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PPCG does really really well on HNQ
@StephenS Where else can you get dozens of answers within a few hours...
@Mego sorry, went to sleep, but it's been moved now.
Honestly we should just pick a day when we put up a bunch of really good Sandbox-reviewed questions and try to fill HNQ
cc @Phoenix, @DestructibleLemon
Maybe it'll help with our site redesign or something
@StephenS HNQ has a modifier for that - the more questions from a given site, the harder for further questions from that site to get onto HNQ. Which makes it even more remarkable that PPCG gets so many on there...
The good and bad thing is there are people joining our community only to upvote something
@SIGSEGV why would that be bad? Then they feel more comfortable posting stuff when they see something they have some knowledge in
@StephenS They might come literally only to upvote, and never touch the community again
@TuxCopter never question SethBling's ability to make games do crazy things
I mean he modded SMW on a real console
how and why
It's totally possible to play rom hacks on an actual console
I have no idea how, but I know people have
@BusinessCat It's not a ROM hack, it's a mod running on an unedited cartridge
By abusing save corruption
@TuxCopter It's called code injection
@SIGSEGV From save data
And it tricks the game into running it
martin has made a lot of languages o0
If one can make flappy bird in SMW he can make anything in SMW
Even SMW
Meta, huh?
SethBling should inject a SNES emulator into SMW and run SMW on it
He should inject a nintendo switch emulator and go to the future
... I doubt there'd be enough space in a SNES cartridge
As code golfers I'm pretty sure we should be able to fit it into the 200 bytes
I don't think the SNES can natively execute Jelly code.
@TuxCopter or we can just ruin SMW and increase the limit lmao
@Phoenix so, golf a Jelly interpreter
CMC: Write a Jelly self-interperter
I think jelly has an eval
> V - Eval z as Jelly code, with no arguments. If z is a list, it maps Python's str function to all of z's elements, concatenates them and then eval's the result. Vectorizes at depth 1.
If you eval a code six times.. there comes VVVVVV
or just v
CMC: Interpretchain
although... i can't find a way to take input in jelly..?!
urp nvm i'm an idiot
@totallyhuman argument
Darnit ninja'd
Wait that actually rhymed with nilad monad dyad etc
here's a single line jelly self-interpreter: ɠV
reads only one line though
CMC: Given ints a, b, c representing a point at position (a, b) facing c degrees clockwise from East, calculate how many degrees clockwise you would have to rotate to face (0, 0)
so that's arctan(a,b)+(90-c)?
@Phoenix can we take c in radians instead?
In that case a, b, c are doubles/floats
(haven't tested this) Processing, float f(float...a){return atan(a[1],a[0])+PI/2-a[3];}
JavaScript port of @KritixiLithos' untested algorithm: (a,b,c)=>Math.atan2(a,b)+Math.PI/2-c
@totallyhuman ?
6 of my answers all got 1 upvote each today
Serial voting or just luck?
likely serial voting
as none of those were bumped recently
That happens to me occasionally as well
Well good thing they won't revert your new badge
it doesnt' do anything though
but it's useless though ;-;
you need gold to dupehammer
I don't think I've ever had someone's serial voting on my posts reversed though
i should learn jelly
@ETHproductions I've had serial downvoting reversed once (not on PPCG) and I think 1 serial upvote spree reversed on PPCG
@totallyhuman why
just one look at the atoms and like... so much usefulness!
you can make good golf without jelly
you don't need to win challenges
You just need to post an answer within 5 minutes of when the challenge was posted that's all, then you get upvotes as long as you have a decent answer + an edited in explanation
I usually find that I get the most upvotes on posts that 1) use a really short, clever algorithm for something, or 2) have an explanation that points out an unusual feature of the language and how it was used in the code
problem is, a lot of challenges don't get solved in 5 minutes in practical languages
Then there's this answer which was a stroke of luck but also unavoidable
ofc i like to code more than i like to win the challenges
but it's nice seeing green numbers
IMO it's easier to make a 5 minute solution in JS than in Jelly
@ETHproductions everyone flocks to upvote
But I haven't memorized all 256 functions in Jelly yet so what does my opinion matter
@MDXF That was not supposed to be a plug, but oh well :P
Yeah, I know :P
Anyone know if there are any potential problems sprintf-ing to an int* instead of a char*?
Or if this would be problematic:
someint = somechar+someotherchar+anotherchar;
Thank goodness I'm developing my JS for mobile, I don't have to worry about freaking IE
Mobile edge exists
@Phoenix We don't talk about that
Aha, but I don't need to support Windows Phone (yet)
Anyone here good with C?
(I mean, I am, but I have no clue why this one thing doesn't work)
Try stackoverflow.com, I heard it's a decent website
CMP (Chat-mini-poll): How many comments have you written on PPCG?
Pro tip: check https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/MY_ID/MY_USER_NAME?tab=activity&sort=c‌​omments
@StephenS I'm not sure decent is the proper word for SO
@MDXF I don't know about good, but I'd say I'm atleast competent
Also 1,016 here
Got some catching up to do brb
@DJMcMayhem 111
@DJMcMayhem Whoops, already put it on SO
Link? Maybe I can answer it
Q: Problems fscanf'ing to an integer array

