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@Riker If it was allowed, it would be on the default i/o methods post
I don't know if it's there or not
1 message moved to Trash
@totallyhuman Please don't post nonsense.
@Riker Trying to understand chatiquette. How was that message allowed?
Sometimes I feel like Riker's main contribution nowadays in chat is posting images found on Reddit
@Mego totallyhuman at least posted something related to programming. Possibly frustration with Java, or an exclamation based on how un-golfy Java is. Riker's image has no apparent (to me, at least) context in this chat room, nor any connection to programming contests or code-golf. Maybe on english.SE it would be appropriate because of the peculiarity of English pronunciation of bread vs bred.
@Adám There's a significant difference between posting a funny image to chat and entering, saying one nonsense message, and immediately leaving.
That would be true if Riker didn't post such images at least twice a day, or so it seems
I agree that it's a bit much at times.
@Riker Could you please tone down the frequency of your image posts? It's getting to the point where they're making up a large portion of your chat contributions.
Hello. @ATaco why are so many users red users?
CMC: Write some regex that matches only one other regex. That regex it matches must match regex A. They may not be the same regex
@Christopher What is a red user?
@Adám It is a userscript thing/challenge thing.
@Christopher I'm clueless.
Q: Team of The Hill!

programmer5000Note: if you would like to participate, you need to register. This challenge was inspired by @HelkaHomba's excellent challenge Red vs. Blue - Pixel Team Battlebots. That challenge was probably the best one I've seen on this site. Ever. My challenge is still a lot different, but HelkaHomba dese...

