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Anyone want to help me write the Decimal showcase?
Or try to learn Decimal?
@totallyhuman that's literally a repost of the first answer though
@totallyhuman An extremely simple challenge by Mendeleev? Never!!
@StephenS yeah but it's a different language :P
@DJMcMayhem Sorry. Better?
Ehhh. A little bit
@totallyhuman from the accepted answer: "Also works in 05AB1E, Actually, APL, Factor, Forth, J, K, kdb+, Julia, MATL, Pyke, and Q." I'd assume you'd just add your language to that list
Well, I mean, he's got like 10 challenges - "Add two numbers together", "Multiply two numbers", "Compare two numbers for equality"
It's kinda old tbh :P
They are good for Esolangs, I'm glad we have them
Super trivial challenges are decent for testing new (usually in development) languages, to know what you're expected to be able to do
Might as well answer in Decimal, then...
Q: Simulate the classic childhood card game of war

ChristopherThe challenge: Randomly distribute 26 cards to players John and Mary. The game is played with a standard 52 card deck; no jokers! The random distribution of cards does not need to be uniform, but must be able to theoretically simulate any combination of hands. Simulate the game until there i...

Oh wow
There's no way to input an integer in Decimal O_o
@MDXF now you know why the trivial challenges exist
New challenge: take input
ugh this is the problem with a lot of langs for cat program
I mean, you can input characters, but not integers
310 reads a character to the stack
@WheatWizard or a little more non-trivial, output intput
@StephenS Bash, 4 bytes: echo "string to echo"
@StephenS Thats cat and its already a question
@MDXF bash 3 bytes cat
Unless he meant output one input, not output all input
like output the command-line arguments and such
Hence, echo
oooo I have an idea, prime checker that works with arbitrary length strings, within the timespan of the universe, how's that for a challenge
Do we have a "Shuffle a deck of cards"?
@Mendeleev Almost definitely
@Mendeleev that's like saying "Do we have an 'Call your language's PRNG'"
With some fancy output, and loop 52 times
@StephenS It also involves outputting of cards
Well, I guess it also has "is this in a list or not"
Q: Display the result of doing 8 perfect shuffles of a deck of cards

Peter OlsonExplanation A perfect shuffle is where a deck of cards is split exactly in half and the cards from each pile are alternately interleaved. The original bottom cards and the original top card must be preserved after a perfect shuffle. After 8 perfect shuffles, a standard 52 card deck returns to i...

Not correct
I should make it
@Mendeleev no you should post it to Sandbox
@Mendeleev because chat is not the universal "is this a dupe" place, Sandbox is
thank you for pointing that out
Can I just post it to main?
Also, +100 bounty to anyone who can answer this in Decimal as of commit 13
I'll probably get hammered, but still
@Mendeleev ...then don't post it to main
> jno
What is that
@Mendeleev and it's definitely a dupe of this codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/6487/…
s/jno/just\ no
Question: in C would it be safe to replace all multiplicaiton by zero with zero?
@StephenS Not a dupe
or could floating points and all result in weird behavior
@Mendeleev it'll be closed as one
@Downgoat Safe
No input. Output will be 52 cards in random order. No need to make sure that they are not touching.
🂡🃂🂹 Can I use these?
If you want them to look like boxes, yes
@BusinessCat my unicode is better than your boxes
@Mendeleev not if you want to make half of PPCG mad at you because they have to worry about unicode
@StephenS Ehh OK
They are in a pretty good format
start with 1F0, then A/B/C/D for spades/hearts/diamonds/clubs, then the number 0-E
I feel like this would be easier than the alternative
Also @Downgoat:
huh ok thanks
Also, how does one view chat room stats?
@MDXF dunno C, but what about negatives
@StephenS Good idea
I mean, I'm sure it's all safe, I'm just proving
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

musicman523Help me golf my numbers! (Part 2) code-challenge test-battery Thanks for all your help in Part 1! I recently just found out that my language also supports expressions, and we can use those to make our numbers even shorter! Challenge Write a full program that takes in a list of integers less th...

