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ir*1< is the same as rE1< if you input 2.
Following to that logic, challenges that are a subset of other challenges are not allowed
@AdmBorkBork Except a five byte answer is not competitive when a three byte answer is available. It's nearly double
That's the point of the "trivial modification." The coin flip doesn't take input, so instead of ir* you can do rE.
@Luke I am trying to show how absurd it is that this challenge is a duplicate and this other challenge has 274 upvotes and 83 stars
In PowerShell, it'd be the difference between $args * (Random) vs 2 * (Random)
@AdmBorkBork I still don't see how golfing off 40% of the program and having a one byte similarity is trivial
@MikeBufardeci What does Hello, World have to do with this? That has been the target of dozens of dupes.
@AdmBorkBork By the logic that closed the coin flip challenge, that one should have been closed as a duplicate of many previous hello world challenges.
@MikeBufardeci You're choosing an extreme example. I golfed more bytes in the PowerShell example above, but less percentage.
@MikeBufardeci Links, please.
To be super clear here I'm not trying to say that all of these challenges should be closed, I'm trying to say that the coin flip would should not be closed
There are answers on both that could be put on the other, and some have been
I think it's a good rule, so we don't have challenges that are practically the same, but on the other hand, when taken too far, it means that challenges that are a subset of other challenges are not allowed (the trivial edit would be removing all characters that are needed for the extra behaviour), which is a problem.
@MikeBufardeci On the extreme end of things, like Stuck, sure. But in general, no, they can't.
both good score challenges with 1 and 0 answer respectively
@Luke In many cases, challenges that are a subset of a previous challenge are closed as dupes or vice versa.
@AdmBorkBork Except in this hello world example
@AdmBorkBork I mean, you can just copy/paste them over and with trivial modification golf them down and post them
codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/115562/63187 flags needed and downvotes. spam ish answer
@DownChristopher only one flag is needed, and I'm guessing you have that covered
@MikeBufardeci I'd really like to see you somehow "golf" the obfuscated ones that can't have letters in their code like this one into ones that are just straight string-printing like this one.
@DownChristopher "please answer my challenge" is a surefire way not to get anybody interested in it. especially if you post that for several challenges at once.
@MartinEnder Ahh so make it more clickbait?
@DownChristopher okay experiment time. can people with delete votes please try to delete this before it accumulates the required spam flags, so I check what the differences actually are?
@AdmBorkBork Just replace the challenge-specific parts of the code with more general ones, like the reverse of those MATL answers.
@MartinEnder any progress on the meta bloat post? I keep on wanting to assist in its creation, but I'm not sure if there's anything to do until the actual post gets written :)
@MikeBufardeci OK, now I'm starting to suspect you're just arguing for the sake of arguing. :-/
@MartinEnder I can't vtd so I can remove my flag to keep it slower
@NathanMerrill I'll try to get the meta post and chat room up tonight.
that'd be awesome :)
Any final comments before I post this challenge?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

AdmBorkBorkAnswer-Chaining Fibonacci code-challenge answer-chaining sequence restricted-source printable-ascii (Inspired by ASCII's 95 Characters...95 Movie Quotes) The Challenge Given input n, output the nth Fibonacci number. Simple, yeah? The catch is you must take the character set of the previous an...