0xBADC0DEI'm trying to use this code, with the input 072101108108111044032087111114108100033010: int s[100] = {0}; scanf("%[^D]",&s); This works fine at first: puts(s); // displays 072101108108111044032087111114108100033010 But this gets really borked: printf("%d",s[0]); // prints 825374512 Wh...

@DJMcMayhem ^
I've used SO countless times, have been semi-active over the past year or 2, but never have I ever asked a question there.
@MDXF that's a different account o_O
CMP: How many questions have you asked on SO?
@MistahFiggins I use an alt account to ask questions
@DJMcMayhem 765
@MDXF why?
@MistahFiggins 20
Well, Jon Skeet does it
'nuff said
@KritixiLithos 770
@MDXF What should %[^D] do? I've never seen that format before
@DJMcMayhem Scan until it reaches the character D, store into string
But you're storing into an int array?
@DJMcMayhem Yeah :I
Also, FWIW, I'd recommend avoiding phrases like borked when you're genuinely asking for help.
Rather than borked, what do you expect it to do, and what does it do? (specifically printf("%d",s[0]);)
Yeah, crappy question. Oh well.
1 message moved to Trash
Also, since it's relevant right now, I've thought about making an RO-sandbox, specifically for stuff like this
Regular sandbox doesn't work when you want to test RO features
sounds like a good idea
If I did make it, I'd give anyone who wants RO powers (as long as they don't remove other people)
hmm... we can test sending messages after a room has just been frozen
I did that once in the sandbox accidentally
19 messages moved to RO-sandbox
Q: Covfefify a string

Destructible LemonIn this challenge, you must take a string matching the regex ^[a-z]+$ or ^[A-Z]+$, or ^[A-Z][a-z]+$ or whatever is reasonable, (you may assume the string is long enough, and has the right structure for all the operations), and output another string, produced similarly to word at the end of a rece...

