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just an fyi, I'm on vacation until next sunday, see y'all
@LegionMammal978 well, yeah, this was the general solution for use in stack-based programs
@Riker have a nice vacation!
This page I'm looking at implements a countdown by having a GIF with 40 or so frames advancing once per second (with e.g. '7 hours 5 minutes 33 seconds') and reloading the entire page every 10 seconds or so.
In fact, borrowing some of your code, I can shorten mine to ||0e00e--|-ee
@feersum Um... that's one way to do it
@feersum which website?
@Riker Reccomendation: don't forget iPad in Hawaii
@LegionMammal978 that's pretty cool
@Downgoat pennsylvania this time ;p
Is this an acceptable coding style:
if (blah) {
} else
if (blah2) {
} else
@ETHproductions Eugh that looks pretty bad
@ConorO'Brien A comparison of the meanings of the two programs:
*||0e00e--|-ee#          = exp(exp(ln(ln(x))-ln(exp(0)-(0-exp(0)))))
*0e00e--|0~-e|~||0~--ee# = exp(exp(ln(exp(0-ln(exp(0)-(0-exp(0)))))-(0-ln(ln(x)))))
Yeah, but it makes chaining conditionals easier, since you can just copy-paste whole lines
You can still do that normally, you just have to paste it after the else
Oh, well I guess in my normal coding style, e.g.
if (blah) {
} else if (blah2) {
} else ...
you can just copy-paste } else if (blah2) { and the following lines
But I like my other idea because it lines all the ifs up at the left
I'm not sure how proposals work, but if I have a system that extends on two or more of the previous systems, can I post my own separate proposal, or do I have to just comment it?
I have a proposal for representing repeating decimals in unary, BTW
if (x) {


else if (y) {

@LegionMammal978 mm nice!
@Qwerp-Derp I think you can post it if you want, as long as it's not almost completely the same as one of the other answers
Does my name and avatar count as an april fools joke
Oh hi legionmammal you just became my evil twin
it hasn't changed so
@SIGSEGV he's had that for a really long time you know
@Riker So... I became his?
more like you(r profile pic) became a nuisance
I see w(hat you did t)here
I have a question: Is a static library archive (.a) file architecture dependent?
Of course.
I added example fractions in my unary floating point format
Wait what did Apple just solve Halting problem
Infinite recursion isn't hard to detect in most scenarios. It's determining whether or not it will loop infinitely in all scenarios that's the issue
@ETHproductions how goes the JS parser?
@Downgoat Yes
@flawr there's a swiss flag going on in r/place
Next challenge: Roots!
Aww yiss, just got x86 emulator for iOS working
time to get linux on it... :/
Btw can someone tell me what these words mean:
> Bochs is exiting with the following message:
[ ] /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/4E52F896-6424-4E38-8797-8BB3DADAFB5F/tmp/os.ini:5: ataX directive malformed.
Question: what is ataX directive
@Downgoat I thought that wasn't allowed...?
@MendeleevLemon ssshhh
@Downgoat is it on app store?
not yet still very broken
Anyone familiar with OSes? The VM is panicing every 5 second
> >>PANIC<< add param 'general' to bx_list_c 'bochs': list capacity exceeded
@SIGSEGV I don't get it
How do you make your profile picture fully transparent
I uploaded a 64x64 transparent PNG for mine, but the alpha channel kept getting stripped
Dad: What do you have in that porridge, son?
Son: Just wheat and bananas
Dad: Salut "and bananas", je suis ton père
It's kind of a stretch I know
@LegionMammal978 Gravatar
^ umm wtf
you bork something
and/or inspect element
@Riker Local storage magic
There's everything in the local storage
Ex. game data
In variable 'gameState': {"grid":{"size":4,"cells":[[null,null,null,null],[null,null,null,null],[null,nu‌​ll,null,{"position":{"x":2,"y":3},"value":2}],[null,null,{"position":{"x":3,"y":2‌​},"value":2},null]]},"score":0,"over":false,"won":false,"keepPlaying":false} or something similar
Reminds me of Binary Sudoku.
10/10 best game
I have an app on my phone entirely for that
This is awesome.
This inspired me to make a challenge
"Literally mess with 2048"
Found 12 diamonds with 1 pickaxe while branch mining on OPPCGMCS.
According to 2048, Downgoat + Downgoat = 2
>400% ROI
@MendeleevLemon Question: how is my house doing, the one near spawn
@SIGSEGV downgoat = 1!!!!!!
@DestructibleLemon Umm what the
lol ok
@mod kick him, he edited a ping 2 times >:)
don't make me edit A PING 3 TIMES!
@Downgoat I don't think anyone touched it
@Downgoat You should log in, new server IP is dk0.us
@DestructibleLemon so downgoat = Downgoat?
@SIGSEGV not how I got my avatar tho
Are any users orange?
Downgoat, orange person, lemon, Mistah, I, and purple person could nearly make a chat rainbow
that's chat...
Oh forget it. I've already failed talking.
@MistahFiggins Well I clearly wasn't talking to you :\
I'm halfway to fanatic! Woohoo!
@HelkaHomba my hat's orange, does that count?
Wait no, it's my hair
@HelkaHomba am I the lemon?
What's Bale⍴a?
It reads "Elektrik Valera" in Cyrillic.
@KritixiLithos name
My april fools joke for the year
just called my mom and told her that my room was on fire, she actually believed me for a bit because I was soldering earlier
@MendeleevLemon btw April fools'ing your mom is generally not a good idea
@SIGSEGV yeah I noticed
So, what happened next?
she was very confused for a moment, asked what happened. I said "It's just that... it's April 1st." she laughed a bit and hung up
sorry it's 12am here not fully awake
Q: It's [current year] already, folks, go home