okay, now that the answer is deleted can someone tell me whether the body has been removed?
@AdmBorkBork Why do people always think that? You can dramatically change the code for one answer and call it trivial, but when I do it I'm a troll? I just have yet to see a convincing argument for why the coin flip challenge is closed
@MartinEnder "This post has been deleted and is no longer viewable"
I just saw this answer was deleted and that is it
@MartinEnder Yep body is removed but I can see it in the revision history
@MikeBufardeci I don't think you have the required privilege to see deleted answers
@MartinEnder it's not censored, I can see the post body just fine
@MartinEnder It shows the full body not censored
wait, which answer are you talking about?
@MartinEnder Sorry, I thought you meant in general.
this one: codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/115562/62131 is not click-through, it's shown on the page by default
okay, this is confusing. new game: could someone send me screenshots of codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/115562/8478 and codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/115553/8478?
@MikeBufardeci OK, let's phrase it another way. What would be a convincing argument that the coin flip challenge should be closed as a dupe?
@AdmBorkBork Showing that it meets the current consensus definition of a dupe, as outlined in the meta link you provided.
okay, thanks. that would indicate that Oded's answer which @JanDvorak linked earlier is indeed wrong or outdated
so please, everyone, when you see spam: don't delete vote. just cast spam flags.
Has that answer been red-flagged?
it had a spam flag.
Now it's censored
2 actually
@MikeBufardeci OK, but it seems we're getting hung up on the definition of "trivial modification" as we apparently see it differently.
@MartinEnder I'm pretty sure that I saw "deleted by" and three names against codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/115553/62131, together with the red flag redaction, immediately after it was deleted; however, it says "deleted as spam or offensive by Community" for me right now
@Dada yeah, I nuked it
I'm not sure what changed
Yepyomama's answer looks like these for me
Well, I think this deserves a bug report on meta
"trivial modification" is always going to be a matter of human judgement
@ais523 I just nuked it
not that one
@NathanMerrill This is true.
ah yes, that one too
@Dennis @EriktheOutgolfer The golfing-language downvoter strikes again :-( Second time in a period of a few days
sorry for the confusion, I just checked the revision history
or at least a support question
at least, you undeleted it, the revision history doesn't say which mod flaghammered it
how do I get output in js on tio
but this is true of any duplicate close votes. This is why people vote to cast close votes
@NathanMerrill @AdmBorkBork provided an example of a "trivial modification" where 40% of the code was golfed off and only one character was the same
because some others may not agree
@NathanMerrill it's not actually a vote, though; if it were a vote, you could vote to not close as well as vote to close
it's more like a petition than a vote
votes in favour are counted, votes against are ignored, and we count how many votes in favour there are
@AdmBorkBork can I just have a comment with the rest of the chars? (the challenge)
(note that you can vote to age close votes – that's what the "leave open" button does in the review queue – but only if you're selected as a reviewer, and aging close votes doesn't do anything immediately, it just makes them time out faster)
@MikeBufardeci you could have two challenges to print out two different books. The two challenges would have drastically different code, but they'd still be duplicates
Anyone going to tell me how to get output in js for tio?
the percentage of code that is similar doesn't matter. How trivial of a change (which is subjective) matters
@ais523 to an extent. We also have un-close votes.
but yeah
@NathanMerrill Right, this is why almost all Kolmogorov complexity challenges get closed as a dupe of the rick roll
@DownChristopher Yes, that's the fourth bullet point in the "Examples and Clarification" section.
@NathanMerrill yes, but you can only cast reopen votes on a closed post, and then you can't cast "keep closed" votes
if 10+ people want to open a post, and 10+ people to close it, it'll alternate between closed and reopened until they're all out of votes on that post
@NathanMerrill I don't see how changing all of the code but one character is not a trivial change, and this is only one example for this case
My main argument is that there are a ton of very similar challenges on here and I don't see why that one in particular was closed
@ais523 Therefore its a vote, with increments of 5 :P
@MikeBufardeci So, by that logic, every "print the lyrics to this song" challenge should be allowed? After all, the only thing similar is the print() statement.
@MikeBufardeci Because (5?) people thought it was similar enough to be closed
@BasicSunset thanks
@NathanMerrill 5 people, or one diamond moderator, or one dupehammer holder if closing as duplicate
(I'm surprisingly close to a dupehammer but I don't have one; many people here do)
oh, forgot about hammers :P
@NathanMerrill 3 people thought it was enough to be closed, 5 people thought it was enough to reopen, then 4 more people thought it was enough to close and another 2 people thought it was enough to reopen
so 7 to 7
@NathanMerrill There were actually several votes than that and two hammers, plus tons of discussion here and in comment threads. source.
@AdmBorkBork It is your logic so I guess so?
that sounds like reason for a meta post, so people can actually discuss
I was told to talk about it here, actually, but a meta post to discuss another meta post sounds... meta
it's worth mentioning that I argued strongly against the first close, and yet was strongly in favour of the second one
because the dupe targets were different
@MikeBufardeci what? A meta post to discuss whether the post should be open or closed
you can see in the history that I cast both a reopen vote and a close vote
@MikeBufardeci Wha? You lost me.
@NathanMerrill @AdmBorkBork we're basically discussing the current meta post that discusses grounds to close a post as a duplicate
@MikeBufardeci no, the meta post is solid. The difference is human interpretation of "how different is different enough"
@NathanMerrill which to me means we're discussing the me-- whatever if making a meta post is the way to go then we should make a meta post
@NathanMerrill the best part is that I just said the exact same thing in a comment on the meta answer you're discussing...
@NathanMerrill from my point of view, the meta post is clear to me but I think some people persist in misinterpreting it
@ais523 I feel the same way, hence this discussion
just make a meta post about your specific case. It really is a matter of human judgement, that has to occur case by case.
you won't be able to come up with an objective rule (other than, "they are duplicates if the challenge bodies are identical"...). that's why we have close (and reopen) votes. all we can do is give guidelines for what should inform the decision of whether a vote should be cast or not.
@NathanMerrill this seems like a good solution to me. (or just cast your votes and see whether it ends up open or closed.)
@AdmBorkBork post it, it looks good, can chars be used more than once right?
@MartinEnder yeah, but in this case, because there's so much debate among our users, I feel like getting all of the arguments into one spot would benefit all users
@NathanMerrill Again, I was told that this room was the place to talk about it last time I brought it up.
@MartinEnder I did cast my vote but the post currently shows 0 reopen votes. Last I checked there were 2
reopen votes can age away. what post is this you're discussing?
Q: Flip a coin for me!

