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@EriktheOutgolfer Can anyone come up with a meaningful Greek word using the letters ⍺∊⍳⍴⍵?
Jelly, 4 bytes (takes L M K): pFḣ⁵
@EriktheOutgolfer Nice!
it roughly translates to "hey pretty male"
Rather rude when somebody downvotes your answer with no explanation, even though it meets the specs perfectly well.
I have a delete vote on a valid answer of mine
no it wasn't edited
No, not rude.
also he might have downvoted because golfing language
I mean, the downvote title is 'this answer is not useful' and yes it's very useless - but so are the others
Downvotes are like cosmic rays. They hit every so often for no apparent reason
when trichoplax posts a message that gets immediately starred
Unless someone else comments to say something is wrong, I wouldn't pay it too much attention
@EriktheOutgolfer i starred it as interesting because i found it interesting :P
I mean his messages get starred more often that others'
although Dennis's messages get starred even more
Perhaps they just post a lot of interesting messages
It's because Dennis posts a lot of wise words and I post a lot of bad puns
(and occasionally something interesting...)
meanwhile, my only starred post is about me deleting my account
which says a lot :P
@trichoplax like those?
urp, you guys had to go and ruin it by starring that post
not that i'm complaining :P
You want me to clear them...? :P
if a message is interesting it's starred "star this message as useful / interesting for the transcript"
In practice a message is starred if someone wants it to have a star
Unless that gets out of hand and ROs clear the stars
In general I star messages that I think people arriving later would appreciate seeing
in general I star messages that seem interesting to me
in general i star messages that have stars
I do often find that adding a first star suddenly leads to lots more
i do often find that messages about stars get stars
@totallyhuman that's called going with the crowd and is a common problem afaict
i was really just kidding though
Going against the crowd is as much of a problem as going with it.
both are problems
you should go with your honest opinion
ah not starring a message that has 7 stars never hurt anybody did it
After all, most of the people will always be going with the crowd at any given time.
I have often refrained from starring messages with >=13 stars because they don't seem interesting to me
@totallyhuman It did hurt me once. I lost a bet to it.
@totallyhuman but that one did not ^^
hehe abusing caret reply
you meant ^^^^
nope wanted to check if caret reply would work around replying to yourself
that's taco script
@EriktheOutgolfer for example
CMC: given a string, generate the ;# code for printing that string
@Adám C, 83 bytes: Try it online! (I hope that's correct)
@totallyhuman VTC as "already sandboxed"
wasn't that one a compiler challenge
no the title was wrong
welp don't answer that CMC then
@Adám you shouldn't answer a sandboxed challenge...
that's why I VTC'd the CMC as already sandboxed
@EriktheOutgolfer VTC'ed?
8 mins ago, by Erik the Outgolfer
@totallyhuman VTC as "already sandboxed"
@EriktheOutgolfer Oh.
oh well whoops I just made a 10 byte jelly answer
and it can be considered a dupe this way
lol I don't check TNB when I'm trying to create a program in Jelly because it distracts
@betseg Looks good.
@HyperNeutrino nobody prevents you to make it, but if you post it before the challenge gets posted on main somebody else may steal it...
I may end up FGITW'ing it if I'm on when it gets posted though...
that's what I tried to do in another challenge...and did it
i feel like that gives an unfair advantage though
you can't decide a consensus it's unavoidable whether you locally make an answer on a sandboxed challenge and keep it hidden
technically you're not allowed to solve sandboxed posts
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Steve BennettQuine without a character Write a program in any language that takes as input any character, and outputs a quine in the same language, that does not contain that character. For instance (for some made up language): Input: b Output: s(fg;fg) Run "s(fg;fg)" Output: s(fg;fg) Input: ( Output: s[f...

