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@NewMainPosts I really don't think that challenge is a dupe. Firstly, you have to remove all non-alphabetical characters and convert to lowercase, and second, "append a space to each character" doesn't work on this challenge.
I'd cast a reopen vote but that'd automatically reopen it...
Why would it automatically reopen?
dupehammer rights
if you have enough answers and rep from the tag
then any dupe or not-dupe votes you cast count as five
this is a process that likely does more harm than good on PPCG, because it discourages the people who are most familiar with a tag from casting dupe votes on it
Yeah, if you have a gold tag badge you can instantly close/reopen questions with that tag as dupes
@ais523 Ugh, so true...
Q: So I post a question, state in the question that I won't accept an answer unless it's incredibly intuitive. A few days later, someone posts a huge C++ answer that is incredibly intuitive but could certainly not win any challenges. I love it, I've helped the answerer golf it a few times and I'd like to accept it. (There are, clearly, shorter solutions.) What should I do?
You should only really accept the shortest answer
But you can award a bounty.
about to post codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/12706/9206 in case anyone has any comments
Okay then, another question: There are two answers tied for winning. One was posted before the other. Do I accept it?
First post is the tiebreaker
All right, thanks.
@MDXF IMO the accept button shouldn't exist on PPCG
@Lembik Hang on, let me add a 1 byte builtin to that in MyOwnLanguage
I'm very reluctant to use it at all
@Okx ok :) But was that really in reply to my comment?
Q: Multiply using ***Real*** numbers

the dark wandererInspired by a restriction on What do you get when you multiply 6 by 9? (42) By order of the President, we are no longer permitted to use confusing fake numbers (i.e. numbers other than integers from 0 to 99 inclusive), and are instead to use only real numbers, that is, those that are not fake. ...

@ais523 Well, I don't mind giving the best answerer an additional +15 rep...
(I don't really mind getting the +2 myself, either) :P
it a) screws up the sort orders, and b) reduces the within-a-language competition by making people think they have to use the best language for the task in order to get the accept
@ais523 Well b is accurate...
I mean, if you want to have the shortest submission, you need to use the right tool for the job, you generally can't use Java or C# to win most (any) competitions
Sorta like Mathematica generally wins
b) is considered very bad for the site, it's already driven a number of users away
I think I am short some tags. Any suggestions for tags for codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/124424/… ?
, is that a thing?
Maybe , even?
but I'm not sure it fits here
Yeah you might want to use if you're computing Hamming distances
added combinatorics too
because we are counting
hopefully people will submit answers in languages other than C/fortran
Mathematica :P
Also there's really no point in the 'running tally' thing unless the question goes really popular...
Q: Finding approximate correlations

LembikConsider a binary string S of length n. Indexing from 1, we can compute the Hamming distances between S[1..i+1] and S[n-i..n] for all i in order from 0 to n-1. The Hamming distance between two strings of equal length is the number of positions at which the corresponding symbols are different....

@MDXF oh ok. I have always done that!
@MDXF ok... I hope yours will be one of the first :)
there is a lovely code snippet I should really use
@MDXF for fastest-code it is needed as the answers don't contain their scores
they don't get the score until I run it on my laptopp
Oh wait that's right, this isn't
Whoops :P
although feel free to submit a code-golf answer and I will time it :)
I have no experience in , I've never had any reason to write fast code... I generally write for efficiency and cleanliness, or the exact opposite, code golf
@MDXF If you feel like it, please do submit just normal clean code and submit it as an answer
I find it helps a lot to have at least one readable answer
at least it would be good for my question!
Does anyone else want to vote to reopen this question?
I honestly don't understand why it was downvoted. The only reason I can think of is "oh, this is a dupe, they didn't do any research, -1"
It's clear, it has test cases, it's not trivial
@ETHproductions It's open...
Does anyone here have experience writing golfing/esoteric languages?
Is esolangs.org/wiki/Memfractal Turing complete?
I would guess no
Like, you can implement an infinite tree in it.
Yeah, but you can't do anything useful with the tree
How do you encode input and output?
I guess you could specify a series of cell addresses into which to write the input.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Rohan JhunjhunwalaHonest RPS Many people consider RPS to be a game of chance. If both players play unpredictably, the best strategy is to play randomly. However, let's introduce a bit of predictability to it. Each bot will have a chance to tell the other bot what it's going to play. If it plays that weapon it s...

