
@Adám will it be called RetinAPL? :D
@Mayube No. Why is Retina called Retina?
No clue
@Mayube It is called QuadR
@Adám I always thought it was named after retinas, like retinal scan - matching/ comparing stuff
@Dennis this is about as bad as starting off a Don't with "forget to..."
@DigitalTrauma I was trying to come up with a nice word that would work as an acronym, but failed. The word "retina" was quite close to some of the attempts, and I liked the word. I never managed to retcon it into an acronym though and have since given up on that. So yeah the "re" is sort of for "regular expressions" and maybe the "n" for ".NET", but ultimately it's just a word that sounded nice. — Martin Ender ♦ Feb 9 '16 at 21:41
(cc @Uriel)
fair nuff
Q: ASCII art for torrent UI

LiefdeWenProblem Recreate the UI from a torrent program Given no input, output the following: +----------+----------+----------+ |a.exe |##########|seeding | +----------+----------+----------+ |b.exe 10% |# |leeching | +----------+----------+----------+ |c.exe |##########|seeding |...

@MartinEnder RegularExpressionsTerselyIn.NetApparatus
@Downgoat plz accept pr
Q: ASCII Rubik's Cube

Stephen SInspired by this and the following chat: Your task is to output the following: _ _ _ /_/_/_/\ /_/_/_/\/\ /_/_/_/\/\/\ \_\_\_\/\/\/ \_\_\_\/\/ \_\_\_\/ Extra leading or trailing whitespace is allowed, as long as it does not change the appearance of the cube. As usual, returning the ...

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