SIGSEGVOn most new-years challenges when it is currently not the corresponding year of the challenge, It says this in the front. It's [current year] already, folks, go home. You have to output this text. I/O Input: None. Output: It's [year] already, folks, go home. with [year] changed to the ...

When do we get to make Dennis: The ultimate golfing language made of Jelly, CJam, Pyth and much more?
Q: Write a compact S-Expression parser

ein menschIn your language of choice, write an S-Expression parser, that can parse the following statement (and other valid S-Expressions): >>> sexpression('(+ "hello (world)" (* 2 x))') [[Symbol("+"), "hello (world)", [Symbol("*"), 2, Symbol("x")]]] It is important to differ between strings and symbols...

@ConorO'Brien JS parser?
I swear there's already a challenge for outputting the current year
@SIGSEGV Uh how would that work, Jelly is already very close to the ultimate golflang
As in the highest possible information density? Hardly.
@feersum Ok yeah (so how can we make it better)
Q: Storing an array of Integers to WOM

Shaun BebbersVery few, if any, programs or applications have utilised the proposed spec for WOM which was initially thought up in the early 1970s as a polar opposite to ROM, so your task is to take a dataset of n Integers and simulate storing it to a WOM schema as a proof of concept. Your array must contain ...

3 hours later…
BTW, 4chan people growing trans flag into other people's pixel arts to make it look like trans people destroyed them :/
@Qwerp-Derp Looks like there wasn't. :P but the idea is quite trivial tho.
@ASCII-only Jelly, CJam, Pyth, GolfScript, Jolf, and much more golfing langs combined
@SIGSEGV How exactly would you combine them into a better language
@betseg reddit.com/place for those who want to access it.
@ASCII-only idk yet, we can get people to propose ideas tho
It's actually a rainbow which leads to money as you follow it.
@SIGSEGV What commands does CJam/Pyth/GolfScript have that Jelly doesn't
:\ well idk either
But if we create such language we'll make sure it is the ultimate golf lang
wanna make a PCG logo?
on r/Place?
@DestructibleLemon Hmm okay
@DestructibleLemon So we remember our old logo semi-forever?
@SIGSEGV if we ever get a new one we will replace
ok so
how big should it be
thats a bit too large scale
should we make it in blue corner or something
(Well, the new logo is 128x128 tho)
how about 16*16?
Well, It would be too small to actually draw it, wouldn't it?
@DestructibleLemon yeah
where should we make it?
In the dead corner?
how about right above the cancer/corruption in the area made of the colour that is similar to the pcg logo
there is a teal area with black. lets use that
near 384, 475
Wait- How many (active) users are on PPCG?
the eye thing
we're making it happen!
im using the best os
shit I placed something in the wrong place
@DestructibleLemon 32x32
@ASCII-only we should get something done really
@DestructibleLemon but 10 min cooldown :(
wait its fine
the smallest is 16*16
@DestructibleLemon ?
the actual logo appears to be 16*16
@DestructibleLemon link to image?
Q: Make the PPCG Favicon

A Nerd - ICome November 1, Programming Puzzles and Code Golf will graduate, so in the next 11 months, we'll want to save some memories from when we were ungraduated. Write a program that produces the PPCG favicon, seen below. The image must be at least 64x64 pixels. The blue must be the color #62B0DF....