Let's see how unpredictable of a memfractal program I can create.
The language shouldn't be that hard to implement
@MDXF nope, I usually only do code golf stuff at work, I'm pretty inactive in ppcg when I'm at home and at the weekends
I have found a critical fault with memfractal: You can't merge two instruction paths while also forgetting the current state.
The entire computation is reversible.
@Mayube Huh, I'm usually more active when I'm not at work. Anyway, I realized a fatal flaw with Decimal - it has no method of reading an integer. It can read characters but there's currently no way to interpret those as integers and print/operate on them as such. I was wondering if you had any suggestions for adding this capability, without changing the syntax of any existing commands. (I'm asking you because you're the only other person I know of that's golfed in Decimal.)
also I have no real experience creating golfing languages.
@MDXF I can help if you want, making a golfing language
Probably breaks the "no malicious code" rule
Its not actually malicious. It just prints "BOOM".
Oh lol
Doesn't actually go BOOM.
Ah I see
Should I clarify that somehow?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

PyRulezMake a program to insert a Ken Thompson virus into a program code-golf code-generation A Ken Thompson virus is a virus that infects your compiler and other programs. Since it infects all your tools, you can not detect it without using tools from before the virus was introduced. Your will create...

@PyRulez Yeah, probably re-word the title a bit
I feel like plenty of people will downvote because of it without even reading the rest of the Q
Maybe call it a fake virus?
Or "simulate inserting a virus into a program"
Its not really a simulation though.
oh noes i posted vote bait
Okay, I changed it
@totallyhuman ?
an answer that will definitely not compete well but is apparently funny to people
@totallyhuman Sounds like more/less everything I've ever written
And the vote bait that got me 140 votes :P
It was like my third answer and I had no idea it was viral
that competed as well though
what was it, 19 bytes?
then again... all the other answers are below that...
But there were already about ten 1-byte solutions
but still impressive for a the c lang :P
Hey, C competes in a lot of instances
I have at least five C answers that are the shortest, or tied
Does the new title seem better codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/12710/16842
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

PyRulezMake a program to insert a (fake) Ken Thompson virus into a program code-golf code-generation A Ken Thompson virus is a virus that infects your compiler and other programs. Since it infects all your tools, you can not detect it without using tools from before the virus was introduced. Your will...

every answer will beat it :P
@PyRulez I think "Simulate a program inserting a Ken Thompson virus into a program" would flow a bit better
welp shouldn't've posted it
How about "Insert a simulated Ken Thompson virus into a program"
got another upvote
> upvite
wtf chat.SE
10 seconds later...
This was after my message timed out three times before actually sending
As soon as I switched to Chrome (the ETHbot message) the timeout problem seemed to right itself
@PyRulez Even better
Is the question good otherwise?
I think P' is a bit confusing - maybe P2 or PP?
And this is very unclear - Otherwise, just output P's output
Do you mean P's output or P''s output?
And what do you mean by the output of P/P` ?
like, what it returns
or prints out
Same rules as what constitutes solving a challenge
Yeah, the second (and second-first and second-second) points are still a bit unclear
For any other input to Q run P with the input, then P should output something that would be valid input to Q that will generate another Q? Yeah I'm really confused :P
P is the input program. You don't control it.
Q is the version of P with the virus inserted into it
If P outputs something that is valid code, your program (the virus inserting one) is run on it.
So its also a quine
If P outputs something that is valid code in what?
Whatever programming language you are using.
So if you are making the program in BF, and P outputs BF code, Q will input infected BF code.
What does Q do with the inputted BF code, go BOOM?
So, if P was a compiler, Q would be an evil compiler.
No, Q only goes BOOM if given the backdoor password aNouIQ5xKvUfdZVzo0Xs
@PyRulez yes a brainfuck virus
that totally works
Any other input to Q is passed to P
then P's output is checked by Q
@totallyhuman My village was burned down due to being hacked by a BF hacker.
@PyRulez It was seeming clearer until that part :P
IMO it's too unclear. But it may just be me. I'm tired and pretty annoyed at my golfing language rn
hmm i might rep cap for the first time today
Okay, I reworded it a little: codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/12710/16842
@totallyhuman which answer?
24 mins ago, by totallyhuman
@PyRulez Yeah, that's better (probably not perfect)
Also I read over it more carefully - (fake) destroy -> "destroy", sounds better
Q: Can we get a draft feature?

