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A: Coprimes up to N

Leaky NunPyth, 5 bytes x1iLQ Try it online! How it works Note that Pyth uses 0-indexing. x1iLQ Q = eval(input()) x1iLQQ implicit Q at the end iLQQ [gcd(Q,0), gcd(Q,1), ..., gcd(Q,Q-1)] x1 all occurences of 1 in the above list (return their indices)

Q: Code Golf - Loop through RAM

A. RawsonTo keep this short, this requires writing a for loop to print every byte of ram to the console. (This is my first code-golf, so let me know if I messed up.)

@LeakyNun oh taht's me
I was reading TNB, was like "oh, cool answer"
didn't even occur to me that's my own question
@flawr I can't remember whether I pinged you with this gif yet, but I don't think so:
it's a espresso
I like how the original five streams gradually merge into two
I like how the original five hundred streams gradually merge into two
Q: Brief outage planned for Wed, May 3, 2017 at 8pm US/Eastern (00:00 UTC) (like a fire drill for computers)

Tom LimoncelliMicroVersion: Planned service degradation: All Stack Overflow/Stack Exchange sites read-only for 20 minutes on Wed, May 3, 2017 shortly after 8PM US/Eastern (midnight UTC). If you blink, you'll miss it. Short version: There will be a service degradation for up to 20 minutes shortly after 8PM US...

@Riker It's also a 27 MB GIF. ಠ_ಠ
apologies, I try to gauge by how fast they load, and it was pretty fast for me
must have been cached or something
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

TheBitByteCompress playing cards (work in progress) kolmogorov-complexity First, let us define a deck of 52 standard playing cards: Ace, Jack, King, Queen, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ,6 7, 8, 9, 10, and each card has four suits: Clubs, Diamonds, Hearts, Spades, and thus 13 x 4 = 52 Your task is to devise the smalles...

Question: Is there a good way to use a python/C/C++ library form ruby?
I can write a binding and all but I don't really have any idea how to do
the keyword to research is "foreign function interface"
jruby can run Java libraries
isn't ruby written in C?
> JRuby is a high performance, stable, fully threaded Java implementation of the Ruby programming language.
Right, mri ruby can run mri ruby libraries, jruby can run jvm and jruby libraries.
Though all the big mri libs have been ported to jruby
Can jruby do rails and all? Is it a full implementation
Yeah, rails was fully ported
Jruby is generally faster since it compiles to jvm while mri is interpreted, but it uses orders of magnitude more memory.
Then there's Crystal
Basically a typed and compiled dialect of Ruby
Crystal is its own lang
Ugh. Whose brilliant idea was it to make python untyped
similar to Ruby, though
But can it run Rails?
What about Python <-> Ruby interfacing?
Is there any way to force SE to save a draft of an answer?
@Riker espresso = caramel = lava confirmed.
@Downgoat There's a library just called rubypython that does that iirc
@flawr yep
@ETHproductions I usually find it saves a draft of at least one post, but I'm not sure it can be relied upon so I usually save the draft externally to be sure. I don't know of a way to force it, it just seems to save periodically
Question: has anyone by any chance dealt with HDF file format before?
Q: Sort answer chaining questions by newest by default

programmer5000answer-chaining-tagged questions should be sorted newest to oldest by default. It is disorienting to see them out of order because they are sorted highest to lowest votes. Agreed?

^ has more stars than upvotes
@Phoenix do you know if it uses python bindings or spawns an entire python process
99% sure it's a python interpreter in Ruby
So yes, it spawns an entire python process
@ETHproductions which is written in C?
Which is written in Java. Obviously?
i meant the JVM
Technically then everything is written in machine code :P
no, GCC is written in C and C++, PyPy is written in Python, etc
But JRuby is written in Java. It doesn't matter that Java is written in C
Python is written in C, for heaven's sake
yeah and that. too. also TIL than Oracle's JVM is written in C++
Well, CPython is anyway
I know OpenJDK is C++, but where'd you see Oracle's JDK is in C++ and not C?
Q: What programming language is used to develop Java?

user900721I was asked in the interview what programming language was used to implement Java. I was stunned: I never thought of this. I only know the core Java classes are in Java. What programming language is used to develop Java?

