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Q: Python: | vs or

ApollysWhat is the difference between | and or in python when the operands are boolean values? You may either explain theoretically or give an example. I'm looking forward to seeing answers that I haven't thought of.

@ThomasWard @AdmBorkBork PCI passthrough solved ALL of m yproblems
apparently the ESXi was only connecting with a 100Mb link
Also why don't you don't hang out with us any more. Too many "ur mom" jokes? :'(
> why don't you don't hang out with us
Psh, this chat server is for barbarians.
@Doorknob Oh wait nevermind Shog's just causing trouble.
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 1 min ago, by Shog9
Oh, no, I was just blowing you off to spend more time with this g&t
I thought MS wouldn't be making many changes to MC...
But then I saw the latest snapshots...
eye twitch
I officially give up
There already is a NotEnoughItems mod. Maybe TooManyItems will show up soon.
... or TooMuchInformation

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