SIGSEGV Note: There was not a vanilla challenge to actually flip a coin, even though there were mentions about flipping coins a lot of places. Even though there is a challenge to generate a random number from 1 to N, I suspect this is not a dupe. These questions ask for random numbers from 1 to N, whi...

@DownChristopher Yeah, that's allowed and a good point. I'll edit that in and post it after lunch.
@MikeBufardeci in this case, it got reopened and closed again in the meantime
@AdmBorkBork Post it now :P I have an answer and what to get first post
@MartinEnder So it's been closed three times now?
I could post an edit for you
Oh, they probably aged away.
@MikeBufardeci twice
you cast your reopen vote after it was closed the first time
they don't age away that quickly
the aging speed is determined by the review queue
if the vote goes to review, and the review queue think it's a terrible vote
@MartinEnder I know I voted the first time, I just meant that there were 2 reopen votes after the second close
it ages very quickly
if the vote doesn't go to review, it ages much more slowly
@DownChristopher Hehe. I'm going to be in a meeting and then lunch, so I won't be around if there are any questions while it's on main. I'll post it in not quite two hours.
(and obviously, if it goes to review and the review queue agrees, the post will just get reopened)
@AdmBorkBork dang I won't be on
@ais523 oh you're right
someone post this for me on his challenge you can take the rep and all the credit. I just want my work to not be wasted
I'm surprised that that even fit in the comment box
Alright, I guess I'll have this discussion a third time and make a meta post then
Same I also had the entire thing copied and edited to remove the unneeded stuff
Q: Tips for writing quines

ais523A quine is a program that produces output that's identical to the program's source code. On this website, we generally only care about proper quines (at the time of writing, the current definition is "some part of the output is encoded by a different part of the program"). What advice do you hav...

@DownChristopher I don't think that's quite right, because I need to change the value in console.log(Fibonacci(X)) instead of taking input.
@AdmBorkBork I saw a js answer doing it that way and it had votes
Idk how else to get input
@DownChristopher I'm not super-duper familiar with JavaScript, but your code doesn't seem to match this.
@DownChristopher Use prompt() instead of the hardcoded value
Won't work on TIO though
@BasicSunset so prompt(n) fib(n)?
prompt() shows a popup window for the user to input something and returns what the user input. It has to be run in a browser for that to work though.
You could do fib(prompt())
@DigitalTrauma Regarding this answer, I just wanted to draw your attention to this message here (with 14 votes) :-P
@AdmBorkBork I fixed it
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Anthony PhamThat code is smooth as Teflon code-golfascii Literally! April 6th is National Teflon Day, which is celebrated with Teflon-coated pans (what we will be making). So, given a positive integer n, create a Teflon pan. The "pan" section of the pan is an octagon with each of its sides consisting of n ...

