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real hackers use Trisquel GNU/Linux, because rms uses it and he is the the most realest real hacker
btw, im so cheap :( i've done a C/C++/Python answer :(
I used Retina, that's even cheaper :P
> Wins in C, ties in Python, loses in C++. Like C++ always does /s
im so funny aren't i
Great idea: someone should make a polyglot that is both an image and an executable in some programming language. But they should make the image in Paint.
Piet + native executable + some other language in a single file
A: When was this language released?

Wheat Wizard10 years, 12 languages, 2430 bytes This answer is a collaboration between myself and user 1000000000. A brief language list: Brainfuck 1993 Befunge 1993 Piet 2001 Whitespace 2003 Braincopter 2005 Grass 2007 Starry 2008 Paintfuck 2008 Brainbool 2010 (111110...

Does that count?
@mbomb007 I was so pleased with myself for resisting the urge to post this :P
CMC: shortest Java program to output all permutations of int array
> Java
If you're gonna do that, you might as well make it an actual answer here.
@mbomb007 Is there any image format without a header?
ERROR:  Could not find a valid gem 'json' (= 1.8.2), here is why:
          Unable to download data from rubygems.org - SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server certificate B: certificate verify failed (api.rubygems.org/specs.4.8.gz)
Can anyone help with this?
I'm very very proud of this answer. It was blast to write
a vim polyglot
It's really not that hard
Vim is actually ideal for polyglots
Since you can just ignore everything, then prepend <esc>dgg to undo anything previous code has done
@DJMcMayhem You could provide an xxd
And it doesn't have comments, so you can insert it wherever you want
@TuxCopter Idk. I know that there already exist polyglots of images that are also valid JS.
But I think you had to modify the header manually.
I personally created a JS/mp3 polyglot and a JS/mp4 polyglot.
Both the JS and the media will Rickroll you.
but MP3 is a compressed format
I just modified certain bytes. So the audio/video weren't exact anymore, but you couldn't really tell the difference.
I would've been hard pressed to point out differences
The main change was replacing every occurrence of */ so it wouldn't interrupt the block comment.
Jan 14 at 23:21, by mbomb007
I just made an MP3 / JavaScript polyglot. You can listen to the song, or you can include the file as JS with <script charset="ISO-8859-1" src="thefile.mp3"></script> and it will navigate to the song's URL.
The Google drive link is right after that.
So somehow my phone number got in an escort ad. I've gotten several texts already.
Muahaha, I am now tied with basic sunset
@Pavel somehow
@DJMcMayhem Now you beat me :(
I don't think I can golf it any more
It really helps that brain flak essentially has a zero byte solution
CMC: complete this challenge in Befunge-98, ><> and Alice.
Oh wow, I have a beautiful 4 byte golf
Q: C# First 1 (right to left) in binary number

Eric CepressI am trying to find the first 1 (right to left) in the binary representation of a number. So 100 should yield 3, 234 should yield 2, etc. Any tips to golf my solution? k < 1 ? 0 :(int)(Math.Log(k & -k, 2) + 1);

CMC: complete this challenge in Cubix, Hexagony, and Alice.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Beta DecayDraw a graph of y=(-n)^x code-golf math complex-numbers graphical-output Challenge Given an input of an integer, n (where 0<n<50), output the graph of from x = -3 to x = 3 inclusive. Where is the real part of the complex number p. Output The output may be in any form you wish (e.g. an im...

Too early to post or not?
Oh hey @BetaDecay I haven't seen you in here for a while!
@Poke @Luke Generally I would recommend rejecting edits that change the OP's code.
it's his edit to his post >.>
Hey @BetaDecay !
How bad is your cat's eye?
@Poke o_O Why did he use two accounts?
haha i have no idea. i thought it was the same account and he needed some rep amount to edit his post
@flawr Very bad, it's blind
didn't notice the id was different
@DJMcMayhem Hai! o/
No, editing your own post is always allowed
i'll keep that in mind for the future
codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/68094/eric-cepress this one says "unregistered" in the profile
@BetaDecay Hi, remember me?
Elon Musk finally blocked me from the internal Tesla repository because I wouldn't stop sending pull requests for my code supporting steering via vim keybindings.
@betseg disagree, notepad++ is still the go-to editor for Windows.
@Pavel s/notepad\+\+/Sublime Text/g
why the g
@DJMcMayhem wouldn't it be ggdG?
@DownWat Uhh what happened... Why aren't you a goat? :O
He's not dawngaot
0/10 imposter
@Downgoat assuming you entered insert mode at some point (which is most likely), you'll already be on the last line
@DJMcMayhem I mean I could do ph or something like it no?
Or >>
@Downgoat I'm really confused.
What are you trying to do?
@Riker :)
A: The Programming Language Quiz