@StephenS Why would INT_MIN matter for floating point precision?
Yep, I replaced 0 with -10000 in the above program and it just finished fine
@MDXF because I forgot that it was floats already
What on earth this guy hasn't posted anything for over a year and he still get ~5 rep a day
@MDXF He's an older member of the site (who used to be a moderator) so he answered a lot of older questions that get more views due to their popularity
@MDXF he's got a question with 15k views and the top answer on a question with 25k views?
@Poke Oh true
Why'd he quit?
Q: A fond farewell from an old-time mod

Chris Jester-Youngtl;dr: I'm starting a coding tutoring company, and if you have any interest in coding education, or want to get coding tutoring or be a tutor, email me at [email protected]. I hope to keep in touch with you all! So long, and thanks for all the ><> As we wrap up the first PPCG election, it...

busy with life
@Poke so he got a life?
Not to be mean but do you have high latency right now, Steve
So Dennis and Martin are the really popular mods, they're everywhere and they're often in TNB. Doorknob is slightly less active but still can often be seen around. Where's Alex? I've never seen him.
@Poke maybe, why?
@ComradeSparklePony Can I ask why you unaccepted both my answers to your hexagon and triangle challenges all of a sudden?
@MDXF He's also pretty busy with life
I always thought mods weren't really allowed to have a life :P
@StephenS Just noticing your messages seemed to be cut off (so you had to edit them in) and then you were mentioning the thing I had just said
@Poke oh, that's because I type too fast and hit enter too early (laptop keyboards, man)
ah gotcha
So mods can be 15, huh?
@MDXF mods are elected
@StephenS Yeah just clarifying
I've never seen a teenage SE mod
i could totally be a mod
vote for me!
You're at like what, ~1337 rep?
Isn't there a minimum?
I would suck as a mod
Fun fact: I have the highest candidate score out of every non-mod (on PPCG at least)
@MDXF yes, the minimum is that you get elected
I wouldn't be a mod for a few years. For one thing, I'm already way too distracted by PPCG and TNB. For another, I hate dealing with stupid people. For another, I get enough inbox messages overnight as it is :P
@DJMcMayhem Whats a Canidate score?
@StephenS Come on. I know the limit on SO is 3k rep.
How it's candidate score measured?
Uhhhh, just a sec
s/it's/is @Phoenix
I'd fix it but mobile
When's the 2017 election?
And @DJMcMayhem how come you never ran for mod?
@MDXF There isn't one
@DJMcMayhem why
Aren't elections on a need basis?
Because they don't happen regularly. Only when the mods or a CM request it
@DJMcMayhem Why'd the mods request it in 2016?
And what's a CM?
Community Manager, and in 2016 we graduated
so we had to replace the pro tempore mods with real ones
Community Manager ?
SE staff iirc
Oh all right
@MDXF Because when the election happened, I wasn't yet very active and figured no one would take me seriously
Hey I had two HNQ's yesterday. Yay :P
@DJMcMayhem Oh huh
Apparently I have score 9
But now people refer to you as "practically a mod", eh?
@DJMcMayhem the "capped rep" bit, is that how many times you've hit rep cap?
@MDXF Who has referred to me as that? o_O
I've heard at least 3 people in here
@StephenS No, that's 1 point for every thousand points you have, but you can only get up to 20 points from rep (that's the cap)
because that seems like a weird part to be included in mod credentials
you do a lot of moderative (wrong word) stuff
I'd be interested in seeing a list of recent PPCG questions that a) are still open, and b) never hit HNQ
@DJMcMayhem ah
Everyone mate. Also Mego.
@ais523 any one that was closed for ~2 days and then reopened, because iirc it's weighted to exploding right after posting instead of later
OK, "that was never closed", I guess
OK, then any challenge that was challenging and didn't get answers quickly
Answers are really heavily weighted over upvotes in HNQ afaik
I think some of them hit HNQ too? I know I've seen questions with no answer on HNQ, if they received a lot of upvotes quickly
It would be a pretty good way of getting interesting questions
Q: What do you get when you multiply 6 by 9? (42)

TezraI love math. But I can't find a single calculator that can multiply correctly. They seem to get everything right except 6*9 (It's the question to life, the universe, and everything! How could they get that wrong?!). So I want you all to write a function for me that can multiply 2 numbers correctl...