@NewSandboxedPosts do x without y
at first I thought it would be more trivial
like output a quine but without the char
are x w/o y challenges discouraged?
most of the time
@EriktheOutgolfer Unfortunately, ⍵⍴⍺⍳∊ is a syntax error in APL, except as a snippet.
well it wasn't required for it to be syntactically valid in APL
@Adám How do you write APL programs? Do you have a special keyboard?
Nice, I just found one sold by Dyalog
Not my favorite price tag, but still reasonable
@NewSandboxedPosts I'm not sure I see how this is possible
@BetaDecay I personally have made my own keyboard layout (which mostly happens to match my physical keyboard). You can also download layouts and utils for all platforms.
@JanDvorak Wow, I just saw that... :P
@Poke Make two quines which share no characters, then output the first if it doesn't contain characters from it and the second if it does
@HyperNeutrino I think a lot of (most?) languages will find that difficult if it's even possible
I agree.
@BetaDecay I use this
My layout is basically a super(-duper)set of the traditional APL layout.
@mbomb007 the username is what I was constantly thinking about (also it was a joke)
@BetaDecay We've been contacted by Unicomp as they want to produce a keyboard matching Dyalog's layout (a subset of mine).
hey i have two messages on the starboard
throws dart at starboard hoping to hit bulls-eye
@betseg why lol
@BetaDecay :
A: Show me the nearest demon

eush77JavaScript (ES6), 31 29 bytes f=(x,s='6')=>x<3+s?s:f(x,s+6) f=(x,s='6')=>x<3+s?s:f(x,s+6) ;[1,2,3,6,35,36,37,100,365,366,666,999,1000].forEach(x=>console.log(x,f(x))) “That is why, I delight in weaknesses […] For when I am weak, then I am strong.”

tfw js being dumb as a brick actually saves you bytes
I love the quote
“That is why, I delight in weaknesses […] For when I am weak, then I am strong.” ~~ 2 Corinthians 12:10 — Jan Dvorak 14 secs ago
@EriktheOutgolfer Don't joke about things that can cause questions to be downvoted or closed, like that a user is posting about homework.
I don't think it would get closed as long as it's a good challenge
It doesn't matter what you think. It's similar to the "be nice" policy, and you shouldn't put forth false accusations.
Especially if you don't believe them.
it was based on a TNB starred message basically
although I don't get why would someone VTC a valid question
and it wasn't intended to violate be nice anyways
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

BlackCapProgram Equilibrium Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma Tournament This is an iterated prisoners dilemma tournament with a twist- you can perfectly simulate your opponent! Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma The prisoner's dilemma is a two-player game in which players can choose to either "Cooperate" or "Def...

@Riker I am good with that
@HyperNeutrino You are really lucky for two reasons: Your top answers aren't using random, and the top answer isn't tied
Hm, 250 special symbol assignments on my keyboard layout. Works beautifully.
Lol my first job I just got pays 9.50 an hour. MW is like 7.50... I get a 50 cent raise in six months
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

L3viathanSelect the best candidate You are hiring and want to find the best candidate for a job position. You're interviewing some amount of candidates, and the candidates want to know immediately after the interview if you hire them or not, otherwise they won't be available. Of course, most of this is ...

@Christopher cool
Anyone else get an email from SO asking if you want to do some research on designs for SO?
@Christopher you're also what 15? :p
@muddyfish no :/
I don't have much more than like 200 rep though
I have 2k rep on SO
I have 300something rep on SO
i have 0.1k
@totallyhuman hah! I have 0.13k!
i have 1/4k
I have 9/4k
@Riker Age ++
My rep is 1024 :D
you mean 10000000000?
@Adám are you saying APL is readable?
@Downgoat I'm saying that APL is an executable mathematical notation. If you don't know math, you can't read math.
@Adám that would be Haskell
@Adám ok this explains why Greek letters scare me
A new update has just dropped today. It introduces a new mode to the game.
what is this, 2014?
Clash Royale's where it's at my dude
A new update has just dropped today. It introduces a new mode to the game.
Trust me, the update's made the game a lot better! @Mayube
I dobn't play mobile games anyway
that requires me to own a mobile
... Not necessarily...
@JanDvorak IMHO, Haskell doesn't look much like math.
@Downgoat I don't get it. There aren't too many Greek letters in math. Just δ∆⊖π∏σ∑, no?
Self Advertisement:
Q: It's Anagram Quine, not just Quine!

ArjunThe Task In this challenge, your task is to write a program, which takes in no input, with as many anagrams that are quine of themselves as possible. Your score will be the number of anagrams of your program's source code that are valid quines divided by the total number of anagrams possible, i...

