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Martin could make a "regex for hire, makes regexes to match given criteria and test cases" company prolly
"Match all multiples of 13"
a-ta.co is now set up and should start redirecting soon.
redirect to what?
To the webhost.
(Which happens to be a VPS running node.js)
ah k
seems to be a very misused tag
a-ta.co is now up!
@ATaco 400 bad request
May be locational, could take some time for the globe to see it.
times out for me
well it times out 50% of the time and just attempts to load forever the other half
Works for me.
Aww yiss, got diffs working on GitGoat
not bad
Any timing out may happen because I'm also relaunching node a bit.
survey: favorite data structure?
flat dictionary
@mınxomaτ well, I'd say it is most unlikely they exist in separate tenths! obviously there is a half chicken and a .6 chicken or something
So you're suggesting there exists various divides of chicken?
@PhiNotPi Tree
@PhiNotPi I've always thought heaps are really interesting
@PhiNotPi Deque
Or a samatter
Can everyone confirm this image works?
Looks good to me
Yup, I see the latex logo
Excellent, most of the world should now correctly be re-directing a-ta.co
Does anyone know where GoL was first proven TC?
$\begin{align}x&=\sum^5_{n=1}n\\&=1 2 3 4 5\\&=15\end{align}$
I'll move chatcommands to a-ta.co soon.
Did your other domain expire?
Nope, But I wanted a-ta.co
They both lead to the same place.
a-ta.co times out for me
and I have insanely fast internet
It does not currently have a splash page.
So just going to a-ta.co will achieve nothing.
It should still at least throw 500s...
I'm starting the response, but never terminating it.
@ATaco can you change to higher DPI images
I can scale it however big you'd like, it's converting from SVG.
How's that for High Resolution?
10/10 that looks better
previously looked grainy on my display
I need to tweak it a bit, currently it's greater than 1080p
Oh: that actually looks fine.
Why not just $\LaTeX$?
Oh wait no, refreshed...
Question: could you make it send back an svg with content-type etc. set as so but with .png as the extension?
Because $\LaTeX$ isn't supported by those not using my userscripts.
I theoretically can, but StackExchange doesn't seem to correctly handle it.
^ I leave latex extension off because it mangles $ signs
@ATaco Even with Content-Type header?
yeah if you want to discuss how I earned $140 and $110 today selling laptops (true story), then the text will get mangled
@Alt-F4 Wow, 140*and*110
:( doesn't work
hmmm... can you make it use \\\$ instead of $?
would mess up embedded math blocks in cheddar/VSL code
I don't think it activates on code blocks, let me double check
no, it doesn't
You can also use \$, see: \$
Yeah, even though that's a valid SVG, stack exchange seems to hate it.
Wait, no it doesn't!
I need to scale it up a bit, but it's actually using SVG now!
There we go, it's now the perfect size.
I've updated the userscript to use this SVG channel.
1 hour later…
CMC: given a list of integers, return an integer that isn't on the list.
@JanDvorak Actually, 2 bytes: Mu
Max + 1? Nice.
What is actually written in?
Can't find a GitHub repo etc
Python 3 and coffee
Also the GitHub repo is linked on the TIO page
Ah right
w3.org/TR/selectors4/#subject parent selector in W3C CSS Selectors Level 4 Working Draft?!
RProgN2 .`--
Concatenate, remove -'s
@ATaco Fails for single integer input
Appending ]1’ to the start fixes it, but I don't like it.
Python, 24 bytes: lambda l:sum(map(abs,l))
Wanted to make a program that doesn't use the methods posted
Oops, the edited one doesn't work for single input :p
It also doesn't work for [0, N] input (where N is any positive integer)
I think min(L)-1 and max(L)+1 are the only feasible solutions
@JanDvorak Brachylog, 3 bytes: ≜¬∈
"Take an int value, and not in the list"
speaking of edge cases, how does @Mego's solution handle empty arrays?
