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@Downgoat Thanks! I haven't had much time now that I am no longer homeschooled, but I finished the computer curriculum really early at school so I did some project euler problems (as ppcg is blocked on school wifi) so now I'm back into programing puzzles and stuff
Also guys, I mean
what's down
with all the downs
@BaldBantha the floor
OK Vim wizards
How do I copy something into a register which is NOT AN ENTIRE LINE?
@feersum v<select your thing with arrows>y
No that doesn't help.
It just puts it into the default register
And gets overwritten by something else right away.
I want to use a named register.
@ASCII-only I was tryna make a cringy joke there withMath.ceiling(Math.floor()) but the cringe level would be off the walls
I'm out
@feersum no idea never used those
@WheatWizard Alright
@Timtech That's a cool Minecraft skin, where did you get it?
@feersum y<motion> should be fine as long as it isn't a linewise motion. What are you trying to yank?
Sorry, "<reg>y<motion>
@SIGSEGV github.com/epicTCK/Chatbot Is my bot, currently the latest edition is SiteSource.html, the project is somewhat a mess ill clean it up later
@ConorO'Brien ;_; 0/10 feel very offended that you would think I'd use bootstrap :P
it looks exactly like it tho
@feersum "<register>y
Oh wait ninjad
@ConorO'Brien :( my design is not that bad
Q: Can questions be too hard?

This GuyI have an idea for a code-golf question and, in my opinion, I believe that it is quite a difficult problem to code in the first place, let alone to golf. I've seen questions being closed for duplicates, being off-topic and others but was wondering if my question could be closed or put on hold fo...

KOTH w/ emacs vs vim
@DJMcMayhem I want to select some text and copy it
Like vy for example but I want to choose what rgeister it goes in.
@feersum v"<reg>y should work
@DownWat do you have any idea on how I could route from express to your rails?
@Downgoat What is express? Also, I took it down, but it's on Github. Just clone it, cd in, run bundle install then rails server
@DJMcMayhem That's it, thanks.
@Downgoat The application exposes a JSON-based API
I was trying "av...y before.
@DownWat I have existing middleware so is there a way to route that to rails
I.e. Can't run on
@Downgoat Yeah, you need to run the server, then you can get the post index from /stories.json and individual posts from /stories/[id].json
It hosts itself on port 3000
There's also some endpoints that you can POST PATCH or DELETE to
The endpoints can't be root
You can use those to submit, edit, etc.
is there a way to configure that?
Define root
Im gonna do a ProxyPass /app 3000 so your endpoints won't be called if their listening on root
One sec let me get the list
Q: Subtract two numbers

This GuyInspired by this by @steenbergh. The logical extension of these two challenges and so the question body is shamelessly taken from these questions @Alt-F4 please don't kill me. Input: Two decimal integers. These can be given to the code in standard input, as arguments to the program or function...

Yeah AFAIK you can POST to /stories/create (?) let me check
OK @Downgoat I've figured out the API endpoints
POST /stories.json {"title":"", "author":"","school":"","content":""} returns the full JSON with id, dates, and URL.
PATCH /stories/x.json {"title":"", "author":"","school":"","content":""} edits a story and returns the stuffs
DELETE /stories/x.json deletes that story
The updated app should be on GitHub. You're on a Mac AFAIK so just gem install rails.
cd into the folder, run bundle install && ruby bin/rails db:migrate && ruby bin/rails server
@DownWat I'm on Debian :P
then apt-get install ruby and same steps
The mac assumption was because I thought it was on your laptop
Also, stop using apache and switch to nginx. it's miles better
@DJMcMayhem question: what is best way to capitalize first letter of each word in? is it to record w~
a.split.map{|i| i.capitalize}.join(" ")
in ruby
@Downgoat is this for names? If so make sure things like O'Brien work
shit mean in vim
@NewMainPosts dupe?
Q: Who's that Pokémon?

cardboard_boxInput: an integer N between 1 and 151 Output: the Nth Pokemon. Rules You may use one data file. You may not use any already made data decompression algorithms. This includes libraries and other programs. Your program may not access files other than itself and your data file. Scoring Your ...

it's basically the same thing
string -> string vs number -> string
@Downgoat I would do :s/\<./\u&/g
Q: What do I do? Just ask Siri!

