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@DJMcMayhem My downvote.
"Hey Mom, is 16 square" "You should know that already. Go do your math homework"
I reserve final bounty judgement :P
@DJMcMayhem shh....that may/may not be what i might want to do...
@ConorO'Brien -2 from a downvote isn't going to put much of a dent in a +150 bounty :-P
How would you guys feel about a numerical encoding of Jelly?
err, -12 I guess, because you'd presumably upvote answers you bounty under normal circumstances
@Alt-F4 No one's stopping you
43 secs ago, by Conor O'Brien
I reserve final bounty judgement :P
someone write a Jelly version of Lenguage, please
I actually want this, the problem is that Lenguage is too verbose in most cases
or Jellygum?
We should make different flavors of Jelly
completely random thoughts
I want a golfed version of a Lisp-like language...
@ConorO'Brien Personally, I think that with something as subjective as , a popularity-contest would be much better than
and yet, when you need Lenguage, you really need Lenguage
@DJMcMayhem is that on-topic for a pop-con?
@DJMcMayhem not if you're designing a golfing language
also, nobody has any clue what's ontopic for a popcon
@ConorO'Brien The whole thing is essentially a chat mega challenge. Nothing is on or off topic.
you can submit a popcon and get ten close votes and ten reopen votes
If it's by Helka it's usually on-topic. otherwise, flip a coin
But popcorn will encourage creative languages rather than just as short as possible
okay seriously I didn't think I had to say this but really? if all you want to do is win I might just cancel the challenge. I want people to make interesting esolangs, not some half-arsed encoding. Language design not encoding design...
(to certain people)
@DJMcMayhem popcorn? xD
> popcorn
> If all you want to do is win
Isn't that the point of a challenge?
@ConorO'Brien to me it's a challenge about finding an interesting set of eight commands
or ten I guess, but eight compresses better
@HyperNeutrino Yes, that was intentional. If you reward people in delicious popcorn, they'll definitely make better challenges. :P
rnrnrnrnrnrn popcom
@Alt-F4 The point of the challenge is language design.
@JonathanAllan 🍿
or, hmm, maybe this could be the time for that arithmetic-coded language I've been thinking about, a sequence of digits would be a natural way to represent it
the problem is I seriously doubt a week is enough time to make it interesting
@ConorO'Brien I think it's an awesome idea. I just think that relating it to code-golf won't encourage the creative language design you're hoping for
hm... ok.
I think I'll leave the challenge up but use the idea for another challenge
@ConorO'Brien Should we maybe make a rule that you may only have up to 10 instructions? So that way you can't have two-byte instructions or 3-byte instructions for a language with 1000 instructions.
I made a thing.
Which is why encoding has come up so many times so far
And obviously disallow encoding
(I mean it has 6 stars, can't very well cancel it now)
@ATaco pls no
@ConorO'Brien I could cancel those stars if you like. Although I think you might as well keep it up and refine for next time
@HyperNeutrino I have already made my "esolang"... does it still count?
Running the latex "wise" through my image converter just produces that.
@DJMcMayhem I think that's the best idea.
@Alt-F4 idk Ask Conor :P
@JonathanAllan heh
@Alt-F4 valid? yes. interesting? not even remotely >_>
yeah it's literally ruby in base 10
here's Hello World
I saw the github
How did pxls.space get whited out?
@HelkaHomba it... didn't
it seems to have restarted
@HelkaHomba bots? there seem to be a few drawing flags
@ConorO'Brien FWIW, I really do think the idea of a language design meta challenge is awesome. I'd even love to host one myself. So I created a room for it: chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/56899/…
@ConorO'Brien and hitler, and solid snake
I think with the right idea, it could even be hosted directly on meta instead of chat
Does our logo still exist?
@Alt-F4 that's terribly verbose, here's a hello world in 7: 5325101303040432004515131401430134321027403
also it doesn't even use the digit 6
@HyperNeutrino No
rip :/
(or 8 or 9, obviously)
@HelkaHomba ah
@ais523 the thing is, that's an encoded version of this:

puts "Hello, world!"
why did you encode the shebang?
no idea
In an interesting dilemma here
@LegionMammal978 do you have two prisoners?
