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What about it?
That makes it difficult (but it won't be fun without it too).
@DJMcMayhem Business Cat asked: Do I need to worry about markdown (i.e. backticks around the code)?, i.e. one must write the code with backticks to format like code
I think that is a non-sense
I need replacement suggestions for shortC
@Mr.Xcoder Ah. We'll say either way is fine (if you put backticks around your message, but not your code, that is fine, if you include the backticks in your code, that is also fine)
It is already hard. Really, quine with backticks
Anyone here do C?
@DJMcMayhem Bonus points: Make it in the form of <lang>, <n> bytes: [`<code>`](<TIO Link>)
@Phoenix that's evil
I'd give all my points to anyone who could do that
I can C # (see sharp).
Dennis made a TIO quine once
(not really, but a lot)
He never revealed it to anyone
@Arjun but java programmers don't :)), they're visually basic.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Mr. XcoderHeptagonal Numbers code-golfdecision-problemnumbers A heptagonal number is a figurate number that can represent a heptagon. Given a number, return a truthy / falsey value depending on whether it represents a heptagonal number. In other words, it can be written as: Where n is an integer. Hep...

given a particular square, what's the shortest way to generate the next square without using sqrt()?
@Mr.Xcoder Hahaha. I never saw that one. Lol
aka, f(9) -> 16, f(36)->49
@NathanMerrill Downvoted, do X without Y
hey, Math.sqrt() is too many bytes
@Arjun you couldn't have seen it... I invented it.
this isn't an actual question, nor is it a CMC. It's a question :)
@Mr.Xcoder Awesome!
I know, I know :)
Maybe something to do with squares being sums of odd numbers?
yeah, but the only way I can figure to get the odd number is using sqrt
@NathanMerrill Is ** 0.5 acceptable?
@NathanMerrill dennis should have a word on that.
@DJMcMayhem that's basically sqrt :(
Sum odd numbers until it is greater than the input
@MDXF Would this be valid behaviour:
@KritixiLithos Does it follow all of the rules?
def NextSquare(n):
    sum = 0
    i = 1
    while sum < n:
        sum += i
        i+= 2
    return sum
note that since the framerate is high, each letter sends mutiple keypresses
That wouldn't really be any shorter though
it follows all the rules I think, let me double check
I think ** 0.5 is the best.
(Best = Shortest)
@KritixiLithos Did you see this? I'm very proud of it
Most languages don't support float exponentiation.
CMC: Output the most starred reply to the most recent CMC
yeah, it follows all the rules, so I guess I'll post it if you think it's still valid
Any thoughts about the above Sandbox post? Is it a dupe (couldn't find one)?
@programmer5000 CMC replies tend to not get stars
CMC: Output the sum of the indexes of the vowels in a string (0-indexed)
@DJMcMayhem that's really neat!
abedi -> 0 + 2 + 4 = 6
@Phoenix Nathan was asking for something shorter that Math.sqrt(). I assumed that he was using JS (as it too implements square root as such; although I may be wrong). JS supports float exponentiation, hence the assertion.
Math.sqrt() looked like Java to me.
It's present in JS as well though.
Q: Pad a file with zeroes

PhoenixYour task today will be to take an existing file and appened zeroes to it until it reaches a certain size. You must write a program or function which takes the name of a file in the current directory f and a number of bytes b. While maintaining the original content of f, you must write zeroes (...

Q: Seqrching a list of algorithmic exercices with intelligent solutions (not complex algorithms)

younes zeboudjI have seen a pdf containing approximately 100 algorithmic exercices with very optimal solutions. As a hint : I remember my friend told me that those exercises was for a contest, the goal was to find the optimal algorithm (time/N° instructions) for a problem. I wonder if i can find something simi...

Q: Which wire to cut

xnorThis task is about compressing and processing a sequence of conditionals. In the game Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes, a bomb defuser must disarm a bomb with the help of instructions relayed by experts consulting a convoluted Bomb Defusal Manual. This challenge deals with the module "On the S...

