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It's a variable, in this particular case it's the current index (0, 1, 2, 3, ...)
Quetion: where are routes specified in a rails app?
Which language used fnu or v for loops? Was it Pyth?
I think so, but I'm not certain
Nope, it's not
It's not Jelly or CJam
Maybe 05AB1E
Definetly not @BusinessCat
@Mr.Xcoder v is a for each loop in 05AB1E
@Riley not what I was after, sorry
It actually is Pyth
Give me sth super simple to solve in Pyth, I really wanna learn it
@Mr.Xcoder VTR?
V-ote T-o R-eopen
@Adám ^
this goat is cooler than you :P
Please, no
btw :( did a mod nuke the goat rickroll?
This goat is "downer" than you
to be fair only 1/3ish of that goat is actually "down"
1/3ish and downer hurt English a lot... That goat was really cooler than we are :((
@Downgoat What goat rickroll?
If anyone knows Pyth, can this be golfed? VrZQN for printing the numbers up to the input.
@Mr.Xcoder I think U does that (UQ specifically)
@Downgoat Now I really hate built-ins!
Sorry, Mathematica!
@Adnan Awesome. Thanks!
Mathematica is excellent
Actually just U alone produces [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ... , n]
I didn't now Pyth handles those cases
@ATaco Chat Commands : Allow mixing arbitrary o and _ for generating ಠ_ಠ faces.
what if i just want to post "o_o"
@betseg Then you just post o_o
o_O are you talking about o_o faces?
but it will post "ಠ_ಠ" by Phoenix' suggestion
Jun 3 at 6:08, by Phoenix
You can make the pr
@betseg It needs a / for commands
@Downgoat IDK enough JS
Also : Allow escaping the /
CMC: Make a language with more built-ins than Mathematica
@Phoenix string.replace(/o(_+)o/, "$1ಠ")
@Mr.Xcoder this is not very mini :P
@Downgoat Needs arbitrary o also.
@Downgoat This was actually a Chat - MACRO - Challenge
@Downgoat o_o_o -> ಠ_ಠ_ಠ
@betseg Only if you put a slash before it
@Phoenix solution: string.replace(/[oಠ](_+)o/, "ಠ$1ಠ")
@Mr.Xcoder Mathematica, except there's a built-in which will find the builtin with the given name (unless that already exists)
It's not too hard.
Just take Mathematica and add one built-in.
Done :P
Good luck copy-pasting the built-in list @HyperNeutrino
@Mr.Xcoder Thanks, I'll need the luck.
Wait so is the language spec for Mathematica free?
@Mr.Xcoder Code Mega Challenge
@MDXF yes
@programmer5000 That joke was old before I even joined TNB
@programmer5000 true
language is also free but not open source
Wait what?
@Downgoat Wait I thought Mathematica was not free
No it isn't...
No Mathematica is not free
@MDXF the online version is free
Free as in what?
Free as in beer, at least
Also, Mathics.
Are you sure you're not talking about Mathics?
@programmer5000 as in you don't need to pay money?
What about the list of built0ins
But since the spec is free it would be theoretically possible to write a free, open-source Mathematica interpreter/compiler
Q: Swep tha vowels!

Comrade SparklePonyNote: the title was misspelled intentionally. Given a string s, swap the first vowel runs of every 2 words. For this challenge, y is considered a vowel. For example, given an input of "great day sir": 1. Input: "gr[ea]t day sir" 2. Identify pairs of words: "[great day] [sir]" (No word for sir ...