@DestructibleLemon oh, well the actual logo is 32x32 and really antialiased so we'll use the one in the challenge
381 474 should probably be the next one
asdf 10? Wow I thought that guy was dead :|
oh no, he is still very active=)
@ГригорийПерельман r/place praises the sun
Damn filthy blue cornerheads
too many bots if you ask me
@DestructibleLemon and the green grid too
yeah probably
they are more disgusting actually
but they kinda died out probably
There's also bob ross + avocados
You show them rainbow line!
@DestructibleLemon PRAISE LORD HELIX
wtf happened to heman
I've seen him normal but missing a tooth, demonic, and with rabies apparently now
starting the P
this is the funniest thing ever
someone from the r/erasetheplace
thought it would be a good idea to write down the name of the subreddit
instead of erasing!
is erase the place going to prioritise the corruption?
also gtg
@DestructibleLemon lol
@flawr ninja'd
Just had a cool challenge idea! Take an askii map of area codes and sections in that area codes and houses in those sections and each has numbers. Then you take two phone numbers the first one being the start and you make a line following the phone lines connecting the two houses
It needs to be sandboxed but do you think it would be fun/good?
@Riker omg bob ross has laser eyes
@SIGSEGV i gave into the star to make the the out of context quote of the day
Oh wait Geobits trolled us again
Wow I got Outspoken due to these 3 stars
Anyone around knows C?
@BernardoMeurer Probably a lot of people around here (including me)
@Dada Would you mind if I bothered you about memory allocation for a minute or two? :P
@betseg You here?
yea sure, go ahead
@KritixiLithos yes
Do you know if something like 'Hello World' is a full program in APL?
Or should I prepend a ⎕← to the text?
i think it only works on REPL
@Dada In trying to run my code I keep getting SIGABRT, this is what I'm trying to do
@betseg but i dunno
I know what's up
Wait no
Does this look okay:
unsigned int *buf = calloc(self->size, sizeof(unsigned int));
self->size is also an uint, set to 5 currently
I'll just assume it is okay as it is because of the hello world answer in APL
I want buf to have space for 5 self->size unsigned ints
this looks fine, depending on the value self->size actually holds
I have an awesome idea
@Dada self->size is always between 4 and 11
Okay, I follow that with a series of manipulations on the arrays, the code is fairly clear I think
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < self->size; ++i) {
        if (direction == UP || direction == DOWN) {
            self->getCol(self, rowcol, i);
        } else self->getRow(self, rowcol, i);

