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Q: Map inputted ASCII characters

MD XFThe ASCII charset (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) is the most widely-used character encoding standard. ASCII codes represent text in computers, telecommunications equipment, and other devices. Challenge Your challenge is to print a mapping of the ASCII character set as the ...

;-; nobody likes me
2 hours later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

GamrCorpsReverse divmod code-golf number Introduction The divmod function is one that is included in many standard libraries and is defined as follows: Or, in other words, divmod(a,b) returns a list containing the integer quotient of a/b (i.e. floor(a/b)) and mod(a,b) (i.e. the remainder in the divi...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

fireflame241Golf a Golf Game Grader code-golf array-manipulation Task Given a list of golf scores, output the ranking of each score in the list. Remember that lower scores are better. The ranking of a score is defined as 1+[the number of scores better than that score]. Example The input list is [25,24,2...

aaaaaaaa bots
@totallyhuman #botshavefeelingstoo
great who gave the bots sentience this time
@Dennis no don't let them tempt you!
@Phoenix s/Contact/Codenames
in Java how can I do String.compare(s1, s2) instead of s1.compareTo(s2) in case s1 is null?
@HelkaHomba You manually check for null, or write your own function.
Alternatively, use C#
@HelkaHomba You have to manually check for null
Or use C#'s null-coalescing operator.
So (s1 == null && s2 != null) || s1.compareTo(s2)
@Phoenix "Use language B" is not a good answer for "How do I do X in language A?"
I gave the actual answer. I should be free to state my opinions about languages.
I did like learning that that kind of thing would work fine in C#
In C#, obj?.func returns null if obj is null. Might be .? I confuse the two.
It doesn't work like that
obj? returns Nullable<T> (where T is obj's type).
You have to resolve the nullable to a value (via obj?.Value or obj?.GetValueOrDefault) before you can access the object's methods
Can I make a non-null Nullable that's filled with a null?
@feersum null
Is that your Nullable<bool> answer?
But to answer the question: no. A Nullable has no value if it is filled with null.
I'm trying it and it won't let me have a nullable with an object at all.
@TuxCopter are you interest in work on VSL because otherwise I'll have to remove you from org
VS for C# is really good (if you don't know what you're doing).
I answered a C# challenge once, even though I didn't know it, because it told me how to fix all the errors.
@Downgoat Nope...
When I had to debug my llvm, I made a program that inserts a printf after every instruction so where I could see where it crashes.
10/10 probably how VSL will end up
though from what I can tell that's what the LLVM debugging intrinsics also do basically (you put one after every statement)
What ever happened to Cheddar?
@feersum That + ReSharper
@Downgoat I suppose that's supposed to be for debugging the source language?
(As opposed to debugging your compiler).
@HelkaHomba still aging
@feersum btw have you used LLVM's vtables?
Unlike cheese, if you want it to be a gouda, you have to a-worka
@Downgoat No, is there actually a builtin for that?
I would expect that to be the compiler writer's responsibility.
But my language is not OO anyway.
@feersum well there is syntax for it
You know what would be cooler than vtables, is a generalized dispatch to different overloaded funcitons.
Like I could have f(int), and f(string), and have an object whose type is unknown at compile time, and do f(whatever) and have it call the right one.
And it would generalize to multiple parameters.
So dynamic dispatch?
Yes, I think it's lame how OO languages make the only way to have virtual dispatch is by gluing all the functions onto the superclass.
@feersum with VSL I'm thinking of making a struct to function pointers. Seems simple enough
Question: how to get function pointer in LLVM >_<
