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Somehow I didn't see New Meta Posts' motto until now
New Meat Posts
Out of curiosity, who controls the feeds? I mean, obviously ROs can change which feeds are in here, but who controls the name/avatar/description of the user they come from?
@AdmBorkBork I know I've definitely seen 5-6s before
They do their own thing.
Mar 3 at 0:12, by New Main Posts
Q: Happy Birthday V!

DJMcMayhemV is a programming language that I wrote so that I could use and extend vim for code-golf challenges. The very first commit was on March 3rd, 2016, meaning that today V turns one year old! Woo-hoo Over V's first year of existence, there have been 176 commits from four different contributors, 140...

That's a 5
Sep 30 '16 at 18:12, by New Main Posts
Q: Now I know my ABCs, won't you come and golf with me?

ETHproductionsWrite a program or function that outputs this exact text, case-insensitive: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z. (Based on the alphabet song that many American kids learn to help memorize the alphabet, though edited for slightly more compressibility.) ...

Mar 9 at 19:14, by New Main Posts
Q: Solve an equation with (almost) any numbers you like

Helka HombaGiven a string of the characters +=- where there is at least one =, insert positive integers between all the symbols and at the start and the end such that the math equations are satisfied. For example, given the input +-=-= you need to insert positive integers A through F like this A+B-C=D-...

Ooh, good one
Dang, FizzBuzz was only a 6
Trying to think of other popular ones
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

SparklePonyGrow Some Flowers! Spring has recently arrived, and it is almost the time when flowers start to sprout. So I want you to help them grow. Your task: Given two numbers, m, and n, output m flowers randomly placed on an n*n grid. A single flower looks like this: & | A flower's position is defi...

I just found four challenges posted by Oiler V in the space of an hour
Three of them were at 0, the fourth at -3, so that doesn't help much
Hahahaha, I remember those days
oh hey
Mar 15 '16 at 19:00, by New Main Posts
Q: Zigzagify a Matrix

Martin BüttnerAs part of its compression algorithm, the JPEG standard unrolls a matrix into a vector along antidiagonals of alternating direction: Your task is to take a matrix (not necessarily square) and return it in unrolled form. As an example: [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3] should yield [1, 2, 5, 9, 6...

Scratch that, there's 2 more from half an hour later, both also at 0
fun times in irc (one of the people is a bot)... i.imgur.com/inaxaBw.png
@MartinEnder You're the current winner. 🥞
That looks like someone died a gruesome death in a beehive.
I can't get TNBDE to work for some reason...
Looks like a square to me.
They're pancakes...
Pancakes can be square.
@AdmBorkBork yes you can if you can figure out a way around it
"looks like a square to me"
@AdmBorkBork Looks like a bleeding emoji to me.
Like someone shot it.
U+9001 Combining bloodstain
@ConorO'Brien Someone saw Monday's XKCD :D
@ConorO'Brien U+1F609 U+1F93F
+1 1second after posting... someone can read fast
@DJMcMayhem vomiting and winking?
Alright, I'm officially giving up trying to find a 10-upvoter until I TNBDE is working again
@ETHproductions You could probably contact elendia about it in primes and squares. He's pretty active in there iirc
Huh, that's funny. Does imgur do some sort of compression on PNG files? I'm running my avatar through my program, and I get a darkish red background on my machine, but uploading it gives a black background ...
yes it does iirc
@AdmBorkBork .. tha'ts dark red >_>
it does compress, but lossless mostly
@DJMcMayhem Thanks, done
a lot of times transparent parts of png's are rendered differently
idk if that's what you're seeing or not
Oh, haha, weird. It's the difference in gamut between my two monitors.
I drag the tab over to my other monitor and it's dark red. Back to the one I normally use for web browsing and it's black.
Now I kinda want to go find that color test again and run it on my other monitor.
Does anyone know what codegolf.com was originally?
@ETHproductions Take a look: wayback machine
From 2008:
> Based on the original perl golf, Code Golf allows you to show off your code-fu by trying to solve coding problems using the least number of keystrokes.
Oh, thanks :)
Not sure why I didn't think to use the Wayback machine :P
Not surprisingly, shinh was pinned to the top of the leaderboard.
> To celebrate 1 year of no new challenges, here's a nicely difficult one for you
So it was like PPCG, but dedicated to code-golf instead of... well... being an SE site
Also with IRC instead of chat.SE
The site remained unchanged since '12 and died a few months after that.
Here's the latest list of challenges. Mostly Rosetta Code-ish stuff.
I take it shinh was the one who set up golf.shinh.org?
lol, where's that GET dubs challenge? My RGB post has 4 4s.
Q: GET your dubs together