3 posts at once o_O
@Mr.Xcoder Can I do 1 indexed if it's standard for my language?
@DJMcMayhem yeah... anyways no one else is interested in that. 1-indexed is fine as well
@Mr.Xcoder MATL, 7 bytes (1-indexed): 13Y2mfs
0-indexed for 8: 13Y2mfqs
Challenge idea: Given a string s and a length l, generate every possible combination of characters in s of length l
@DJMcMayhem I was more than 99% sure that you were about to use MATL... Good job thiugh
@LeakyNun This is how you can view images you posted: http://chat.stackexchange.com/search?q=img&room=240&user=<your user ID>
@MDXF the fastest CMC to Challenge idea conversion ever :)
@Mr.Xcoder Yeah I don't really want it to be a CMC :P
@MDXF That's gonna have a bunch of built-ins. For example, XN in MATL
Can anyone do that in C? :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing Try it online! Not at all.
@MDXF please don't ask for that. You will kill my processor :)))
CMC : Given n, output n "z"s followed by n dots and then followed by n-1 "z"s and n-1 dots and so on up to n-(n-1) "z"s and dots.
@Arjun CMC: Understand Arjun's CMC.
@programmer5000 done.
def f(n):for i in range(n,0):print "z"*n+"."*n
I think
n-(n-1) == 1
IDK if range works like that
Might need to be range(1,n+1,-1)
range includes the start but excludes the end
@Arjun V, 14 bytes: ÀézÀá.òÙÓz®òÍî
And can't count down apparently
@DJMcMayhem You call that code? That's insane. How do come up with that?
@Arjun just as readable as every jelly answer to me
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I've been writing V almost daily for over a year.
It's not that complicated if you look at the little pieces of it
Which char is the upper underscore? (First char of the emoji)?
None of those pieces are keys on an actual keyboard, so you can't just figure out what that's in Vim
@Phoenix They're all typeable in vim with the alt key. And they're mapped to things that make sense. For example, é is alt-i, and it means insert a single character
Àéz             " 'n' z's
   Àá.          " 'n' .'s
      ò    ò    " Recursively:
       Ù        "   Duplicate this line
        Óz®     "   Remove 'z.'
            Íî  " Remove all newlines
Oh hey, I can take 4 bytes off: Try it online!
Àéz -> n z's . yeah, makes sense.
Hi, everyone!
Thought you were zzz...
@DJMcMayhem Why is é alt-i and not alt-e
IDK. But I know that alt just adds 128 to the ASCII code point (sets the high-bit)
@Mr.Xcoder I sleep at 4 am, wake up at 11 am.
@Phoenix that's what i've been trying to figure out for 5 min now:))
If you're going off of accent though, you could also do <C-k>'e
@Mr.Xcoder You posted that message exactly at 0:00 (5:30 + GMT)
WOW, I'm brilliant :D
@Arjun India.
@Adám Yes, I am from India.
@Arjun 13 years old-s are talking in TNB at 0:00 (5:30 + GMT)
That makes sense :)
@Arjun The 5:30 gives it away.
@Adám As well as directly stating on their profile :P
@Mr.Xcoder Haha..
@DJMcMayhem ⍨
@Adám 10/10 emoji
The real reason to use an APL keyboard
@Phoenix ⍥
@Adám So does नमस्ते दुनिया (Hello World in Hindi) Remember?
@Adam what keystrokes have you used for ⍨?
I love the way APL code looks like the face you make when you read it. DJMcMayhem Dec 26 '16 at 18:43
@Mr.Xcoder APL+Shift+T
APL, I'm coming for you ⍨
I have this se data query: data.stackexchange.com/meta.codegolf/query/683029/… . How can I make it exclude answers that have the substring king-of-the-hill in the answer body?
@Mr.Xcoder I'm considering giving "scheduled event" classes in the APL chat room. Interested?
Forget it... APL beats me to it...
Though contact you if interested
Question : Why did the goat cross the road?
To eat the cabbage?
@Arjun It thought it was a cow (in India).
I know somebody who can answer that...
I will come back in 3mins
@Adám lol.
@totallyhuman The goat?
@Arjun I think you should ask @Downgoat
@Arjun there was tincan on other side
LOL True.
The many faces of APL: ⍨ ⍥ ⍤ ⍣ ⍢
@Downgoat Goats like tin cans?
@Arjun :| what do you think goat eat
@Adám I see only one face : that rectangular box. Like [].
What's it called, BTW?
@cairdcoinheringaahing I can't find any reference to that anywhere
@Arjun You need a proper font, like TIO's.
You know what they are called?
Putting it on the record: I will offer x 500rep bounties when a solution is found for this where x is the number of years it has been posted.
@Arjun The box is (obviously) called a Quad, but those were not quads, those where Commute, Upon, Rank, Power, Under.
@MDXF reference to what?
2 hours ago, by caird coinheringaahing
@MDXF pyramids
@MDXF ask @ETHproductions about a pyramid 2D language (I think he made it)
@cairdcoinheringaahing Add that to the list of unlimitited bounties
@programmer5000 there are 7 pages of answers for this challenge... protect that shiz
@programmer5000 when I get round to it
Okay, @ETHproductions have you written any triangle-based 2-D langs?
@cairdcoinheringaahing you should ask dim. You know, the famous answer for the tetris clock:)
@Adám, is your name pronounced like Adam or differently?
Adaem i think
Well, the emphasis is on the second 'a'
@Arjun Like Adam. The acute accent is used in Danish to indicate stress because Adam by default is pronounced A-dam in Danish, but my parents wanted it to be stressed like in Hebrew; a-DAM.
As indicated by the accent
@Mr.Xcoder now I feel sad. He has 5k rep for 8 posts
@Phoenix That only works in languages that use ´ to indicate emphasis. Any other than Danish do that?
I do feel sad too
Q: Is editing a challenge to fix a testcase allowed?

