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5 hours to April Fools.
^-^ someone answered my post codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/114702/60042
It's not really golfed tho
@EriktheOutgolfer Time zone?
@HyperNeutrino I surely need to get used to DST. It was supposed to be UTC. Fixed.
Did you guys had a challenge "draw the unit circle" so far?
(ie does anybody remember having competed in such a challenge)
It was closed as unclear.
How would you draw the unit circle
@EriktheOutgolfer Oh haha :P
1 Unit = 1 pixel
mod p :P
@flawr so you would end up with a 9 pixel image?
unit circle is radius 1...
my idea was to swap out the underlying field by F_p (instead of the reals) and ask for ascii-art (with p as input)
@ГригорийПерельман What are you saying about the link? I don't quite understand
@fəˈnɛtɪk or a 2x2
@SEJPM what distance measure would you use?
@flawr 1 row, 1 char = 1 integer
(my challenge would be over a finite field, so over {0,1,2,3,...})
I mean what distance measure on F_p x F_p (I assume this is where you want to "draw" the unit circle in)
@WheatWizard The link in the comment goes to a TIO where everything works fine and there's not error
^ this would be 2x2
@ГригорийПерельман err, no?
But how do you meansure the distance between two points in F_p x F_p ?
@WheatWizard Wait you're right I clicked on the wrong tab like 5 times in a row >_>
unit circle = {(x,y):xx+yy=1}
Ok no problem
No, the link really didn't have an error. The one posted here does though.
@NewMainPosts The answer is zero, in case anyone was wondering.
no distance
just iterating an equation over a 2D-array
@EriktheOutgolfer Its working for me
so the first would be
`X `
backticks don't work in multi-line messages, unfortunately
` X`
^ these two would be p=2
@SEJPM well ok that does not have much to do with an unit circle:)
@flawr technically it does because they're defined by the same equation, just the fields are different :P
but I've gotta write my own solution program to verify the task isn't as boring as I fear right now it will be
You don't have to use F_p anyway the, it would be sufficient to use Z/nZ for some n
well, yes, I'll do that, thanks @flawr
for(x=0,x<n,x++){print("\n");for(y=0,y<n,y++){if(mod(xx+yy,n)==1){ print("X"); } else { print(" "); }}}
Why not plotting elliptic curves instead of circles?=)
@flawr the asterisks in the middle made part of the text italic ;)
yep, I hate it
@flawr because we talked about such circles recently (over on Crypto.SE) and I wanted to see them plotted :P
Google Chrome idea suggestion: Right click tab, duplicate as incognito tab
@flawr Use backticks
I proposed a challenge that was not clearly defined a little while ago. Would any of you review the edits I've made and decide whether you'd like to vote to re-open? codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/114696/ghost-in-the-shell
`like this`
@MendeleevLemon Why? If you already have it open, it's already in your browser history
@HyperNeutrino There's a Ruby answer at 200 bytes, I have been sleeping for so long
@mbomb007 annoying to copy-paste url tho
@mbomb007 Example: Logging in with an account temporarily to online service...
Maybe before opening it the first time, just right-click and Open link in incognito window...
If you have to open it in a non-incognito tab first, you're doing it wrong.
Just Ctrl+L, Ctrl+C, Ctrl+Shift+N, Ctrl+V, Enter
Or shortened: Ctrl+(L,C,Shift+N,V) Enter
oh TIL Ctrl+L
i've been using F6
oh TIL F6
Ctrl+L is definitely better
Just like Ctrl+R is better than F5
ಠ_ಠ ** 2
And Ctrl+W closes the tab
Ctrl+Shift+T opens last closed tab(s if multiple were closed at the same time)
I also sometimes use Ctrl+1 for selecting first tab, 2 for 2nd, etc
ima change my username to Alt+F4
i use my mouse to select nth tabs
I usually do, too
Oh, TIL this:
A: Is there a way to move multiple tabs to a new browser window, in Chrome?