@JanDvorak Gah. That's an issue.
3 bytes now: MuΣ
It tries to return an empty array when given an empty array as input, so Σ computes the sum (which is 0). Σ is a NOP on non-iterable data.
Well, it's a NOP now :-)
Would Mu≈ be more future-proof?
No, because is a NOP on iterables
It's not even present-proof :P
@JanDvorak I don't expect to overload Σ for non-iterables
TIL MathJax is used by ~200M people every month. Also, their CDN is shutting down.
Also, it generates 70TB/m in bandwidth.
> shutting down
Well, a CDN costs money. CloudFlare bailed out, asking for more money.
BTW I know the person in the photo.
I played SimCity on his iPad when I was 12
@ГригорийПерельман Content delivery network
a-ta.co now contains a landing page.
what did you write it in
Node.js, it's not a web app
It also hosts the Mathjax converter, and some other WIP things, but it only now has a landing page
Before it just timed out.
Which may be the worst possible behaviour for that
yeah should just return 500 in that case
I honestly dont understand the node craze. JS is like the worst language to use on client, now I need to use it on server as well?
why isn't the web scripting language a neutered version of ruby
@Alt-F4 it's better than php
@ГригорийПерельман rails
@Mego TIL Actually is written in Java CoffeeScript coffee
@Alt-F4 well a lot of people don't like Python, Ruby is fine but not C-derived so too weird for most people to be bothered to learn
Different strokes for different folks. As much as I dislike JS, I'd rather use JS than Ruby. Not saying Ruby is bad, but I don't know it and it looks difficult to learn.
@ASCII-only Python would actually be my first choice.
And as we all know, js is the preferred language of goats everywhere.
@ГригорийПерельман And fish
I'm actually setting up a webserver in the near future to host a webcomic.
@ГригорийПерельман Just use comicfury to host it
Haven't decided what to use yet.
@ГригорийПерельман Node + express + nunjucks definitely
@ASCII-only planning on getting a digital ocean droplet, actually.
@ГригорийПерельман but comicfury is free :(
I want the experience, and DO is cheap.
Plus the referral link on TIO gives 10 dollars in credit.
@ГригорийПерельман Oh nice
We have a T-shirt? where?
I think that was a question whether we really need a shirt
Okay then
Wait, I have a Community Swag idea
Wait, I think it would be too expensive
The idea was Core i7s signed by Dennis
@SIGSEGV Yeah it is
Sure is
@SIGSEGV why Core i7s? Wouldn't we want something esoteric?
@ГригорийПерельман Oh now I have a better idea but f*ck betseg ninja'd me
@betseg 4004?
That's ok too
I wonder if they can be bought in bulk.
dammit am I going too far as 1702A
(It's an EPROM)
@SIGSEGV Something truly esoteric would be a MC14500B
a-ta.co's Favicon is the Mathjax rendering of "favicon.ico" because navigating to a-ta.co/favicon.ico returns an SVG image, that is the MathJax renderer's output.
So what does a-ta.co do with mathjax?
I'm hosting a tool that converts MathJax to SVG, so that those without MathJax can view it.
For example:
And because of this it has some strange behaviours as a site.
As I said before, the landing page has a Favicon that is MathJax rendering "favicon.ico"
@ATaco +1 good job
Because, as I said before, trying to navigate to a-ta.co/favicon.ico produces an (svg) image, which is more than enough for most browsers.
@ATaco but why does it even serve that, shouldn't it not convert if the request extension is nto svg?
Wait, in this case it's serving a png, not an svg.
Which is still a valid ico, apparently.
If you make the content header image/png, I guess.
@ATaco TIL you're a person, I always thought you were a lemon taco
I plan on correcting that Landing Page.
@ATaco so how do you type out the equation in order to convert it to an svg?