@Adnan Does 05AB1E have a remove duplicates command? There are a couple of times when I have wanted one.
@Christopher Luck of the draw?
It is a bit odd that most TNB regulars have even chat IDs
@Mego So it's odd that I'm odd because I'm odd?
@ComradeSparklePony Ù is pop a push uniquified a. Is that what you're looking for?
@Adám Yes, oddly enough
@Riker I would say something like: "May nothing bind us, so nothing will tie us".
I'd like to replace "tie" by something more literary. "Amarrar" sounds somewhat literary
I see now that my translation is not that much different from the one you linked :-)
@Adám, I have to ask, why do you consistently use the mark in your sentences?
@LuisMendo ah, okay
I like that quote
And that character for that matter
@ZacharyT Why‽ Why not‽ Because it so exactly fits what I'm often trying to express.
Oh, and the music! Mark Knopfler is such a great composer
@ComradeSparklePony Yup, Riley is right. And if you also want to automatically sort it, you can also use ê
I understand why your using it. But, I'm wondering as to why you use the unicode rather than ?! and/or !?. Do you have it on your keyboard or something?
it's on mine
@ZacharyT I think ?! and !? are ugly, and I've made my own keyboard layout that has it.
Oh, that makes sense.
I've reserved 6 keys as prefix keys, so I've got about a thousand available slots.
I applied for my first job and didn't get it (ノ°Д°)ノ︵ ┻━┻
The problem was they really don't need under 18 part timers. They need over 18 full timers.
Anything but those unicode faces.
@ZacharyT E.g. my I key produces iI⍳⍸íîìïÍÎÌⒾ.
@Mego I guess
I could guess the and .
Let's not do the chain of faces thing
gotcha mr. room owner sir
3 messages moved to Trash
@Mego Oh no, I'm demonstrating my APL keyboard layout.
oh come now, that's a tad excessive
@ConorO'Brien Was that meant at me?
no, to mego
@ConorO'Brien So were the faces
@ConorO'Brien I would agree but I don't want to annoy a RO
two wrongs don't make a right
I mean, you're the RO, and you do you, but I'm saying, I don't think the trash was entirely necessary. A warning was sufficient, and if it continued, by all means, use the trash
@ZacharyT All the other characters are valid APL identifiers.
@ConorO'Brien The trash can is for getting rid of messages that don't belong in the room. It's not a disciplinary action. Warning + trash is the ideal solution to a small problem like that one.
If it had continued, then kicks would've been issued.
The irony is 3 messages getting trashed caused 12 messages about it to be posted.
Woah, thanks didn know they were valid identifier names.
@Mego Whoa, I didn't mean to spam at all, only to inspire others who might need lots of special chars for golfing langs.
*didn't, was in French keyboard for some reason.
@Mego that's quite arbitrary IMO. what's to stop an RO from trashing a side discussion that "doesn't belong"? nothing much, as it seems
@ConorO'Brien ROs are expected to use their discretion when moderating. A side discussion that was disrupting other discussions (especially PPCG-related discussions) would be moved to its own room, not to the trash. Nonsense gets trashed.
I wouldn't quite call it nonsense--no more nonsense than the average bad pun
I do applaud you for doing your job tho, what you says makes sense.
@all How do you insert special chars for golfing langs with custom char sets?
I mean Mego stole my puns under the homestead act
What do you have as your dead keys, @Adám?
@Adám Copy-and-paste from a document with all CP437 chars and their uses
@ZacharyT AltGr+Shift+A,W,S,R,Y,U
It's easy to remember, AWS form a ^, they are ´^`
Also if it's a char whose ordinal I remember, I'll just alt-code it in
APL+Shift+T is in standard Dyalog mapping, (I use AltGr as APL key), so it is surrounded by its parts: R is ¨ and Y is ~.
@Adám alt-gr on windows
for cp1252
U is _
For example, I know ♂ is ALT-11, but I don't remember ⌠ and ⌡ off the top of my head, so I have to copy those in
@Adám for APL, I do the ` + key thing. for other languages, I google them (since most languages I use tend to be exclusively ascii)
Yeah, same here Conor.
@ConorO'Brien ` as shifting or as prefix key?
as a prefix key
Like TryAPL
I've got to set up a custom keyboard mapping for IPA and APL (combined) sometime.
´^`¨~_ are taken with a lot of breadth. E.g. ~1 gives ¹
@ConorO'Brien I could never use a prefix key for APL. I tend to type multiple APL chars at a time, so I hold down my right thumb (or left pinky, CapsLock=AltGr) while I type with my other fingers.
oh, that makes sense
CMC for a given n, generate (1...n)/n
@Adám Is that sum(range(1,n+1))/n?
^^ I'd type that as AltGr+i = \
@Mego no, the result is a list of n items
the last item is n
the first is 1/n
Wait so it's not [x/n for x in range(1,n+1)]?
e.g. f(10) = 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Oh ok
Actually, 4 bytes: ;R♀/
APL, 3 bytes: ⍳÷⊢
@ZacharyT Well, yes, I gave that away, didn't I?
@Adnan @Riley Thanks.
no problem
@ZacharyT But you had to do six key presses, while I only did four.
heh, new scoring method: keypresses. a new category of challenges: golf your keyboard. So you may only use a keyboard layout that existed at the time of posting the challenge.
(AKA everything is Vim)
@NickClifford How many key presses?
People. How do I compress text into DEFLATE stream or a LZMA 2 stream?
@Mego How many key presses?
@Adám 5: ;R<M-12>/
@Adám 05AB1E, 2 (3 for shift?) keypresses: L/
@Riley That doesn't look right. The first term should be 0.2.
Modifier keys count for keypresses
@Adám does APL have some sort of "uniq by"? E.g., in a list of pairs, unique by second element?
@Adám That would be interesting
Oops, that was n/(1..n)
@Dennis how do I compress text for bubblegum?
4 keypresses: Ls/
@ConorO'Brien Not as a primitive. Hang on.
@Adám MATL, 3 bytes: :G/
wait I'm confused if the first item is 1/n and the last item is n, shouldn't there be 100 items in the output for 10?
@Mego Can I not count shift if I was yelling the last thing I said (i.e. caps lock was on)?
@LuisMendo How many key presses?
Huh? Not bytes?
@Riley Only if CapsLock was on before the challenge was posted.
@Christopher I think there's a program floating around somewhere that automatically determines the best compression method out of the 4 supported methods and compresses the text
5 mins ago, by Adám
heh, new scoring method: keypresses. a new category of challenges: golf your keyboard. So you may only use a keyboard layout that existed at the time of posting the challenge.
Ooh, CapsLock is an important consideration. This new scoring method would have to assume that CapsLock is off prior to typing.
@Mego Yay... I think I will have to look for that
Standard keyboard setup: capslock off, numlock on, scroll lock nobody actually knows what it does
@LuisMendo Yes.
@Mego I know what it does
Yeah, because @Adám was doing that with AltGr.
Or I will just ping Dennis 24/7! That won't cause any problems!
That seems excessive.
@Adám Sorry, I messed up the message
4 keypresses then
Initial shift, then three keys while Shift pressed
wait on your keyboard you have to Shift to type /?
Yep. Spanish layout
Huh, fair nuff
It's on the key "7"
oo, selection, nice
It would still be 4 on US standard layout, but you'd release the shift before the /
@Mayube No, it is the bottom-rightmost key.
@Adám On US layouts, sure
So it may be advantageous to enter all shifted keys, then press left e.g. Ctrl-LeftArrow and then an unshifted key.
You should make a challenge about this: given a string, output the shortest series of keystrokes needed to type that string
But this is actually pretty cool. If code golfing is about entering as little as possible, what good is it to have to copy from a map all the time. Keypresses!
@Mego Using which layout?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

MD XFASCII art quine-variant quineascii-artpopularity-contest Your task is to make a program that, when run, produces ASCII art in the exact shape of the source code. (Insert better description here. I can't think of how to better phrase the challenge but I know what I've got won't be sufficient. H...

