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If n==3
that's what I mean, sorry
@L3viathan yes
I guessed but just making sure :)
Hello world. I'm just discovering the chat features : is there some kind of "list of good chat rooms to start with" (for codegolf, or even more generally) ?
for codegolf this is the only active one afaik
Site rooms shows the recently active rooms for Programming Puzzles & Code Golf. Which are more interesting you will have to decide for yourself though...
there are some programming language-specific golfing one
but most general ppcg discussion happens here
@OlivierDulac and some sand
There appear to be 18 PPCG rooms active in the past 24 hours
I just wanted to find a way to thanks @Dennis ^^ I've been looking at ppcg for a while, but am incredibly frustrated with the amount of boring 'this is done by a builtin' answers (and the very few bash/awk/lisp/everyday langages answers), but Dennis in meta said he is browsing ppcg by "activity" instead of 'rank' : this simple advice help me enjoying ppcg tremendously :)
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

ShaggyIn The Jailhouse Now code-golf ascii-art Challenge Given an integer n (where 4<=n<=10**6) as input create an ASCII art "prison door" measuring n-1 characters wide and n characters high. Example ╔╦╗ ╠╬╣ ╠╬╣ ╚╩╝ The characters used are as follows: ┌───────────────┬─────────┬────────┬─────...

^ Last call for feedback.
@OlivierDulac most of us browse by activity to be fair :P
@OlivierDulac :)
also protip, learn an esoteric language
doesn't have to be a golfing one, just any esoteric language
makes golfing way more fun
Or make one
I don't agree at all with @Mayube
I may one day, but I'l right now looking at lisp and python on top of my "todo" list ^^ (I'm a bit lagging in the langage department... even tough i did a bit of lisp 20 years back)
@Shaggy Go ahead and post.
I prefer a beautiful trick over a short one.... I'm looking for those in ppcg (ie, I'm not interessted in the number of bytes of a solution, but in he cleverness in it)
@Dada not saying you should only golf in esolangs, or that you have to learn an esolang to have fun
but even just learning one lets you see things from a different perspective
and Dennis seems unbeatable ^^
@Shaggy "last call for feedback" after 22h in the sandbox seems a bit early....
@OlivierDulac that's because dennis made Jelly, which is one of 4 "unbeatable" golfing languages (the others being O5AB1E, CJam and Japt, all made by PPCG regulars)
@Dada I plan to give it another 2 hours before posting, at least - "last call" is my cheap ploy for inviting more feedback! ;)
@L3viathan yes, or make one
Several days in the sandbox (at least some weekdays and some weekend days) gives more chance people will have had a chance to give feedback
@Mayube I think it really depends on the language you are using to golf... If you are golfing with a language with enough possibilities (Perl, Haskell, Python, JS, ...), then you don't need to learn a golfing language to enjoy golfing (imo)
It's not a fair competition to speak of "beating" when different languages are involved. Even a badly golfed Jelly answer will almost always "beat" even the most sophisticated Java answer.
@Dada I never said anything about golfing languages, nor did I say you had to learn one to enjoy golfing
I made my first useless programming language before I knew about PPCG
I've created 2-3 useless languages since joining PPCG :D
is there a "clever algorithm" subsection of ppcg ?
I think Mayube is referring to stuff like brainfuck, Befunge, ><>, etc, which aren't designed for golfing but work very differently from normal languages
@OlivierDulac Of the main site, or of chat?
@BusinessCat exactly
I've updated my latest sandbox question with what I hope is better description, I'd be thankful for comments
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

L3viathanPrint all matching leaves code-golf natural-language parsing In Natural Language Processing, we sometimes interpret sentences as being context-free languages, and therefore as having a certain tree structure, also called constituency trees, or parse trees. These trees are sometimes written down ...

main or chat, I'd enjoy it
I don't think that exists, @OlivierDulac. Try searching the comments for "clever" :D
@trichoplax I'll give it 'til Monday so, and hope it doesn't disappear into the ether like my first sandbox! :D
tags for clever, and elegant too, would be nice ^^ I'll have a look
@mınxomaτ how did you even find that message?
@Shaggy Definitely worth mentioning in here again when you're about to post - lots more people will see it that way
@LeakyNun I'm gonna guess bookmarked!
@Shaggy You can make edits to your sandbox post to make them come back on top of the first page (don't do that too much though; like once per post should usually be enough)
unless you meant one of your post in the sandbox got deleted due to a bug?
I've made an awful language that only uses ASCII 0x0b and 0x0c.
@OlivierDulac On main there are other competitions besides , such as , , , and on chat there are chatrooms specifically about golfing, and also chatrooms specifically about interesting things other than golfing, so having a browse around should show up something that matches what you're looking for
@programmer5000 isn't that binary, just with different chars?
Only useful in polyglots with languages that ignore VT and FF, like JS.
@trichoplax: thanks a lot
@programmer5000 Now make a Whitespace-VTFF polyglot quine
@L3viathan you can output unprintables in Whitespace?
@StephenS Why not? (But no idea)
@L3viathan it's not a quine if you can't output the VTFF stuff
@StephenS Right, but why wouldn't whitespace be able to print VT and FF?
@L3viathan I don't know Whitespace, that's why I asked if it could print unprintables :)
I am bad a quines :(
@Dada I'm not a fan of editing just to bump, so that's OK.
And, while I'm trawling for feedback...!
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

ShaggyAlphabet Aerobics code-golf kolmogorov-complexity Ready? Begin. Given a single letter (a-z) as input, output the 2 lines of Blackalicious' Alphabet Aerobics that correspond to that letter, ignoring the intro & outro. Rules You may take input by any reasonable, convenient means as long as ...

