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12:00 AM
I am sad.
And behind on homework :'(
alias bcat='firefox "data:text/html:basy64,$(base64 -w 0 <&0)"'
alias doesn't seem to make it stick around; it is gone when I close the terminal.
Put it in your .bashrc
12:06 AM
Wait what is .bashrc
And where is it
Oh okay thanks.
12:08 AM
it's a shell script that's run every boot
I've used Linux for over a year now and I'm still a linux n00b :c
I've used linux for like a month, I'm still a noob, but I know how to customize it.
@totallyhuman *every time you open your terminal
... Right yeah >_>
I've been using Linux for a few months and I learnt what I needed and stopped there :P
what distro?
12:15 AM
question: is there better way to create string in ASM than:
Oh and I forgot when bashrc is run because "I don't use Linux often, but when I do it's CLI"
    %val = alloca [2 x i8]

    %ptr1 = getelementptr [2 x i8], [2 x i8]* %val, i64 0, i64 0
    %ptr2 = getelementptr [2 x i8], [2 x i8]* %val, i64 0, i64 1

    store i8 <first char>, i8* %ptr1
    store i8 0, i8* %ptr2
Really what I mean is I'm using Ubuntu on a Chromebook
It's kinda ridiculous :P
Trying to find the most pedantic solution to a diff + patch on binary files using Linux
Any suggestions?
12:18 AM
Fedora is easily my favourite distro across the ones I've tried.
How did I just get the mortarboard badge?
Unless it didn't count the 10 rep I lost earlier...
I don't believe it does.
Oh yay! :D
CMC: What is the slope of a line with an agle of pi/5 as a rise/run format
12:21 AM
@HyperNeutrino Fixed cmc
well i'll be back in about 30 mins
to 1:30
@Christopher still tan(pi/5) = sqrt(5 - 2*sqrt(5))
@LegionMammal978 Or sin(pi/5)/cos(pi/5)
12:25 AM
But yeah, anyone know of any tool like the one I'm looking for?
@Christopher That's how I calculated it
trying to graph a man shot out of a cannon 10 feet in the air at the angle pi/5 at 100fps
in a parametric
In that case, shouldn't it be a quadratic
@ATaco Not that smart
12:28 AM
does anyone else ever just suddenly lose interest in whatever you were doing?
@NickClifford Yes. This is boring
It's slightly shorter now
@Christopher So like this?
@LegionMammal978 yes. equation?
12:43 AM
CMC: Draw a smiley face with equations :)
@HelkaHomba x=83
(-d cos(θ) + x - x_0)^2 + (-d sin(θ) + y - y_0)^2<=r^2 or (-d cos(θ) + x + x_0)^2 + (-d sin(θ) + y - y_0)^2<=r^2 or x^2 + y^2<=ρ^2 and (x - x_0)^2 + (y - y_0)^2>=R^2 and (x + x_0)^2 + (y - y_0)^2>=R^2 and (y - d_u)^2 + x^2>=u^2 or (y - d_l)^2 + x^2<=l^2
I don't see it ;)
@Phoenix I see it too much
Wolfram|Alpha FTW
I just typed "Smiley Face Curve"
Anyone know how to get W|A to convert y=mx+b equations to parametrics?
Is it possible to do random in brain fk?
Is someone trying this challenge in Jelly right now?
12:53 AM
@totallyhuman pseudorandomness is possible but would be very large and cumbersome
Would anyone know how to include the current timestamp (in some format) as an argument to another command in Vim? I'm trying to do something like :w filename_<timestamp>.txt
DJ knows lots about things starting with v I believe
@Phoenix thats no curve
12:58 AM
@DJMcMayhem You know the answer to the question at ^^^?
1:15 AM
I can't figure out what i am doing wrong to graph it. Any ideas?
CMC: solve the problem in the image above
I think you need to graph the distance over time travelled not the arc of his flight.
@DJMcMayhem Aw, thanks :-) Looks like you'll get there yourself pretty soon!
I think you need to take into account where he lands on the ferris wheel or something
doesn't desmos have an animation thing?
1:19 AM
Anyway to make this work?
@Christopher ok, so try try graphing it like this: using the arc already shown add a dot that goes across the line (should be somewhat simple), add a wheel, that rotates based on the slider that you use to make the point go across the line, and then add another slider that rotates the wheel a bit to make the delay at the start
@SimplyBeautifulArt what's it supposed to do
@ASCII-only I'm trying to do lots of inline conditions nested in each other
Updated TeamSpirit, Now usernames should disappear less.
@SimplyBeautifulArt wut
1:22 AM
@LegionMammal978 hmmm you could use exec to build up the filename, but I'm not sure how to get the timestamp from vimscript
@SimplyBeautifulArt How exactly is it not working right now
@LegionMammal978 Code supposed to make large number
@DJMcMayhem Could use external commands
@ASCII-only I can't figure out how to nest inline conditions and for loops in Ruby I think
@LegionMammal978 Which command would you use?
1:25 AM
@DJMcMayhem date +%s%3N probably to get the timestamp
Does :let time = !date +%s%3N work?
def f(a,b,c,d=a*a)b<0?c<0?d:f(d,d,c-1):(0..d).each{a=f(a,b-1,c)}&&a end
@DJMcMayhem looking for a oneliner, putting this all in an :au
@SimplyBeautifulArt ^^
Vim can execute arbitrary python, right?
1:29 AM
@LegionMammal978 You can put multiline commands in an autocommand
@ASCII-only Thanks!
@DJMcMayhem How so? Could you just give me teh codez for how I'd write it? Not too good with vim
@Phoenix Yeah
@LegionMammal978 I'm not sure how I'd write it either, but for writing I'd use exec to build up the filename, and for multiline autocommands, use the backslash to escape Newlines (I think)
@DJMcMayhem lol, why is it so hard to keep a continuous log of every revision to a document :P
Just trying to create a copy every keystroke (here with :au TextChangedI)
Good Lord
1:34 AM
It's only a kb or so on an SSD
@LegionMammal978 I take it back, here's what I'd do (rough outline)
function! WriteTimestamp()
  "Do stuff