@MartinEnder - the spam flags need to have been marked as helpful in order for the message to show up. If enough users voted to delete, that wouldn't trigger clearing of spam flags in this way. — Oded ♦ 24 secs ago
So, I take it it suffices to clear the flags without undeleting anything?
Thanks for asking
oh you mean it might work if I mark the flags helpful after the deletion? I think I actually did that, but I'll try to be sure next time.
it sounded to me like they have to be marked as helpful by the time the post gets deleted.
Q: The future after Brexit - lets make Sterling great again

Shaun BebbersSo what happens after Brexit? Here is my prediction; and as such I need an efficient script written in C, Java, JavaScipt, BASIC or other any other computer programming language of your choice to fulfill what I believe will be inevitable. Scenario: The year is 2021 and the United Kingdom of Eng...

Q: Is this number an exact power of -2: Hard Mode

Jason CThis is a version of the recent challenge Is this number an exact power of -2? with a different set of criteria designed to highlight the interesting nature of the problem and make the challenge more difficult. I put some consideration into it here. The challenge as wonderfully stated by by Toby...

Q: Make me a loaf of bread before I'm fired!

programmer5000Backstory Not really real, sshh! It all started one day when a coworker brought in a homemade loaf of bread for my boss's birthday. My boss really liked this loaf of bread, and he wanted another. Unfortunately, my coworker has quit, so my boss needs me to give him another loaf. The problem is...

I still believe the behavior should be changed slightly
@LuisMendo I dunno if it's the same user.
Q: Can I post a challenge that is the same as an existing challenge but with different criteria?

Jason CLet's say I find an awesome challenge here, but I can make a different challenge out of it by changing the criteria significantly. Is it poor form to post a new challenge with a completely different set of criteria? If there is no general answer to this I can describe the specific example I'm th...

Q: "Operation golf"

Jason CIs there a tag that can be used for an "operation golf" (for lack of a better phrase) challenge? Where the criteria is, for example, the number of operators and/or library function calls (e.g. cos or whatever) you use, rather than the character/byte count? (That's just an example, such a challeng...

wow, 70 minutes
@JanDvorak so Oded claims it's sufficient to mark the flags as helpful after the deletion has already happened. like I said, I'll test that next time.
Q: Is this coin flipping challenge really a duplicate?

Mike BufardeciThe challenge in question. I have discussed this in the comments of the challenge and in the chat room for that challenge where I was told that TNB was the place to discuss it. I brought it up in TNB and I was told to discuss it here. This is the current consensus on what on is makes a challeng...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Keerthana PrabhakaranFill the operators! It's math. Back to the days when you used to play with expression. Find at least one expression that evaluate to some value, say x. That is, For example, Input: [6, 1, 3, 4] 24 Output: 6 / (1 - 3 / 4) Explanation: We have numbers 6 1 3 4 (space separated string - s...

Q: Programming in two time dimensions

OwenIt's a funny accident that this world happens to have just 1 time dimension, but it doesn't have to be like that. It's easy to imagine worlds with 2 or more time dimensions, and in those worlds you could build computers and run software on them, just like in this one. The System Here is a syste...

I legit almost fainted from a disturbing video in my psych class.
I don't normally do that.
(please dont link to sandbox!)
too late train won't stop


Where you can play with chat features (except flagging) and ch...
@quartata That's exactly what I asked not to do.....
I mean, you should do tests in there. So.
I really don't think this room is for testing.
anyone here know much about 3D printing?
not much other than what I saw in the news
It often works by laying molten plastic in tiny layers.
@Alt-F4 Not in here, but these chaps might:
@ГригорийПерельман arstechnica.com/information-technology/2017/04/…
@DJMcMayhem That room is dead
Q: Answer-Chaining Fibonacci

AdmBorkBork(Inspired by ASCII's 95 Characters...95 Movie Quotes) The Challenge Given input n, output the nth Fibonacci number. You can use either 0 or 1 indexing, please state which in your submission. Simple, yeah? The catch is you must take the character set of the immediate previous answer, remove two ...

@DownChristopher ^
Q: Are implicit operations Built-ins?