Dennis???, 344 bytes, cracked by jimmy23013 Here's a hexdump of the file:​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ 0000000: 47 49 46 38 37 61 0d 00 0d 00 85 13 00 00 00 00 GIF87a.......... 0000010: 00 00 c0 00 00 ff 00 c0 00 00 ff 00 00 c0 c0 00 ................ 0000020: ff ff c0 00 00 ff 00 00 c0 00 c0 ff 00 ff c0 c0 .....

Didn't make it in Paint though.
@Downgoat That's already a thing. It's just normally not visible unless you increase the scale a bunch.
@Downgoat Did you read my message in talk?
@Dennis Ah, yeah I think I remember seeing this answer.
@DJMcMayhem to my understanding if the cursor moves from start, dgg won't work
If you're on the last line it'll work fine
@BetaDecay Click my profile picture :)
What does that have to do with ph or >>?
That's probably not a discussion we should have here.
@betseg I wasn't sure whether that was a link to r/WatchPeopleDie or not XD
I was wondering what you found funny
A: The Programming Language Quiz

Down Wat???, 2 bytes Hi This should be fairly obscure.

Is it H9Q+ or one of its derivatives? — betseg 12 secs ago
@Dennis wait, does it work if cracked in a different language?
Yes. See the gazillion of Foo cracks.
OK, it was Tomato
> That is, find any language in which the given program is a valid Hello World program (subject to the rules outlined in The Cops' Challenge above). It doesn't matter if this is the language the cop intended.
I should have made it HoY
I like how much Lua can be abused
> var arr = [[1,2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]
> arr.indexOf([1,2])
Really javascript? You're gonna be like that?
I wouldn't be surprised if the issue was due to implicit string conversion
Because that's the cause of 90% of JS woes
Or because it's comparing by reference and not by value
@DJMcMayhem It's because JS compare by ref
I think it's the only interpreted language to do this too
So.... How can I do this?
> foo = [1,2]
> arr = [foo, [3,4], [5,6]]
> arr.indexOf(foo)
Roll your own function
@TuxCopter There's a reason why other langs don't do it that way
suaV+e is one of my favorite golfs ever.
Lua compares my ref.
And does not have a function to compare by value
> Array.equals=(a,b)=>a.every((x,i)=>x===b[i]);
> arr.findIndex(x=>Array.equals(x,[1,2]))
just use ruby ffs
look of horror
I'm bad at JS so there's probably much better ways of doing that
I'm not even going to try to write the Lua function to do it here.
@Mego Yeah, JS wasn't really designed for number array manipulation though
@ASCII-only From my experience, it was designed to increase Tylenol sales
@DJMcMayhem ok so when JS implicit casts it's evil and when it doesn't it is still evil -_-
try doing array.map(String) then pass as string
@ConorO'Brien super random question: idk if you can but I have a node.js/js/css/html project I'm needing to get done by tomorrow. would you like to help? (not HW :P)
I also have not started
people of the nineteenth byte I have returned - general bald bantha 1943/4?
@BaldBantha welcome
@BaldBantha I don't think I've seen you before, Welcome!
@BaldBantha welcome back!
@Mego You can use x+[] == [1,2]
@Downgoat or x+''==[1,2]
yeah but that looks weird
It also works on deep nested arrays [[1,2]]+[] == [1,2]
10/10 quality feature
@ASCII-only are you familiar with mongo
The only language I know of with worse equality semantics is PHP.
@ATaco don't forget python
Python's doesn't make me as sad.
@Downgoat no, why
@Downgoat how does python have bad equality semantics
@ASCII-only opls we don't need to do this again
@Downgoat excuse me this is a very outrageous accusation
also why would "a" == 0 to begin with!
Windows just removed my Fedora install
@ATaco I hope you don't mind if I kinda sorta copy the general style from your websites homepage for a quick project of mine >_>
only copying the button
@Downgoat Go for it, you basically designed that button.
Also, the Projects page is now setup.
Does that look OK?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

BijanWrite Something Write a program that can be run. It must take nothing from STDIN and, put nothing in STDERR or STDOUT. Shortest answer in each language wins.