I would make a data explorer query if I could write in SQL
Elect me as mod! I only post the highest quality questions and I'm the most on-topic chat user!
the most on-topic chat user is probably someone who's only posted once
Should I do headers with ## or #?
@Mendeleev #
According the meta post from like two weeks ago it doesn't matter
Has anyone here aside from me used Decimal? I'd like to add a command/function but seeing as how I'm not the only one who uses it I should probably check if it's even a good idea
It's your language right?
If you care to learn it, the repo's here and it's on TIO
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

MendeleevShuffle a deck of cards Input None Output 52 cards. No duplicates. Cards are represented as their unicode characters, e.g. 🂹. These follow the following format: The first three digits are 1F0. The next digit is A, B, C, or D for spades, hearts, diamonds, and clubs respectively. The next...

Ooh, Microsoft announced fedora and OpenSUSE versions of wsl
@Phoenix Ayyy
Just needs Arch
@DJMcMayhem y
in Trash, 4 mins ago, by New Sandboxed Posts
nobody likes me :(
look what you have done to NSP
@DJMcMayhem what why?
Can you all help me with this? I'm camping for the weekend and I'd like to post something good right before I leave
Also needs a catchy title, which it does not have at the moment
Q: Take a stand against long lines

Nick TRecently, someone proposed more stringent limits for Python's default line length: Clearly, no program should ever use more than 80 characters per line, for a whole host of reasons. First and foremost, for readability and maintainability, it is important to have a solid standard, so we can ad...

I need to stop asking questions, meh
question seems unsalvageable
It's fine
## Ruby, max 6 bytes

eval s

Adapted from the following [solution](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/58615/1-2-fizz-4-buzz/58841#58841):

@Mendeleev was it really necessary to send all that to chat?
@MDXF The question is closed and I didn't want my answer to go to waste
I wonder if saying "all line breaks must be meaningful" isn't overly stringent.
yeah i don't think people would take that too well
because that disqualifies their trivial 1-character-line solution or does it reduce creativity osmehow
Ugh I just selected 150 GIFs from my pictures and tried to delete them but accidentally hit enter
Now I have to wait for 150 Internet Explorer windows to close
Why did you set IE as the program to open GIFs?
And more importantly why would you want to delete some many GIFs?
I didn't set it, I've never used GIFs before I became active on PPCG
And I wanted to delete them because who needs a GIF of every single revision of every single answer with graphical output?
Q: Make a program to interpret any MetaGolfScript language

PyRulezAlthough MetaGolfScript is not allowed in answers, doesn't mean you can't make challenges based on it. Your job is to make an interpreter for the MetaGolfScript family of programming languages. Your program will take three inputs: A nonnegative integer, N Source code Input You will then run ...

Is there a BrainFuck to Lenguage converter?
@WheatWizard How similar is Lenguage to Brainf***?
It is a trivial equivalent
So it's the "I wrote a database program using only 0's" language?
@WheatWizard Aww so Decimal isn't the first language to only use decimals?
If Hello World is about 1.75 * 10^76 yottabytes in ASCII then it's more of a joke lang, huh?
Try this if you want: pastebin.com/nFUk32wW
So is Decimal still rather original?
@MDXF It wins a lot of challenges with strange rules
For example:
A: Take a stand against long lines

Wheat WizardLenguage, 0 bytes per line Lenguage is the right tool for the job. It can be written entirely with newlines. This means that it has zero characters per line. Removing any one character will result in the program failing. The program is just 1448777025545769063708632796840267320992689018831670...

