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blech. I've already got 8 sandboxed challenges.
What do people think about this one?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

mbomb007cops-and-robbers source-layout Radiation hardening meta-program (Cops) Nuclear winter is coming, so you feel the need to radiation harden every program you've ever made in order to preserve your sanity during the fallout. Unfortunately, time is short, so you have to pick and choose which functi...

Too difficult?
Hey guys I would like to point out that I am offering 100 rep to the best python answer on this challenge. I don't think that the bar is set very high at the moment so it would be great if people could give it a whirl.
Idk enough about how Python compilation works. I always just run my code online.
I've been here more than 2 yrs, and I've never run a Python program on my computer locally.
In fact, idk if I've EVER run ANY program from this site locally...
Scratch that, I've run a SQL query or two.
I believe you can compile python online
@WheatWizard brain-flak mini challenge: (a == TOS, b == underneath TOS) push a if a== b else 0
using the py_compile module
I've done a couple, mainly ones based on the current system time
A and b will always be positive
@JanDvorak Do you think it'd be reasonable to allow either?
[Brain-Flak](https://github.com/DJMcMayhem/Brain-Flak), 24 bytes


[Try it online!](https://tio.run/nexus/brain-flak#@69RXRsNxJqxmtUaGjbVtdW1dpqaQPL/fxMFEwA)
why are my links not working dammit
Doesn't work in multi-line message
^ Yeah, that's it
Ok thats why, rip
Use multiple posts in quick succession instead
[Brain-Flak](github.com/DJMcMayhem/…), 24 bytes
still doesn't work
computers hate you
This one weird trick makes markdown not work, computers hate him
Brain-Flak, 24 bytes
Thank you
@WheatWizard Oh wow, that's even shorter than equals
That's genius, that'll save me a crapton of bytes
Look at my cool Brain-Flak program. I know exactly what it does. Isn't it amazing?!
@WheatWizard computers don't really care about that. If anything, it means they have less work to do.
I'm trying to redo my Are The Brackets Matched answer
can;t wait to see the results
The current one is extremely inefficient, I bet I could reduce it by like 50% or something ridiculous
And that part is crucial
remember push pop reduce
There were a lot that could be done in the current version
Right now it's more about just reducing algorithm redundancies
Thats probably a really good place to start
I just got a 126 byte polyglot when the Big Bang Polyglot got closed, so I can't post it: dc, Retina, Foo, GolfScript, ><>
Right now, the algorithm is basically
if TOS == '(':
if TOS == '[':
if TOS == '{':
if TOS == '<':

if TOS == ')':
The worst thing is that ( and ) have a difference of 1 while all the others have a difference of 2
My quine would be like 100 bytes shorter if they all had a difference of 2
Ugh, yeah ik
Could you replace all ) with * and then undo that?
It ends up being more expensive
@AdmBorkBork You underestimate how impractical brain-flak is :P
find and replace is insanely expensive
I dunno, you folks seem pretty good at golfing it
@KritixiLithos Nice. Retina and Foo are so useful for constant output polyglots
Q: Program That Posts Itself

user68147The Challenge Write a program that posts its own source code along with its number of bytes and the language it's written in in the following format: Language, numberOfBytes bytes your code here The only rule Your program must complete the challenge. You may do this however you can

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

mbomb007Display a fractal maze Based on this Puzzling.SE question: Alice and the Fractal Hedge Maze. Given a description of a maze as input, output a [graphical / ASCII-art ?] representation of the maze. For the purpose of this challenge, all inner mazes are assumed to be smaller copies of the origi...

ooh, the Sandbox passed 4000 answers recently
I wonder if the sandbox or main has more posts
149 pages of 50
Main definitely has more.
Lots of people skip the Sandbox
maybe we should put this question at a net vote count of 42?
You should vote based on content, not based on score ;-)
Using votes to reach a certain score instead of voting based on content and quality? That's a paddlin'
Please report to the nearest trout fishery for reeducation.
Well, considering that it's now closed, it probably deserves some downvotes.
But what if you want to downvote because it's a too broad popcon?
Then downvote?
Still not kosher to ask for downvotes here
@BasicSunset That's content/quality
@JanDvorak Yes that's true
Yeah, I was only joking. I've made similar comments about not doing such things before.
The votes on this are so almost perfect... is tempted to downvote to get the vote count back to 42Doorknob ♦ Apr 28 '14 at 2:28
The references to trout paddling should clue you in that I was also joking around :P
We should make a histogram of challenge scores to see if there's a spike at 42 :-)
@LuisMendo CMC: What's the first positive int N such that there is no PPCG question that currently has a score of exactly N.
Nice one! If only I knew how to handle those SE queries...
It's basically:
- List of all questions, order by score
- Deduplicate by score
- Get minimum value not in results.
@HelkaHomba I see an 82
you do not ;)
@mbomb007 VTC'd
Need one more
I could easily just use all UTF-8 characters in a comment and prevent anyone else from answering...
@HyperNeutrino I'd mention that to him
Q: Print my birthday!

