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@ConorO'Brien beware I'll surpass your rep soon
you should have noticed by now that the things you do on this site will often be judged in a superficial manner, with an air of solemnity and logic and morality
@MitchSchwartz no I haven't
@MitchSchwartz After reading this very carefully and weighing its merits, I disagree :P
@Geobits hi
Welcome back
@LeakyNun welcome back!
thank you
@MitchSchwartz It all depends on the situation. Often, completely illogical things arise, especially on TNB, and are not judged against that factor. On more serious meta posts or challenges in general, things may be and likely will be judged that way.
LeakyNun saw the graduating announcement, and after leaving 8 months came back to the exact same site
@LeakyNun oh no XD
@Fatalize I can't accept it. How come Jelly isn't the winner? (Maybe it's just my skills)
oh noes D:
@LeakyNun I'm sure there are new Jelly built-ins to solve that challenge in 3 bytes or something ridiculous
@Fatalize then I'd have to read the whole manual again
Brachylog is less bad than before too
It's usually good at palindrome problems
I see
I believe I am now the master of puns (I have 197 karma on Reddit, about 190 of those were from r/DadJokes where I posted dad jokes)
I am not a dad, in case anyone was wondering, I just like puns a lot
Reddit karma is worthless, it's not encased in green boxes
You are learning, young one, but you have yet to learn that the value in puns comes from the groans and grimaces, not from the karma.
I read something about Geobits-level bad puns on TNB once...
Oh, and the stars.
:D stars are always important
@ConorO'Brien are you here?
@HyperNeutrino whoa. name one "bad" pun
every pun is a gem
@LeakyNun Welcome back! :D
How were your exams?
@Sherlock9 not bad
@Sherlock9 thanks
@LeakyNun :D horray!! Welcome back!
oh no, your rep is just a third of mine @Sherlock9
@Downgoat where were you lol
I keep seeing your icon here
Thanks for noticing >:D
I have been busy with university
I don't think I've ever seen this chatroom without Downgoat's icon
I just woke up but I might of left my computer on
@LeakyNun Luckily you missed the "everything looks like a downgoat" phase.
@Geobits heh
oh no, @Downgoat surpassed me
I must catch up
Actually, if you're looking for an interesting challenge in Jelly, I have a Jelly answer I'm not sure how to golf: codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/103888/47581
And then I'm sitting comfortably on 3k rep...
@Sherlock9 wow, 74 bytes
@Qwerp-Derp 5k! More than you!
Yeah, it's a great big mess
Haha same @Qwerp-Derp
@Sherlock9 how is that challenge different from my repetend?
Your rep-graph looks a bit logarithmic and mine's very very very exponential xD
Your repetend?
Q: Find the repetend of the decimal representation!

Leaky NunIn this challenge 2 years ago, we found the period of a unit fraction (1/n where n is a natural number). Now, your task is to write a program/function to find the repetend of a unit fraction. The repetend is the part of the decimal expansion which repeats infinitely, like: The decimal represe...

Oh, you have to swap the repetend and the non-repeating parts
Wait @Qwerp-Derp When did I bypass you?
And since floats can't be trusted, it's a pain in the butt
@Sherlock9 oh, that's nice
@HyperNeutrino No idea, I've been really inactive (i.e. hardly posted any questions/answers)
but you can still take ideas from my post @Sherlock9
@DJMcMayhem is there any way to create a file from the clipboard/pass text to automatically be added to the file?
in vim of course
@HyperNeutrino my rep graph looks...weird
i.e. :o a.txt texthere or :w a.txt texthere
Sure, but if you find anything for my post, I'd be quite grateful
@Sherlock9 i'll try to do it again
Oh, now I remember what the other problem was. The input and output are fractions
@betseg That is rather peculiar.
@MitchSchwartz got you
@Sherlock9 wait what, negative numbers?
@LeakyNun Yep, there are also negative numbers
Posted a new challenge - I will outrep you @HyperNeutrino!!!
poor Euler's constant doesn't get the love
@LeakyNun also, while you were gone we allowed people to answer in non-programming languages
@Downgoat what does that mean?
We did?
@Qwerp-Derp I swear there are already two challenges about decimal representations of fractions
@LeakyNun I mean, I did post the challenge in the sandbox a few days ago, and I can't find a dupe, so...
@Qwerp-Derp Nooo... Must answer the palindromes challenge!
@LeakyNun what this means is you can submit a .txt file for example to a kolomorogov complexity challenge
how does a txt file work?
Isn't that just a trivial solution though?
With 0% compression rate?
Q: Get the decimal!