@Adám Layouts can be analogous to programming languages: it's a competition within layouts
@Adám J, 8 keypresses: %~1+i.
@Mego Thanks! Yup, that one
@ConorO'Brien You can do it in 7 with a numpad plus key
two keypress, ctrl+V :P
Yeah but you'd need more keypresses to select the text and C-c it
@Mego I've got my NumPad / remapped to End because this silly ASUS laptop has Home but not End!
@Adám That's ridiculous!
So it doesn't even have one of the numpad numbers operating at End with numlock off?
@Mego Funny thing is that right to the left of Home is Delete. There is no dedicated Insert, but Fn+Delete is Insert. Fn+Home does nothing!
@ConorO'Brien Kill it with fire
@ConorO'Brien honestly if the scroll lock wasn't so big and the insert wasn't on delete I wouldn't mind that
@Mayube it has no arrow keys
WASD is superior anyway :P
hmm good point
not for moving through text
the enter is obscene, the fn key is obnoxious, you need to do fn + menu to do windows...
@Mego It does. But I cannot keep numpad off, because ⌽ is mapped to AltGr+NumPadPeriod, because Win10Pro refuses to let me map ALtGr+Shift+5.
enter isn't really that obscene
^ (Mayube's post)
it's got a uselessly thin handle tho :P
@Adám You could just do a quick toggle when it's needed
@ConorO'Brien What is that‽
@Adám An abomination
@Mego Nah, I can't handle state toggling. It appears Fn temporarily swaps NumLock state. Maybe I could get used to Fn+1=End, but I want my navigation keys to be instant access, not shifted.
@Mego It isn't real, is it?
ACTUALLY, an abomination is if there were a keyboard where everything except a few keys are dead
@ZacharyT keyboard works fine, but the backspace and delete keys are both dead
umm... backspace dead key?
@Mayube Or a totally normal keyboard, but Enter is dead. Need Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F3,AltGr+Space to do Enter.
CMC: Write a program that, when run, outputs all the names of the files in the same folder as it, in alphabetical order, delimited in some way.
@ComradeSparklePony shell + binutils, 2 bytes: ls
did i do this right
A: A program that deletes itself

Homba HelkaNodejs, 32 bytes require("fs").unlink(__filename)

@HombaHelka Yes
@HombaHelka yup
oh wow Braingolf is actually quite slow
@ComradeSparklePony JavaScript (Node), 39 bytes: require('fs').readdir('.', console.log) (prints null before directory listing if that's okay)
took 8 seconds to run a script that populates the stack with every number from 1 to 1000
Is Braingolf new?
How much progress is there & when did it start?
this site is confusing
i made answer and it changed
Are you new here?
@ZacharyT Not a great deal & last week some time Github
@HombaHelka welcome to PPCG!
@ComradeSparklePony Python: print(__import__("os").listdir()), Perl + Linux: print`ls`
@HombaHelka it looks like somebody just edited in the proper answer formatting for you. I suggest reading up on headers and code formatting in Markdown, which is what StackExchange uses for post formatting
@Mayube tks
By the way Mayube, you don't need semicolons in Python.
@Mayube oh. wat does 32 bytes mean
@ZacharyT I'm aware. You also don't need them in JS. I still use em
@HombaHelka if you aren't helka homba, I'd suggest changing your name to avoid confusion
Python's style doesn't recommend ;. (And it's one more byte)
@HombaHelka The challenge you responded to is a "code golf" challenge (as are most challenges posted on PPCG), the goal of such challenges is to complete the task in as few bytes of code as possible. 32 bytes means your code takes 32 bytes. In the vast majority of normal languages, 1 byte = 1 character
@ZacharyT And Java's style recommends sameline open braces yet I still newline 'em. Plus the language is supposed to be golfy, doesn't mean I have to golf the interpreter :P
@Mayube ok. tks!
The more used shortening is thx, FYI.
@ZacharyT 3 bytes is 3 bytes :P
Yeah, @HombaHelka, this site gets competitive. Entire languages are created to compete.
And, he's gone.
What the
Also, you don't need to come whenever you're mentioned: @HombaHelka
@HombaHelka is not me
I see the confusion now.
Odd timing
Q: Swap indexes and values

ais523The task Write a program or function whose input is a list/array X of integers, and whose output is a list of sets of integers Y, such that for each element e in each set Y[i], X[e] = i, and such that the total number of elements in the sets in Y equals the number of elements in X. (This is bas...