It hasn't got much attention, but I think it's a good one.
@Adám what about alpha beta and all other scary letter
@Downgoat I have not seen alpha and beta in math.
@Adám Haven't you? Really?!
@Arjun No, wait, that's not true, beta and gamma are in statistics.
@Arjun It hasn't gotten much attention because it is virtually impossible and any valid solution would be boring.
@Adám they're used to represent angles
@betseg Right, but you can really use any letter to represent any entity. They are not really symbols as in operators or pre-defined sets, etc.
Theta is the one which is mostly used to represent angles, at least India where I live.
@Adám Also Phi and Tau
@Arjun Yes, but you can as well use A B C.
@Adám Yeah, of course. True.
@WheatWizard Impossible? Still?
@Arjun Oh wait you changed it
@Adám But using Greek letters makes you cool!
π is 3.14… That's set. No-body would rename that. ∆x is the change in x. That's pretty set. ∏ is the product.
alpha is used in physics too
@Arjun And scares off Downgoat.
alpha radiation and angular acceleration
@MistahFiggins Again, they are just names. I'm talking notation; functions, operators, etc.
@Arjun I am now very confused. The output section doesn't seem to be about output. They are quines no?
@Downgoat But yes, APL is pretty readable. You just need to get started. (Almost) all the symbols are very mnemonic.
Random question: How many anagrams of 2i2i are there? I'm counting 5: 2i2i, 22ii, i22i, i2i2, ii22
@WheatWizard You have to write some code. Your score will be the (total number of anagrams of your source code that are quines) divided by the (total number of anagrams of your source code possible) multiplied by 100. The anagrams that are quine can output in any way except hardcoding it in a variable. Higher Score wins! Does that make sense? I'm terrible at explaining stuff! :P
@DJMcMayhem 2ii2
@Arjun Why multiply by 100? it doesn't change anything
We have the familiar ones you know from math: +-×÷!∩∪∊<≤=≥>≠≡≢
And why is that section labeled Output
@WheatWizard Converts it into a percentage.
@Downgoat ○ circular functions ⊥ base ⊤ inverse of base ↑ take ↓ drop ⌹ matrix division ? random ∧ AND ∨ OR, etc.
@WheatWizard Because it says that Your quine-anagrams can output in any way except writing output to variable.
Wait, someone just down voted. Care to explain why? @downvoter
That whole section is beyond confusing
Hello. It's me. I was bored and decided to say hi.
@DJMcMayhem I think it can be calculated by 4!/2!2!
@Christopher Hello. It's me. I was bored and decided to say hi.
@Arjun One thing I will say is that the current scoring method highly encourages short programs over lots of quine anagrams. If I could choose between a 5-6 byte solution that has only one quine anagram, this would score waaaaaaay higher than a 15 byte solution with hundrends of anagrams. So it's mostly about golfing a quine which isn't any different from our existing challenge.
@WheatWizard That's why the down vote?
No I was just saying that
Oh, okay, sorry.
For example, the current shortest jelly quine is ”ṘṘ. This would get an incredibly good score of 33.333...%
That's basically unbeatable
@DJMcMayhem At least 3 chars required.
My recent submission has a good score only because it reuses characters a lot, keeping the number of anagrams down significantly.
@Arjun It has 3 chars.
Do you mean 3 distinct characters? 3 ASCII characters? You'll need to clarify
ABC -> 3 chars, ABB -> still 3 chars @DJMcMayhem
Battery draining....1%
OK? I'm not sure what your point is. The Jelly submission I mentioned has 3 characters
So, if I don't reply for long...Battery is dead.
RIP battery
@DJMcMayhem Okay, sorry.
OK well I'm voting to close as unclear
Is it unclear?
Yes the entire "output" section is very unclear.
Okay, will update when I have a full battery... But if you want to close, go ahead
A: It's Anagram Quine, not just Quine!

DJMcMayhemJelly, 33.333...% ”ṘṘ Try it online! Community wiki because I did not write this. If you like this solution, or want an explanation, see Dennis's original post here.

