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@DJMcMayhem Where is that info? In your profile somewhere?
@Riley You can't see others' consecutive day counts (or even total day counts). The closest you can get is looking for the presence or absence of the Fanatic badge.
Sorry, I meant where can I see my consecutive day count.
Q: Floor implementation

monobogdanTarget: Write C floor() function analog from scratch. Manipulating like converting float to string, and cutting all after dot are allowed. All languages are allowed. Any usage of built in language functions(like tointeger()) or something like this not allowed. Winner: most smallest implementa...

@DJMcMayhem Confuzzled (about family)
@DJMcMayhem Thanks, I must have looked at all but the last line in that section...
@WheatWizard And mine has more lovingly handcrafted red arrows
I have 30 consecutive because I for some reason assumed TNB counts as codegolf.stackexchange.com
I think I was around 150, but date day with my girlfriend ruined everything. Now I'm at 1.
Mate, what's more important PPCG or your girlfriend?
Much. XD
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Sami AltamimiIntroduction Wardialing was a very interesting way to try to hack people back in the '80s and '90s. When everyone used dial-up, people would dial huge amounts of numbers to search for BBS's, computers, or fax machines. If it was answered by a human or answering machine, it hung up and forgot the...

i posted that like 10 minutes ago
The sandbox bot is a little slow.
10 minutes is about average
@Phoenix PPCG unless she can hear me, then it's her.
The feeds bots post within 15 minutes of the post going up
@WheatWizard You have visited every day! I wish I could do that
I have no life.
neither do i
I probably wouldn't VTC
Peter Taylor points out that it's uncomfortably close to this recent challenge, but I think it's ok (mainly because the task is much simpler).
heh, reverse-ninja'd
Is it too trivial though?
Probably not
I would say its a nice sweet spot where it is rather easy but not to trivial
what about this
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Sami AltamimiIntroduction Wardialing was a very interesting way to try to hack people back in the '80s and '90s. When everyone used dial-up, people would dial huge amounts of numbers to search for BBS's, computers, or fax machines. If it was answered by a human or answering machine, it hung up and forgot the...

I might be biased though, because all I think when I see it is "I can do that in Brain-Flak"
@ETHproductions I like it, but this part is a little weird:
truthy/falsy value, or any two constant, distinct values.
Shouldn't it be one or the other?
It's a compromise between the two options, since which is shorter really depends entirely on the program. (I'm saying you should choose between one or the other, not do both with the same program)
Would it be better off with just one or the other?
@ETHproductions I like the option to choose either.
@WheatWizard I know brain-flak is good at generating triangular number, but detecting triangular numbers sounds like a pain. What would you do? Something like generating the n-th triangular number until it's larger than the input?
Then push difference and NOT?
Probably subtract an increasing number from the input until less than 1
then not
Oh, that's much better
@Riley That's what I thought; I don't like challenges where it's one or the other quite as much, because the non-chosen option may be shorter than the chosen option
@ETHproductions It does allow for this terrible answer though
@WheatWizard Wait, what? How is that a valid answer?
A: Default for Code Golf: Input/Output methods

ais523Functions may return a boolean value via the presence or absence of an error/exception That is, crashing to return false, and not crashing to return true. This is the function equivalent of outputting via exit code, which is allowed for full programs (nearly all interpreters will return an exit ...