        for (int j = start; j != end; j += delta) {
            if (rowcol[j] == EMPTY) continue;
            if (buf[idx] == EMPTY) buf[idx] = rowcol[i];
            else if (rowcol[i] == buf[idx]) {
                self->score += 1 << buf[idx];
            } else {
                idx += delta;
@KritixiLithos tio.run/nexus/apl-dyalog#@6@eUa7@/z8A well it doesnt work on tio
halp how 2 regex compression
Then I'll add the ⎕← to the program
@Dada Oh, wait I think I know what I'm doing wrong
The way I'm trying to reference the elements of my pointer
Then should I include the char count or byte count?
you can use the apl codepage, so char count i suppose
ty, posted my answer
Do we want a T-shirt?
@BernardoMeurer nothing really looks wrong with your code to me..
@Dada Hm, then maybe my auxiliary functions are wrong
have a github/ideone link or something?
@Dada Sure, one second
The error is in boardCollapseCells
@Dada Any ideas?
Ah darnit no teespring oneboxes
> €20.63
...That was the minimum I could make
@BernardoMeurer looking into it
@betseg Hoodies are more expensive god dammit
@SIGSEGV I think SE will give free PPCG swag when we get.l design too
@Downgoat Hmm really?
@SIGSEGV and the G is lowercase
@betseg goddammit I ruined it
Yeah, can't you edit it?
@ConorO'Brien Not so well when I'm spending all my time on PPCG and TNB :P
in other news, germany devoured france in reddit place i.redd.it/89bi7kzj1xoy.jpg
@SIGSEGV well if you are in first two pages of rep légués
idk about that, with what time period? total?
Question: how much coffee do I need to do an all-nighter
@Downgoat a bunch
So it's snowing in New York... in April. This is the first time that I can remember Mother Nature participating in April Fools' Day...
@Downgoat lotta
@ETHproductions link?
link to what?
it's just what I'm currently experiencing
Oh you live there?
@Downgoat god dammit I'm on third
@SIGSEGV will 1 per 3hr work?
@Downgoat Huh?
@Downgoat I am!
@SIGSEGV 1 cofffee every three hours
@Downgoat You mean all-time rep?
@Downgoat Probably
Then I'm on 4th
@Downgoat More important is to trick your brain into a regular coffee schedule so you'll get attention bumps whenever another one is due.
@Downgoat oh btw 2 * Downgoat = 2, 10/10 best math
@BernardoMeurer sorry, I don't see anything too wrong. It's hard since I can't run the code though. Have you tried to use gdb to see if it helps?
@SIGSEGV You lost me at "2 * Downgoat"
Downgoat = -1
Nope 2048 (the game) knows everything
I merged two Downgoats and it became 2
Huh? Where did you do that?
@KritixiLithos No, edit local storage
@EriktheOutgolfer The original game.
@SIGSEGV O_O the original game has Downgoats?
@Dada I'm trying to poke around with Valgrind and see what's up :)
@EriktheOutgolfer I lost my mind at that point too. Drag above for an image of a 1-tile and 4 tiles with each 'kill', 'me', 'pls' and ';_;'
basically the data is saved in the local storage and you edit it to edit the tiles
Oh, so you downloaded some 2048 game and you edited it huh?
Um... apparently if you enter 0129 in the console of Firefox, it'll give you 129 and also give you a SyntaxError, but as a warning?
@EriktheOutgolfer I mean the actual tile/score/etc data is in the local storage
Just see it
@SIGSEGV I don't have a copy, and I'm on Ubuntu.
Although I have Windows 10.
@EriktheOutgolfer I meant the web version
@ETHproductions I don't know if you're able to reproduce this, but on the homepage of PPCG the "Programming Puzzles & Code Golf" text becomes blue and looses font/styling idk cause
CMC: how many valid tic-tac-toe board positions are there?
(I'm doing a challenge, and I found my number, but I can't find anybody on the internet to confirm it)
Python 2, 10 bytes:print 3**9
those aren't valid
like "XXXXXXXXX" isn't valid
because you wouldn't actually reach that in a game
Yeah, that's way too complex for a CMC though.
but it's still a fun mini-challenge
@Downgoat Looks fine to me, other than it flashes blue for a brief moment while the userscript is initializing
What browser are you using?
no console error
Oh... Can't reproduce then, I don't have any Apple devices
@Downgoat Huh? Use Chrome dude!
I'll try in Chrome quick
@EriktheOutgolfer hahaha
I only ever use Safari for my sock
Works in Chrome too
@Downgoat The monkey is too dumb, that's why it happens
@ETHproductions It works on non-homepage pages which is weirdest part
You know, Tampermonkey is no intelligent apes like orangutans
$ file /usr/share/dict/words
/usr/share/dict/words: symbolic link to /etc/dictionaries-common/words
$ file /etc/dictionaries-common/words
/etc/dictionaries-common/words: symbolic link to /usr/share/dict/american-english
$ file /usr/share/dict/american-english
/usr/share/dict/american-english: UTF-8 Unicode text
oooh, my math was wrong
and now I found a wikipedia article that agrees with me
there are exactly 5478 valid tic-tac-toe games
Q: What are my chess moves?

Anthony PhamChess is a game with 6 different types of pieces that can move in different ways: Pawns - They can only move up or capture diagonally (also forward). Capturing a piece behind them or beside them is illegal. The only exception is en passant. For this challenge, if a pawn reaches the 8th rank (o...

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