CalculatorFelineIt seems as if allowing this would speed up testcase correction and reduce comments.

@Phoenix TIL.
CMC: The shortest code to display the country you are from. The shortest code in every COUNTRY wins.
:o are you trying to get people to reveal their origins
@Adám Although in very many languages it's used in pronunciation guides
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Wheat WizardName needed answer-chainingrestricted-source Each answer will get a "toolbox" that can be used to construct a program. The toolbox will consist of two things: a list of programming languages a list of valid characters You must write a valid program in one of the languages provided using on...

In Russian it's sometimes used in books written for small children when there's a large word.
@totallyhuman no. It's up to them
@totallyhuman Turn :o 90° to get ö
:o Ö D:
@totallyhuman CMC: Given a sideways face (which can be turned) turn it 90° clockwise.
:o → ö
ö  → o:
:⊃ → Ü
:- → ï
:* → ⍣
:○ → ⍥
⍤  → ∘:
is graphical output allowed? :P
@totallyhuman No, Unicode only
@Mr.Xcoder Charcoal, 2 bytes: Try it online!
Halp! I have been bitten by an insect on one of my eyelid. I can't even open it properly. Only 1/5th of it can be opened.
I would have to specify exactly which transformations must be covered.
@Arjun First zombies, now insects‽
@Arjun 1/5? That's impressively precise.
Is interrobang part of the APL keyboard now?
@Adám This one's true, I swear.
@Adám Somewhere around that.
@Phoenix Only my APL keyboard: AltGr+Shift+U,?
5 keys o_0
Once I was bitten by an insect on my lips. They swelled up to be twice their original size.
Star this if you hate insects
As in, don't post such messages
@Arjun Some people pay doctors a fortune for that ;-)
@Phoenix that is soo creative, wow!
@Arjun Haven't we had enough starbait today ಠ_ಠ
@Mr.Xcoder ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ you made a crappy challenge I posted a crappy answer
@Phoenix I admired your answer, in fact. :\
@Phoenix C'mon bro, I never had a single star!
Now you have 2.
@MDXF Yesterday for me. It's 12:30 here ;)
@Arjun Try earning them by posting intresting things
@Arjun Today UTC :P
or try earning stars by posting authoritative messages
Can't delete now, though.
it works most of the time
@MDXF Uh... no? I've made a cube-based language but AFAIK there's no such thing as a triangle- or pyramid-based esolang
Though of course there's Hexagony by Martin which is based on hexagons
@totallyhuman se @Phoenix 's comment :)
@ETHproductions Good, so I'll be the first
It works most of the time, 80% of the time.
I'm working on one called Triangular
@ETHproductions Pyramid scheme?
@Arjun My father was probably one of the first people to do online shopping. He proudly showed me the dot-matrix printed transcript showing the shipping date was the day before the order date.
my first attempt at a 2d lang, it's coming along very well
Oh right
It's not topographically a triangle though, like Hexagony and Cubix represent hexagons and cubes
@MDXF After I discovered HAL/S, all other 2D langs are like meh.
I have a challenge based on it.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