sagikspOn 4chan, a popular game is get. Every post on the site gets a sequential post ID. Since you can't influence or determine them, people try to guess (at least a part of) their own post number, usually the first few digits. Another version of the game is called dubs, and it's goal is to get repeati...

You'll never beat this
Hah, nice.
until 99999999 :P
Off topic, but TIL: The Milwaukee protocol
Real life Dr. House (House, M.D. for you probably)
Does this challenge look like a to anyone else? I can't find it, but I think it is one...
I'd like to see another site like codegolf.com; like PPCG, but completely focused on code-golf, with built-in interpreters and such to automatically enforce the rules
And more interactive/newbie-friendly than golf.shinh.org
Whenever I read about medicine experiments, I imagine them turning into zombie apocalypse scenarios or worse. Thanks, Hollywood!
@JanDvorak This was kind of the exact reverse process
@mbomb007 There was that "print 5 letters" challenge, and maybe a "convert a number to an analog display"
I really feel like the entire font has been done, though...
@mbomb007 It's similar to five favorite letters
But a dupe?
That looks dupey
yeah, that's it
Yep, that's a duplicate
Q: Convert to a Fun Font!

JKonowitzThe task is to take an string input, such as this is a string, and produce a string output. The output should be the same words as the string, but in the following font: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ...

Wow, that was painful to try and vote on my phone. CSS fail.
@AdmBorkBork Wow, that red channel looks cool. That could be your avatar for Halloween or something.
WTF you don't have an actual ID document?
They have passports too, but not everyone has one obviously. And driver licenses.
which is why I use my passport for everything. And its way more convenient than bringing two forms of identification
Yeah, it counts as both forms.
It's also harder to lose than a SSN card
At the same time, it's been a few years since someone asked for my passport or ID (other than at the airport). I mostly travel by train, where I use my credit card to pay and identify.
I just let my ID expire and use my passport for everything. Credit card wouldn't work for me as I don't have one..
Well, my credit card is a combination (4 in 1) of (limited liability) credit card, chip&pin card, (the German tech known as) "money card" and wireless credit card (separate limit). I almost never carry cash, basically only this card, my ID and my health insurance card.
Health insurance card is also something I don't have, but I guess I'll have to get sooner or later..
Not sure if this is a dupe
We've had grading challenges before, but this is more about parsing the input
@ETHproductions Even if it's not a dupe, it's not really a great challenge either. It's basically taking two strings and finding how many characters are the same.
yeah, its absolutely about parsing the input
I'd leave it open
If the key was abccb and answer was acccb, they got 4 right.
Basically if you find all instances of /\w(?=\|)/g though, it becomes a grading challenge
Q: Grade My Scan-tron!

Anthony PhamStandardized testing usually comes with a scan-tron or some type of answer document that records your answer. A computer or human(s) would then check your answers and determine your grade. So here, given a scan-tron and the answer key, determine the score and questions missed if any. A scan-tron ...