PyRulezInstead of posting all our drafts to the Sandbox, could we just add a draft feature to the main site?

anyways, gtg. Post comments on the OP if you got any other suggestions.
I've "earned" 300 rep today, but of course only gotten 200
@MDXF Have you seen codegolf.stackexchange.com/reputation? It tells you exactly how your rep has been calculated
@ETHproductions Yeah
It just makes me sad
It's impressive how you've gotten 200, 201, 202 :P
 2    123803 [0]
 2    124306 [0]
 2    124226 [0]
 2    124061 [0]
 2    124306 [0]
 2    123054 [0]
 2    124379 [0]
 2    122856 [0]
 2    124306 [0]
 1    123062 [2]
 2    123797 [0]
 2    124306 [0]
@ETHproductions And I didn't really post anything today :P
That one ASCII question last night (UTC this morning) before I went camping... came back and rep-capped overnight :(
Completely kills my motivation to write more answers
damn i need to get on you guys' level
@totallyhuman Unless you want to keep your job
I somehow have not been fired
I posted two answers today (UTC anyway) which currently have 13 and 16 upvotes, not often my answers get that many
@ETHproductions One of those was my on question, you're welcome lol (jk, it's your own success)
Oh, it is your question
Well thanks for posting it, answers that include fun Stack Snippets always get tons of upvotes :P
Have you noticed that on every question I post, I solve my own challenge in Applesoft BASIC?
That's 'cause I get all my challenge ideas from old programs I wrote/found
I haven't really looked at your questions as a group before
Oh wow, they're all very recent
'cause I stunk at writing challenges until I found a good source of inspiration
I'm currently working on another challenge:
"Hello World Sine Wave"
and the output should look like...
but I have no idea how to describe it :P
That's a sinus scroller
@mınxomaτ Eh?
This effect. It's called sinus scroller. Albeit this is a vertical one.
@mınxomaτ So "Vertical Hello World sinus scroller" would be an accurate title?
And then I could base the description off the algorithm I used to create this exact one?
@MDXF Quick clarification: the answer that reached its current length first should be the one you accept, not just the one that was posted first
@ETHproductions Oh okay
@totallyhuman YouTube needs to implement that
@mınxomaτ Are you sure? I can't really find any sources on the interwebs for "sinus scroller", except a bunch of goofy codepen projects
Sinus scrollers have their origin in the demoscene. There are no authoritative definitions, but I can assure you that's how they are commonly referred to.
@AndersKaseorg Check out this answer codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/124454/20080
@mınxomaτ All right, I'll take your word for it
@Dennis Hey, do you think this comment is a real concern on this answer? Do we frown upon "mashups" of challenges?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

MD XFHello World - sinus scroller version code-golf hello-world math ascii-art This challenge incorporates: Hello World ASCII art The Demoscene Challenge Print a vertical sinus scroller. The head of this sinus will always be the string Hello World. The sinus scroller should loop infinitely, pri...

Stuff going on near London Bridge :(
@MDXF As long as they combine into something unique, I don't see a problem. Unless you incorporate an analytical definition, you risk getting it close as unclear though.
@Dennis Yes, I definitely will. I just need help describing it.
I just crashed LibreOffice Writer trying to apply a theme ;-;
@MDXF it's ok to make up your own name, like "Make a Snakey Scroller"
@mınxomaτ Also cbsnews.com/live for live coverage right now
Is there a way to list the process ID of just each open window? ps just lists ps itself and zsh, ps -A lists every single running process which is hard to dig through.
Anyone for Contact?
@Phoenix ps auxwww | grep processname is what I use to find specific process' PIDs.
You could probably tailor that to windows.
This is Linux
Yeah, I know
Oh yeah, damn Windows for having an ambiguos name.
But yeah, you're right
@MDXF pgrep lets you search for process by name, but the problem is that pgrep [Ww]riter is not yielding any useful results, and I can't seem to kill writer.
@Phoenix Hmm... what I mainly use ps auxwww | grep name for is when I accidentally freeze a TTY and I want to un-freeze it, I just ps auxwww | grep tty1 and kill -9 TTY1_PID. I honestly have no idea what the auxwww does, but it shows everything.
Oh yeah it seems that pgrep is a watered-down version of ps auxwww | grep name. Don't use pgrep, use that command instead.
It will show the names by the PIDs.
@MDXF pkill -9 tty1
Golfed it for you.
That's quite a few bytes off... >.>
<sup>-(a lot) bytes thanks to Phoenix</sup>
@HelkaHomba Who needs to make up their own name when they can steal that perfectly good one? :P sorry
@KritixiLithos Sorry, fixed.
Would someone mind testing out something in vim for me?

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