carusocomputingThat's Great Mate, I Rate it Eight out of Eight! Awhile back a couple enterprising Australians came up with a fairly funny substitution for words that sound like they have the number 8 in them. The above phrase, when expressed using this short-hand substitution looks a little like this: That's ...

@Adám Oh, wow.
@MDXF Yup, I mean, which language has built-ins for operating a friggin spaceship?
@Adám O_o
CMC: Write a language that has built-ins for operating a spaceship
which spaceship though is the question. We need access to the API
@MDXF isn't that what Mathematica is for? :]
@Mr.Xcoder Accurate
It does have a built-in for that, right?
@Mr.Xcoder Exactly.
@Mr.Xcoder Yes, it does. I used it when I went to Jupiter to have some gaseous ice cream :P
Swift's SpriteKit platform games are, initially, provided with a spinning spaceship, that gets placed on screen when te user taps :)
@MDXF APL has two star destroyers: ⍒ ⍋ See also dyalog.com/blog/2015/12/apl-puns
@Adám ಠ_ಠ
This is Swift's ˆˆ
Sideways: ⪪
Okay. This time, I am really going to sleep. Meet you guys tom(m)or(r)ow (24 hours from now).
@MDXF PHP has a spaceship operator
So... technically a spaceship built-in
Or rather, a built-in spaceship operator
I think it qualifies as a built-in for operating spaceships ;)
Ruby has it too, I guess
CMC: output this picture of sheep in fewest bytes, but take in arg n which is desired width of sheep:
   ┃┃┃   ┃┃┃
   ┗┛┛   ┗┗┛
Could I get feedback on my sandboxed question:
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Wheat WizardMacgyver's Toolbox answer-chainingrestricted-source Each answer will get a "toolbox" that can be used to construct a program. The toolbox will consist of two things: a list of programming languages a list of valid characters You must write a valid program in one of the languages provided u...