au TextChangedI * call WriteTimestamp()
@DJMcMayhem So save it into a file and run that how?
import datetime
print datetime.datetime.now()
That function would be in your .vimrc
And I guess I can replace * with my filename
1:37 AM
I think?
So how would I input this variable from let time into w?
Just a sec
@LegionMammal978 What is the base filename (without the timestamp)?
@DJMcMayhem Just assume it's filename
:exec "w filename_".time
So . is string concatenation?
1:42 AM
Thanks for the help, that should be it!
Wait, should I just create it as ~/.vimrc?
function! WriteTimestamp()
  let l:time = strftime("%T")
  exec "write filename_".l:time

au TextChangedI * call WriteTimestamp()
@LegionMammal978 Yeah
Except you'd have to change the * to whatever filename you want this autocommand to apply to
Thanks! I guess I's use "%+%s%3N" here as well
@LegionMammal978 Why is your username invisible?
@TuxCopter ?
My profile image is solid white
1:52 AM
@DJMcMayhem What's the l: for?
Q: Average an array until all numbers are (almost) equal

GravitonGiven an array of numbers, find out how many iterations of averaging* it takes for the average of every element to be no more 1 higher or lower than the first element (absolute difference between the array's average and the first element is less than or equal to 1). *Array averaging To "average...