My chat commands userscript allows you to use /$LaTeX$, alternatively, a-ta.co/mathjax/ANYTHING will work, assuming that ANYTHING is URIEncoded LaTeX. A .svg at the end is optional, as is the /mathjax
I hope that last message sent.
@ATaco makes it sound like you made it for golfing purposes :P
btw IMO you should have an input box where users can enter LaTeX, and then redirect on button click
Good idea, but right now it can be generated with not too much javascript anyway.
src = `a-ta.co/mathjax/${encodeURI(LaTeX)}`
Also, the landing page has been improved.
> The worlds greatest coder.
Missed an '
Not that you can prove.
@ATaco I though "citation needed" was a link :(
That was intentional, I might make it a link.
Try that.
@ATaco Why is default \\Latexnot \Latex, and why does it say Imigifier not Imagifier
I fixed both of those things.
And it's because I'm writing this on the fly.
I've also made the input a textarea.
@StewieGriffin Running eval(101) works fine on TIO, but doing so on my machine gives an error. Do you know why?
@KritixiLithos What language
Yay, Collatz Conjecture!
@ASCII-only Octave
And because it's SVG, you get that crisp drawing at any resolution.
I'm trying to do something which shouldn't be possible
OoOo, let's hear it.
xwindows on LSW (Linux Subsystem on Windows)
Installing xinit now
Good luck.
I'm currently working on a system to make math.js into SVG images.
It uh, could use some work.
@SIGSEGV xwindows?
@ASCII-only In other words, GUI mode
@SIGSEGV Don't you mean WSL, Windows Subsystem for Linux
@SIGSEGV That's easy, I use sublime on WSL with VcXsrv pretty much every day
@ASCII-only That's easy for me too, but FULL GUI (including home and such)
Windows has a bash built in, Linux has Wine and WSL, I take it the only difference is price, UI and update policy now?
@ASCII-only bugs out
@JanDvorak wat, windows bash built in is WSL
Linux doesn't have WSL
oh. I thought the Windows Subsystem for Linux would be on Linux...
@JanDvorak ... why would Linux release any proprietary software?
The name is really confusing if it's this way around...
chrome hates me
or is it the laptop with an i7 4th gen
@ASCII-only link works now
it was just my laptop
@KritixiLithos I don't know, there are several difference between TIO and my local version. For instance: On my locak computer: ['Helloo', 9, ', World!!', 9] results in Hello, World!, because 9 is treated as backspace in the code. This doesn't work on TIO (or any other online interpreters I've seen).
That's because HTML doesn't read BS like a command prompt will.
Comment from earlier:
Just curious, do you have any idea why the online interpreters output differently? (I got PPCGHHelllo WWorld from TIO) — Kritixi Lithos Jan 27 at 18:25
9 gives me tabs, but using 8 instead results in Hello, World!!
Oops, I meant 8. I don't have Octave on this computer, so I took it of the top of my hat.
@StewieGriffin lol
Just gotta read it by the bytes my friend, forget all you know about encodings.
Hi, I'm Stewie and I don't know the ASCII-table by heart.
Hello, World! is an illusion.
@KritixiLithos The extra ! is not deleted
And all you need to know is A = 65, a = 97, and 0 = 48
Oh, and * = 42.
Don't know why you need to know that.
But you do.
@ATaco easy way of remembering that: A is 0x41, a is 0x61 and 0 is 0x30 (correct me if I'm wrong)
Yep, bullseye.
Please remind me of the 4x physical acceleration key shortcut
@flawr that's a lot of swearing in the comments
How do they make it land where they want?
@JanDvorak pushing the right buttons at the right moment
Pretty good graphics mod, though. They even made the parachute bob!
What's the airspeed?
dat touchdown...
@JanDvorak lel
have you ever actually outgolfed someone?
@flawr The chat is beautiful
31 mins ago, by Kritixi Lithos
@flawr that's a lot of swearing in the comments
So many flat earthers too
pfft, can't make a quote
> oh really?
I'm going to the Sandbox rn.
@EriktheOutgolfer have you though?
18 secs ago, by SIGSEGV
13 secs ago, by SIGSEGV


