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I can't think of any context in which you xor 2 chars and want the result to be a char
@aditsu IMO, having char (&/|/^) char -> char would be more consistent, and make more intuitive sense. I can see why char - char yields an int, because the result can be negative, but there's no such issue for bitwise ops.
In cryptography, the simple XOR cipher is a type of additive cipher, an encryption algorithm that operates according to the principles: A ⊕ {\displaystyle \oplus } 0 = A, A ⊕ {\displaystyle \oplus } A = 0, (A ⊕ {\displaystyle \oplus } B) ⊕ {\displaystyle \oplus } C = A ⊕ {\displaystyle \oplus } (B ⊕ {\displaystyle \oplus } C), (B ...
And you can think of one in which you want the result to be an int?
@IlmariKaronen the key is usually an int
I don't think that was what Ilmari was talking about...
I think it was about char ^ char -> int instead of char ^ char -> char.
@EriktheOutgolfer I know
Nevertheless, I can't think of any case where you would actually need char ^ char -> int.
I'm struggling to think of a case where I want to do char ^ char :)
Why special-case stuff you'll probably never need?
how is it special case?
Does it happen with all ops treating chars as ints?
there aren't many of those
it happens with -
It happens with - and ^, and & and | choke.
What was the intention with - and ^ doing (char char) -> (int)?
with - it's very natural: converting chars to numbers
e.g. "ABC" -> [0 1 2]
subtract 'A from each
you can do something similar with ^, but you don't usually need that..
But how does it make sense with ^? Consistency?
Also, & and | should support chars, because .
(Even though it's usually Jelly which is too much golfier)
consistency, and I think it makes more sense than getting a char
We may need to agree to disagree on it making more sense that way. :)
if A^B=C, I expect C^B=A
and C^A=B
if char^char=int, I expect int^char=char
and int^char=char
if char^char=char, I expect char^char=char
and char^char=char
well, I was talking about char A and int B
or vice-versa
@aditsu ...how would making char ^ char -> char break that? Chars are 16-bit unsigned values, they're closed under bitwise ops.
@IlmariKaronen I think he means that if char1^int=char2, then char2^int=char1, and char2^char1=int. Makes some sense...
@IlmariKaronen well, you would have 1'a^'a^ = 1c instead of 1
you were ninja'd by the way
slightly different explanation, may help
btw 1c is '1 as a literal
@aditsu OK, that kinda makes sense, although I'm not convinced that making the type of the output obey the same algebraic laws as the bits themselves is really desirable in general.
@EriktheOutgolfer it's not
ok unprintables dont show up in chat
IMO, if we were designing this from the ground up, it'd make the most sense to have the result of all bitwise ops have the same type as the inputs if both are the same, and the wider type if they're different (so as not to cut off any bits of the result).
Well, if you know Java you can make your own CJam derivative, it's free as in free speech code anyways. ;)
That'd mean char &/|/^ char -> char, int &/|/^ int -> int, and int &/|/^ char -> int.
Although, admittedly, having int &/|/^ char -> int would mean that you couldn't do, say, string f^ int -> string, which I guess is a valid counterargument. :/
Anyway, all I'm really saying is that char & char and char | char should produce something.
Basically, aditsu's perspective is that if we have three literals A, B, and C such as A ^ B = C, then you would expect that C ^ B = A and C ^ A = B, and the last two expression would return A and B exactly, including their type, i.e. true equality.
@IlmariKaronen That's a good suggestion btw.
@EriktheOutgolfer Actually, char & char -> char and char | char -> char would even be consistent in that sense (since, algebraically, (A & A) = (A | A) = A).
Since A =/= A would always be false, this is true.
@IlmariKaronen char & int -> int then right?
or char | int -> int, int & char -> int, int | char -> int
I have a challenge idea but I don't know what to title it
What is it?
xkcd.com/1179 write today's date formatted as the date on bottom left of the cat
@betseg I think we have that already.
@betseg I think it's a dupe.
Oh I couldn't find it
Ah I found it
@EriktheOutgolfer If we took the whole "types follow the same rules as the bits" idea all the way, and basically assumed that integer-ish variables have a hidden "is a char" bit that obeys the same algebraic rules, then we'd have char | char -> char, char & char -> char, char ^ char -> int, int | char -> char, int & char -> int and int ^ char -> int.
And, of course, int | int -> int, int & int -> int and int ^ int -> int.
But I think that would probably be a silly thing to do in practice.
You complicated it beyond human comprehension.
@IlmariKaronen disagreed. It seems like the best option to me.
@JanDvorak Really? Even the "int | char -> char, int & char -> int" part? :p
Did you think of that part randomly?
@IlmariKaronen Why not?
char & 1 = char % 2 = 0 or 1
similarly, char | 1 lets the lowest bit of the char code but you still want to keep it a char
@EriktheOutgolfer No, it follows perfectly logically from the assumption that "is a char" is a boolean property that obeys the same rules as the actual data bits. :)
Oh, but what if we had "is an int" instead? I know, would make less sense for a golfing language.
@IlmariKaronen You got me.
@EriktheOutgolfer then int ^ int = char
which would be pretty bad
Yeah, "is a char" makes more sense.
Bitwise negation shouldn't touch that bit, though
@JanDvorak Because it would automatically mod by 65536, right?
Like, bit width would be cut.
because 0 xor 0 is 0, not "\0"
@JanDvorak :DDD
now, "\0" xor "\0" being 0 is perfectly fine
Well, in code golf, and generally general programming, you would be dealing with ints more than with chars.
> generally general programming
Yeah, I thought about changing it to something else.
After all, characters are just integers with the char bit set.
...and all bits above the 16th cut off.
You're thinking of Unicode... in CJam it's 16.
no its 16th
20th, m'kay? I'm not going lower.
@JanDvorak We're now talking about using chars as ints, and expecting high numbers???
CJam only supports 16 bits.
Don't have your hands tied by the early installment weirdnesses of your precedents.
Native emoji support is a great selling point
Where the upper bound can be useful...
"😀" ^ "😐" ^ "😠" == "😰"
Haha, that's awesome
@aditsu Anyway, I'm pretty sure there's no way to assign return types to CJam's bitwise ^ so that A B A ^^ would always have both the same value and the same type as B. So any attempt at "algebraic consistency" is doomed to fail somehow in any case.
Under the current rules, for example, setting A to a char and B to an int makes ABA^^ equal to Bci, or B65535&.
My rep is a palindrome :)
@IlmariKaronen easy: use the type bit. Then ^x is always bipotent.
int xor char = char, char xor char = int
@JanDvorak The problem is that CJam's ints are bignums, while chars only have 16 bits. So int -> char is necessarily a lossy operation.
Support arbitrary precision characters then :-D
That would work, but it'd be a more fundamental change to the language. (Also, it'd break at least one established golfing trick. :P)
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Caleb KleveterThe circumference of an ASCII art object. code-golf ascii-art geometry Challenge: Create a function that takes in piece of ASCII art as a string and returns an int that is the length of the outer edge of the ASCII art in characters. Test Cases: input: * *** ******* *** ...