Qwerp-DerpTask: Your task is, when given three inputs: a numerator n a denominator d another integer, x Create a program/function that finds the xth digit of the number after the decimal place. Specs: The range of n and d is between 1 and 2^31 - 1, inclusive. The range of x is between 1 and 10,000,...

why isn't anybody attempting the palindrome challenge lol
@Sherlock9 can I give up?
On my answer?
Go right ahead
It's kind of a mess
But it works beautifully
But if you'd like to continue, I'll be happy to answer questions, either in here, or in another chatroom
@LeakyNun not really no
@Sherlock9 alright
@ConorO'Brien alright
@Qwerp-Derp 20 rep left :) I upvoted btw which contributes to you catching up :(
@HyperNeutrino Thanks! Good luck getting more rep so I can't catch up :P
@HyperNeutrino Sportsmanship!
@LeakyNun If you do set up another chatroom, send me a link
Wait Leaky Nun is back?
@Sherlock9 alright
He is
@TuxCopter oh, you are tuxcrafting
@Qwerp-Derp Thanks :P And yeah @betseg Sportsmanship :P though I think that's an unrelated badge... regardless.
I also set up a 100-rep infinite bounty so if someone claims that then I lose 100 rep :P
And if you claim it you get +200 rep relative to me :P
A: List of bounties with no deadline

Hyper Neutrino100 rep for a linear solution to this This challenge, the perfect-palindromes challenge, has a straightforward solution, which is to partition the array into all possible, filter, and find the shortest one. However, this one is O(n!) (correct if necessary). There's also a nice Regex solution, wh...