Correct use of CW?
Community wiki. It means I won't get rep if you upvote it
@DJMcMayhem Yeah
And editing is encouraged (more than usual)
I just didn't know the abbreviation
@DJMcMayhem iirc you don't have to
but yea that's a valid use of it
He should though
@Riker I know I don't really need to, but since I couldn't have figure it out ever, I think it's worth doing in this case.
It's weird to say that CW should be done for dupe answers, cause if it really is optimal, multiple people could come up with it
But I'm not one of them, haha
Q: Roses in the Garden

user69646Byteman owns the most beautiful garden in Bytetown. He planted n roses in his garden. Summer has come and the flowers have grown big and beautiful. Byteman has realized that he is not able to take care of all the roses on his own. He has decided to employ two gardeners to help him. He wants to se...

@Arjun Hi
Whats the word or when a function has an inverse? looking for an adjective
bijective is it
(What's the best golfing language?)
I'm pretty sure you all know what my answer would be if it were on the list
@DJMcMayhem brainflak?
@Adnan My vote
it's absolutely wonderful
for any additional function, you need another import
it's great
@EriktheOutgolfer Mu. The best golfing language is the one that solves the task at hand.
link please? I think I remember this although I don't remember where the online interpreter was
ok why does Jelly tie with C?
Not sure if trolling...
no not trolling I want the link to Mu
if you have it that is
@Downgoat You should play Escape Goat
The Japanese and Korean term mu (Japanese: 無; Korean: 무) or Chinese wú (traditional Chinese: 無; simplified Chinese: 无) meaning "not have; without" is a key word in Buddhism, especially Zen traditions. == The word == The Chinese word wú 無 "not; nothing" was borrowed by East Asian languages, particularly the Sino-Xenic "CJKV" languages of Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Vietnamese. === Pronunciations === The Standard Chinese pronunciation wú historically derives from (c. 7th century CE) Middle Chinese mju, (c. 3rd century CE) Late Han Chinese muɑ, and reconstructed (c. 6th century BCE) Old Chinese ...
> The term is often used or translated to mean that the question itself must be "unasked": no answer can exist in the terms provided.
oh I thought you were referring to μ
@Christopher wait what
That's a word
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

programmer5000code-golf quine Output a program that outputs a program that outputs your program You must make to programs, program A and program B. A must output B. B must output A. A must be different from B. Standard quine rules apply. Your score is A's bytes + B's bytes.

@Downgoat It is a game. Escape Goat. Fun game (cuz goat)
@NathanMerrill Yes having that otherwise would suck because then I'd need to keep doing runs and averaging scores and that takes time.
Also if we're bragging about SO rep I have about 10/3 k rep
@HyperNeutrino Late to the meme -1
@ConorO'Brien Welcome to the 20k club!
You certainly deserve it. :)
Oh, and I just noticed something else interesting
I recently passed 500 consecutive days on PPCG.
Not sure if I'm proud or embarassed
@DJMcMayhem But but, but. I have 1024 rep. Much better.
@DJMcMayhem Proud
@DJMcMayhem that's not a permanent accomplishment
although total days is
Can other people view your consecutive days?
Thats too bad
but other people can view your consecutive starred messages
@EriktheOutgolfer Now that you mention it, I'm slightly hesitant to post messages in here to ruin my current streak. :P
it's already ruined but whatever
(joke fail)
CMC no code required, find a long streak of messages by a user with stars.
score is number of messages
it'll take a while until you get an answer at all
that's because we have 23818 starred messages currently
@WheatWizard I was just about to say that, haha
Parent logic: Can play Borderlands 2-Pre, can't play Halo 4
Q: Are kernel-mode functions and kernel modules valid code-golf answers?

Digital TraumaIn general, user-mode processes have a much richer API environment available (through stdlib, and other libraries you can possibly import), than does (Linux) kernel-mode code. However there are some situations I can think of where it would conceivably be shorter to give a kernel-mode c answer th...

@Christopher Just FYI, complaining about your family in a random chat room on the internet doesn't really get you anywhere or contribute to anything positive.
It could spawn a discussion
@DJMcMayhem :D thanks
I didn't even realize it

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