I dunno if the yellow is hard to read
I don't know what other color to change it to though
blue is complementary with ylelow is the thing
Try a stronger orange.
Something like #F80
Or #F83
lemme look up a triadic pallete
Green Pastels also work well for UI.
@ATaco oooh, interesting
Is there a GraphicDesign.SE?
Apparently, yes.
@Downgoat I'd love to! I'm not terribly busy, easter break just started
what is it about?
@Downgoat if it's not HW why do you need it done by tomorrow
@ConorO'Brien :D it's basically a website which fights hate by allowing people to share their stories
I've got to say, I used to not like the idea of Node.JS, but after using it, I definitely much prefer it toPHP.
it allows people to filter by school and all so you can know the stories of your peers
also allows for anyonymous submissions
problem: I told school I would get done by tomorrow
hmm... how could I help?
well i everything except homepage (above) is todo
So basically REST API backend and form front end is needed
@Downgoat Use Rails.
This would be sooooo easy with Rails
Pls no rails is evil
neither of us (presumably) know rails. so the answer is the inside of the fifth word on this sentence.
> the inside of the fifth word on this sentence.
*in this message
I meant a comma there
Does rails have nice DB intégration like node and mongo?
@Downgoat Yes, by default it uses sqlite but you can use mysql, postgres, etc.
@DownWat ok so I know there are lots of messages on the starboard but for the love of goats change your avatar. I thought you were downgoat
@Downgoat just do whatever you can then put on c9 and I can try not to bork when you're asleep :P
@ConorO'Brien OMG it's a duck ffs
@DownWat Yeah but it's red and black and it's hard to tell apart at this resolution
@DownWat It's difficult to tell the difference if oyu're not looking for it.
@DownWat and the edit distances is like 2 so it's basically the same
@DownWat are those sql databases (w/ schema)
@Downgoat I speak Backend. I speak it as well as I speak english.
@Downgoat Yeah but Rails/ActiveRecord has something cool with schema management called migrations
However, I'm not great at English.
@Downgoat I've put together something minimal
:O can you please help make backend then :3
It has a full JSON API, etc.
@Downgoat do you still need my help?
:O how you do??
@ConorO'Brien >_> if you want to help with front end, otherwise not really <_<
what a shame, I need something to do
@Downgoat refresh the page please
@ConorO'Brien VSL? :D we are redoing in JS
o_O okay cool
link to room?
@mbomb007 Yeah how dare anyone do that!
Also it is GOOOD to be back
Mobile chat sucks
welcome back down... squints at username... down... Christopher?
@DownWat 0/10 template
Question: does font weight work on your browser: vihan.org/p/stories
3.5/10 uses bootstrap.css
@Downgoat huh?
@ConorO'Brien lol yeah
it's auto generated by the scaffold generator
Been this way for a month++
all I did was basically rails new stories && cd stories && rails generate scaffold Story title:string author:string school:string content:text && rails db:migrate && vim config/routes.rb && rails server -p 3001 -d && ssh -R 3001:localhost:3001 -N dk0.us
@ConorO'Brien are we talking about my thing or wats thing
@Downgoat your thing
@ASCII-only no I mean if your default sans serif font supports 300 font weight
and then in config/routes.rb I put the line root 'stories#index'
@Downgoat most should support it?
@DownWat what plagiarism you are. How dare you copy me... You will pay for taking my idea. Copying my Down <blank> idea
@DownChristopher huh?
@DownChristopher oh, that
setInterval(function(){signatures = $(".signature");
   signatures[x].innerHTML = signatures[x].innerHTML.replace(/down ?(.)?/gi,(_,x)=>x.toUpperCase())
Run that in console to fix all the Down-Names
@DownWat tag to remind people I am joking
@DownChristopher yeah I know, i was not aware of what you were talking about
@DownWat ok makes sense
@DownChristopher atually, it didn't, that's why I asked
Wait wat
I was saying what you said made sense because I agreed what I said did not make sense
my brain is tangled
2 hours ago, by Mego
@ASCII-only From my experience, it was designed to increase Tylenol sales

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