This GuyWrite a program that takes an input, reads a file and outputs the resulting answer. Easy, right? Wrong. You may have noticed "Siri" in the title. Let's explore this detail even more: You are to become Siri. You are to write a function or program that takes a string as input (one of the questions...

@Mego I wholeheartedly agree, thus the comment :P
fixed now though
I need literally 2 more upvotes to get to 2K rep
please don't ask for votes or say things along those lines in TNB though
votes should ideally be based on quality, not how far you are from a milestone
Not asking for votes.
it's mostly the same tbh, you're pointedly saying you are 2 upvotes away
If anybody was interested, they could look at your rep total and see for themselves. It's pretty blatant what the goal is when you post it in chat.
Yeah it's more of a "oh look at me" sort of thing
@Riker are mods allowed to eleven avatars
yes they can
but only if it's offensive
Please don't eleven my avatar
>_> I'm glad you're Downgoatting but at the same time it's being kinda problematic with all the confusion between us
Remember the lemon trend that lasted about 2 days?
@HyperNeutrino I've tried my best to forget
@Mego Ah. Sorry for reminding you :/
@ATaco how did you do that?
@HyperNeutrino yeah I was a yellow periodic table named MendeleevLemon
setInterval(function(){signatures = $(".signature");
   signatures[x].innerHTML = signatures[x].innerHTML.replace(/down ?(.)?/gi,(_,x)=>x.toUpperCase())
Yeah I remember that
Run that in console.
Whee^_^ yay. No longer as confusing.
Script does nothing for me
Does not fix their Avatars though.
Also, tested for firefox, not Chrome.
Better solution: how about people just be original?
Works in chrome confirmed
@DownWat It's kinda difficult to keep track of your name because I've only noticed you around here for about half a year at most (and that's exaggerating a bit) and I remember you having at least 6 usernames
@ATaco 0/10 use .replace(/down ?/gi,'')
@KritixiLithos Are you on?
That doesn't uppercase the first letter.
@Mego Good idea. I agree, I don't like username trends because they just get boring really quickly
@HyperNeutrino This is actually a return to my second username ever, only in "Down" form.
Next username will probably be just wat
Or maybe Mendeleev. Who knows
@DownWat I always remember you as "TheRealAlien" >_>
I recommend staying as wat.
I second that as well.
@DownWat Stop changing your name please :(
IMO Mendeleev looks more professional and it also has more relation to my real name (Dmitry)
But just think, some people out there are probably reading it and pronouncing "eev" like "eve".
Don't disturb them!
I like aTaco.
Q: Draw the Nottingham flag!

This GuyI am a (not so) proud resident of Nottingham, England and I find flags fascinating. So I decided to combine these two facts to make yet another flag challenge for code golf. However, before you close this as a dupe, check out the flag of Nottingham: This seems fairly basic until we get to the...

Funny seeing the today's xkcd since my vim question earlier was for an editor with vim keybindings, not actual vim.
Personally, I use Sublime Text.
Does it have vim key bindings?
Probably not? It's not macro Heavy.
@ATaco What are you talking about, every editor has vim bindings
even the one on Cloud9
Well of course someone has made them, I meant A taco personally.
@feersum But vim mode pretty much always comes built in (but disabled)
I wonder what happens when you disable vim mode in vim.
@feersum That's pretty much what insert mode is, isn't it?
@ASCII-only ELI5 vim bindings?
It's vimless vim.
@ConorO'Brien Settings that make keystrokes behave like Vim
so how does every editor have vim bindings? I know for a fact notepad doesn't
@ConorO'Brien Calling notepad an editor is an insult to all real editors :P
I used it for the first 6 months of my programming experience
@Downgoat I use nano personally :P
@ConorO'Brien yeah, I didn't say all, notepad and nano are some of the exceptions
@Qwerp-Derp oh no why
My condolences
17 mins ago, by ASCII-only
@ATaco What are you talking about, every editor has vim bindings
every == all?
What if nano had vim bindings
@Qwerp-Derp it does, it's called vim
@ConorO'Brien oh nvm
@ConorO'Brien AutoHotkey?
ok I think I've definitely decided the emacs v vim debate
I installed both on windows
and this is what I got:
C:\Users\Conor O'Brien\Documents\Programming
λ vim
Starting vim...
Fatal error: not using emacs.
Please use emacs.