Wow this is terrible on mobile
There should be a TNB app that makes it slightly less awful
It isn't that awful
@MDXF are you iOS or android?
@Mego btw foo?.bar isn't the method/property bar of foo?
@ASCII-only Nope. foo? constructs a Nullable, which only has its own properties
Oh wait that second ? is code too
@Downgoat Android, of course. I don't hate my life.
So yeah, foo?.bar is the bar property of the Nullable containing foo
But that doesn't work to access foo.bar
Oh huh. That's not what the docs I linked to implied
@Mego Well yeah, ?. isn't the same as ?
it parses as obj + ?. + foo not obj? + . + foo
Sometimes I accidentally try Class?.StaticMethod and spend actually hours wondering why it isn't working.
@Downgoat LLVM C? Never worked in it but how different is it that GCC?
@Phoenix O_o
LLVM and C are two different languages?
Because Class?. really is Nullable<Class>.
@ASCII-only Ok, to be completely honest, that isn't true. Until Mego mentioned the Nullable thing, I've been stuck on it for two weeks.
(ty mego)
@TuxCopter queston: is je te laisse manger present tense of future?
@Downgoat huh, I thought there was an LLVM compiler for C, or vice versa.
google translate says future but wouldn't future be je te laisserai manger
@MDXF Yeah there is but it's still normal C
@Downgoat pls go here
@MDXF LLVM is a programming language and a set of tools used to compile compiler-outputted IR into binaries. You can write a frontend for LLVM for basically any language (with varying degrees of effort). clang is a well-known LLVM frontend for C and C++.
> The name "LLVM" itself is not an acronym; it is the full name of the project
@Downgoat i thought it was an acronym for low level virtual machine
> The name LLVM was originally an initialism for Low Level Virtual Machine, but this became increasingly less apt as LLVM became an "umbrella project" that included a variety of other compiler and low-level tool technologies, so the project abandoned the initialism
@Mego What does LLVM IR look like?
Not sure. I'm not the one in here who works with it on a daily basis.
Downgoat/feersum (IIRC) are :P
@Mendeleev LLVM IR is the middle stage used by the Clang compiler, iirc.
I know
So it probably looks like assembly.
Apparently not though
@feersum ?
@Phoenix Not very much
It's like a weird mix of assembly-ish things and functions
@Mendeleev perl had a baby with assembly
@Downgoat So it's very simple. but powerful?
@Mendeleev wat
@feersum Apparently you know a lot about LLVM IR
@Mendeleev pretty much. It has a few primitive commands but handles most of optimization/actual compilation for you (so 1 LLVM IR can be compiled to like 99% of platforms and arches)
perl ever goes in the same sentence simple is?
In the same way Brainfuck is simple because it only has 8 commands
But powerful because it's TC
It also does have more complex features like GC, and Vtables
@Phoenix Yeah. Though LLVM has a lot of commands just that most of them you rarely use.
Well my compiler makes output that looks like this.
define %free_type_1042 @lambda111(%voidptr %cl0, %func4 %r112)
	%r140 = extractvalue %func4 %r112, 1
	%r141 = icmp eq %voidptr %r140, null
	br i1 %r141, label %lbl142, label %lbl143
	%r144 = bitcast %voidptr %r140 to %size_t*
	%r145 = getelementptr %size_t* %r144, %size_t -1
	%r146 = load %size_t* %r145
	%r147 = add nuw %size_t 1, %r146
	store %size_t %r147, %size_t* %r145
Huh, code formatting won't activate.
Ctrl+k wasn't working but the button did.
you use a mac? if so it might be cmd+k
It's still Ctrl+k on mac
Is cmd the same as propeller?
@feersum Yes
I disapprove of mac. Windows or Linux, sure, but I have an irrational dislike of OSX.
I am baffled by the purpose of it.
Babby's first Unix
@ATaco can you add /borkalert to userscript which outputs "BORK ALERT 🚨 BORK ALERT 🚨 BORK ALERT"
You can make the pr
It's not hard
@Phoenix me too
Ok Maybe it's not irrational
It's overpriced, doesn't come with the freedom of Linux or the Game-running capability of Windows.
@Phoenix ok done
@Phoenix define "freedom" (genuine question)