It is currently a consensus but barely so
pls cough codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/2140/… cough peddling is hard enough
@WheatWizard Never mind, the code was messed up. The print f(5) showed up in the input instead of the footer
Yeah just fixed the link, my bad
also you never define f :P
oh, there you go
I have to say I am not a big fan of truthy/falsy.
I think it makes challenges worse
Now I am not a fan either
i didnt even know what it was
@WheatWizard Better?
I like it that way :)
@Riley @DJMcMayhem Anyone want to duel me at ETHproductions question? I'd be happy to put rep on it.
In Brain-Flak of course
What do you think of an "I like the ____" (boomdeyadda) challenge?
like, another showcase, but similar to the video format ;)
@ETHproductions should i put code-golf or popularity contest
code-golf for sure. pop-cons are incredibly hard to get right
I think we may have had one or maybe two pop-cons in the last year that were not quickly downvoted and/or closed
i want to get a second opinion about the formatting issue
@WheatWizard codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/2140/… help us out in discussing this issue
@WheatWizard I'm up for it, but I'll need a few days to come up with a solution. I'm pretty busy now. We could do a three person duel, winner takes all, if DJMcMayhem wants to.
Ok yeah, I think a few days is a good idea anyway
@Sami Here's a tip for improving challenges in general: codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/9384/42545
@SamiAltamimi I agree with ETHproductions, if you keep the formatting that becomes the entire challenge.
so what should i change it to
or use his suggestion
I think his suggestion is pretty good
flexible output is a plus
I suggest changing the output rule to "You may output the results in any reasonable format." if you want an exact wording
^ I do that a lot myself. Cumbersome IO can really be annoying, and you can't really accommodate every language when you are writing the challenge. So just let people figure out what makes sense. If something is iffy most people will ask about it.
fixed it up a bit
"However, I do want" sounds a bit subjective. Perhaps "You may output the results in any reasonable format, as long as it includes the website name, status codes for all the websites and the redirects"
@WheatWizard How much rep were you thinking for the duel?
I'm going to get off in a moment... should I post the challenge first so you guys can start?
Also, is it too close to codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/121731/… in your opinions?
@Riley 100 seems good
We can't do any less and I'd rather not do any more
@ETHproductions I don't think so
@WheatWizard Later I wanna duel in Newline (or anyone else)
But mainly you to settle it for once and for all
@WheatWizard 100 sounds good to me. Why couldn't we do 50?
He has placed a bounty on it before for 50
The challenge hasn't been posted yet.
The minimum for a question you have answered is 100
Ah makes sense.
Should I throw in a "your code must finish in under one minute for all inputs in range"?
I don't know that it improves the challenge any
IMO no, its not observable and it penalizes slower languages
Right, that's what I was thinking
I don't think it does, and Brain-Flak can be really slow sometimes :P
Is the algorithmic complexity observable? I think it is.
Alright then, posted. Have at it
@JanDvorak I'm pretty sure its not, finding a source now...
@ETHproductions Does no output count as a constant, distinct value?
IIRC there are algorithms we don't know the time complexity
I can't see a reason why it wouldn't be well defined per code
@Riley Yep, as the empty string
"distinct" just means the two outputs should be different though
@JanDvorak Doesn't something need to be computable to be observable?
CMC: Find a downside to Kotlin, JetBrains' (and now Google's) fancy new language meant to kinda replace Java.
If you can't bound the time complexity of your code, you can't use it in bounded-complexity challenges
@WheatWizard you can't tell for arbitrary code if they even return the correct result either
@HelkaHomba Does "it's not Java" count? :P
@JanDvorak Yeah, hence why a program working is non-observable
And yet challenges habitually require that the code works
@ETHproductions Some would call that an upside :P
@Riley What type of duel are we doing? Are we going to do a back and forth or are we going to wait a while and then reveal simultaneously?
@HelkaHomba platform-dependence?
Aw sweet, it has operator overloading
@JanDvorak it's like 100% interoperable with Java (and JS I think)
Like it runs on the JVM and can be mixed easily with Java projects
Alright, I've got to head out now. Talk to y'all later
@ETHproductions I was literally about to send this then I saw your message get highlighted...
Q: Is this number triangular?

ETHproductionsChallenge Given a positive integer, determine whether it is a triangular number, and accordingly output one of any two constant, distinct values. Definition A triangular number is a number that can be expressed as the sum of consecutive positive integers, starting at 1. They can also be expres...

I like how one arg lambdas can just use it as the input
val times3: (Int) -> Int = { it * 3 }
@WheatWizard I like the idea of revealing at the same time. When we did the Flak/Flueue quine we went back and forth and it kind of came down to who happened to get the last improvement. Either of us could have won that one.
infix functions! idk why but i really like it
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

tuskiomiCops & Robbers, the ultimate 1-up. This is a cops and robbers game. Cops Hello, cops. you've just solved a Code Golf challenge on the stack exchange website. How wonderful. You go to post your answer, and soon after a robber comes and beats you by 1! How infuriating! Your task: Produce two ...