Won't be posting that one until at least the middle of the week.
@Shaggy: maybe a link to that 2-line alphabet definition?
oh, in the title... (youtube, can't see it right now)
maybe a text link somewhere in the text?
@OlivierDulac They're all covered in the test cases but the link in the title will be moved into the body when posting to main.
Is the "Vox Populi" badge bugged? I used all my votes yesterday but I just noticed I never got the badge.
@Shaggy no, you have to use a lot of votes on questions
@Shaggy if you vote on answers you get less votes, if you vote on questions you get more total (30 if only answers, up to 40 if only questions or a combination)
@StephenS Ah, that might be it, the majority of votes I cast were on answers to the challenge I posted yesterday.
Q: Cannot vote on question although 40 votes limit not reached

Hendrik BrummermannI've hit the 40 daily vote limit wall and yet can see on my profile I have 7 votes yet to give to actually reach that ceiling. The votes remain and I am unable to cast them. According to a recent blog posting: The daily vote limit used to be 30 votes per day; we’ve increased that to 40 votes...

Quote from meta post: "If 1 in 3 of your votes are on questions, you will get 40 votes.

If you vote on fewer questions than that you will get fewer votes (lowest is 30)"
@MartinEnder is it possible for a mod to remove an obligatory tag?
@StephenS , thanks for the info :)
@NathanMerrill no, at least not that I'm aware of. I believe SE's internal issue tracker is based on the mandatory meta tags, so it wouldn't make sense for mods to be allowed to remove them completely.
ok. I had an idea (probably a terrible one), where we would post sandboxed posts to main, and make the sandbox tag obligatory. But that would only work if a subset of people could remove that sandbox tag :)
@NathanMerrill: in other words, you propose we bypass the sandbox, or post in main while it still is "sandboxy" ? ^^ (not sure what you're trying to achieve with this idea?)
oh, we've had several ideas to make the Sandbox more visible
a common one is to post it to Main
A: We need to talk about the Sandbox

AdámReplace the sandbox with a Main site tag I think this suggestion is doable without any changes to SE. Introduce a special sandbox tag on the Main site which has a description along the lines of: A proposed challenge. This tag indicates that the challenge is not ready to receive answers, but...

yep, that one :)
@NathanMerrill Personally, I agree with @Adám's post (that one) out of all the posts there. The highest voted doesn't actually offer a solution to the problem.
I've actually had another idea rolling around in my head
It might be useful if all sandbox posts had a "This challenge is ready" comment that people would upvote if they thought it was ready
@NathanMerrill post that as an answer
it doesn't solve your visibility problem
Awesome, the guy who found the counterexample to one of John Conways $1000 problems 5 days ago posted an answer on the related challenge :D
@L3viathan are you sure its the same guy?
when did he post it? If it was after the numberphile video, I doubt its him
@NathanMerrill its better than "Lets just leave it as it is"
@NathanMerrill I want to believe! He also has an old profile on the Physics SE; James Davis is a physicist.
@L3viathan that is a bit more promising :)
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Stephen SColor the Grayscale code-golf image-processing Given an image containing only grayscale colors (for RGB, R==G==B), and a RGB value (that is not grayscale), color the image with your given color. //Is there a formula that does this? If so this can definitely have objective input and output. Sh...

If anyone wants a challenge to post, there are three here
RE Sandbox, I was thinking of adding a comment along the lines of "Someone was here" that people would upvote if they saw the post, so that you know how many people have at least glanced at it
@cairdcoinheringaahing there are still some details I'm not sure about, and I think I'd make it its own meta post (since it would be a change in rules): Do we include a "this challenge is not ready" comment? SE isn't very friendly to changing comment votes, so how do we deal with that?
Has something like this already been posted?
Q: Minimal Fresh Substrings

programmer5000Thanks @NathanMerrill for allowing me to post this! The following is entirely his wording from this sandbox post (deleted): We define a "Fresh" substring is a substring that cannot be found earlier in the string. For example, if I take the string "abababc" and split it: ["ab","ab","a","bc"], ...

Is this ready to post?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

MD XFRead a password code-golf string Your challenge is to read a "password" from standard input. Challenge: Read a string s invisibly. For each of the characters in s, print a character c. In realtime (as the user enters s character by character). Rules: You must print c in realtime. As soon ...