C:\Users\Conor O'Brien\Documents\Programming
λ emacs
Starting emacs...
Fatal error: not using vim.
Please use vim.

C:\Users\Conor O'Brien\Documents\Programming
λ vim
Starting vim...
Fatal error: indecision.
Please use something else.

C:\Users\Conor O'Brien\Documents\Programming
@ConorO'Brien use vi then
'vi' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
@ConorO'Brien Beautiful
@ConorO'Brien choco install vi
same thing, except s/vi/choco/
Q: Monkeys on a typewriter

This Guy"If you put an infinite number of monkeys on an infinite number of typewriters, eventually they will type out The Complete Works of Shakespeare" today hasn't been great for my questions but why the hell not? Task Your program should calculate the average Levenshtein distance between your monke...

That post seems a bit like it is a combination of three challenges with no real changes.
Personally I would have liked to say it was a duplicate of more challenges than just the levenshtein calculator though
Does this guy know about the sandbox
@TuxCopter question: does this sentence make sense "Nous n'étions pas très pressés, ainsi nous avons passé assez de temps par cherchant ...."
He considers that "simple" challenges don't need the sandbox and I think he had said the sandbox is toxic before.
Or at least I think that was him
Q: Print all Sundays in 2017

ShinMigami13Print the dates of all the Sundays in 2017 in the following format : dd.mm.yyyy. Expected Output: 01.01.2017 08.01.2017 15.01.2017 22.01.2017 29.01.2017 05.02.2017 12.02.2017 19.02.2017 26.02.2017 05.03.2017 12.03.2017 19.03.2017 26.03.2017 02.04.2017 09.04.2017 16.04.2017 23.04.2017 30.04.2017 ...

@Riker Did you see my reddit gold comment?
Q: The Big Bang Polyglot

This GuyEveryone loves The Big Bang Theory, right? And everyone loves polyglots, right? So let's combine them! Task Your task in each language is quite basic. You must output the name of the one of the 5 main characters of The Big Bang Theory: Sheldon Lee Cooper, Leonard Leakey Hofstadter, Howard Joel ...