This GuyThis is an answer-chaining question. Your task is very simple. Output your birthday in the format dd:mm:yy. Here comes the twist!!! You may not use any characters in the answer posted before yours. White space, numbers and : don't count as they'll be used in most answers. Therefore Whitespace...

@HelkaHomba Odd, on the data explorer it says there is an 86
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

JohnLBevanWhich answer is correct? I've posted an earlier version of this question already; but now hoping to refine here before correcting the original post. Thanks all in advance for any advise. I saw this elegant logic puzzle on Mathematics: Which answer in this list is the correct answer to this...

So 99 seems to be the first score not currently appearing
but the 86? was 86ed?
@BasicSunset Do you know how modifiy that query to get the count for each score? That is, number of challenges with that score
I'll try... I'm really rusty at SQL though
If I'm interpreting the results correctly, they say there's at least one challenge with score 1161, same for 848, ... But I can't find those challenges
Where in the query is the PPCG site specified? @BasicSunset
Oh, the URL, right? nvm
You can change the site at a box at the bottom
So do we have a challenge with 1161 score? I don't think so
Oh that was the wrong link I think. It includes answers too
Here's what you wanted
Nice! Yes, that was it
Not sure how to look for a value that isn't there. I'm not that good at SQL
^ What happens when I try to solve my problems using LaTeX
Apparently the 86 was Interpret brainfuck but it's at 87 now
So, looks like 86 was right
So the "winner" is 82
And there's the histogram
If you squint your eyes you see the hole at 82 :-)
@LuisMendo Just curious, what would that look like on a vertical log scale?
@LegionMammal978 That was my first idea too :-) But the problem is the zeros
Matlab just doesn't plot them (which is fine), but then they are confused with 1, which gives a 0 in log scale
@LuisMendo Just replace them with 0.1 or something
So they'll be -1
But that would look weird, wouldn't it?
Maybe plot 1+score in log scale
Try that
that's log y, linear x
Sometimes I want to punch my past self.
> sometimes
well, better than me
Q: My source is in order, is yours?

programmer5000Your challenge is to write a program, function, etc. that calculates if the passed string is "in order". That means that the Unicode / UTF-8 characters have char codes that are in order from smallest to largest. You must return one value if the input is "in order" and another if it is not. The va...

@mınxomaτ How'd this happen?
Maybe someday PPCG will show up on PBS
@HelkaHomba Public Broadcasting Service?
I mean, I suppose it would be cool, but why specifically PBS and not any other channel
because it's a really big channel
and that mo question was on the PBS yt
It's a major us tv network, not just on yt
@Riker What? When? Link?
5 mins ago, by Helka Homba
Nifty how https://youtu.be/bG7cCXqcJag was based on https://mathoverflow.net/q/265310/56847
I am fucking blind.
I just looked up the definition of legal blindness in the US for the first time, and realized that without glasses on I actually do have "less than 20/200 vision or vision restricted to 30 or fewer degrees"
So I am blind.
@Pavel 20/200?
you have less than that?
20/20 != 20/200
I have 20/25 or something like that
or maybe 20/15
whichever is worse than normal
20/15 is better than normal
then 20/25
It means you can see at 20 feet what normal people can see at 25
Oh wait I see. The definition says "cannot be corrected to better than 20/200"
So I'm not blind!
Is this still too blue?
looks like win10
:( minimalistic design is hard
Windows 10 is beautiful
Make the background transparent. That way people see whatever's behind their computer.
Windows XP was beautiful
@Downgoat I think it's fine, if a little boring.
You could try making instead of a solid background some simple design out of squares or something.
@DownWat Hey, I use Arc, but Windows 10 is still amazing.
Why not get Arc for Windows 10 then?
Though it apparently got jealous because it nuked my Fedora install I was dual-booting
@DownWat Too much effort, don't use Windows often enough.
CMC: Given a directory containing more than 2 files, uniformly randomly shuffle the filenames without touching the contents. (e.g. if a directory contains files a, b, c with the contents 1, 2, 3 respectively; you might cause the directory to contain files b, c, a with the contents 1, 2, 3 respectively.)
hmm, a cyclic permutation would be much easier
@Thisguy I don't mind if you use my username
ok how about this design
the borders around the textbox are there, but very faint. Either make them visible or get rid of them
@Downgoat You should make the input light grey IMO
you mean the bottom border?
@Downgoat The background
ok did both
D: still can't see background that clearly

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