I'd be going to bed around now, but there's a big roach somewhere in my bedroom
rip :/ that sucks
turn off the lights, wait five minutes, turn on the lights, roach goes scuttling to corner of room
And if there's anything I don't trust not to creep up on me in my sleep, it's a big roach
@ConorO'Brien might work, already turned the lights off after running out of the room
good idea
The problem comes in trusting it to stay in that corner
@LegionMammal978 nuke it oh wait it might survive damnit mythbusters
@ConorO'Brien lol, if only
sorry about those pings @LegionMammal978
hey I've seen it work in books :p
and movies
Oh well, I guess I'll have to try Conor's idea
@ConorO'Brien re: language challenge. I guess it's a good thing this is happening two weeks before my finals and not the week before finals.
k, turned the light back on, I'll give it a few minutes
hahaha ... rip. remembers finals are about a month a way ohhh shoot
is it weird that the only time I've seen a cockroach was in a zoo?
@Alt-F4 you mean you don't keep them under your sink to throw at people?
and/or bats
both are good
@Riker ...wtf
in all honestly
crickets are better for the bats
but cockroaches work too
Darnit I tried to change my profile name to have a right-left override in it but it failed bc reasons ;_;
@HyperNeutrino yeah, you can't iirc. SE doesn't allow chars like that
Yeah. Only alphanumeric, spaces, hyphens, underscores I think
some other ones iirc
@HyperNeutrino ‮this one?
@Alt-F4 please don't rtl chars in chat as jokes, it's somewhat annoying
...look at the starboard please
yeah ik
@Riker was just a question
ok yeah sorry i'm unstarring cuz that gets annoying
it's not like you're the first person to ever think of that dude
I got that from SIGSEGV I think it was, or someone else
‮pots ot yrt ll'I ,ko
@HyperNeutrino it's been around for a while
@Riker Yeah, I was using it earlier today on a Google Drive document to troll some of my unaware non-programmer friends...maybe I shouldn't :P
those things are insanely hard to find sometimes
Criticism of language challenge: that it's about golfing langs
@PhiNotPi yup. my first mistake
to anybody with rocket league: is that game worth it?

 Language Design Meta Challenge

A room for discussing a meta-contest to design the best esoter...
check this out ^
Ima go see now if the roach has disappeared yet
@Riker Absolutely
(But you already know that I think that :P)
For some weird reason, I've developed the habit of sleeping with the lights on
@LegionMammal978 just vacuum it
Probably messing me up somehow, but idk
@Alt-F4 lol, trying not to wake my parents here
@Dennis I'm concerned by the notion of fractional hens
Apparently having lights on when you sleep is bad for growth
@HyperNeutrino then too bad for me :p
@AlexA. hey, haven't seen you in a while
how's life going?
@AlexA. Fractional hens are fine. It's the transcendental ones you have to worry about.
wouldn't infinite hens be more problematic?
No, complex hens would be the real issue.
@Dennis Hens that are irreducible over GF(7) lay the best eggs
@Riker Quite busy, for better or for worse.
And yourself?
@LegionMammal978 lol xD
Irrational chickens may attack at any time. We must deal with them.
@AlexA. pretty good
@AlexA. good luck on what you have to do! :)
@JanDvorak I'll get the hydraulic press
@ConorO'Brien Thanks :)
@AlexA. I got a diamond, over on vegetarianism.se
you're vegetarian, right?
I saw, congrats!
I didn't know you were vegetarian
Yes, I'm vegan
as of a short time ago, yes
not that long
1 month?
@AlexA. cool
@AlexA. @Riker You're vegetarians, what is your opinion on lab-grown meat?
That sounds horrifying
I mean it depends on why you're a vegetarian
In so many ways
Hey Alex!
because of animal rights?
Because "lab-grown meat"
Ah c'mon, lab-grown meat doesn't feel stress from overpopulation.
> You have the right to remain tasty.
@AlexA. Guess what? I might be visiting Seattle sometime next fall!
I'm always tasty.
@DJMcMayhem Awesome! What's the occasion?
What about the plants? Nobody asks them if they want to be eaten.
@AlexA. but it's only gmo'd in the lab as opposed to thousands of years of selective breeding
Equal rights for plants!
@AlexA. Looking at companies/schools up there, and visiting some friends who are going to start working for Microsoft.
@JanDvorak To be fair (or rather, unfair, I suppose), nobody asks the animals either.
@DJMcMayhem please dont stalk me
@DJMcMayhem The University of Washington is objectively the best university in the world. I am not biased.
@HyperNeutrino let me go ask my friendly neighborhood cow
@JanDvorak I do, they're fine with it.
@AlexA. ...wot
I've heard bad things about it
@Alt-F4 "Hey cow, would you like to be eaten today?"