@DownWat I got gold once.
@PhiNotPi For what?
Some post advocating for gay rights, or something.
@Downgoat If you want, I can make a lighter, API-only Rails project for your backend without templating or forms.
It should use less RAM and perform better
@fəˈnɛtɪk It was either him or zyabin101, I'm not sure who.
I don't understand why he hates this community, it's one of the nicest communities out there
can someone please look at the page inventory.dk0.us:8082
@DownWat Question: can I use rails to generate HTML so I don't need to do "loading" and AJAX calls
@Downgoat Yeah of course! You write your template in erb, the existing templates are at app/views/stories/*
@DownWat "Login" header needs to be closer to center, and I feel google login button is not left-aligned with signin but otherwise looks nice
AJAX would be nice though
@Downgoat Can you try the login?
@DownWat :O I can smoke the templates? :P
@Downgoat Define smoke
Just edit them
@DownWat works fine
@ASCII-only Cool, tahnks. Does it show your profile picture?
> No route matches [GET] "/transactions/check/out
@DownWat yeah, logout button is a little misaligned though
@Downgoat Yeah, I'm rewriting the whole app due to some bad decisions I made early on. I am working on reimplementing that.
@ASCII-only That's true and I need help from someone who knows how to web design.
@Downgoat, can you please help?
ok yeah I see logo
@DownWat sure, not familiar with material design but can try >_>
@Downgoat Basically, app/views/layouts/application.html.erb and app/views/stories/*.html.erb are what you need to edit.
There's also app/assets/stylesheets/application.css and app/assets/javascripts/application.js which get included into the template as well.
@DownWat hm, could I serve the .html/.css files at a different domain than the API endpoints? I like my API endpoints to be at api.vihan.org and the app at vihan.org
@Downgoat Umm, the app isn't really aware of domains. It serves everything relatively.
AJAX it is
I mean, you could access things through api.vihan.org... it would just be accessible from both places.
@Downgoat You don't need AJAX. The API endpoints are not needed if you are working with the HTML/CSS files, you would just access the pages directly
at something like /stories/new or /stories
@DownWat oh, and how would the form submission for /stories/new work? what would be the endpoint there?
The form POSTs to /stories which triggers the create action of the controller.
If you look in app/views/stories/_form.html.erb you can see the FormHelper code.
You can add CSS classes to the form fields by appending , :class => "classes-list test" to the f.whatever :whenever
Actually, you can append most HTML attributes (id, for, etc.) through that mechanism, e.g. :for => "whatever"
It's a hash/associative-array
Also, beware of app/assets/stylesheets/scaffolds.scss it contains some font overrides, you can get rid of everything before #notice
Just making sure: @Downgoat
Too much downness
@DownWat is there like a rails process manager so it'll restart when the server restarts?
(sorry if asking too many questions)
Does Debian use systemd?
You could very easily write a unit file
Rails has a forking mode that has a PID file, or you could just directly
O_o isn't "NoSQL Schema" almost oxymoron ._.
apparently it's common term in node.js world
do node.js people like not know how to database
@Downgoat MongoDB?
I don't use NodeJS much
@Downgoat Here's a unit file I use for inventory server:
@Qwerp-Derp PHP:MySql :: Node.js:Mono.db
if it's made in node.js, it uses mongo
Description=Inventory Server

ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/ruby /home/dmitry/RailsApp/bin/rails server --port 80 --bind

codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/116312/… This Guy definitely hates the Sandbox and apparently also PPCG, so I'm not sure why [s]he's posting a ton of challenges, especially since they keep getting -1'd and VTC'd.
Just get rid of the port parameter, in the [Service] section put User=your user and customize the directories
and also customize the ruby executable location
@HyperNeutrino I don't think any explaining's going to work, IMO
@Qwerp-Derp Me neither; if [s]he really is just going to be that way I can't really do much about it.
They seem pretty pretentious and passive-aggressive, I honestly don't know if any explaining's going to work.
As long as they don't keep posting a ton of bad challenges that keep getting closed it's not really too much of an issue
They're not a special snowflake, we can't just follow their every whim, nothing's like that
Sorry if I seem ranty, I'm just really peeved for some reason
by this in particular?
same here, idk really why
And yeah Dennis removed the comments because I suppose I should've moved it into chat
Did he 11 your comments? :P
Q: The tedious array of 7 rules

Yam BThe rundown Create a program that generates an array of random length with random numbers, then apply a series of rules that alter the array. After the rules have been applied, print the sum of the array unless specified otherwise Array setup The array must be a random length between 5 and 10 ...

@NewMainPosts Seems like a mix of arbitrary rules
@Qwerp-Derp I agree, it seems kind of random IMO. Just a bunch of weird things thrown together.
@HyperNeutrino According to the rules I can just generate a random number under 50 and it would work
I can just do something like this: import random;print(-1/random.random())+50
@Qwerp-Derp I don't think 1 is a valid output.
It's just an example, people will find ways to circumvent the challenge entirely
Yeah, probably.
Q: Are you over 10k rep?