I'm not sure
To be completely honest
@ATaco btw I left an important PR on the userscript repo
@KritixiLithos Not bogged down by copyright licenses and closed-source software
Carrot should be able to complete the dynamic box challenge in 10 bytes, but it can't because my rewrite of the interpreter isn't finished yet and the older interpreter is broken D:
Please rate the UX of the new version of m y inventory system
@Mendeleev No
@Mego Why :(
@KritixiLithos actually Carrot would take more bytes because it is weird []^*2 results in [][][] and not [][]
@Mendeleev UI is nice though UX in term of the "hover" thing w/ login will not play nice with accessibility tools and also can be kind of confusing as people usually click and hover at the same time always presenting a dialog which interrupts the user's flow also with stagnates discovery (in terms of why they did taht interaction).
@Downgoat Right...
What's the best way to get users to log in with Google?
I'm trying to make this as dead simple as possible. People go to the tech lab, pick up an item, check it out.
Basically this is made for high school students and teachers to use
let them enter the text field and when they submit, redirect them for login, once they login then complete the request
@Downgoat I don't have much need for accessibility tools since our school does not have anyone who needs them (yet)
@Downgoat The problem with that is impulsive, forgetful high school students who will just put it in, click check out, then exit, without actually checking out.
I'm making it as foolproof as possible.
are you sure? usually people will want some confirmation that their request is actually complete before completeting
I know someone who went to the library, went to the self check out, at the library card prompt they scanned their book and walked away
landing screen should then be login prompt itself
That puts pressure to login on the users
I want the purpose to be clearly visible
I had that set up before, but I found it infuriating
Most people did as well
okay then you can replace "checkout" button with "continue" or "login to conitnue maybe"
@Mendeleev My library solves this by very loudly playing the word "error" out of a speaker if your card isn't the first thing scanned.
Source: Have repeatedly tried to do exactly that.
@Phoenix What library system? KCLS doesn't do that AFAIK
Wait, no, it doesn't say anything, it just makes an obnoxious error beep.
It's kinda clear something went wrong though.
Why are the French words for "wood" and "drinking" so similar, I keep getting confused O_o
@Phoenix Some people can be very oblivious
@Mendeleev :| if I say "Est-ce que tu veux mon bois" does that mean do you want my wood or my drink :|||||||
@Downgoat The button label is the only indication of "checking out" that I have on the page, and it's pretty obvious. If I make it "continue", then that will be ambiguous towards what I want to do, whether I want to check in or out, etc.
> Do you want my wood
No context quote of the day
@Mendeleev you can still have a header
that said, check in & checkout should be CTA (call to actions)
@Downgoat Please define
i.e. be the accent color and stand out
@Downgoat They turn the accent colors if you log in and click on them. The buttons are also highlighted, which should help bring attention
@Downgoat BTW, the side nav should work now. Try making your browser narrow.
@TuxCopter What does "aucun" mean?
Should've done this with TrumpScript instead of C and get all the reps but it's too late now :(
There's a trumpScript now? *Runs away in terror.*
@JanDvorak I'm pretty sure it has existed for years, based off of The Apprentice, rather than POTUS
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Beta DecayDivmod two polynomials code-golf math Challenge Given two polynomials, a and b, return both values of floor(a/b) and a mod b. Formatting The polynomial will given like so: 5x^4 + x^3 + -6x + 5 Each term of the polynomial will be given in the format ax^n. If a = 1 then the term should be x...