Wait there's a script to post these?
I think I have an idea for a new challenge
@ASCII-only bad news :( your activity view is crashing gitgoat: did you happen to add anyone to an organization recently?
CMC (no need for code): Figure out how this decimal is generated - 0.530067010933560... (first 15 digits)
@Qwerp-Derp god knows how it's generated
@Qwerp-Derp lottery numbers?
It's got a pretty simple rule
@Downgoat Nope
Is the number negative or is that just a dash?
@HyperNeutrino Just a dash
CMC: determine how this decimal is generated: 1.12873137495143
@Downgoat randomly generated
yes :P
Numeric keypad smashing
:( But mine isn't randomly generated...
Typing the necessary keys to write it
how abuot psuedo-random generation
@Downgoat :( why do you have to do this...
@Qwerp-Derp any hint?
@LeakyNun Look at each decimal place individually.
CMC: given positive integer, output 1 if even and -1 if odd.
lambda x:1-x%2*2
16 bytes, Python
MATL, 4 bytes: oEq_
@LeakyNun Look at each decimal place individually and think unit fractions.
C, 16 bytes: f(n){n=1-x%2*2;}
@LeakyNun CJam, 8 bytes ri2%-2*)
@Qwerp-Derp Oh. It's the first decimal of 1/2, the second of 1/3, the third of 1/4, etc
@BusinessCat 10 points to Gryffindor!
@LuisMendo do you have a quick-ref?
Isn't it supposed to be 1.5300... tho? First digit of 1/1 is 1 :P
@LeakyNun Sure. Here it is. The codes does: modulo 2, multiply by 2, subtract 1, unary minus
Java, too many bytes: int f(n){return 1-n%2*2;}
Also, golfed my CJam to 7 bytes: ri2%WX?
@betseg And the digit before that is ERROR
people here... nobody is discovering the shorter method yet
they're all translations of each other
(although the shorter method would have the same length in python)
Enlighten us
nah I'll wait longer
Anywaw, "shorter" depends on the language
@LeakyNun -n/n^n ?
@LuisMendo that is true
@LeakyNun one more simplification
I forgot a minus sign >_>
@LeakyNun Brain-Flak, 30 bytes: ({}([()])<>(())){({}[()]<>)}{}
@LeakyNun Cheddar: n->1-n%2*2
@LeakyNun -1^n? CJam, 4 bytes: Wri#
@Riley lol
Er forget signum lol
@BusinessCat you don't need a signum
@LuisMendo it is entirely (-1)^n
@LeakyNun 05AB1E, 3 bytes: È·<
Oh duh
Oh wow how did I not see that >_>
@LeakyNun Ah, good idea. Well, it also takes up 4 bytes in MATL
@LuisMendo that means it's time to upgrade MATL ;) (i'm just kidding
online J is down... does anyone have link?
@LeakyNun close bracket
@LeakyNun TIO
Now it has J
and many others
@LuisMendo thanks
@Riley @LeakyNun @0` Brain-Flak, 28 bytes: ({}([(())<>])){({}[()]<>)}{}
@Qwerp-Derp In the 'Get the decimals' challenge my submission throws a stack overflow error somewhere above x=5,000,000. Normally, the rules would allow such an answer because the algorithm works with arbitrary high x. However, you state in the the challenge that x is in the range form 1 to 10,000,000, so do you deliberately overwrite this default rule, thus making my submission invalid?
@LeakyNun were you here when I started CS course with crazy CS teacher? (if not: chat.stackexchange.com/…)
@Laikoni So you're asking if I should write a separate rule of disallowing this type of answer?
How much longer would your solution be if it could circumvent the stack overflow?
Hmmmm, I think the upper bound of 10 million seems reasonable
@LeakyNun Brainf***, 85 bytes: ,>+<[>[->>+<<]>[->>+<<]>[-<+>]>[-<<<+>>>]<<<<-]>>>+++++[>+++++++++<-]<[>>.<<-]>‌​>++++.
Probably could be shortened a lot xD
@Laikoni So my ruling is that your current solution is invalid, sorry. I think the upper bound of 10 million is reasonable enough, so I'm going to enforce it.
Question to everyone: would my new challenge be counted as a dupe, if it has more specifications than the other one?
For context, I'm talking about these two questions: my question and the possible dupe
Ooh we're tied for rep... rip me xD gg Qwerp-Derp :D
Though I'd say that your question is a duplicate, in my opinion.
@Downgoat wadahell is dat?
it's the goat ranting about his CS teacher
@LeakyNun oh, I think you also missed downgoat uninstalling his kernel
@Riker what is kernel?
his operating system kernel
You can do that? O.o
the thing that makes the OS run
@HyperNeutrino yup
and you can apt-get install kernel too
in PPCG TF2 Server, Dec 24 '16 at 2:23, by Downgoat
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ No I only deleted the kernel
in PPCG TF2 Server, Dec 24 '16 at 2:23, by Downgoat
apparently you can just apt-get install the kernel
Oh wow.
So wait I can just do apt-get remove kernel?
iirc it's s/remove/uninstall/ but something liek that
Oh okay. So apt-get remove linux. I'm not going to test that xD
@Riker It's remove.
ah ok
I don't use apt-get but I thought the goat said uninstall
Also in Ubuntu I think you should specify Linux version too
I see.
@Riker I only did apt-get install >_<
Can anyone golf my Jelly answer?
@Downgoat will you consider doing that question with your cheese?
TIL ⁼ is an unicode char
an unicode?
a unicode?
I don't grammar good this early
*well :-D
I read it as yuni-code, so that would be a
@Riker I mean technically ASCII is subset of U Unicode so should not be surprise :P
@Riker brb ELUing
@JanDvorak ah, that makes sense
@Downgoat hf but it's gonna get closed I think
Wiktionary agrees with my pronunciation.
:/ ppl branched to another topic
@JanDvorak So does every person I've ever met :P
Q: Un-average temperatures!