> Strictly speaking, the GNU C preprocessor does not support all programs in ANSI Standard C unless `-trigraphs' is used, but if you ever notice the difference it will be with relief.
You don't want to know any more about trigraphs.
@Phoenix so what you're saying is we need to make trif**k?
Is that an esolang you're proposing? Probably.
well there are 9 characters in trigraphs: #\^[]|{}~
brainf**k has 8 characters in it's language
so we do brainf**k, but using #^[]{}|~ instead of the usual characters, but then have the actual language written in trigraphs for those characters
Go ahead
Wait so J is based on APL, and Jelly is based on J... this explains a lot
@Mayube what does this explain a lot?
The function trains, probably
CMC: determine if an integer is square-free
is not divisible by any perfect square except 1
ah ok
@LeakyNun Output true/false or truthy/falsey?
@LuisMendo the latter
Prime factors, consecutive differences, all
I see
Mathematica, 29 bytes: Solve[Mod[#,x^2]==0,x,Integers]&. {} is true, all other output is false.
Hey my challenge here was closed as a duplicate but I really don't think it is. The biggest difference is my challenge requires two functions making is significantly harder. In addition my challenge has significantly different rules on how they should be different, with laxer requirements. Could people take a look?
If you want to be pedantic about true/false, add =={} for +4 bytes
@Phoenix is there no golfier way?
Probably, but I'm lazy.
Q: Try to make a square!

Ayoungcoderthe challenge is that with a given input the program should make a 3x3 square representation of that input for example: input: # output: ### # # ### Inputs are allowed but you are also allowed to use flags. okay? start coding!

Q: Perform gravity sort

Hyper NeutrinoChallenge Given a list of integers, show how gravity sort would be done. Gravity Sort In gravity sort, imagine the numbers as rows of asterisks. Then, everything falls, and the new rows will be obviously sorted. Let's look at an example: [2, 7, 4, 6]: ** ******* **** ****** ------- ** **** *...

omg I missed those questions
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Mr. XcoderSigmafy the expression code-golfmatharithmeticnumber For those who didn't know, Sigma is a Greek letter which is heavily used in mathematics as the summation sign. Given a string representing an expression depending on k that we will denote E(k), print the sum of the results for E(k), with each...