Wolfram Language Lab is free online
;_; I've run out of TNB stars noooo
@HyperNeutrino mathics is subset of mathematca feature
@HyperNeutrino that is not good thing s/:o/;_; :P
@Phoenix Free or free of charge?
2 mins ago, by Phoenix
Free as in beer, at least
@HyperNeutrino How long until you get more?
@Downgoat That doesn't imply that Mathematica is free though
@MDXF 3.5 hours or so
I am dominating the starboard today :O I have like ten starred messages
Yeah, exactly, stop starbaiting >.< :P
@HyperNeutrino ok now confuse
@HyperNeutrino Hey I'm not starbaiting, half of the time
the iOS joke was starbait :P but other than that I was just trying to be funny/serious depending on the message
@Mr.Xcoder APL, 39 bytes: ⍎¨↓⎕A[⍉26⊥⍣¯1⊢l],'←',⍕⍪l←⍳1E4
@MDXF your message before this one was the most starbaity a starbait message could get :P
"We have friends?" ~ gets almost 10 stars ~
@HyperNeutrino The most starred message of all time was "stop abusing stars"
of course, the juic avocad meme should've been top
oh no
@MDXF no
@HyperNeutrino I don't see why not :P i try for thirtee minut and no stars
there are three types of old: 1) CD-era old 2) french teacher old 3) avocado meme old. All three progressively older
@Downgoat 4) chat-mega-challenge old
@Downgoat lol "french teacher old" that is true for my french teacher; she taught some of the parents of my classmates :o
:O SE search has OBOE
@Downgoat gasp StackExchange has an oboe? I've always wanted to learn that
@MDXF no, you really don't, 0/10 do not reccomend :P
Oo do you play?
I'm pretty good at avoiding OBOEs
Oboe = musical instrument
just FYI if you didn't get the joke
@MDXF Oboe is really hard would not recommend
Violin is probably harder
@MDXF ik :P
@MDXF IDK about Strings but oboe is one of the hardest wind instruments
Hm, I know the violin is the hardest string instrument and I've heard it called the hardest instrument in general but I haven't tried wind instruments
@HyperNeutrino Yes. When writing a language, make sure it is stringly typed
Do not use var, 0/10 would not recommend. Use str 10/10 works every time
weak typing is interesting
@Phoenix Absolutely
@HyperNeutrino But easier
Weak typing < Strong typing
@MDXF opls you can barely even reach the top of a double bass :P
@Downgoat Doesn't make it harder per se
Weak typing > Strong typing
@Phoenix No. String typing, if it does not have str it does not qualify as strongly typed
Math: $Weak typing > Strong typing$
@programmer5000 are we talking about ref counting, language typing, or like finger-typing-on-keyboard typing
@programmer5000 MathJax is not a thing
@HyperNeutrino O_O
...unless you have the userscript
@Downgoat language
Wait there's a MathJax userscript?
is he playing that with a squeegee
It's a tacoscript
@MDXF Comes with atacos scripts ninja'd
What did I tell you about installing all of them
... to do it :P
@MDXF it's borked last i checked
Dangit @ATaco
Looks like @Noone is needed :P
Wait we're talking about the AutoChatJax Tacoscript?
@Downgoat It's fine it just occasionally get's triggered on accident when there's two dollar signs in something.
$not necessarily$
Except the french accented chars, which mëssès úp ÉVÊRÝTHÏNG!
Especially links
@programmer5000 What about it
Oh wait were you talking about the one to parse MathJax in chats on the client or the one that replaces things with images?
@HyperNeutrino The former
Oh okay. Never mind then.
Also, I type french chars using the compose key :3
What compose key?
It's a setting on Linux.
Holy crap I had, no joke, 55 different bugs in my Rubik's Cube visualizer
How many tokens are in your program?
Makes some pretty cool images
@HyperNeutrino mine?
I just discoverd SuperTuxKart
It is a great game.
@MDXF yes
Define tokens, it's a C program
lol I set the cell size to 0
@MDXF chars works too i guess
idk a couple thousand
Can I get a GH link if you have one?
Nope, a couple ten-thousand (oops lol)
No because I don't want anyone to see this atrocity
And also I remembered that I can't read C.
Ah :P
Then what are you doing with your life?
I don't have a life.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

DaffyTitle: Simple encryption for people on a byte budget Overview Your goal is to implement RC4 encryption. RC4 encryption, invented by Ron Rivest (of RSA fame), was designed to be secure, yet simple enough to be implemented from memory by military soldiers on the battlefield. Today, there are seve...