@Downgoat Carrot, 4 bytes, evil
@Downgoat That's so cool.
sheep are evil
@KritixiLithos pls TIO link
there's no TIO link, but there is a GH-pages one: kritixilithos.github.io/Carrot
example evil code: aeeeeeeeuuuuuuwaaaaaaeeeeeee
Malbolge and JS are the only truly evil languages.
Malbolge is HELL
@KritixiLithos porgram not working :/
i see nothiing wrong
it outputs evil
@Downgoat What shell
@Mendeleev zsh
I use zsh too
what theme?
@Mendeleev ...speaking of which...
the covfefe question now only needs two more upvotes to beat the all color image challenge
and is the 8th highest voted question on ppcg
this is not OK but very OK at the same time
I swear if it gets top I want to flag for mod attention to have them reverse 200 all of the votes :P
And speaking of memes, memescript 2.0 is gonna be based on the covfefe meme
plz no
what the frick frack tic tac snick snack slack mack patty wack patty wack quarterback frick frack <- prints 75 in memescript 1.0 xD
I am tempted to downvote cofefe just to prevent it from passing the all color image challenge
@programmer5000 Your pithy downvote shall do no good
We must invoke the sockpuppets
@MDXF I think we need a SE employee sockpuppet mod to prevent covfefe from passing the all color image challenge
I shall rule the world
With downvotes
Whatt my sock isn't even the same team as me :(
@programmer5000 we shall flag all the mods
@MDXF which sock?
first of all, let me point out that this isn't going to go well
Covfefe is at +345/-10
@MDXF Please don't use socks for chatting
@programmer5000 :| Covfefe is no way better then goats ¬_¬
@DJMcMayhem I was only joking, I wasn't going to consistently use it
Just OOC did you ban it?
I'm not capable of banning, but I did kick it
Oh okay
o0 socks are tolerated?
Generally when someone brings a sock into chat, it immediately devolves into everybody getting out socks and posting nonsense
@DJMcMayhem Ohh okay I see
they predicted the future
evil sheep's here
Who is @EvilSheep?
I'm guessing that's a sock too :P
guess who's sock it is
I am a goat / chatbot. I may say stupid/hostile things so please don't suspend me if I say something bad
Everyone's a sock of someone else, without knowing it.
@programmer5000 We are all socks of Jon Skeet
@MDXF ...who is a sock of JA
@MDXF what is this?
just so you guys know
@Downgoat Your sock, I'm guessing
jon skeet posted one answer on ppcg
only one
@MDXF who is a sock of John Skeet
@totallyhuman How many votes?
and then never came back
@totallyhuman link??
He got 30 votes?!
A: Fibonacci function or sequence

Jon SkeetC# 4, 58 bytes Stream (69; 65 if weakly typed to IEnumerable) (Assuming a using directive for System.Collections.Generic.) IEnumerable<int>F(){int c=0,n=1;for(;;){yield return c;n+=c;c=n-c;}} Single value (58) int F(uint n,int x=0,int y=1){return n<1?x:F(n-1,y,x+y);}

Something tells me it's just 'cause he's Jon Skeet
@MDXF goats don't wear socks
@Downgoat But downgoats do
something tells me nobody knew who he was back in 2011
because there's nobody in the comments going nuts
To put it in context, it's far from the highest voted answer on that challenge (it was a very highly voted challenge)
CMC (Chat Mega Challenge): Make a userscript that adds a "Newest" tab to sort answers
Is there a time when you'd want to see new answers but wouldn't want to see recently improved answers?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

programmer5000code-challenge answer-chaining polyglot Print something Your "challenge" is to write a program that outputs something. Output rules: You must output / print something (empty output is forbidden) in an acceptable output format of your language Your program must not error: Exit with a code o...

Ah I see
If you try to chain on the most active but not most recent, than you could cause alot of confusion
I actually might make that CMC a challenge on main
Or on meta
Woo! Gold meta badge
I'm not sure which would be on-topic
@trichoplax What didja do?
I posted a question on meta and it got 10k views :)
As a workaround you can just sort by oldest and then go to the end, but that is tedious, especially if there are several pages of answers
(admittedly I posted it a long time ago...)
That's the one - it had a rather narrower intended scope originally but it's grown...
I really want the silver badge...
I'm like 60 points away
Is the required score for a tag badge rep or votes?
60 points = 60 votes
has there been a computer virus challenge?
@Mendeleev We don't like malicious code
Yay I'm getting the enthusiast badge tomorrow
Can't imagine why I'm an enthusiast, I totally didn't get 3.5k rep in less than a month
enthusiast = active member for 30 consecutive days
I know
I'm just saying, I deserve it (IMO) :P
@EriktheOutgolfer wall of text??
oh no less than that
I'm confused
@MDXF "Member for 7 months"
Consistent rep since May 7
Reasonable amount of rep since May 18
I was a member for about a year and half before consistently participating

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