Joel TaylorThis feature is currently supported like this: Select the first tab Hold Ctrl Click on additional tabs you wish to move. Release Ctrl Drag the tabs to a new window or outside of the current window and a new window will automatically be created. Use ⌘ instead of Ctrl on Mac.

oh thats useful
ive always moved one by one ;_;
@betseg :O Just tried it. Didn't know you could do that with the mouse
I have a half-baked proposal for how to represent floating-point numbers in unary:
Binary -> Unary
0.0    -> .
0.1    -> .1
0.01   -> .11
0.11   -> .111
0.001  -> .1111
0.011  -> .11111
0.101  -> .111111
0.111  -> .1111111
0.0001 -> .11111111
@mbomb007 You can also shift select to select a range
That is, you take the binary representation of the decimal, reverse it, and convert that to unary, then append it after the decimal point
@ETHproductions So what would 0.1 and 0.01 be in decimal?
@SEJPM I still don't like calling solutions to $1=x^2 +y^2$ circles :D
I see it now, it's 0.1:0.1:0.8
@ETHproductions :O i was thinking the same thing when i saw that earlier today, except with decimal instead of binary
@flawr feel better with "generalized circles"?
@KritixiLithos Whatever the binary representation of .1 is, reversed, converted to unary
@SEJPM nope=)
It can't be exactly represented, but floating point numbers inherently can only exactly represent binary fractions
^ What I was thinking
@betseg Binary has the added advantage of being closer to real floating point numbers, for ^^ that reason
btw since you're active on crypto, are you a number theory guy? Just today I was at a talk about hyper elliptic curve cryptography from a guest speaker in our department
What makes it hyper?
@mbomb007 crazy shit
@flawr I know the basics, but nothing nearly as fancy
I've only heard about elliptic curves, not hyper elliptic curves
@mbomb007 elliptic curves can be considered as projective curves of degree 3 with genus 1
I think I'll post that as an answer
@mbomb007 because they have quite literally 0 practical applications
hyper-elliptic curves can be considered as projective curves of the form ZY^2 = f(X,Y,Z) where f is an arbitrary degree polynomial and the curve has genus g>1
they would allow for even shorter keys then ECC, but many problems are open there
Well, that sounds harder to understand than the cryptography I learned in my cryptography elective in college...
I did learn ECC, but it's been too long
@mbomb007 well the theory of elliptic curve is a vast topic, but in the end we are just using basically the discrete-logarithm-problem on an abelian group
and in ECC the abelian group is the elliptic curve
so there is nothing too fancy in terms of cryptography=)
It's times like these that I wish I had a better memory when it comes to math
I can remember my computer science pretty well, but not math
I already dread the day when I'm no longer learning math...
Yeah, you'll forget it all
already now I forgot so many things that I'm not using very much
It's not used
Calc 3? Gone.
@SEJPM ...yet :D
@flawr well, if they're DLP-based (or better the crypto-systems) they're gonna be destroyed by quantum computers
Actually, one of the math classes I remember the most is Complex Analysis, and that's only because the homework was for a participation grade, so I actually enjoyed doing it.
CMC: Come up with a challenge idea that could be tagged both and .
@SEJPM I don't know anything about quantum computers, can you elaborate that?
@flawr Shor's algorithm breaks anything that is based on groups
or anything that can be broken if you can compute a discrete logarithm
I thought it could only break normal factorization?
when you factor with Shor, the quantum computer actually finds the order of the ring defined by the modulus
if you know the order, you can factor
@ГригорийПерельман Given an image and a regular expression, output another image whose bytes match that regex, making the image as close to the original as possible.
Wait if I go over the rep cap and then downvote someone I still loose the 1 rep even though I have upvotes that have not been counted?
@mbomb007 Same here. I remember learning Galois theory, and I remember enjoying it, but I have no idea what it is any more.
@mbomb007 How do you determine closeness?
@WheatWizard Correct. You just plain don't get rep from upvotes if you're at the rep cap.
@SEJPM how do quantum computers work? wikipedia didn't really helpl me understand anything
@flawr that's the difficult part
@WheatWizard you'll get it back if you get another upvote
@ГригорийПерельман It'd probably have to be a popcon. Otherwise, Levenshtein distance between the images.
I don't understand much of them either but it suffices that they can efficiently compute the fast fourier transformation for crypto
This is actually a good idea for a challenge
I want to post it but I don't want to take credit for your idea >_>
@flawr you need to read like at least two books to gain a basic understanding of quantum computers
the intution is though that you induce certain functions / amplitudes / whatever in the wave function, let them interfere and at the end everything but the useful information cancels out
you measure that and boom
@ГригорийПерельман I'll put it in the Sandbox
@ГригорийПерельман Given an image and a regular expression, OCR the image and give a truthy/falsey if the OCR'd text matches the regex.
Optical Character Recognition
I bet not even 5% of the people making claims about quantum computers even read half of one of those books.
Q: Divide one number by another