Where you can play with chat features (except flagging) and ch...
@KritixiLithos beauty is in the eye of the beholder
1 hour later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

HyperNeutrinoVerify Eigenpairs In this challenge, you will be given a matrix A, a vector v, and a scalar λ. You will be required to determine if (λ, v) is an eigenpair corresponding to A; that is, whether or not Av = λv. Dot Product The dot product of two vectors is the sum of element-wise multiplication. ...

I've been looking at a solution to this challenge. It works, but it is invalidated by the rule that there can only be 1 hash per line. So I'm posting it here:
void setup(){size(99,99);
noSmooth();int x=parseInt(args[0]),y=parseInt(args[1]),j=y,i;line(1,1,x,y);for(;j>0;j--){print("|");for(i=x;i>0;)print(get(i--,j)==color(0)?"#":" ");print("|\n");}}
Processing 3, 190 bytes
Q: Challenge to people in Python 3 coding

Chris ParkI was just wondering if anyone can draw the Korean flag into 4 different square blocks. So that the flag is divided into 4 squares i.e. top left, top right, bottom left and bottom right squares. The blocks need to be conjoined together. So far I have this done: If anyone could help me out ...

Q: How much reputation does a steam user have?

Jacob GarbyFor those not familiar with steam - or at least this particular aspect: Often on peoples' profiles, people leave comments saying either "+rep _____" or "-rep _____". These are a non-official means of showing if you think someone in the community has a good or bad reputation, for a number of reas...

@HyperNeutrino just because each line will contain that, doesn't mean the line can't contain multiple
the question is unclear regarding that
@Riker Yes, I agree now. I see where the confusion is; it is worded unclearly.
Will wait for OP to clarify.
I've added another version to the post
lambda n:sum([i.startswith('+')*2-1 for i in n)]) works for only counting the starting occurences
@HyperNeutrino ""Each line of the text will start with either "+rep" or "-rep". The rest of the line could contain anything."
@Riker Well nevermind it just got put on hold. rip
.... and OP contradicts himself too
> Each line of the text will start with either "+rep" or "-rep".
> If the line contains neither, it should be ignored.
@Riley sigh I thought I left that comment at first, but was confused. I opened up the challenge to leave a comment saying it's a contradiction, saw your name, and thought I just had a really bad memory
@SIGSEGV not quite
depends on if it needs on the first of the line or not
if it doesn't, it's a dupe yeah
It's not quite a dupe.
I think they meant for each line, if it starts with +rep add 1, -rep subtract 1, neither do nothing.
@fəˈnɛtɪk I think so too, but the spec says "Each line of the text will start with either "+rep" or "-rep".
@Riker Checking for +/-rep on first of the line, everything else is indifferent
@fəˈnɛtɪk I think so, yeah
so its a dupe for me
not for me and I'm fairly certain non dupe voters outnumber you
@SIGSEGV You should really read the question you are calling it a dupe of
but maybe not
The stack exchange one is treating it as if a single user is pressing the upvote/downvote buttons, therefore they can self cancel
downvote on -1 goes to 0 because it removes the downvote
++++++++++ returns 0 on the SE one and 10 on the new one.
So definitely not a dupe.
but I'm sure there is another dupe
Sounds likely that there'd be a dupe somewhere
I mean, it's a really simple and trivial challenge; I'd expect one to exist somewhere already.
@HyperNeutrino remind me later when it's not early morning
It's always morning on the Internet
@Riker Alright. Timezone?
it's 7 am here, but I'm still a bit jetlagged
From where?
east coast
Ah. Nice.
I'll remind you at UTC midnight
8pm for me
so 5pm for you
Q: Let's do some location arithmetic!

programmer5000From the Wikipedia article: Location arithmetic (Latin arithmeticæ localis) is the additive (non-positional) binary numeral systems, which John Napier explored as a computation technique in his treatise Rabdology (1617), both symbolically and on a chessboard-like grid. What?? Location nume...

@NewMainPosts This looks like an interesting challenge.
I am feeling pleased with myself.
I forgot my IRC password
but had a phone app with the credentials
I couldn't copy from the password field or make it visible,
So I connected to my local network and changed the settings so that the server address was my desktop
And opened a TCP socket with python.
this, folks, is why you remember stuff
The password was conveniently in the first packet so I didn't have to fiddle with sending any response.
and/or create a new account every time I need to log in again
This was a lot more fun than just remembering it.
If the phone app used SSL, you'd be screwed
As for faking a server - why not just set up a logging proxy?
I do use normally, but I turned off TLS in the settings before connecting.
cough fiddler cough
I actually tried Wireshark first, but I apparently was too stupid to use it right.
One of the best subreddits^^
I couldn't see the password in the dump.
Do you guys see an equivalent of the doorbeel in this case?
Do tell
What should be done if someone has declared their answer safe and posted the answer prior to the unsafe period ending codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/115338/64505
There is still 1 hour before it should be safe

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