@totallyhuman that too
We can do whichever one you want though.
I have strong opinions both ways. We can go with simultaneous reveal
@HelkaHomba fun main(args: Array<String>) is absolutely godawful. As is var foo : int. Though the designers of VSL likely disagree, I'll stick with normal function and variable definitions. None of this hipster stuff.
I like all of the features and ideas but the syntax isn't for me.
should we schedule a date or just play it by ear?
@WheatWizard almost nobody has a life here afaict...
@Phoenix You mean you prefer plain int x = 8;? Fair enough, though kotlin does lots of type inference, like val x : Int = 8 is the same as val x = 8
Type inference is fine, I've gotten fond of C#'s var. But sometimes you need to state a type explicitly and Kotlin's syntax bothers me. It's more so the function syntax tho.
@WheatWizard I think we can just play it by ear. Do you want to wait to see if @DJMcMayhem wants to duel too? We can't place 2 bounties at the same time, but we could do 2 short ones.
We can wait for his response.
an interesting note: it's hard to be innovative with syntax when everyone really just wants the same syntax. That's why so many languages are "C-style", and it's rather unfortunate
I'm going to have to disagree with unfortunate
I like C-style.
that's... unfortunate.
That I like C-style?
There's nothing wrong with c-style syntax
that you can't see outside of C-style to appreciate other syntaxes
ouch lol
github seems to be reacting to kotlin really well o.o
there are so many other styles than C-style, and each is beautiful in its own right. none is perfect, and each has something to contribute
I'm ok with other syntaxes, I love Mathematica, I like Python's syntax for being so simple, but val foo : Int is bad.
I like py3.6's syntax for functions
I also like how you can break out of outer loops kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/…
with optional type and return type specifications
@HelkaHomba You can do that in Java
With named blocks
It's bad? Not many syntaxes are bad. Perhaps you don't like it, and I can respect that.
foo : while(true) {
    //do stuff
    break foo;
val foo : Int is fine
@ConorO'Brien Sorry, I shouldn't have phrased it that way. I can see why some people would like it, but I think it's just annoying.
@Riker what's different in 3.6?
it's got special syntax
new to python in general
hold up, let me find link
@Phoenix yeah I can see how you'd think that
from typing import List
Vector = List[float]

def scale(scalar: float, vector: Vector) -> Vector:
    return [scalar * num for num in vector]
personally, I loathe Python's syntax of dynamic whitespace. To me, it's annoying. But it's also quite elegant and intuitive.
I on the other hand, think "Hey, you're going to be putting in whitespace so your code is readable anyway, might as well use it to get rid of an end"
the neat thing about the var foo : type and f(foo: type){ style is that you know instantly which variable you're looking at, which is often not the case with complex generic types, like Tuple<Integer, Tuple<Integer, Integer>> args = { 3, { 4 , 5} };
I don't like languages where I have to put end after blocks. I don't think it's bad I just can't get used to it.
@Phoenix there's that, too. It's nice, but a tad restrictive. also for me is a pain to refactor
How is end different from }?
@ConorO'Brien yup
@WheatWizard @Riley I think I'm going to pass on it for this time. Have fun though! I'm excited to see what comes out of it
@WheatWizard I don't know, it just feels awkward.
@ConorO'Brien Tuple literals FTW
C# 7 finally has them through a NuGet package you can grab.
I still think it's black wizardry that packages can add literal types.
@Phoenix I agree. My main gripe with python whitespace is multiline strings, and sometimes lots of indents moving code nearly off screen
I have no idea how multiline strings in Python work.
well, usually that's a sign that a function may be needed
@Phoenix start with """ end with """
or do a string and end lines with ``
I know that but I don't know how it interacts with indentation
@WheatWizard When you have to remember if it's end, fi, done, esac, or next.
@Phoenix it doesn't. it's like a regular string IIRC
According to the Linux style guide, no code may be indented more than 4 times in.
@Riley I hate bash/VBS for that >_>
@Riley Yes that is bad.
>>> if 1:
...     print("""
...             <- tab!
... more
...     stuff
... """)