MendeleevLemonChallenge Given two numbers, output their quotient. In other words, integer divide one number by another. Both divisor/dividend will be under 10001. Division must be performed using integer division, rounding down. Here are some example inputs and outputs: 5 1 5 6 2 3 ...

e.g., turn a picture of an "A" into a string "A"
@ГригорийПерельман What'd be a good name for it?
@MendeleevLemon Please don't link to a new challenge. We have a bot that posts those for us.
@SEJPM fortunately elliptic curves are still interesting outside of cryptography :D
@mbomb007 Make an image match a regex
@flawr even post-quantum they have some interesting applications in crypto AFAIK :)
There, posted
Gets the point across while making people go "what is this it makes no sense"
@mbomb007 sorry
Could I get some real quick C++ help? Its been nearly a year since I've written any C++ and I am quite rusty
3 hours ago, by Martin Ender
friends don't let friends try C
@ГригорийПерельман pls, it's C++ and not C :P
same difference
Why was my challenge downvoted?
too easy?
@MendeleevLemon why has mine not been reviewed.... no one knows....




Addition was upvoted...
@SEJPM Wat is this
Wait when was trackety track answered
^^^^^ that's the unit circle over F_11
@MendeleevLemon Wasn't it first downvoted to oblivion, then grudgingly upvoted back up?
@ГригорийПерельман That was multiplication?
Division is closer to multiplication anyway
codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/114727/56721 literally copied the answer from the multiply challenge and changed a character
(plz dont upvote)
How would one make a pointer to a new vector in c++
This challenge is focused more on languages like BF, Retina, sed, OIL than languages like Ruby, Python, etc.
OK, guys, for me last test vector I need a non-prime natural number (ie an integer > 1), suggestions?
@ГригорийПерельман ¯_(ツ)_/¯
@SEJPM Unexpected pirate speech
ty ¯_(ツ)_/¯\
@betseg If you install chat commands you can automatically insert the shrug with /shrug
It's a userscript
yeah i was too lazy to type just copied from my notes
Q: Divide one number by another

MendeleevLemonChallenge Given two numbers, output their quotient. In other words, integer divide one number by another. Both divisor/dividend will be under 10001. Division must be performed using integer division, rounding down. Here are some example inputs and outputs: 5 1 5 6 2 3 ...

Ok I figured out my problem. I have been trying to use gcc to compile my C++ for the past half hour
isn't gcc the c-compiler?
which is why c++ won't work
btw @flawr I posted the challenge into the sandbox :P
@SEJPM Precisely
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

SEJPMDraw me the (weird) unit circle! code-golf ascii-artmath Introduction You may know and love your normal unit circle. But mathematicans are crazy and thus they have abstracted the concept to any point that satisfies x*x+y*y=1. Because Cryptographers1 are also weird, they love finite fields (i...

Am I the only one that finds answers like <super short code> "blah blah blah, your answer must be at least 30 characters" extremely grating?
@Riker The internet amazes me literally every day
@SEJPM you can do gcc file.cpp -lstdc++
@DJMcMayhem I wish...
Please don't yell
@betseg well yes, but who does that and not invokes g++?
Q: Match a random string

Julian LachnietTo-Do: Come up with a Better Title Specification: This challenge is similar to kolmogorov-complexity, but with a twist. You goal is to output a finite string that resembles the following string of psuedo-random characters as closely as possible: BABBBBAAABBAABBBBAABBBAABBBABBAABABABBBBABBBBB...