"No, how about another day?"
@AlexA. actually considering there for undergrad
@AlexA. Good to know. And you don't sound Biased at all :P
"No. Too bad."
@HyperNeutrino "Sure, is Friday all right?"
The school I wanted to look at is Digipen though
@Alt-F4 Oh? What have you heard? I had a good experience there but that was quite a while ago now.
Yep. :P
@DJMcMayhem My girlfriend went there
@DJMcMayhem I've played a few of their games
Random question: Can you be a mod of multiple SE sites?
@AlexA. No idea if this is true but my father says that it's considered mediocre at best
For example Martin Ender is a mod here and on Computer Graphics
@AlexA. Oh really? That's hilarious because My girlfriend really wants to go there haha
@DJMcMayhem digi-pen, digital pen-sters?
The last time I checked around, all the fruit trees agreed with being eaten (except for one, but it's dead now), but the vegetables all disagreed (except for tomatoes, which aren't real vegetables anyways).
@HyperNeutrino Rory Alsop has 7 diamonds, he has the most iirc
@DJMcMayhem The workload is brutal. Absolutely brutal. I guess most of the students drop out in the first year. But those who stick it out are pretty sought after by game companies.
What does she want to study?
My SO did art and animation
@Riker Oh wow. That's quite a few! :P
@AlexA. Art and animation, lol
Cool! It's a really solid program
@Alt-F4 Huh, I wonder where he heard that. As with all schools, some departments are better than others. Some UW programs are considered some of the best in the world, e.g. the graduate programs in statistics and biostatistics.
But I'm sure many of the programs don't rank comparably to other schools
When I read SO, my mind went from Stack Overflow (no, that doesn't fit here) to senior officer (better, but still) to significant other. :P
Did I get it right eventually or does SO mean something else here?
@AlexA. CS program.
@Dennis Well, my mind went from Stack Overflow to um...no I don't get it
@Alt-F4 Their CS program is supposedly amazing.
@Dennis senile optician
@Dennis Someone, Ostensibly
@Dennis Something other
Salivating Ocelots
What Ubuntu version is this?
Salted ostrich
@Riker @DJMcMayhem I am concerned by the direction in which this conversation is going >_>
@JanDvorak CMC: name an uncommon way to eat a plant normally not considered food.
e.g. if you pluck a nasturtium you can suck out sweet nectar from the stem
@Alt-F4 Take this with a grain of salt because I can't speak directly to the quality of their program, but I had a lot of friends who studied CS at UW and loved it. US News ranks the UW CS program as tied for #6 in the nation with University of Illinois Urbana-Champagne (where LLVM was born) and Cornell.
I made a new userscript that turns messages like ^ I agree with that into a reply to the $n^{th}$ previous message, where N is the amount of ^s
@ATaco Very nice. Please don't use that here.
@ATaco So I can quickly reply to myself! Yay!
@ATaco Nice. That may be useful, especially for people who like to do ^ a lot.
@ATaco What if you get ninja'd?
Is there a reason I shouldn't use that here?
@HelkaHomba Drinks with chunks of Aloe Vera
@DJMcMayhem Then you accidentally reply wrong.
@ATaco Folks around these parts do not take kindly to caret spamming
That's exactly why it exists.
It replaces the Carets with a properly formatted reply.
@ATaco @DJMcMayhem Find out when the user starts typing in the chatbox and then take the message ID (or whatever), and then ignore messages that exist after the user began typing.
@ATaco Oh, sorry, I misread
@JanDvorak for interior sunburns?
@ATaco 0/10 i can just reply to myself by clicking the reply button on my own message
@HyperNeutrino That's also an option. (I got ninja'd, a good time to start that)
It's supposed to be healthy for your skin.
@ATaco Not sure how simple it would be though...
@HelkaHomba Yes. I accidentally ate a sun yesterday, how do I heal my interior sunburns?
(Sounds like something that might show up on Yahoo answers...)
Happy EDT midnight >_> I'm still doing homework rn
Sorry, but I just have to share youtu.be/EShUeudtaFg and youtu.be/15nNY7uofNw
Some gems of Yahoo! Answers
I've got a way to detect when they start typing.
@HyperNeutrino good thing it wasn't our sun
I want to make it visible what message they're linking though...
@JanDvorak Aloe vera drink is really common though
@AlexA. 0/10 may cause brain damage
That is accurate
@HelkaHomba We promised to never eat a sun with a planet with life on it...