I'm here too
@Christopher FYI That's considered noise.
> Sometimes, there isn't anybody talking in chat. That's perfectly fine. Don't send messages just because the room is quiet.
@EriktheOutgolfer Fool proof way to summon users.
I get it though. I was just being lonely :P
A: Turing complete language interpreter code golf

Christopherx86 assembly (Intel syntax/MASM)-Brainfuck 2547 bytes. Being honest here this can be golfed a good amount. I have golfed a large amount of bytes off but variable can still be golfed. However trying to golf the different names is a pain but would save only a small amount of bytes. This won't win...

How do I count the bytes?
@Christopher Why summon them if you don't need them? Also, if you have a question directed at the whole TNB, just ask the question, they will be summoned if they are interested in answering it. ;)
24 hours ago, by Christopher
@Riker True TNB is my life
Also, that's why Riker said it's sad that TNB is your life.
@EriktheOutgolfer :P I have an hour at school that I have nothing to do so i TNB
@Christopher I'm just guessing here but I think you compile it then hexdump?
@Mayube i can't compile it rn
you'll want an assembler
You could use TIO
@Phoenix TIO is linux the code is intel
Linux is an OS, no matter how you are using the term intel it isn't that.
So I'm not sure what you mean.
Intel syntax/MASM
Tio appears to not be that. Also imports and such don't work on tio
TIO is not MASM
TIO only supports ac, gcc and nasm
Q: How are bytes counted in assembly?

ChristopherI was told bytes in assembly are counted by the byte of machine code. Is that true? If so what steps should be taken to correctly get bytes?

MASM can be compiled under Linux using JWasm
I've put in a request for it to be added to TIO.
can someone tell me why my challenge: codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/120052/… is put on hold? there are a lot of people that understand the questions and i dont see any problem with it?
if there is a moderator in here, please deflag it
It is bad practice to ask for moderators to hammer it.
okay didnt know
sorry mods
ill just wait for them to look at my report
but there are already 4 reopen votes
one more vote to reopen
I don't think he can see the reopen votes.
no i cant
@EriktheOutgolfer which is why I'm telling him/her
but still thanks
CMC: given a pair of rectangular coordinates (x, y), find a matching pair of polar coordinates (r, θ) where θ is in degrees.
lets try to get it guys :)
Done. Opened. Irony as I closed it as the final vote and opened it as the final vote.
Question is still poorly written IMO. Shouldn't be closed tho
phoenix what would you suggest to add
@Ayoungcoder try to sandbox posts first however. codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/2140/…
> Capitalization man, Is your shift key broken? :P
@WheatWizard :-)
@Ayoungcoder Grammer
lol ill look into that
@Ayoungcoder Also don't accept an answer for a week or so.
okay im new here so i dont know all the dos and donts
(or ever)
I have the Opposite problem with capitalization where I over capitalize everything
@WheatWizard Sheesh. I accept for that +2 rep :) I think that is why Dennis does also.
i can't find any grammar or capitalization errors, can someone show me that
I'm not a fan of accepts, but each their own
@Christopher what is wrong with the grammar?
@Ayoungcoder I fixed them in an edit. I think its good now
@WheatWizard I have the problem of caps on the first two chars. OKay
@WheatWizard Accepts on KoTH are good
Generally accepts are good. Hence the +2.
thanks guys
That is, except if the challenge is a catalog.
I'll take your word for it. I don't like KoTHs either :P
Just looked at my first challenge. Kind of amazed I got a score of 24 on it.
@Ayoungcoder you may want to refer to here
@Phoenix Sheesh
@Ayoungcoder Also, do you mind if I edit your question?
@LeakyNun Edit at will :P
@Christopher I'm not asking you
@Christopher My second challenge got around -10 :P
leaky i would be happy if you did :)
@LeakyNun opps thought you were a <1k rep XD
I don't like accepts because they pin the answer to the top. Often the shortest answer is not the best. In addition the accepted answer is only controlled by the OP, so if they become inactive it can't be changed
= the shortest answer is the one which should be accepted
@Ayoungcoder I can't edit if you keep editing
The sort by votes is already Broken as fuck, so I don't think we need pinned answers.
sorry leaky :)
ill just keep the current accepted as accepted and edit it if a lower one comes by
Funny how this challenge has 14 votes and a total score of 0
@WheatWizard That's why I never use sort by votes.
people hate me
depression lol
We don't hate you, we prepare you. ;)
You'll learn. At the beginning, it's hard to write a properly specified challenge :-)
@Ayoungcoder Nah. It was probably just geobits :P
People don't hate you, people are just incredibly critical of the content quality.
i dont like the peopole who downvote questions but dont say why they did, but thanks to you guys
A: We're not a Q&A site. But what should be done about it?