Wheat WizardThere are a good deal of challenges that disallow the use of built-in operations and I was wondering if we should consider implicit operations built-ins. For example in Brain-Flak two things that are next to each other will be added implicitly, the program ({}{}) adds two numbers. However now...

@betseg I really don't want to see variable names like that in production code, lol.
CMC: print the nth Fibonacci number in brain-flak.
The shortest I can do is 52, so you get a cookie if you can beat me.
Hmm, I like cookies, but I don't like coding in brain-flak ...
The ultimate dilemma
If I'm trying to inflate some data for later use by Bubblegum, what compression level should I use?
cookies are good mcguffins
@AdmBorkBork lol
@DJMcMayhem 48
@AdmBorkBork actually that was why I named the function like that
Q: f(f(n)) = -n in a function f:double->double

RosLuPChallenge Define a function f:double->double (double is a float data type ieee standard did, but you can use fixed float point data number too) such that f(f(n)) = -n for all non-zero double n. Not has to be any tick in save function state in static variables. The code more short in bytes wins.

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

carusocomputingFind the Translation Table Given two strings, find the translation table between the two, if the translation is not possible, output false. Probably most easily defined through examples: Valid Cases bat,sap = ["bt","sp"] sense,12312 = ["se","12"] rabid,snail = ["rabd","snal"] F...

@WheatWizard Woah, that's a single stack?
So it could be translated to mini flak
shorter that way
@DJMcMayhem you can add Brain-Flak answer now :p
@betseg What challenge is this?
Q: Answer-Chaining Fibonacci

AdmBorkBork(Inspired by ASCII's 95 Characters...95 Movie Quotes) The Challenge Given input n, output the nth Fibonacci number. You can use either 0 or 1 indexing, please state which in your submission. Simple, yeah? The catch is you must take the character set of the immediate previous answer, remove two ...

@betseg done
@DigitalTrauma Yeah, Puzzling would work, too, but I've seen other finding-sequence questions on Math, so /shrug?
Q: What is the next number in the sequence

Nigel PlumbI have been given these numbers. They are a sequence which changes every 6 months 1st October 14 number was 287669 1st April 15 number was 323442 1st October 15 number was 695273 Can you work out 1st October 16. Clues I've been given are use hex or binary