Is there a challenge where you remove unnecessary brackets in maths equations?
@HyperNeutrino no mention of those where only moons are inhabited
@Qwerp-Derp in before answered with a retina one-liner
@AlexA. That video always makes me laugh so hard
I seemed to have accomplished that.
So e.g. (19*((8-13)*6))-1 becomes 19*(8-13)*6-1, because you don't need the brackets around the end two multiplication bits (since multiplication is associative), and the large brackets are removed because multiplication comes before subtraction
@JanDvorak We promised to never eat a life-essential sun. A life-essential celestial object is defined as one that either has life on it or has a life-essential object orbiting it.
@JanDvorak Link please?
@Qwerp-Derp remind me when the challenge and answer exist
@JanDvorak I was being serious... :(
I mean, I don't know if such challenge has been posted, but I do expect it to be answered with a Retina oneliner
@HyperNeutrino So neutrinos only interact when there's no life nearby? That explains why we have such trouble detecting them.
@HelkaHomba Sorry what? I'm sorry, I don't get which message you're replying to.
The one I replied to. Neutrinos are tiny hard-to-detect particles...your name...nevermind. Bad joke
I may be getting confused with dark matter anyhow...
I thought it was a good joke
Also, when did you change your name back, @HelkaHomba?
a while back
I do not seem to understand. rip :/
I guess I didn't notice. That's too bad.
What a good non-flag emoticon to represent USA? Like 🍀 = Ireland, 🍁 = Canada
@HelkaHomba 🍔
(partially joking)
@DJMcMayhem Yes. great >.>
@JanDvorak that works
I'm just seeing a bunch of hexcode in boxes :P My computer doesn't render the icons properly rip
@HyperNeutrino get Win10
@HelkaHomba <insert trump emoticon here>
@ASCII-only is that a thing?
@JanDvorak Maybe? I don't rly like windows too much so I use Linux Mint :P.
@ASCII-only no thanks
YouTube's comment system is pretty shit, I think that's why YouTube's comments are shit
🍺 = Czech Republic?
When you click "reply" it doesn't actually reply specifically to the person
@Qwerp-Derp they do have too much casual profanity
@Qwerp-Derp That's why the community is toxic, there's a lot of misunderstandings because of bad replys
@HelkaHomba That too
@Qwerp-Derp it does afaik
It doesn't. It just renders the reply box there, but then puts the actual reply at the bottom anyways
@HelkaHomba Does it? Wait can I test it on one of your videos? I'm fairly sure it doesn't work (at least, it doesn't display that it's replying to a specific person)
@Qwerp-Derp ... It does if it's a top level comment
@ASCII-only Good point
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

FloundererWrite a "21" game in exactly 21 characters code-bowling Challenge You must write a program which implements the following algorithm: Let x = 0 Let y = truthy value while (y is not falsy AND x <= 21) do: Let x = x + a uniform random number from {1,2,3,...,11} Output the value of x Input a...

@Qwerp-Derp try here: youtube.com/…
@Dennis Uhmmmmm.....
@ASCII-only Oh, do second replies not work in tree-fashion? Hmm
That's kinda borderline nsfw/offensive
@HelkaHomba I might need a third person for this test to actually work though
@Dennis that's pretty awful
although I do like the idea behind the "coexist" poster
@DJMcMayhem OK, removed.
Might be offensive. Not sure about NSFW.
That's pretty cool
I like the "Coexist" sticker (minus the "don't" and "trump" parts), though
@HelkaHomba Wait try to post a message without replying
well, I had to reply to myself
@HelkaHomba I still got a notification :P
Well, YouTube's comment system is trash
You can't even mute individual threads anymore. "mute" kills all notifications - except they still show in other places with the G+ toolbar, just not on Youtube.
@Qwerp-Derp Welp..yep, a little bit
@JanDvorak I do really wish I didn't get notified in 3 places (YT, G+, mobile) when someone leaves a comment
Or it should at least know when I saw one of the notifications
@JanDvorak Remember the rule for Commenting on youtube! D.O.N.T
I killed mobile notifications olready
It stands for Dooooooooooooooooooont comment.
The number of userscripts and extensions for blocking YouTube comment sections should give a pretty strong hint towards how bad they usually are
YT+ has three settings: shown normally / shown after pressing a button / removed entirely
@ATaco borks for me, shows ... indefinitely.
Getting an error in your console?
Ooh yeah
Like, a lot of errors

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