Martin EnderRemove the Accept feature This feature is likely way too integral to how SE instances work for this to be possible without forking the software, but I don't think the concept of accepted answers is useful on PPCG. The most fundamental pillar of this community is that every single question needs...

@Phoenix Nobody "hat"s anybody
Edit ninja'd
@Ayoungcoder I downvote people and sometimes don't say why as it is clear
my 7 downvotes weren't clear but i guess it was for those people
Q: Calculate my reading speed

ChristopherYou must create a program that calculates my reading speed! The challenge First when the program is run wait for user input (a click or a keyboard key being hit you may choose one. When the user "triggers" the program print the paragraphs imported. Then when the user hits another key/click end ...

again thanks to you guys for helping
Downvoting and explaining why are two separate tasks. Downvoting is anonymous so the same person doesn't have to do both, which makes it more likely we'll have downvotes, which makes it more likely we'll have explanations eventually.
i don't get that idea but whatever, i guess its a stackexchange thing
lol and i went up 32 rep from this question, that made my day! :)
BTW, I am going to post a challenge tomorrow (It's 9:10 pm here in India right now)! Which phase of the day is most suitable for posting challenge (so that most number of people view it)?
Otherwise people would hold back with downvoting, which would be bad. We need downvotes to identify when things need changing
@Arjun i'd try to put it in at around 7 o clock in the evening for america
Yeah, that's probably the best time.
@Ayoungcoder there are downvotes. Get over them.
Is it the kind of challenge that will appeal to people in the office or when they get home?
@LeakyNun who that was a big reformat of my question, thanks
"In the office" highly depends on the part of the world you live in
I guess most of the people on PPCG are from America, aren't they?
Indeed, but it seemed like a good start before narrowing down when the most office work would be happening (or the most being at home, accordingly)
There's a lot from Europe too
Office work seems more appropriate.
@Ayoungcoder My highest-voted challenge also has the most downvotes.
Aug 7 '15 at 18:38, by aditsu
abandon all work, ye who enter here
Could we please get banned from the HNQ
That would leave the HNQ half empty...
@trichoplax Are you sure? The space will be covered.
Also, being exempt from HNQ isn't a thing I think.
@EriktheOutgolfer Yes you're right of course - I was just joking because there are so many PPCG questions there recently
What is HNQ?
@trichoplax Yeah I understood the joke.
@Adám hot network questions
MO has no HNQ sidebar, but still appears on other site's HNQ
MO has no HNQ sidebar MO are serious people :-P
@Adám The productivity killer on the right hand side of SE pages
@trichoplax MO?
Math Overflow
OK that doesn't work...
@trichoplax ninja'd
It's the "reasearch-level" counterpart of Math.SE
You type mathoverflow.com.
@Phoenix thanks for the inspiration for the title of my to-be-posted challenge
Maybe because it's its own domain separate from SE
@LeakyNun If you want it to sound catchy, that phrase is, but it's also well known and perhaps a little stale by now
@LuisMendo I won't use that phrase directly.
I will be posting my challenge 32-33 hours from now. Will that be okay?
Try to select it for you non meme browsers
Try selecting the text


Where you can play with chat features (except flagging) and ch...
"Does that still work" is a question to ask in the sandbox
@Arjun post your challenge whensoever you want.
Hah. Cool!
@trichoplax ninja'd
I'm not doing well today...
@trichoplax I fixed it
I meant the thing you're trying too...
Guys, the sandbox exists!
One warning is enough. Kicks from now on
Hello friends!
I don't understand what happened
@Christopher What are you looking to understand?
Wait who's being kek'd?
^ that
As long as everyone who needs to uses the sandbox, no one.
If you're not sure what something will do, find out in the sandbox first. Nothing more complicated than that
@trichoplax What does Pro Tempore mean?
Provisional Temporary
translate: pro tempore
Hmm. I seem to have lost my translate powers
It's Latin for "For the time being"
In the context of SE mods, it means the moderator of a Beta site, as opposed to an elected moderator of a graduated site

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