@Alt-F4 lol
Someone on your network torrenting or HD streaming?
@mbomb007 This is at my internship at a school district.
I think this is just because there's a lot of students and teachers browsing the web,
Maybe they throttle downloads on purpose
Should be 100/100 fiber...
My school gets about 500/500 late at night
It's entirely possible that they throttle it to discourage misuse
@mbomb007 Shouldn't, I'm in the admin building and connected directly to the wired network
But it could also be students with their phones on wifi
@mbomb007 This is next to an elementary school
ipods then
1st through 5th grade, I doubt they have phones/ipods
@Alt-F4 I don't see how that rules out students with their phones or tablets
@MikeBufardeci 3rd graders with phones? I doubt that
@Alt-F4 You would be surprised
I don't think they should, but that doesn't mean their parents don't spoil them
@mbomb007 I only got a phone a year ago. I'm 15. It's an iPhone 4S.
I only got an actual plan for it on my 15th birthday.
@Alt-F4 I know kids in elementary school who have tablets or ipod touches or old phones with no cell play
My 10 year old sister got one two months ago. sigh
Good for you, I'm glad you're not quite so spoiled. But there ARE kids in elementary with phones/tablets/ipods
struggles of being oldest child
IMHO, nobody needs their own device until they can drive
I guess I appeared randomly at a bad time
@Alt-F4 cell plan, sorry
@mbomb007 yeah, probably, I remember that when I was in 5th grade one girl had an iPad and everyone wanted to look at it, etc.
@Alt-F4 Yeah, I play game of life on my cell, too
@mbomb007 it's less for the kid and more so the parents can call them at any time
@MikeBufardeci There's an edit button...
@ThomasWard Not really...
@Alt-F4 yeah but you already quoted me on it
@MikeBufardeci True
@MikeBufardeci Hmm.. good point
@MikeBufardeci Or track the kids coughfamilytrackercough
Or teach them that if a man offers them candy to get in a van that they should call the police
@ThomasWard No tracker ever, on any of my devices, I have had unfiltered internet access since I was 8 AFAIK
@Alt-F4 familytracker is a GPS tracker :P
but that point not withstanding, you're lucky
@ThomasWard Honestly, some high schoolers need to be tracked. Asking to go to the bathroom just so they can cheat or hang out.
parents didn't give me a phone until I was in middle school.
that was, what, 12?
Managed to never run into anything NSFW/NSFL until I discovered reddit
and it was an old flip phone.
@ThomasWard Yeah I know, these were two different chat messages combined
'course now I have top of the line hardware reinforced by the most powerful residential internet setup within 60 miles but meh
@ThomasWard BTW, my pfsense router is decreasing my internet speed from 175 MB/s to 90 MB/s, any clue why?
It has 2 gigabit NICs...
It's on a VM with direct access to one of them, and the other one on a virtual network
I think I'll just give my future kids a roll of wire to carry around so I can send them a telegram. :)
@Alt-F4 Nope, not even sure why, though I do know that NAT always reduces your speed somewhat, not sure how you're stuck at 90MB/s though... that'd sound like a little bit of conflict or upstream evils, not necessarily pfSense. Though, filtering is evil sometimes, esp. if Snort is in play and pfBlockerNG because those sorta hog up and throttle in-iline
@mbomb007 tether them up and just reel them back in
it's why I'm only running snort ids/ips right now
@ThomasWard Don't do drugs
@MikeBufardeci I'm afraid that would be illegal. Unless you mean the good old man-leath
Dude, I'd wear a leash if it looked like that.
See how happy he looks? lol
Just curious, what does "leaving" a chat room actually do?
Is this sandboxed question ready to be posted?
@mbomb007 If you're in a chatroom it shows you in the members panel on the right and under that it shows you all the other room's you're in. Leaving removes you from both.
@WheatWizard Looks good to me
@ThomasWard no filtering enabled...
@mbomb007 Thanks for the feedback, I'll give it a minute and then post it.
Huh. I just randomly came across an SO answer that Martin wrote.
Thanks @MartinEnder! That was really helpful! :P
@LuisMendo Thanks for pointing that out. I guess I could add an explanation, though I think the answer is so self-explanatory that it would be redundant information - not sure if thats any more acceptable. I don't think a TryItOnline link is an option for this answer. I suppose I could add a .gif recording...
Question: How do people include such crazy stuff in their profile descriptions?
@Alt-F4 You've got NAT. There's automatic routing and filtering going on. And inbound firewall blocking/filtering with port forwarding.
aka NAT.
not sure how to diagnose in your case though
@DJMcMayhem You're welcome! :D what was it?
@DJMcMayhem Not sure if there is a meta post about this, but sometimes its actually quite hard to add extra (non-redundant) information to what would seem to be a valid answer. Case in point
@LegionMammal978 Like what?
@mbomb007 like interactive things, large images, etc.
A: can Regex .test() in JavaScript test the whole string?

Martin EnderCharacter classes match single characters. You need to repeat them: var exp = new RegExp("^([a-z]*)$"); console.log( exp.test('hello') ); console.log( /^([a-z0-9]*)$/.test('abc12') ); Or if you want to require at least one character, use + instead of *. Also, if you're just using the pattern...

@LegionMammal978 I'm fairly certain there was a challenge about making things for a profile, but I don't know where it is
It could've even been on meta.SE for all I know
@DigitalTrauma Well, FWIW, I wrote that in response to a totally different answer. Yours doesn't really seem obnoxious.
@LegionMammal978 This is tangentially related: codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/40073/34718
That message was in response to a user who posted a super trivial challenge, and then FGITW'd a super trivial answer and then complained about 30 characters, which is more annoying then what you did
@ThomasWard If you can help, please let me know.
@DJMcMayhem thanks :) FWIW I'm recording a .gif demo to add to the answer - I think that is actually useful info to add in this case
Also, is this a good NIC?
@ConorO'Brien Ima make a derivative of yup with complex numbers and integration and call it yuup
And it will be written in C and run on GNU MP
@Alt-F4 if it's an Intel chipset, probably. If it's Broadcom, can't guarantee it'll work well.
Q: Same code different characters

Wheat WizardNote: This challenge only allows answers in compiled languages Task Your task is pretty simple, make two different programs that when compiled result in the same output. Scoring Here is where the fun comes in. Your score will be the number of unique bytes present in exactly one program. For...