It has a perfect score on that challenge
(would upvote but I'm out of literally everything for the day. rep, votes, comment votes)
even stars?
Thanks! Don't worry about it
Also I didn't realize it was possible to reopen a question when a mod had closed it
(and if it doesn't need work tell me I can post it so I know that too)
Q: Dynamically Create Boxes

RobinlemonThe Challenge: Draw a rectangle of ASCII boxes: [] The Rules: Takes a width and a height input You can assume both of these are numbers Must produce a string with newline characters, \n Examples: 2, 2: [][] [][] 2, 3: [][] [][] [][] Fewest Bytes wins.

I managed to make python run out of memory trying to store the lenguage "Hello, world" program
@musicman523 Why even try
Honestly I don't know
Thought it would be a fun time
The page specifically said yottabytes
Why... just why...
You're a yottabyte
Okay I did a smarter this time and just printed the number

Program should be 4053585455657079027790421320309138962209204348694841099733573975815876 bytes long.
Help me with my Sandbox post :P
It's actually only 4.05 yottabytes
I will if you do mine
Link it
The one about golfing numbers?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

musicman523Help me golf my numbers! (Part 2) code-challenge test-battery Thanks for all your help in Part 1! I recently just found out that my language also supports expressions, and we can use those to make our numbers even shorter! Challenge Write a full program that takes in a list of integers less th...

@musicman523 Here, try this
@musicman523 Wait, a yottabyte is 1e+24 bytes, so isn't this 4.05e+39 yottabytes?
@Phoenix how long do you think it'll take to download 4 yottabytes of ram?
@ETHproductions I googled (that number) bytes to yottabytes lol
Prolly a while, you might want to pick a time when you know you won't be at your computer.
waaaaaaait I missed the ol' e+45 at the end
good one
also I think google rounded me
Done, I commented on your Sandbox post
Okay I'm still reading yours
It did get a bit long... but at least there aren't any holes to exploit, and the description is (I think) clear enough
(Also I'd upvote your post but I'm out of votes for the day and there was one point in my comment that threw me off quite a bit)
So I don't know if anyone cares at the moment, but I have a new tag idea. It would cover two groups of challenges:
1. Challenges which could have been but are instead challenges. (That is, shortest code to map input -> one of valid outputs)
2. Pure challenges which have multiple valid outputs.
So basically any challenge where each input (or the empty input) has multiple valid outputs, and the goal is to find the one that's the shortest to output.
Example of 1: Make Wise Numbers, example of 2: 5 Favorite Letters
I'm not sure what to call this hypothetical tag though... Any ideas?
Help me golf my numbers! (Part 1) is another example, yes?
Maybe "best-pick"?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Beta DecayOutput the nth Perfect Number code-golf number math Challenge Given an integer, n, as input where 1 <= n <= 2^10, output the nth perfect number. Perfect Numbers A perfect number is a number, x where the sum of its factors (excluding itself) equals x. For example, 6: 6: 1, 2, 3, 6 And, of ...

Then you might not need to do "shortest", but "best based on this predicate"
@musicman523 Not exactly. I'm talking about challenges where, instead of there being exactly one correct output for each input, there are multiple correct outputs
Okay I see what you're saying
and the goal is to use as little code as possible to output one of the correct outputs.
This would cover all questions in group 2 here
Plus challenges which, like I said, could have been (i.e. make the output as short as possible) but are instead regular
Let's see... is a little too wordy; sounds like you have to output multiple things; is a little confusing...
@Mego That sounds a lot like
@Phoenix Hey, my two favorite distros!
@ETHproductions What you're describing sounds a lot like metagolf
I guess it's basically metagolf except you're golfing your code instead of the output
So I just found out go allows for anonymous functions
So would this be valid?
As in, just func (n int) int {return n+1}
@totallyhuman I don't see why not.
Anonymous functions are allowed.

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