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hey guys
i havent been here im a long time
miss me, any1?
Question: is there better way than gaussian elimination to solve augment matrix of system of equation
@Downgoat I am not sure what those words mean. Try mathematics.se?
Define "better"
I know all of the words except that one.
like for gaussin elimination i use like two piece of paper because I end up drawing 100 matrices
going step by step
am i just suck at math
There's nothing really better.
You can try to to more steps at once
Without drawing new matricse.
You can try to use Wolfram|Alpha
idk how to enter augment matrix into wolfram alpha
A matrix is a 2d array, right? Enter array of arrays.
for row-multiplying transformation, am I allowed to multiply by fraction or zero
@Downgoat not zero
@Downgoat because *0 makes you lose information
oh true
Question: how to further eliminate
(where line is before last column can't figure out how to do in latex)
@Downgoat first row *-1/7
oh and then do a swap :O
@Downgoat ??????
i am trying to get bottom left to be all zeros
@Downgoat no you do r2-10r1 afterwards
@Downgoat i mean row 2 - 10 * row 1
@Downgoat I just realized that the URL to that contains "WOOF." Bork.
-7 &  3 & -3 & | & 81\\
10 &  5 &  7 & | & 56\\
 0 & -1 &  8 & | & 74\\
:O I figure out how to do reducing!!! :D
shit i have to solve for x
I actually listened to the entirety of Blank Banshee 0
I love it
@ASCII-only do i have to do until I get identity matrix or can I just do until I get bottom left as zero
ohhhhhhh why did I make my program work off downloaded modules only
right now I have:
@VoteToClose oh that's bad
@ckjbgames It's an experiment for CS using Android where you download and use dynamic modules as dexed during runtime but for some reason I thought it'd be a really good idea to only allow downloads of releases from github
I regret my life decisions
@VoteToClose ok
@Downgoat identity
Who here unironically listens to vaporwave?
@ASCII-only oh god that sound like lot of work
@Downgoat no it isn't
@ckjbgames What is vaporware?
@Phoenix Oh, you have much to learn.
@Phoenix Listen to Blank Banshee 0 and come back
@ASCII-only but then i get crazy giant fractions in giant scary matrix
@Phoenix have you used JavaFX? (you do java right?)
@Downgoat Not really, I never really made any GUI stuff.
@Downgoat brb working this out
CLI works just fine, and I'm lazy.
@Phoenix ;_; we have to do partner project in CS class and partner demanded to do GUI app so now im stuck making gui
@Downgoat wait i have better idea
@Downgoat I hear the IntelliJ GUI designer is very good.
@Phoenix how long would it take using that GUI builder to create... for example... a calculator?
@Downgoat BRB asking friend who does IntelliJ UI things
be back l8r
@Downgoat Apparantly, incredibly easy.
actually, i just wanna go bc i dunno wut u r sayin ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-;
@Phoenix can you tell friend I will give 5 stack of tin can if they can make a calculator GUI and send to me :33333
why do you have 5 stack of tin can
@DestructibleLemon where do you think food for goats comes from
do you live in the dump?
@Downgoat He's camping and will be back at around 11-ish today, so probably not.
although that would make sense because u r trash
This is already becoming too many ಠ___ಠ
i just needed an excuse to use that
@ATaco it's never too many ಠ_____ಠ
On a better topic, I'm going to try to give a-ta.co full LaTeX support.
After this operation, 1,140 MB of additional disk space will be used.
Well sure thing LaTeX.
ok we're done now
@ATaco ಠಠ
ok please stop now
Nah, I think ಠಠ is valid.
But that's wasting bytes!
I don't think it work like that.
it's python just import stupidity
Also, thanks to ChatCommands.js, I now open up TNB in order to paste a ಠ_ಠ into another chat.
>>> inf
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'inf' is not defined
@totallyhuman `ಠ${'_'*inf}ಠ`
>>> from __future__ import braces
  File "<stdin>", line 1
SyntaxError: not a chance
ಠ_ಠ what about the golfers, python? ಠ_ಠ
@ATaco What syntax is that?
@Phoenix 'ಠ'+'_'*float('inf')+'ಠ'
@Phoenix JS, although it won't work.
@totallyhuman Can't multiply string by nonint type 'float'
after a bit of research, i have concluded it to be impossible to get an infinite string ;-;
@totallyhuman I'm somehow not surprised
infinite generators
Haskell has them.
>>> def inf():
...     while True:
...         yield '_'
>>> ''.join(inf())
def f():
    yield 'ಠ'
    while 1:
        yield '_'
    yield 'ಠ'
Does that count?
@Phoenix no
accordung to maths there is no encding eye
@totallyhuman what sucks is, that won't yield anything
memory error
@KuanHulio ... It will yield a lot
@KuanHulio The next line just won't print anything
for i in f(): print i outputs nothing when testing locally though.
@Phoenix O_o

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