Hey, I'd forgotten about this tag: . Probably for the best.
@ThomasWard all right. I'm thinking of using this teamed 4x with my switch to get a 4 gigabit effective VM network, will that do anything at all to increase throughput from/to VMs? I'm also probably going to switch from my Optiplex 755 to a Precision T3500 with 10GB RAM.
@mbomb007 Well now I've seen everything.
@Alt-F4 I would be shocked if a Precision T3500 with VMs on it could actually max out a gig link, let alone a 4x team.
How do you measure if a 4x team is maxed out?
@AdmBorkBork What would be the main limitation? I'm a bit limited in terms of equipment I have, I mostly have Optiplexes, one Precision T3500, and one Dell Poweredge which only has two 100Mb links.
Q: Tetration: (Very) Hard Mode

programmer5000This question is inspired by this one Your task Make a program or function that calculates the Tetration of 2 numbers. Tetration is what "comes next after addition, multiplication, and exponents". For example, passing in 3 and 3, this is calculated: 3 ^ (3 ^ 3) yielding this: 7625597484987...

@Alt-F4 Very likely you're going to be limited by either a) the storage on the VM host, or b) the clients connecting to the VMs.
@AdmBorkBork This isn't for a file server. This server would run things like DNS server, Samba, pfSense router, asterisk(?), other networking related things.
OK, so, for starts, Samba is file and print sharing. DNS is ridiculously tiny amounts of traffic. pfSense could max out a gig link, if you've got a gig pipe on one side and a gig pipe on the other (not teamed), and Asterisk is also pretty small amount of traffic provided you've got your codecs configured correctly.
@AdmBorkBork I have a very low amount of experience with enterprise networking/server things. The Samba server is actually not doing file and print sharing, it is running an AD DC, so I assume it would also use a very low amount of traffic. The main thing I'm concerned about is that all of these services would exist on one computer, so using all of them together from multiple computers might max out a gig pipe.
Very, very unlikely, unless you're talking thousands of end clients.
Source: this is my job.
@AdmBorkBork Yeah, not even close. Around 6-8.
The network card is $30 though, so I wouldn't suffer too much if it was useless.
It adds complexity to the design, though, and another component that can break or a config that can go wrong.
@BasicSunset I actually participated in one of the challenges a while ago, too:
A: "Write" a simple calculator without writing a single line of code

mbomb007Python 2, 7 references Creating this solution wasn't as easy as it looked. Searching StackOverflow for specific code is difficult, since symbols are not included in the search. I had found a way to do this with 2000-bit random numbers, using a different answer in place of Ref #2, but I couldn'...

What I would suggest, would be to have one network port for management of the host machine, and one port for the VMs.
My main reason for wanting this card is that I would use direct PCI passthrough to connect my PCI gigabit NIC to my pfSense VM, which would (probably) increase performance... but then I would have a single Gigabit NIC handling everything else on the server. I agree that this is a huge amount of overkill for what I'm doing.
...too many TLAs
That way, if there is something that barfs all over the VMs, you can still (hopefully) get to the management host and try and fix it.
@Alt-F4 That would improve performance, possibly. What speed is your Internet pipe?
I mean, even H.265 or AV1 should get full-4k streaming in like 25Mbps
@DigitalTrauma I would go with a humorous comment, such as "Does it need any explanation?"
@AdmBorkBork 175 Mb/s down, 12 up
@Alt-F4 Eh, maybe? That's kinda borderline whether you'd see much of a performance difference or not. Personally, if you don't have higher-end VLAN switches that can do logical separation of traffic, I prefer to have a physical separation of traffic "outside" vs "inside" -- i.e., one NIC for going from the modem to pfSense, and one going from pfSense to the rest of the home network.
@AdmBorkBork I do have that even right now. The motherboard in the "server" has a gigabit NIC which goes to the internal LAN. I also have a PCI NIC that goes to WAN. BTW I don't have VLAN switches.
Acronym city in here
It's computing. TLAs are kinda our shtick.
@LuisMendo fair enough

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