Hyper NeutrinoThere was a discussion going on in TNB once about the best temperature scale, and we agreed on something: Take the average of all four main temperature scales! That is, Celsius, Kelvin, Fahrenheit, and Rankine (Sorry Réaumur). So, now the issue is, most people don't use this system. So, I need a...

@Qwerp-Derp Ok, then this is at least a reason to have a look at compiler flags for the first time.
Can any one beat this python answer? I would like some competition.
"zeckendorf" gives 2 results, 8 votes, 3 answers, 1 answer showing in the results, with 5 votes. All Fibonacci numbers. Coincidence...?
8-5=3. Also, there are 3 numbers. :O
Plus the total number of votes showing is 13...
that's cheating a bit
(the 13)
More than a bit...
The word Zeckendorf also appears exactly 5 times in the search page
5 times - 2 results = ? :OOOOO
Both were on 8/5/15 8, 5, 1 and 5 are all fibonacci numbers
I was searching to see if we had already had a Zeckendorf challenge, and we have. I was wondering if a miles to kilometres conversion using Zeckendorf notation would be interesting, after reading about it in the Encyclopedia of Mathematics
lol, I totally forgot code jam is a thing... looks like round 1C is yet to happen, not sure if it's worth attempting.
@WheatWizard That's probably as short as it's going to get.
It still feels really long
Not if you break it into pieces.
there might be a different algorithm that might beat it out
I am so tired
That's the shortest single expression for primality testing, and also for reversing an integer.
@PhiNotPi some people prefer code jelly.
I'm pretty sure that there is no way to beat me with the exact same method but there are short cuts to primality testing if you know some facts about n
Maybe xnor could find something shorter.
Last time Dennis absolutely destroyed me with Wilson's theorem.
@trichoplax Illuminacci confirmed...?
@WheatWizard can you explain how you quine in Mini-Flak or any version of BF
@Christopher Sure! Which one do you want? the quines for the two are drastically different.
@WheatWizard Uh. Mini-Flak. I barely get how they work so go easy :P
Oh actually there are two mini-flak quines a short one and a fast one. Which one do you want?
Err. Fast one I guess
Ok this one is complicated, lets move over to the Third stack
@Riker I think you can shorten your Vim program into just A
Assuming that the input is automatically in the buffer, as is the default for vim programs
is there a way to view the HNQ questions?
even those that were HNQ questions a month ago?
I think not
@KritixiLithos What program is this? Link?
CMC: differentiation: input [1,3,2], output [3,4] (because the derivative of $1+3x+2x^2$ with respect to $x$ is $3+4x$)
@HyperNeutrino New room "OPPCGMCS Relay 2.0"
@LeakyNun I haven't seen a leaky CMC in far too long haha
@DJMcMayhem lol
@LeakyNun That could be a full challenge; not just a cmc
@Poke it would be a duplicate
@DJMcMayhem are you going to do it?
Probably can't right now.
And I wouldn't know where to start
Unfortunately, I've been a lot less active on PPCG in 2017 cause of schedules and life circumstances
don't worry
I've been 0 active on PPCG in 2017
Right now, I mainly just have time for chat lol
@DJMcMayhem And I am being taught the quine in Mini-Flak
@LeakyNun Did you see this since you've been back?
Q: Please welcome The Nineteenth Byte's newest room owners!

DennisYou've cast your votes and elected the following three members of our community as room owners of our primary chat room, The Nineteenth Byte. They have been appointed, effective immediately. Please join us in thanking them for volunteering, and may the odds be ever in their favor.