@TuxCopter TeamSpirit.js is a bit bugged
@TuxCopter It's been fixed, You'll just need to update.
1:58 AM
@LegionMammal978 Local variable
@DJMcMayhem Weird, modified the code to use system, now it's bork
@NewMainPosts For this challenge, my potential answer is slightly off on the large test cases due to floating point issues; is that generally acceptable?
2:56 AM
Lol, I don't think I can
@DJMcMayhem explanation long overdue
@ConorO'Brien do you happen to be familiar with haskell
@Downgoat not especially. I never did like it much. why?
I was wondering if you know how to functional operator in haskell
3:08 AM
a la cheddar?
you forgot the grave accent :P
but (+) doesn't work unforunetly
wait what
Are you trying to code in Haskell or implement better functional programming in Cheddar?
code in haskell
I know I wasted 2 years on cheddar but it is honestly too slow and buggy to ever be remotely useful so I'm probably not going to work on it anymore
VSL is going to be like Cheddar++
remember functions are called like f x y, so it's (+) 3 4
hm :/
I am trying to curry
(+) 1 gives error
:| GHCI not letting me do it
try copying the exact code and see if it works?
*** Exception: Prelude.read: no parse
ok this is new error
try it with runhaskell?
@Downgoat VSL?
3:14 AM
@Phoenix :O you don't know about VSL? D:
you are very welcome to help make
originally a lot of people were in project, but then when it came time to actually code VSL everyone went away
VSL is coded in like every language so if you want to help you probably can
Does "every language" allow C#?
C9 requires a credit card ;-;
Yeah, can't you use Gitlab instead?
Also, is the longer type a BigInt or an int128
3:19 AM
it is free, but it requires a confirmation of age/identity, thus a debit/credit card.
But I don't have a credit card ;-;
@Phoenix GitLab isn't an IDE
You can use a parent's as well, if they trust it.
@Downgoat yes, also they stopped providing feedback
@ASCII-only I can't tell what C9 is, due to the aforementioned credit card requirement.
3:21 AM
@ATaco you can remove credit card after entering
@Phoenix it's online code editor
I'm not going to; I'm a trusting lad.
where we can code together realtime
I've signed up with my Debit Card.
It has a github though
so you can still contribute
I have noticed that there is problem and that is I have to make libvsl, i.e. libc for VSL
Even if C9 was easily accessible, I would use a Jetbrains IDE instead.
3:22 AM
does jetbrains support floobits
There's a plugin for floobits that I used back when coup was a thing that we thought might have a future.
can C# compile to windows dlls?
@TuxCopter can you come back to VSL :3 we have to write C code and you do C right
@Downgoat It can compile to .NET DLL
can you specify alignment in C?
@Downgoat alignment?
3:26 AM
bit alignment
What's VSL's typing?
It seems.
static and implicit
Javascript's ducktyping is evil.
3:28 AM
Can I put in a vote for C#? int foo = 5 if you want, var foo = 5 if you want.
@Phoenix wait @ASCII-only is also C# person, you should talk to him
If we're using C# we may as well use Java for compatibility.
@ATaco hahahahahaha
I'm looking at the function syntax rn and I'm salty that JavaScript is winning over Java.
It's almost the same, but in a statically typed language it makes more sense to include the return type
@Phoenix On the spec? You can do it yourself, just sign in with GitHub and edit it (if you mess up the votes I can always roll it back)
3:30 AM
@Phoenix no JS?
@Phoenix We will, just after the method declaration fn foo() -> Int { 1 }
wait what
oh no
sorry functions look like:
public func greet(person: Person, with message: String?) -> Void {
@ATaco is question mark about what abreviation stands for
3:33 AM
Know, I was questioning the syntax.
question: can someone please explain significance of number 94.1337
What is with?
you would call withL
greet(person: bob, with: "hello, I am downgoat")
3:34 AM
however inside the function, you would access the with argument as message
question: Are Mario games turing-complete?
@Downgoat is message: valid as well
@Downgoat Can you pass me write access..?
@ASCII-only no
3:35 AM
@ATaco yeah its bs
@Arjun See MarioLANG
@Downgoat :(
@ATaco ask @ASCII-only, but pls don't mess up, have not commited code
@DestructibleLemon wait I have my own c9 instance
@Downgoat Can the part where you explicitly give parameter name be optional?
@Arjun Yes, Very much so.
So if it's not overloaded you can still just do foo(bar)
3:36 AM
@Phoenix yeah, except the function should specify that
@Arjun hmmm, through some glitches you can get the game to run machine code, but that's the consoles lang
so not really
it's not like python named parameter which is weird
I've been powerleveling my NodeJS knowledge over the past couple of months.
a-ta.co is almost entirely written in NodeJS.
however coolest part is you can have same function with different named parameter. e.g.:
func modify(goat: Animal) and modify(dog: Animal) can both be in function
@ATaco what is stack?
public func a(with m: String?) -> Void{}
public func b(with m2: String?) -> Void{}
3:38 AM
Idea: Create C-like preprocessor for VSL?
@Downgoat Stack..?
@ATaco like, Express + React?
Oh, nope, mostly stack-free.
@ATaco that won't work because m/m2 is private to the function
@ATaco so like how are you serving stuffs
I also want to point out that I disapprove of Void being upercase.
3:40 AM
@ATaco that's debatable; the code is actually being altered, so that just shows that the console processor is tc (disregarding memory)
I wrote a thing myself which servers the contents of /www/ similar to apache.
@Phoenix oh you don't even have to specify that part
I just added that to show return type syntax
@DestructibleLemon The game was used to write that code, it's at the very least a TC compiler.
@ATaco imagine this: I have a program that writes to the boot sector of my computer: I can make the boot sector do anything. that doesn't make the writer TC
3:42 AM
I'd like to imagine it's still TC, it's more fun that way.
not the can we really have TC debate
It's boring
ok. what should the data model for my disk lang gyre be?
The amount of times I've rehashed debating TC here... It makes me want to do it again!
TBH when they asked about mario being TC I doubt they meant "can you glitch the machine so that the program on disk is changed?". which is my main point
another question: Is CSS3 Turing complete or css1,2,3 all are Turing complete?

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