How does this even happen tio.run/…?
If I remove the pipe, the value of a is retained, but with a pipe, the value of a is lost for some reason
(it's bash, btw)
Q: bash: variable loses value at end of while read loop

wolfgangszI have a problem in one of my shell scripts. Asked a few colleagues, but they all just shake their heads (after some scratching), so I've come here for an answer. According to my understanding the following shell script should print "Count is 5" as the last line. Except it doesn't. It prints "Co...

Wow, is VBA always this long?
A: Decode the chmod

polyglotrealIknowVisual Basic, 606 Bytes imports System.Collections module h sub main() Dim i As String=console.readline() Dim s=new Stack(new String(){"Others: ","Group: ","User: "}) for each j as Char in i dim t=new Stack() if((asc(j) MOD 2)=1)then t.push("Execute") if(asc(j)=50 or asc(j)=51 or asc(j)=54 or...

Well, VBA is bad in every way so of course ¯_(ツ)_/¯
oh wait he's a new user let's not be rude
I'm being rude to VBA not the user xD Looks like it's pretty well golfed
Is VBA the new Java?
Probably :D
OMG! I swiped through all of this!
do you mean you swiped through all of that particular comic or through the whole xkcd collection?
nvm, I see what you mean
@Arjun All of it?
How much time do you have?!
well i just did it just now
> The click-and-drag portion of this comic is divided up into 2592 sections of 2048x2048 pixels.
where does it say that?
It's on the explainxkcd page
@Okx continuing the comment discussion here, a more proper expression could be "must use"...
If we do __ on 2, then we get 1, which is truthy from according to i
but 2 isn't
I don't quite understand what you mean
Yes, but if we do __ where the top of the stack is 2 (which is considered falsy by i), we get 1 (which is considered truthy by i)
so we mustn't use __ to check truthiness
But it works.
2__ -> 1
2i1ë0 -> 0
__ maps 2 -> 1, 1 -> 1, 0 -> 1
It works for the situation
costs bytes
Yes, it doesn't check truthiness
and what I meant is that might've been how Riley assumed 2 is truthy
btw 05AB1E truthiness is totally weird
Can't do much about that.
only 1 seems to be truthy
and _ has different truthiness than i
How i behaves is the definition of truthy, as far as I'm concerned
_ just does something else
_ is Python falsiness I think
i is 05AB1E truthiness, is 05AB1E falsiness, and you can do both in a single statement, do something if truthy (i.e. 1) after the i, else do something else after the ë
and __ is Python truthiness
Good to know.
didn't you already know?
yeah it's kinda confusing
I just wonder why there isn't a push positive bool builtin
and we must use __
or even a variant of negative and positive bool that does i0ë1} and i1ë0} respectively
wait a sec...ooh I think _ vectorizes too
really a boolean mess!
Ā is the same as __
dah I need updates!
push truthified a
macron is used? O_o
so, still we must use i1ë0} not Ā
What would the point of i1ë0} be, exactly? It'd only convert values that are not 1 to 0 (1 -> 1, everything else -> 0) , and we're allowed to output 3 instead of 0 as they are both falsy
Also, it might be best to move to the actual 05AB1E chatroom
lol, just remembered this
@Mendeleev It means "none"
@Downgoat Yeah you can remove me from the org, I don't think I'll work on it anymore
What is that even supposed to mean
that it should be red-flagged
I wonder why did it stay over 30 minutes without being deleted
I mean what is that answer even supposed to mean, and why do people think posting that kind of spam on a site about code golf a good idea
new user, but dunno if really wants to contribute at all
please don't vote to delete!
because then it can't be spam-nuked
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

flawrCut a Ham Sandwich in Half codegolf geometry In this challenge we consider a discrete version of the ham sandwich theorem. In our case the theorem says: Given two sets of points in a plane, there is a line that simulaneously bisects both sets. So given two disjoint sets of distinct integ...

hi all
@orlp OK I have a problem somewhere in between impossible and easy now :)
Why is that possible
Q: How did "tech-supportcenter" phishers trick Google?

browlyRelated: Is the Web browser status bar always trustable? How can Google search change the location in a URL tooltip? I've always thought you can "hover" over a link to see where it really goes, until today. A coworker (working from home) searched for "Target" in Google Search (using edge). He ...

@RohanJhunjhunwala why does "d=c&2" and "d=c \n d&2" give different results?
@TuxCopter so is there no way to see the real URL?
@KritixiLithos You can by seeing what onmousedown contains
Q: How high can you count?

Stewie GriffinChallenge: Your task is to write as many programs / functions / snippets as you can, where each one outputs / prints / returns an integer. The first program must output the integer 1, the second one 2 and so on. You can not reuse any characters between the programs. So, if the first program is ...

@LeakyNun unfotunately, I have not added bitwise operators yet in my evaluation function, (it is unfortunately independent of the way the rest of the language is implemented).
"answered by Wheat Wizard" links to ETH's answer...wat?
maybe it's pointing out a case of plagiarism?
huh? (also the link doesn't work anymore)
@Riker haha XD
gotta love em downvotes for valid answers puu.sh/w9CHI/627b2aa1e4.png
There are various reasons to dislike valid answers

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