I haven't
I'm pretty happy about that. One of the interesting developments since you left
Dats where I got me slanty letters
Of course you find it interesting :P No bias whatsoever
Oh no, none at all
@DJMcMayhem congratulations
Thanks :)
@DJMcMayhem here's a python3 ideone if you don't know where to start
@LeakyNun also, you missed hats
@betseg what is it?
@LeakyNun TIO has python now
@betseg thanks, I saw that
@LeakyNun StackExchange winter hat bash
Who suggested PPCG on Area 51?
@LeakyNun Dyalog APL, 9 bytes (assumes ⎕IO is 0): {1↓⍵×⍳⍴⍵}
@DJMcMayhem Huh. I thought they would be high rep :P
@KritixiLithos can you send a TIO link? I'm having trouble with the I/O
3.6K is fairly high rep
@LeakyNun Try it online! (note that the A← can be omitted, in which case it would be sort of like an anonymous function)
oh thanks
Short explanation: multiply the indices of the argument with the argument, and drop the first element of the resulting vector
@DJMcMayhem Did I figure out how to swap two numbers in brain-flak? Do you still have the code?
@Mendeleev sounds yummy
@LeakyNun Actually 3 esolangs, but rnum and WSF are really bad.
@Mendeleev Yes indeed
@Mendeleev so it isn't implemented yet?
@LeakyNun Not yet, but I have begun implementing it, see the Github repo
@Mendeleev you should probably put the specs on the github
instead of separately in a google doc
All right let me copy the spec
@LeakyNun I think you did, but I don't remember what you came up with. There is this however
Aug 26 '16 at 7:51, by Leaky Nun
@DJMcMayhem EUREKA: (({}({})))({}<({}[{}])>)({}[({})])
@LeakyNun :o I can actually reply to myself
Whoops, I just realized that link doesn't work
@DJMcMayhem it works for me
I can't seem to connect to GitHub at all.
@DJMcMayhem what do you mean?
It seems the wiki versions are 6 bytes shorter than yours
I see
@LeakyNun I sent you a link to the github wiki, but the URL was wrong
@DJMcMayhem oh, lol
Are you still looking for challenges to do on main?
@DJMcMayhem yes
CMC: Remove every file in a given directory and its subdirectories, while maintaining the directory structure.
Not to toot my own horn or anything, but I think this one is pretty fun
Q: Reverse a string by chunks

PhoenixYour task is to write a program which, given a number and a string, splits the string into chunks of that size and reverses them. Rules Your program will receive a positive integer n, as well as a string s with length at least one consisting of only printable ASCII. The string should then be sp...

@Phoenix nah
Ooh, Brain-Flak's birthday is in less than a week!
(cue excite)
@Phoenix seems fun
@DJMcMayhem this also
less fun when Jelly does it in 2 bytes
No one's made a solution to mine in any interesting esolangs.
@Phoenix Hey, I know this one. You must be... Pavel?
ding ding ding
@Phoenix define "interesting esolangs"
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

SoyoucanreplytomeincommentsFind the Nth term code-golfarithmeticmath Task Given a sequence of numbers, output the Nth term. The Nth term is a formula that when given a position in the sequence, will output the correct term e.g. For the sequence 1,4,9,16,25,36,49 the Nth term would be n^2 (n squared) Input A seque...

Turing tarpits and such
Languages where the challenge is actually somewhat difficult
@pandalion98 UNSQUAR OF [var] hahaha
this paper is hilarious
@Phoenix Can the string contain numbers
@Mendeleev who do you think made the pull request lol
@LeakyNun Oh yeah lol
@DJMcMayhem can I output an array of lines?
(although joining them only takes one more letter)
But it doesn't have any newlines, right?
@LeakyNun Since you're one of the better brain-flak golfer, do you think you'd have any tips for this thread?
@LeakyNun Sure
What about spaces @Phoenix?
so that means no whitespace
I don't consider whitespace to be printable ascii.
(Even though I'm pretty sure xxd does)
@DJMcMayhem answered
Q: Fake Statistics

Digital TraumaIf you're going to invent some fake news, you'll want to fabricate some data to back it up. You must already have some preconceived conclusions and you want some statistics to strengthen the argument of your faulty logic. This challenge should help you! Given three input numbers: N - number ...

@Phoenix I'll give it a go in Brainfuck

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