@HyperNeutrino Accurate for most code-golfers
Or, like me more recently, language writers
And Rubik's Cubers, and physicists, and chemists, programmers... scientists in general :P
stop being discriminatory to scientists >.< xD
I am a scientist lol
(lambda x:''.join(x.split())[2:0:-1])('MD XF')
That is the weirdest way to achieve an emoticon I have ever seen (lambda x:''.join(x.split())[2:0:-1])('MD XF')
No from now on you must write it like (lambda x:''.join(x.split())[2:0:-1])('MD XF')
@HyperNeutrino Damn you
I am gonna delete that repo :P
don't public-repo things you don't want other people to find ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
It's on the internet permanently now :P
I had no idea it was so freaking buggy when I pushed it
Yeah yeah yeah but I'm pushing changes as soon as I work out the 55th bug
But oh god just simply doing R is bad
I'm on #53
At least R4 = I
@HyperNeutrino u talking to me?
Oh is my code that bad? :P
R4 means rotate right 4 times, I is Identity
Sorry I meant to say e not I
That is not implemented
I know
...so far
I meant to say that doing R 4 times gives the original back
but pls don't use that code
Literally the only test I performed on it was RRLLFFBBUUDD
too late now
which, for some reason, worked, while literally nothing else does
@MDXF at least do a real algorithm!
Ha ikr lol
Why on earth did this get starred?
Good question. I wonder the same.
I'm tempted to leak the URL to your rubik's cube thingy... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I'm not that mean
Firing testing intern in 3... 2...
Q: Menger Sponge Generator

Noah CristinoChallenge My challenge, is for you to generate a Menger Sponge based on the level/iteration given. You only need to draw one face, but 3d is also acceptable. You can draw it anyway you want including ASCII, like the examples. Examples Input: 0 Output: * Input: 1 Output: *** * * *** In...

Q: Sierpinski Carpets

Paul ClavierWho doesn't love a good fractal? The Sierpinski Carpet is a classic example of a fractal. To complete this task, you will be required to generate a carpet of type and print the resulting image to the stdout (see example below for formatting) , representing the level carpet. Steps can be found o...

@NewMainPosts Now I want the cubes they used to make that picture
See my edit, you now have to do 3d :(. Sorry, I didn't want my question to be a duplicate of codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/40104/sierpinski-carpet‌​sNoah Cristino 39 secs ago
Well not it's unclear instead of duplicate.
All right so I borked my cube algorithm properly, now I can un-bork it the right way
@DJMcMayhem Well now it's wrong in so many ways. But still pretty much a dupe
At least you hadn't gotten any votes /shrug
@all stop upvoting that challenge ಠ_ಠ
@MDXF Just build one yourself! megamenger.com
@Mendeleev :O where was this when I was looking for yesterday ;_;
@Downgoat Same place it is right now
@Mendeleev ಠ_ಠ
@Mendeleev no chat is scrolling up as new message are post so not really :P
@Downgoat kek
A: Sierpinski Carpets

DJMcMayhemV, 21 bytes (non-competing) é*Àñ}yPgvr PGï3pyGHP Try it online! Hexdump: 00000000: e92a c0f1 167d 7950 6776 7220 5047 ef33 .*...}yPgvr PG.3 00000010: 7079 4748 50 pyGHP V is newer than the challenge, so it must be marked as non-competing. But still, it's nice ...

Just moved my answer. I guess that's the best response to a dupe
That's one way to do it
I'm proud of beating the shortest answer by 7 bytes (and they're even using characters instead)
How do I kick someone from a room?
Oh nvm
:O please don't
I won't. I'm just showing you how :P
Yeah I know :P someone's being obnoxious in one of my rooms and if they continue...
Can someone give me $700 so I can buy a 3D printer
@Mendeleev If you give me 70,000 rep in bounties somehow
@MDXF That's Dennis's job :)
@Mendeleev Asking for rep is one thing, but asking for money is another level lol
@TuxCopter I'm clearly joking lol
@TuxCopter How do I remember which accents(?) go on which letters in French words?
@Mendeleev your school doesn't have?
@Downgoat School has 4 3D printers, but school year ends in like a week
I have a 3d printer or six in my basement
so I can't use them over the sumemr
For a/à the rule is if it can't be replaced by a conjugation of avoir it's à otherwise it's a
@MDXF Wait, seriously? Cool
@TuxCopter Thanks
For non-grammatical accents idk
@Mendeleev Yeah I usually 3d print computer chassis-es or whatever the plural of that is
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Noah CristinoChallenge My challenge, is for you to generate a Menger Sponge based on the level/iteration given. You need to draw it in 3d, anyway you can. Examples Inputs: 0, 1, 2, 3 Outputs: Background Information What is a Menger Sponge In mathematics, the Menger sponge (also known as the Meng...