This GuyNote: This only applies to users with more than 10,000 rep on PPCG or users who are approaching 10,000 I am currently finishing a programming language called PPCG. I have not yet released it because I wanted to check if it was okay here first. The reason I want to check if it's okay is because ...

is this a little too-blue?
I think it's alright.
@NewMetaPosts I think this is off-topic; what do you guys think?
@Downgoat Go a little lighter.
@Downgoat BSOD
@Dennis You're about to overtake Martin!!
Not really, no. Not even as close as I used to be.
You're like 1K rep apart!
I am aware. If you sort by rep per month, you'll see that the gap widened though.
So about 200 rep.
By year you've earned more rep than Martin.
Hence not as close as I used to be.
Hard to juggle PPCG and TIO. :P
You can now make x,y=rgb Graphs in my grapher.
Technically 5d.
This looks nothing like a sphere
also what are the white lines doing
@ATaco btw you really shouldn't make the 3d graphs svgs
If you do, you should make the vectors 3-dimensional.
Q: Indices of elements in an array in order from smallest to largest

newguyTask Basically you have an array of random integers e.g. I() = [1, 4, 3, 2, 5, 3, 2, 1] and you have to create another array of the same length with the numbers 1 to the size of the array in place of the smallest to largest numbers respectively, e.g. O() = [1, 7, 5, 3, 8, 6, 4, 2] For dupl...

Consider this 5d Paint function pointless for now.
I want to write an actual 3D graph function.
@El'endiaStarman around anymore?
Q: how to find the solution of the following equation?

asiya[2*r^6+3*r^5-4*r^4-3*r^3+2*r^2]*(diff(F(r), r, r))+[4*r^7+14*r^6-5*r^5-30*r^4+9*r^3+19*r^2+2*r]*(diff(F(r), r))+[16*r^7+8*r^6-28*r^5-12*r^4+8*r^3-2*r^2-2*r+4]*F(r) = 0 it is a second order homogeneous differential equation..suggest me some method to find its solution...

Q: write Sage code for $\lambda$ determinant in Combinatorics

coldhearted I was given to write a sage code to find out $\lambda$ determinant in Combinatorics. Which is related to Dodgson's algorithm. for 2 by 2 matrix with entries $a_11,a12,a21,a22$ we write $a_11 a_22 + \lambda a_12 a_21$ But I need code for n by n matrics.

Dammit, why does SQL think an empty sum is "None" instead of 0
(BTW, playing with 19B thing now too :)
@feersum Might need to coalesce the expression
Or CASE would probably work fine, in a more generic fashion
CASE WHEN /*your sum exr*/ = NONE THEN 0 ELSE /*your sum exr*/
Coalesce works, thanks
Coalesce seems cleaner
Nov 12 '15 at 22:26, by Doorknob
okay seriously stop abusing stars
That one, though... lol
@Downgoat ppcg.starmaninnovations.com/tnbde/#vUJsjdLeVW (median of stars with >1 stars)
@feersum I'm glad you posted that Q on CR yesterday, that data explorer is pretty cool
We have something similar for Code Review, but it's a private SQL database, and running T-SQL instead of Postgres
(i.e. it doesn't have a web interface)
3D Graphing now works.
Holy carp
Postgres really is challenging in a way, I'm so used to doing shit like DECLARE @myVar INT = 42; with TSQL :\
3D polar graphs coming soon
@TuxCopter Why are French cases, plurality, and question words so confusing
also gendered words
<-- French [Canadian] I can relate
I think I crashed a-ta.co and I can't restart it right now.
Interestingly, my phone blames my own internet.
@Qwerp-Derp I am now, I pushed some changes to GH, just be sure to pull them
Q: Draw a graph of y=(-n)^x

Beta DecayChallenge Given an input of an integer, n (where 0<n<50), output the graph of from x = -3 to x = 3 inclusive. Where is the real part of the complex number p. Note that Output The output may be in any form you wish (e.g. an image or a window etc.) but the graph must have axes. ASCII art i...

@feersum Neat! Good work!

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