@programmer5000 it's not abandoned, I can promise you that, the OP commented on it four days ago
@StephenS If they're only glancing at it, they probably aren't reading the comments.
What should we do with old, positive-voted, yet unclear or not on topic sandboxed challenges like this one?
@programmer5000 Ask the owner
Leave a comment saying "Due to community guidelines, if you don't respond to this comment in 7 days I have permission to post this"
I've seen it very frequently
@MDXF What about bad, not on-topic but upvoted?
@programmer5000 Nothing?
If it's bad and hasn't been posted then the OP (sandboxer) knows it's bad
Generally they'd delete them
but when they're upvoted I think it discourages them from deleting
I don't have enough rep to delete
Me neither
But I mean, in general, if one sandboxes a post and the post is bad, they'll probably delete it, but upvotes discourage them from deleting
so the post doesn't go either way - it doesn't get deleted because of votes, doesn't get posted because it's bad
And speaking of the sandbox: Is this clear enough?
I think it is
@MDXF Can my character be a space?
@L3viathan Hm, good point, no it can't
Entering the password would still be visible, as the cursor still moves
Nah. Fixed
c can be any visible character (i.e. it cannot be a newline, space, tab, or unprintable).
@MDXF Can we take input from keypresses?
from a graphical window?
@KritixiLithos You may only take input from keypresses.
You must print c in realtime. As soon as the user enters a character of s you must display c.
but what about the "from a graphical window" part?
it's not STDIN
Hm... I'll clarify
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

caird coinheringaahingHow long is your program? As this site is all about making code as short as possible, you should write a program that tells you exactly how long the program is, in bytes, in your language's native encoding. There is just one catch. Adding a no-op to the code should change the output. Therefore,...

This has been ignored for a while. Any feedback?
@KritixiLithos Clarified
@cairdcoinheringaahing In most languages this will just be the equivalent of print(len(open(__file__.read())))
the reason for me asking is that I don't think Processing can take input from STDIN. I may be wrong though
Hi guys
out of curiosity
@L3viathan ideally i want to disallow the read source code but i'm not sure if its possible
how does it work this exchange community?
@user8469759 run. run fast
do I have to provide puzzles or programming puzzles as questions?
@user8469759 Hello, and welcome!
@cairdcoinheringaahing In most (real-world) languages, it won't be possible
thank you!
@KritixiLithos Hm okay
Actually, we tend to favor code golf.
@user8469759 don't ask questions to start with. Look for some good challenges to answer first
Aargh I'm so close to getting my silver badge!
Questions are harder here than every other site
@user8469759 Code Golf = Shortest code to do something
Aargh I'm so close to getting my legendary badge, only 145 more rep caps to go
@programmer5000 you've messed up the test cases
Aargh I'm so close to getting 100k rep!
AAAAAAA does not expand to A,AA,AAA,AAAA,,,
@user8469759 If you do decide to post a challenge, first put it in the sandbox
how do I use the sandbox?
@NathanMerrill Anything else?
I'm not a huge fan of allowing empty strings, but that's up to you
@user8469759 just accepting the winner (depending on the winning criteria)
@user8469759 No, you don't need a reward, but you can set a bounty if you want.
And usually, the challenge isn't hard
But getting the shortest program to do that is
@programmer5000 fully writing a question is quite difficult when you're used to Q&A
shall I just post my challenge there and waiting for feedback?
@user8469759 I reccommend starting with answering a challenge.
@KritixiLithos Is that all?? Wow, nice job! :P
@user8469759 But if you want to, you can do that.
I'll have a look through the challenges
@user8469759 When answering, avoid the standard loopholes
@user8469759 if you want, you can take any of my challenges here
@cairdcoinheringaahing Can I put them up for adoption here?
I'm having a look, I have the feeling there could be some nice trick in the answers
@programmer5000 do you care if I edit the test cases?
@NathanMerrill go ahead, please
What's going on with the Sandbox? Why are so many old posts getting bumped at the same time?
@Shaggy I think we're looking for abandoned ones
@programmer5000 I've deleted all the ones up for adoption so i can see the ones I want to keep
is there anyway to classify the challenges in easy/medium/hard etc
basically sorting them by difficulties
assuming that could be possible of course
@user8469759 Nope
That's subjective
@user8469759 no as thats subjective
we hate subjective here
Do we have a vanilla URL to QR-code challenge?
@programmer5000 i dont think so
@cairdcoinheringaahing Could you post them here?
I think there's the reverse
Subjectivity is the devil's lettuce
There is one in the sandbox from a few years ago: here
@user8469759 the best way to sort them by easy/medium/hard? Some ratio of the views to answers
@programmer5000 I'll post the Secret Santa Sandbox post
Q: QR code decoder

Hannes KarppilaYour mission is not so simple. You have to write a program that decodes QR-codes. There are some things that are not permitted: Making web requests (except https://i.sstatic.net/sCUJT.png or http://imgur.com/JUQbo8M) Using any QR code processing library (Or using any external library to do...

I've said this before: Even though ratings are subjective, it doesn't matter
question upvotes are subjective too
@user8469759 compare some challenges, the ones with more answers compared to views are more trivial, the ones with less answers compared to views are usually harder / more of a pain to code
@BusinessCat How does that not have any answers?
it's really because SE doesn't support it :)
@MDXF It's making it very difficult to review new posts.

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