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Maybe cache
@Adám can I teach you Add++ in return?
Also @Downgoat DO NOT get i5 unless you want to build a hackintosh
Get Ryzen 5
@cairdcoinheringaahing Sure. I'll need it. The readme seems a bit… concise.
@Mendeleev I want to hackintosh.
then get i5
@Adám haven't finished updating it yet
Though pretty sure even if I do most expensive part will still be $1000 less than apple
@Downgoat Prolly around .2 ghz. Save 100$.
@cairdcoinheringaahing OK. Maybe it'll have to wait too. I think I should go to bed.
Intel likes to do that a lot.
Th4ey finally have some real competition now
@Adám its 2am here. I hear that
@Phoenix actually only $40, is worth it?
@Downgoat Yes
@cairdcoinheringaahing Same here. G'nite.
That's actually the one I have.
gn adam
Does it matter what motherboard I order?
look at reviews too
Ok brb buying most popular
look at hackitosh compatibility lists
dont do that
you might also need a 6xxx cpu
@Downgoat pick mobo last, it matters less than everything else and pcpartpicker will manage compatibility for you.
Not true
For hacintosh it matters a lot
Look up hackintosh build guides with those mobos
And find the one that is easiest and most functional
Usually Gigabyte boards are recommended
@Mendeleev ok I found gigabyte-170X is that good
Look up a hackintosh guide for that
Yeah saw in hackintosh guide
then maybe
oi @totallyhuman can you stop tu\yping please thank
Even if you can't get mac to work on it, worst case you put Windows and get a reasonably ok gaming PC that can do over watch or anything older.
@Phoenix Linux
Is intel 7th "extereme edition" the same as normal intel i7-7k?
diff socker
I can't find any Thunderbolt computable mobos that do intel 7k :(
and don't get an i9 ffs
@Mendeleev sorry meant i5-7500
@Downgoat Well, they're all computable, they have processors :)
@Downgoat it it has k in the name you're paying at least 75 dollars for overclocking capabilit and basically nothing else
@Phoenix IIRC though you can have two computers with OS X for every Mac you have
@Downgoat pls slack
I think you heard wrong
Or it's outdated
anyone into sql?
@Mendeleev what else should I look for in motherboard beside CPU compatibility and havin IO ports that I like
Memory compatibility
@Downgoat CHIPSET
It you want DDR4 mobo must support
Ok, anything else?
@HyperNeutrino It might've been easier to tell me the problem >_<
In all seriousness not really
Doesn't matter if case doesn't have window
@ConorO'Brien ¯\_(ăƒ„)_/¯ lol sorry :P but not really
@Phoenix yeah it does
hey downgoat
then don't apologize >>_<<
get nzxt h440
:P ok
Question: what is EEC besides European economics council
Error correcting
Only needed if building super reliable server
:o Minecraft 1.12 comes out tomorrow
@Mendeleev oh that looks cool
Question: is AMD graphic card or Nvidia graphic card better
choose one
from random import*;print(['AMD','Nvidia'][random()>.5]+' graphics card')
puts ['Nvidia', 'AMD'].sample
@Mendeleev Nvidia look cooler
from random import*;print(sample(['AMD','Nvidia'],1)+' graphics card')
puts ['Nvidia', 'AMD'].sample+' graphics card'
@Downgoat amd more cost effective
$><<%w(Nvidia AMD).sample+' graphics card'
@Mendeleev why h440 and not S340
@Downgoat choose obne
@Mendeleev question: what is difference between atx and micro-atx google says former is bigger but does it matter
like can certain graphics card not go on micro-atx or osmething
motherboard form factor has to be equal or smaller than your case form factor
that too
does "ONBOARD USB3.0 HEADERS" = USB3 port?
It means front panel 3.0 ports on case will work
> Intel - Core i5-7600K 3.8GHz Quad-Core Processor does not include a stock CPU cooler. Adding a CPU Cooler to your part list is recommended.
do i need CPU cooler for this CPU or will case fan work
It has k in the name, which means you're paying extra for overclocking.
Try downgrade to non-k
In general case CPU needs cooler yes
@Phoenix oooh
Non-k CPUs come with cooler though
@Phoenix ok changed CPU so it doesn't say needs cooler but should i stil do case fan?
._. wait what is difference between case fan & CPU cooler
No, case comes with fans
CPU cooler goes on CPU case fan goes on case
Question: have any of you use "Asus MAXIMUS" before?
What's that?
A mobo
It's $265 though, not sure if too expensive
Too expensive
is $190 good price?
Not really, but if that's what you're limited to, it isn't the worst and at least it will have neat features.
I think I paid 100$
Quetion: is it good idea to get mobo with PCI-E
@Downgoat If you have a SSD :P
yea, probably going to get SSD
Then yes if you think the extra speed is worth the extra price
O_O Apple charge +$600 extra for 1TB SSD but only cost $380 on
@ASCII-only do you know how wide the PCI-E thing has to be
More importantly, PCI-E makes video card work
@Phoenix can't I use SATA
You can use it for storage
SATA is how hard drives connect
@totallyhuman Why are you typing :P
@Downgoat hybrid drive is third the price of ssd and almost as good
@Phoenix oh duh >_< do you know if it needs to be PCI-8, 16, etc.?
@Phoenix I need reliability too
though brb checkout out
SSD is less reliable
Hybrid has a hard drive and ssd, most commonly accessed data cached in ssd.
@Phoenix O_o really? why
SSDs wear out faster, but actually that wasn't really correct
With hybrid drive get ssd boot speed, even though regular files read from hard drive.
@Phoenix I mean that depends on overwrite cycles
Costs far less
._. wow 6x less price
Lasts longer because most writing done to hdd, most reading to ssd.
do you use a hybrid?
I had ssds already lying around
I Am Typing has been fixed I presume, since no-one's making a big deal out of it anymore?
Good, turning back on
@Downgoat try to get case with built in psu
@Downgoat Pls go on vsl slack tyvm
Idk if this is still up to date, but desktop macs thermal throttle due to insufficient cooling.
@Phoenix oh yeah, they do that on laptop too
it's really bad
you can go from 60fps to like 14
Quetion: is 32GB ram a good idea or is 16GB enough
@Downgoat 16GB is enough IMO
I get actually maybe get a 2x8GB and add another one later
Honestly 8gb is enough.
But 16 is good
32 is over kill
@Downgoat :| Did you /mute me or something why are you not on slack
Should I just get cheapest DDR4-2133 ram with lowest CAS
I don't see any other important factor >_>
@ASCII-only i am on slack
@Downgoat O_o maybe i need to refresh
Make sure mobo supports ddr4
oh shit forgot about video card
@Downgoat weird says you're not on slack (halp)
Q: Encrypt a string using vigenere techniques