Have you read it? I fixed it all.
@Downgoat :o goat simulator is 50% off
I fixed what was wrong and can't open it myself
@Riker Did you mean to ping the goat?
Trollololllol. Also I have played it on mobile way too much
It'd be great to get two more re-open votes... I put a concerted effort into clarifying this challenge: codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/114696/ghost-in-the-shell
bought and downloading goat simulator :D
I'll try to buy it later
@betseg rip
y the star tho
I have it for mobile and that is all I need
@betseg bc I think it's funny
@betseg ksp is worth it and better
have you played PC version of goat simulator?
@Riker nope
@DownChristopher i have it too
then you don't know that it's better
@Riker Uhh yeah they are 99.9 percent the same
PC has a bit more
my "waste time on my phone" is roller coaster tycoon (arm port of the original, not a knockoff)
@Aaron Wait you can do that?
Pls tell me how
it's on the play store... see the author is Atari inc. play.google.com/store/apps/…
@NewMainPosts sigh Ruined by the negatives.
It's worth it for the nostalgia
@Aaron never played it once
As far as I know it's directly openRCT ported to android
That was my jam....
@ГригорийПерельман Nvm. I feel like regexes and images don't mix well. You'd have to restrict it to a specific image format.
also, I paid more than $6 for lunch today... you may in the future appreciate others paying money for the things you create.
yesterday, by Martin Ender
@SIGSEGV @MendeleevLemon Challenges about simple problems are not an excuse to put less effort into writing the spec.
@MendeleevLemon ^ I'm starting to suspect you're just trolling at this point.
Plus, I'd appreciate if you wouldn't ignore my genuine attempt to help improve the spec of your last challenge that still isn't entirely clear...
@Riker ik it was even free for like a week a few weeks ago
@ГригорийПерельман You can make it if you want, but after attempting to write it in the Sandbox, I just couldn't do it. I don't really want to make examples, and the challenge would sound incredibly open-ended or broad.
It's not the kind of challenge that I would attempt to solve, either.
@MartinEnder Huh? I did not see this
went to sleep early
@MartinEnder I'm not
@JanDvorak What about mınxomaτ?
@ГригорийПерельман sorry; I meant to link chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/36412966#36412966
Finally my rep on here is passed that on Sci-FI
Where is the guide to writing bubblegum?
I can't find it
check its esolang page
Uhh I did, is the overview the guide?
@WheatWizard I wanted to do this in Wise ;_;
@Qwerp-Derp Oh
I'll start working then
I should have clarified it sorry
I'm actually not sure it can be done
there is no way of knowing how high the stack is in Wise so you can't really iterate around the entire thing
How do people code with unprintables?
they use printable characters and replace them before compiling
Well really I meant what are they doing? And How did they learn?
Once again, you can play Ms. Pacman on Google Maps!
@flawr Chrome actually displays all unprintables except \x00 now, I think.
@DownChristopher We're just using actual byte-values.
In Retina, they can be used as delimiters, or for character ranges
@mbomb007 See me no understand
In Self-modifying BF, \x00 is used as kind of a break-point, to stop [<] at a specific position.
Which can shorten code by a lot.
@DownChristopher Well, if you're writing a program in Retina to replace every ASCII character with the one after it for example, you need to use the character range from \x00 to \x7F
To cover all of ASCII.
@mbomb007 ahhhh
\x00 (NUL) and \x7F (DEL) are both unprintables that would be contained in the source code for that.
That's only one example, of course.
A common one is with compression.
If you compress a string, some bytes may be unprintables.
ok that makes sense
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Challenge to divide two numbers. Says "Both divisor/dividend will be under 10001". All test cases are positive. Then OP decides that inputs can be negative, spoiling some of the already posted answers. I wish I could downvote twice :-/
roll back
I'll downvote for you ;-)
Roll back what? The new requirement is not even incorporated into the text (which is also a bad thin in itself)
^^^ :-)