I think this meme was taken too far
Holy crap
^ I went to sleep and shit hit the fan
What just happened to RO-sandbox
I nuked it
from orbit
with a giant laser
It was a mistake
@Riker really? You realize that goes on my record forever
@Christopher yes?
@Riker thanks
@Riker For what?
@Christopher I meant to suspend you for 1 minute, but apparently it doesn't like decimals
that gave me a fright for a moment
Oh that made much more sense
@Christopher being a general nuisance, and annoying the heck out of people
Wait what. I was in a sandbox...
@Christopher yeah, 0.05 is apparently 1
Uh, why is there a bot in the RO sandbox?
@Christopher sandbox == testing
@ETHproductions it does that, it's a weird bot
not annoying
@ETHproductions Do you mean Henry WH Hack v2.0? That's a human
Oh it is?
why's it say it's a bot then
@Mendeleev y tho.png
in Sandbox, May 15 at 13:54, by Kritixi Lithos
Are you a bot?
@Riker I have no idea
Probably because covfefe
that's not a good freaking reason
no, it's a great freaking reason
Well I was just checkmated...
nvm my previous message :P
@Riker wellll, people upvote a submission into oblivion just because it's name is humorous
so, apparently users can have their parent site be a beta site, which, when closed, then ruins the link to the user profile
I should make a programming language called CovfefeScript
I made a mistake. Please let's not do anymore RO-sandboxes
Lemon struck gold
7 mins ago, by Mendeleev
I think this meme was taken too far
@NathanMerrill fairly certain that's a user who's parent has been deleted
and the chat is gonna die when the roomba comes around
@Mendeleev ...Trump script?
Riker checkmate
the heck
@Mendeleev So TrumpScript but with typos?
Check the room I made
Someone should do Covfefify in TrumpScript
@Christopher It's really not funny. Just because you're being obnoxious in other rooms does not mean it's ok to be obnoxious
but if he was named something different on every other site
there's no way you could pair the chat user with the site user
No UUID or anything?
there is a site-wide stackexchange ID
but you don't get it from the chat profile page
@DJMcMayhem What? I wasn't trying to be obnoxious. I was messing in my own sandbox.
@NathanMerrill ... that seems counter intuitive, why can't you just stick a DB field on that has the parent user's ID
yeah, its not a big enough issue that it's worth bringing up on Meta IMO
Anyone want to join the GitHub organization "covfefe-lang"?
Covfefe is currently 40th on highest votes
@StephenS oh, it might be in the DB.
we just don't have access AFAIK
I bet it knows, somehow
@Mendeleev What language are you going to build it in?
TrumpScript ofc
@ETHproductions Ruby
@Mendeleev wat is going on
@Christopher C O V F E F E
Or if you're like me, cophfefe since ph is obviously pronounced like a v
Post your GH usernames here, I'll add you to the org
@Mendeleev -1 for not using TrumpScript
What's it for though
@TuxCopter Would be painful
hmm Ruby
It's an esolang, it doesn't need a purpose
@BusinessCat New esolang where everything is Covfefied
Can you star in a gallery room?
@Mendeleev We code in brainfuck, so TrumpScript is an easy one
@TuxCopter You do. I don't
The extent of my Ruby knowledge is puts so I'm gonna say don't bother with me
@TuxCopter build a language in brainfuck?
@Mendeleev ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@TuxCopter Everything that I can covfefe is covfefe
@Christopher Could we not link to that room please?
@DJMcMayhem what room?
@DJMcMayhem Ok I thought I found something
Every keyword in my language is going to be covfefe style, covfefying is enforced on all variable names.
gl golfing
Not a golf language
Just an esolang
@Mendeleev but how can you check if something is covfefeised
@Mendeleev You guys should probably create a dedicated room for this
@Mendeleev Holy crap. That's in the top 50 all-time questions.
Q: Is it Covfefey?

Destructible LemonBased on this challenge, you must determine if a string is covfefey, that is, could it have been produced as output from a covfefifier? The string will be composed of only alphabet chars (^[a-z]\*$, ^[A-Z]\*$ are possible schemes for input. change the regexs appropriately if using caps) To do t...

@TuxCopter Make a bot that searches PPCG answers and randomly uses one of them til it works of course
@StephenS So GolfSort?
@ETHproductions PPCGSortrt
Just makes me think of C'thulu
@Mendeleev Trying it on Chrome, but it always checks the same sequence of answers...?
@ETHproductions yeah it starts from the top page.
click "didn't work" to load more
Anyone know jQuery, specifically .css?
> jquery
> css
as in web dev stuff
Because when I change the css for a class, it applies to the element, not the class itself, so when I change pages, my changes aren't there anymore
Q: Why doesn't Randall Munroe have a SE account?
A: Because he doesn't want one
Because we'd all know his password?
What if Randall Munroe == Jon Skeet
@BusinessCat Mind blown
@BusinessCat no, they look different
@StephenS correct horse battery staple
How do you know he doesn't have one
@StephenS wrong donkey generator paperclip?
Why can I still reply to this?
This is a 7 year old post
@Mendeleev Because it's promoted?
@MDXF Right, but Reddit archives all posts after 6 months.
All of them

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