blehYour task: Create a program that encrypts a string with another string using a key, using the vigenere cipher. What a vigenere cipher does Ciphertext: string Key: keya | | v v string keyake | v (18)(19)(17)(08)(13)(06) (10)(04)(24)(00)(10)(04) | v...

Quetion: any recomend Nvidia graphic card?
@ASCII-only shit joining
Gtx 1050 is good budget card. 1060 will last longer.
By last I mean stay non shit
@Phoenix what about Titan/1080?
Or you could get most expensive and powerful video card, that is an option, yes.
anybody who knows batch around here?
Not worth unless gaming
@Phoenix do you know what quadro is
I've got a file that restarts/starts a bunch of services for me. (It calls taskkill, then START on various executables)
it works great
Yes, it just has more vram
@Phoenix well only reason not gaming atm is because computer cannot run minecraft at 60 FPS :P
however, I have another batch file that calls the same taskkill, and it gets an access denied
@Phoenix what about 1080ti vs normal 1080?
Far better deal, the ti is.
@Mendeleev relevant to you: youtube.com/watch?v=s5kQnW8Geys
But it's a bit stupid to buy an over powered gpu and put not Windows on it.
I am buying like 2TB hybrid so I will likely dual boot
It will run Minecraft at 600 fps
Get a 1080 ti it you want to play the new far cry on ultra or something
@Downgoat hehehe
@Downgoat Don't
@Phoenix Linux
@Phoenix Phoenix = Yoda confirmed
@Downgoat Just get a ssd and hdd
Linux doesn't play games
@Mendeleev i read article which said bad idea
@Mendeleev ono why?
@Phoenix Wine
@Downgoat Why?
I have two hdd and a ssd
Wine doesn't run anything you'd want a 1080ti for
@Phoenix Wine and VFIO and dual boot and Linux games
@Mendeleev Because you don't have caching. If I install lets say app it won't go to best place to go, it will stay on HDD
We are talking about dual boot
@Downgoat Not true
If you put root on ssd, then you will get to HDD
Put home on HDD*
sound like bad idea
No reason tho
and then with ext2fsd, use it as a storage drive in Windows.
Why? I do it
Not cheaper and harder to configure
hybrid drive has like 8GB of caching
actually might be a better idea because redundancy :|
If you put on ssd, you will get your whole OS and all yoour apps on there
@Mendeleev wait wat
(pun not intended)
8gb is enough for OS and some really common apps
You don't really need more than that
A 2tb hybrid has more than 8gb
Why not just get a separate SSD?
Hybrids are not really recommended
Do whatever doesn't matter too much which one
@Mendeleev cheaper
@Downgoat true...
You can cache hdd in ssd using a special software, anyway.
that said... I was about to buy an iMac so I'm not one to talk about cheap :P
ssd is like $60... Hybrod drive 2TB is about 120 AFAIK... 2TB HDD is like $60
so you would end up the same basically afaik
Or get 4tb ssd, and still have saved money over iMac
Question: is the 1070 worth shelling out another $250ish dollars for?
@Downgoat Yes... kinda, not in your case
Again, depends on if you're going to use it as a gaming PC.
if you only play tf2
Btw what's your Steam username?
Then no
@Mendeleev ._. why is slower hard disk more expensive
@Mendeleev i think downgoat
@Downgoat It's hybrid
wait quick question
how old are you @Downgoat
hm, is there way to seamlessly share filesystem over the two drives?
in linux everything is a single file tree
@Mendeleev 74 in goat years
same as mac
...aight thanks
Apparently I can convert to "Ass years"
> One Goat is equal to [...] Sheep: 1
So goats and sheep are equal?
Maybe I should become Updonkey
anyone object?
so if I call you an ass I can't get flagged? sure :P
@Mendeleev Yes please don't plagiarize
I say you probably shouldn't change your name again, but then again what do I know about changing names :P
Yeah I just remembered I promised to not change my username until 2018
@ETHproductions btw there is a .productions tld so you should totally register eth.productions before gets ninja'd
:O is available
43 bucks a year though, that's a little expensive compared to a generic .com
You should get it
before I do :P
Let's see, that works up to... $3.56 a month I think. I could probably do that

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