technically negative numbers are under 10001
technically he never says that the inputs will be integers, either
@ArtOfCode That's my point. So there was a limit above, but below they could go down to minus infinity?
All test cases were positine integers
@LuisMendo well, it didn't specify a negative limit, so... yes
they're all <10001
For a brief moment I considered posting a new version of the challenge limited to non-negative integers under 256, but then I realized it would be an almost exact dupe of the divmod challenge
Yes. Also that
The challenge is bad any way you look at it
Oh well
Someone posted that they were surprised division was posted before subtraction... but wasn't subtraction already posted? (and downvoted and maybe closed)
aside from the fact that it could pretty much be closed as a dupe of the addition one
Mego closed it
Let me find it
I searched "subtract two numbers is:q" and didn't find anything
maybe it's deleted
Mar 17 at 22:57, by Mego
@LuisMendo a-b == a+-b
hmm... now you've got me thinking a/b == a*(1/b)
So technically it's a cross-dupe of the multiplication one and the reciprocal one
That's why I didn't agree with Mego there
The real difference is allowing negative numbers or not, rather than adding or subtracting
Restricting to non-negative allows interesting approaches
@ETHproductions However, this is integer division, so a//b != a*(1/b).
@LuisMendo Well, I think what Mego's seeing is that most languages can easily perform addition, and most of those can also easily perform negation. So in 90% of languages it's going to be very trivial to change from addition to subtraction
@DLosc Fair point
@LuisMendo I agree there
^^^ Yes, I agree with that. And the challenge probably deserved closing, whether an exact a dupe or not
The exact challenge is here, btw
Ah, that was it! Yes
Oh gosh, did it just get two more downvotes?
I didn't mean to cause that :P
@LuisMendo Look six messages above the one you linked ;)
Ah, it was right there :-)
@LuisMendo I think it had 9 downvotes when I linked it, which is plenty, especially since that was two weeks ago by now
Oh, I saw it at -11 when I clicked
@MendeleevLemon chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/36407929#36407929 and my last comment on your challenge
Maybe I read it wrong
In DJMcMayem's starred message, does grating mean annoying or the opposite? I had never seen that expression
I'm really annoyed by those answers
Annoying, I believe
Good. One more star :-)
it means annoying. like someone using a cheese grater on you (at least that's where I always thought the expression came from)
Haha. That's imaginative!
And very graphic. Now I won't forget
@MartinEnder O_O that sounds painful
I didn't get the whole C++ issue behind it, but the comments are funny
I like waffles.
Apparently I've had trouble in the past finding a good JS minifier...
Hello all, do you think it is clear what this sandbox question is asking? Thank you in advance.
> 2 characters displayed per line instead of 1
what about c and d?
oh, nvm
CMC: Given two strings A and B, determine the Damerau-Levenshtein Distance between them.
@ConorO'Brien Got bored, implemented the square root function in yup:
That's not exactly a mini-challenge
It wasn't actually that hard to derive:
= x^(1/2)
= exp(ln(x^(1/2)))
= exp(ln(x)/2)
= exp(exp(ln(ln(x)/2)))
= exp(exp(ln(ln(x))-ln(2)))
= exp(exp(ln(ln(x))-ln(0-(0-1-1))))
= exp(exp(ln(ln(x))-ln(0-((0-exp(0))-exp(0)))))
@JanDvorak Do you think I should post on main? Also, Mathematica, 26 bytes: DamerauLevenshteinDistance
@LegionMammal978 oo, nice! 7 bytes shorter than the naive way
Q: Create an ASCII art unjumble!

SparklePonyGiven a string of ASCII art like such (This isn't ASCII art but it will do for the example): abc d e fgh Jumble it as if it was being displayed on a screen with one character per line, like so: a b c d e f g h Print the result, wait one second, ±0.5 seconds before clearing the terminal and...

Q: When integers join the queue

AdnanIntroduction A queue is an abstract data type where elements are added to the front (enqueue) and removed from the back (dequeue). This is also known as the FIFO (First In First Out) principle. It is best shown with an example: Challenge Given a non-empty array that contains positive int...

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