                <- tab!
@Phoenix The indents get put into the string :/
Yeah, would be nice if that wasn't the case.
@Riley I have an answer, tell me when you're ready. No rush though, take a couple days if you want.
I think ruby has a heredoc that removes tabs, smth like ~<<
@ConorO'Brien close, it's <<~
Ruby is weird to me. Amazing language, but.... it's weird.
@Phoenix yes
@WheatWizard It didn't take me nearly as long as I thought it would. I have one that I'm happy with. I just need to verify the rest of the test cases.
@Riley Ok I just thought of a golf, but its a bit complex, you might have to give me a bit more time.
What I really wish is for python to have implicit int to string casting for int + string operation.
That kinda stuff ruined JS
Python 2's `5` is really convenient and I wish it wasn't removed.
@WheatWizard Let's wait until tomorrow then. Want to compare byte count now without revealing the code?
Ok I have 98 rn
I'm at 46.
@HelkaHomba Actually I was more looking at Java.
You know what else I don't like? Needing to put spaces around { and }
@HelkaHomba it ruined it for people who aren't careful at least
CMC: Longest method name in the standard library of a non-esolang
@Riley Ok you are too good.
@WheatWizard I had a happy accident. I didn't plan it out to be that short.
@HelkaHomba C, 11 bytes: strncasecmp
Is string.h a standard library?
C, 14: posix_memalign (from stdlib.h)
@Riley That's extremely impressive
@DJMcMayhem what is the challenge
A new run has been initiated for SnowballKOTH!
I should make a live updater site so people can go look at live results
Q: Is this number triangular?

ETHproductionsChallenge Given a positive integer, determine whether it is a triangular number, and accordingly output one of any two constant, distinct values. Definition A triangular number is a number that can be expressed as the sum of consecutive positive integers, starting at 1. They can also be expres...

But they haven't answered yet (it's a duel)
@HelkaHomba The longest one in vimscript is eleven characters, which isn't that bad. (There's a bunch of them)
haslocaldir() for example
Why is Conor saying "yes" starred
@HyperNeutrino There's been a lot of star spam today. I've unstarred that
ooo you can do that
wait RO right i forgot
Yeep. My slanty letters
do you know where it's coming from?
yay slanty letters
ooo i have something i want to try
@HyperNeutrino No unfortunately
@DJMcMayhem only employees can know right?
@betseg I think so? Not sure though
I wanted to change my username to <i>Hyper Neutrino</i> but it isn't allowed :(
&lt;i&gt;Hyper Neutrino&lt;/i&gt;
@HyperNeutrino qaz.wtf/u/…
𝘏𝘺𝘱𝘦𝘳 𝘕𝘦𝘶𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘰
Lots of boxes
/ is banned
@MartinEnder There's no a function in Alice to convert from integer to 0/1, is it? (Convert nonzero to 1, 0 to 0) Or a signum function?
And it will probably turn & into &amp; anyways
aww i can't make my name that long
also i can't even use &#;
CMC: given a character from STDIN, output the next character according to your native encoding
echo "3" | yourprogram should output 4, e.g.
@ConorO'Brien Brain-Flak, 7 bytes (includes +1 for -c): ({}())
puts gets.ord.next.chr
@JanDvorak Why not p? I haven't golfed in ruby much is p not allowed?
it would not work here
That would add quotes
try $><<
that one would work
@ConorO'Brien Python 22 bytes: lambda x:chr(ord(x)+1)
in this case, I specified STDIN
no need to apologize
Jelly, 4 bytes: ƈO‘Ọ
oh ok :)
$>><gets.next almost works, too
welp gtg now. o/
how did "well" ever become "welp"? l and p don't sound the same
Idk. I started it. Welp I am out
If you stop short on the "l" (like, gulp it down), it sorta sounds like a "p"
I used logic! I never heard anyone say before therefore I was first
started it? that's a tad presumptuous
1 min ago, by Christopher
I used logic! I never heard anyone say before therefore I was first
Can language A = language B here:
Q: Golf a mutual quine

dan04Using two languages of your choice, write the smallest “mutual quine” you can. That is, write a program P in language A that outputs the source code for a program Q in language B, such that the output of program Q is identical to the source code for P. Empty files don't count, nor do "read the ...

I do believe I'm quite capable of lifting my eyes a few centimeters
@ConorO'Brien I don't think so. That is why you golf.
It doesn't work with other ll words. "I'lp selp you my signed basebalp."
@Christopher I'm sorry, what ?
@ConorO'Brien as in, lots of code is too big to look at
@ConorO'Brien nvm
@HelkaHomba perhaps if you exclaim it: "Welp!" It works here because its an interjection?
@HelkaHomba I think its because the w causes your lips to move forwards and when the l is made it pulls your lips backwards.
I gotta go (AoM )
If vell was a word velp would sound right because v cases similar lip movements to w
o_O google does not help me AoM or here
Age of mytholgy
Fun game
oh, ok, so that is what it meant
same with fell -> felp.
because f is just a voiced v
err voiceless
If I felp in love with you was one of the Beatles less popular songs
I think it only works when there is a stoppage
or maybe not

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