@betseg You know, some poor saps had to write the first C compiler in assembly.
did someone actually write single bytes for the first assembly to machine code compiler?
My dad says yes, but I can't tell if he's just telling my horror stories of ye olden days.
But the internet says that no, first they wrote an incredibly simple proto-assembly, which they used to bootstrap writing more complicated assemblers, until something mostly usable for actual work was created.
but still, someone had to write single bytes for that proto-assembler
seems terrifying
At least the computers were programmable at that point, so you didn't have to rewire it each time you wanted to do something different
All it had were probably jnz, mov, and a command to write the output somewhere.
Which seems reasonable.
UNIX time 1500000000 will be about on the pi approximation day
So it's an approximation of pi approximation day?
What's so special about 1500000000?
only special in the base 10 (that number is in base 10 btw)
Yeah, what's so special about 1011001011010000010111100000000? :P
Right, but a day is 86400 seconds, so you have quite range there, and it's an approximation anyway.
Not that surprising.
Wait, JS says new Date(1500000000000) (added three extra zeroes because milliseconds) will be July 14, 2017...
pi approximation day is 22/7
Oh, I was going off the American standard of mm/dd
So I guess it got the 7 right for European Pi Approximation day, and the 14 right for American Pi Approximation day... interesting...
$ | π - 3.14 | > | π - 22/7 | $, so 22/7 is superior than 14/3
@JanDvorak We should all just stick to yyyy-mm-dd. Makes sorting by date a lot easier :P
@betseg 355/113
not on calendar
I always memorize it as 113355 split in two
It's impossible to make a dd-mm-yy date out of those digits though
11 is the only allowable month, but then 33 is the smallest possible day
I was just giving a nice rational approximation
I didn't see the date context
7-22 is a good PI approximation
It's good enough for most purposes, then 355/113 is good enough for a lot of the rest
If it was Windows 00 that chart would be lot shorter
@betseg What is the vertical axis measuring?
number of windows
@Phoenix The number related to the release (which is why Windows 2000 is so high)
Welp, my school went and completely blocked GitHub. RIP
At least you still have SE
Welp, my country went and completely blocked Wikipedia. RIP
@betseg that's what you get when you elect a dictator =/
At least you still have GitHub.
@orlp i didnt
s/you elect/your country elects/
'that's what you get' is an idiom not specifically referring to you personally
Oh yes, I forgot the "you" is allowed to refer to Turkey
That's what you get when you take things too literally :P
That's a standard loophole.
Wow... it took me forever to get the joke
i didnt mean that too, i meant someone else voted for him and he dictates me.
@betseg do you know why this doesn't work?
@betseg are you able to access wikiwand.com?
@ConorO'Brien Try it online! you declared a pointer but it doesnt point to anywhere
wait nvm I need a malloc call
@Phoenix yep, but i can access wikipedia too. my ISP doesnt hijack DNSs, i can change the DNS i use
sorry to bother you again, but I tried moving the logic to a function and it segfaulted
@ConorO'Brien Try it online!
@SumantBhaskaruni what happened
that is really weird but ok
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ C
this does the same, just a different syntax
(*c).a == c->a
sleeping, bai
Anyone want to play Contact?
I want to, but I can't
Too sleepy
This question (the one about storage in golfing language, if you've already seen it) seems like it would work better if it's expanded a little to include different types of golfing languages. Obviously the data type is the most critical item if you're trying to decide between creating a stack-based language or a tape-based language, but there's also prefix languages, infix languages, tacit languages, etc.
Storage applies most crucially to stack-based languages, tape-based langs, etc. but how do you describe how Pyth or Jelly stores data (ignoring variables and registers)?
I'd edit this into the question, but a) I'm not sure how to phrase it, and b) I don't know if it's a good idea
@Riley Fixed

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