@NewSandboxedPosts Um
The user already posted that
@MDXF Plural of chassis is chassis
Oh :P
Well, either way... that :P
What type?
Closer to mITX or ATX?
Towers? Cubes?
CMC: Given a string containing accented vowels, (in any encoding you like) return the same string with all of the vowels unaccented.
hëlló wòrld --> hello world
I've always wanted to 3D print a computer case
@DJMcMayhem That's already been done, "HE COMETH NOT"
@Mendeleev Usually mITX
But it's not really the entire chassis, that wouldn't work, just walls and such
@DJMcMayhem Ruby: require 'i18n';->a{I18n.transliterate a}
@MDXF Right, I can see how
Although I've printed (in place) functional hinges and ballbearings before
The most useful thing I ever printed was a fidget spinner :P I printed like eight hundred and made over a thousand bucks online
But yeah, there's the whole supports thing
@MDXF What how do you buy bearings that cheap
@Mendeleev Bulk
Although, again, 3D printed ball bearings... hmmm...
You just gave me an idea
3d printing ball bearings is not the best idea, but it's cheap and dirty and it gets the job done (some of the time)
Those spin for like three seconds, but I don't want to think about fidget spinners, I don't miss having pure autism around me at all hours of the day (it's a joke, but I don't miss it)
Are they supposed to spin longer?
Yes? Metal ones can spin for probably a minute and a half
The shorter the spin, the less autism you have :)
HA that's one way to look at it
Yeah my sister has one that spins for like 230 seconds (I timed it)
Wow that's kind of impressive
I like how four users left as soon as I posted that
Q: I'm new to code golf, what are some things I should know?

ATMunnI've never done code golf before, but it looks fun. I have some questions though. Should I learn some golfing languages, or just try some challenges out with the languages I know? (I know C# and Python) Are there any types of challenges I should try first, or should avoid until I'm better? Are th...

Q: Resurrection Sandbox

carusocomputingI've noticed recently a few challenges were closed as duplicates, but when I visited the page of the duplicate I realized that my answer would be non-competing. Therefore, instead of working tirelessly on an answer that never will be seen, I often opt to just not participate. I've often also seen...

If you go to Stack exchange's homepage, you can view the number of arbitrary hotness points each post has by hovering over a link
@Mendeleev I wonder if you could have a fidget spinner where, instead of ball bearings, you use magnetic fields to provide a practically frictionless surface
Q: String manipulation simplification in Go

kissgyorgyI'm pretty sure this can be written as a couple of lines, but I'm unable to come up with a better solution than this: package main import ( "fmt" "math/big" ) func colonedSerial(i *big.Int) string { hex := fmt.Sprintf("%x", i) if len(hex)%2 == 1 { hex = "0" + hex } ...

Then you can take it to space and have an infinite spin
I bet they've made magnetic-field fidget spinners
That's just a spinner that attracts magnetic material :(
Well hey, the upside is, you can invent it, patent it, and make millions
And I wouldn't be surprised if you made literally millions
@MDXF Pretty sure there's one
Easily doable with a superconducting spinner with a hole in the middle, wherethrough there runs a stick (thinner than the hole, with a magnet on each end.
@HyperNeutrino The Rubik's cube thing is slightly less trash
Correction: It's trash. I used the most trashy methods to achieve the desired results. But it almost works.
@Adám is wherethrough an actual word?
oh it really appears to be one!
@Adám thanks, I just googled it=)
Q: In Honor of Adam West

carusocomputingAdam West passed away, and I'd like to honor his memory here on PPCG, though I doubt he knew of our existence. While there are many, many different things that this man is known for, none are more prominent than his role as the original batman. I'll always remember my step-father still watching t...

@flawr There is a whole family of them: where+with,by,in,to,of,as,…
@Adám I know, but I'm never sure which ones actually are used in english:)
@flawr I chose it as something that would emulate the style of a patent description.
I assumed that=) But does e.g. withby exist?
(I think not)
@BetaDecay Good idea
@flawr no, wherewith, whereby, wherein, whereto, whereof, whereas.
ah I read that wrong=)
(cause within works too)
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Wheat WizardA while ago I asked you to write a way to compare python's infinitely nested lists. Haskell doesn't allow self-referential lists like Python, but it does allow infinitely long lists and these are pretty cool too. Just like python Haskell uses a recursive method to determine if two lists are equa...

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How the...
My internship is insane

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