@HelkaHomba why is this starred?
Because somebody starred it
o_O. I am asking why that message is star-worthy.
So people know HombaHelka is not me, since as @conor said it would be otherwise confusing.
that is so weird, why would he choose that name
People'll star anything these days
@ConorO'Brien And that avatar
@ConorO'Brien his avatar is also @HelkaHomba 's avatar inverted
yes I got that
Yeah, unless it has some other relevance outside of PPCG.
Does it?
I mean he has a small-ish youtube channel
What is small-ish?
And what is its content?
Well, @HombaHelka I'm hoping you're a fan of my videos or challenges and if so I'll take your impersonation as flattery :) But if you spend a lot of time here it would be best to use a different name so people don't get confused.
channel, minecraft, 252 subs
Eh, sυppοse it cουld be wοrse. (Unicode tοmfοοlery)
Ηεy, @Downgoat is here!
@Adám Who needs such a big scroll lock? o.O
@HelkaHomba It is a joke.
This one is real though: Look carefully. Where did the punctuation keys go?
Q: raise integer x to power x, not using language builtin functions

xakepp35 Use of exponentiation exp(), ln(), and power language builtins, like pow(), x^x, x**x is restricted. Must give correct results. Test cases for x are 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 Code must compiled/interpretated w/o errors. I mean, you should write all required things. For C f(x){return x;} is 8 bytes sho...

0^0 ?
jesus, the Braingolf code for the first Project Euler challenge is surprisngly long
56 bytes
it works doe
What was Euler #1 again?
calculate the sum of every multiple of 3 or 5 below 1000
@ZacharyT 1
So Trump just fired FBI director Comey
1 Whαt? Strιke?
1 hour ago, by Zachary T
Anything but those unicode faces.
@ZacharyT 1 is the answer to 0**0 (0 xor 0 is 0 though)
Oh, yeah.
Rεvεngε ις ςο ςωεετ
Revenge is a dish best served elsewhere
wow, nice οne.
0⍟0 0*0 0÷0 0!0 all give 1 in APL. (No Unicode faces here — I'm serious.)
A: Make text triangle waves

ASCII-onlyFish, 183 bytes 1+&01-1001. v+-*4b{~p@-$*8b}:g1$1:*2c:< >{:0)?v~{{1+$:@@:@)?v~>1+:&:&(?v ^ ^ o:<v@-10oa0 v?(1:<> ^ ^ < o" "@-10< > ^ Try it online! Golfing still in progress

@ZacharyT I'm not recommending revenge, just saying it isn't welcome here
Ugh finally, I still need to golf it though ;_;
Yep. And 0=0 0≡0
@ZacharyT no, they give 0
SORRY, I completely derped out there.
@Adám Unicode faces are noise. Incredibly information rich code seems the opposite of noise...
@ZacharyT But ⌈ ⌊ - + × ∧ ∨ ⊣ ⊢ ⊥ ⊤ all give 0, obviously.
Um. < and >. Derp. 0=0
0<=0 is true.
@ZacharyT Yeah, sorry, my turn to blunder.
Don't forget ⍲⍱≤≥
(for 1)
CMC: as many as possible 1-byte programs in any single language which, when fed the inputs 0 and 0 give 0.
What does CMC even stand for?
@ZacharyT Chat Mini Challenge
@Adám APL, 21: ⌈⌊-+×∧∨⊣⊢⊥⊤<>≠≢∪∩↓⌽⊖⍕
Does a 0 on the stack count?
@ZacharyT All per PPCG default rules; yes.
BrainFuck: 249 (all but []<>-+,)
Is that acceptable?
@ZacharyT But do they actually take two inputs?
@HombaHelka are you a sock of a current SE user?
@Riker What's a sock?
Sock Puppet
another account, belonging to a pre-existing user
often used to do bad stuff, like upvote the main account's posts
If they're a sock of @HelkaHomba, it'd be too easy.
They do a pretty good impression of being new to SE if they are
Yeah, not to mention Code Golf.
@ZacharyT Brainfuck uses a tape btw

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