@NewMainPosts Looked like Retina might be a good choice, but nope. The grade is a decimal, and it's not going to be short.
Please tell me your opinion, is this a dupe of this? It might not be a dupe, because the possible old asks for static output, and mine doesn't, but Keith Randall's answer from the old could be modified for mine.
Not a dupe
Yours is just one side
This looks like the source code for Pokemon Go. — Taylor Lopez 3 hours ago
I think I'm missing some context here...
I don't get it either
Could I get some more opinions about whether it's a dupe or not? Thanks in advance.
@mbomb007 Oh, good observation. I'll keep that in mind.
@SparklePony I'd say it's fine. If anything, I'd close the old one as a dupe of the new one, because I think the variable one is the better challenge. But closing the old one as a dupe doesn't seem right because that one was clearly dominated by compression algorithms, so you should be fine.
If the chance of winning something is 1 in 1000 then on average you'd play 500 times before winning, right? (Would you say 500 is the expected value?)
@SparklePony I personally don't like that n=0 is a weird edge case. The output should be simply _ to be consistent with the pattern of the others.
Or is it 1000...I'm confused
In probability theory and statistics, the geometric distribution is either of two discrete probability distributions: The probability distribution of the number X of Bernoulli trials needed to get one success, supported on the set { 1, 2, 3, ...} The probability distribution of the number Y = X − 1 of failures before the first success, supported on the set { 0, 1, 2, 3, ... } Which of these one calls "the" geometric distribution is a matter of convention and convenience. These two different geometric distributions should not be confused with each other. Often, the name shifted geometric distribution...
@HelkaHomba iirc no that's not it
I think 1000 is the guaranteed point of winning
There is no guaranteed point of winning.
> For the geometric distribution, the expected (mean) number of failures before the first success is E(Y) = (1-p)/p.
I said that wrong, oops
@MartinEnder so 1/1000 = 0.001 -> (1-p)/p = 0.999/0.001 = 999 expected failures before first success
> For the alternative formulation, where X is the number of trials up to and including the first success, the expected value is E(X) = 1/p.
So yes, 1000
So you should expect 999 failures?
I'm interested in writing an intro for Python golfing rules as a proof of concept -- where can I post it?
Oh, ninja
or you could use the site's unofficial blog
@ConorO'Brien I guess I'd make a new post for it?
@MartinEnder Thank you.
@xnor yeah, probably
> An asteroid is relocated into a geosynchronous orbit and affixed with supporting cables to hold the tower below
So this is how the dinosaurs were made extinct...
Great idea for a building, guys! Let's steer an asteroid at the Earth!
What could go wrong?!
CMC: starting at 0, increment it. Stop adding with a 1/1000 chance. After this, display the number. Repeat. (Expected output: something like 408\n159\n2722\n4659\n...)
@SparklePony "Whitespace does not matter, as long as the /\_are in the right place." I can't tell whether that means (consistent) leading spaces are allowed or disallowed.
@ConorO'Brien Ruby : loop{p (1..1/0.0).find{rand>0.999}}
Oh and I just saw this point: "Output can be ASCII or graphical." Please don't mix the two. They're very different tasks and the answers won't be comparable. Also, there is already a graphical version of the challenge.
"The height of the nth fractal should be the nth square number. (OEIS: A000290) I think." This doesn't check out for n=2.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Jörg HülsermannFind first string etBy totBert and make tBe tytBorte Given a nonnegative Integer as Input. You have two Tasks 1.Build the String for Input 0 or 3 or 6 2.Make a program that return the Output Input:1 or 4 or 7 and so on Output: tBe tytBorteo bhugat i bot bf tut.erh Tbe tut ertBe tytBorteo bhu...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Anthony PhamWhat are my legal chess moves? Chess is a game with 6 different types of pieces that can move in different ways: Pawns - They can only move up or capture diagonally (also forward). Capturing a piece behind them or beside them is illegal. The only exception is en passant. For this challenge, if...

It's more likely that it's going to be 3^(n-1), I think.
Q: Make Some Snow!

SparklePonyYour task: generate a Koch snowflake to the nth depth. You do not need to make a complete Koch snowflake, just one side of the starting triangle. Wikipedia on Koch flakes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Koch_snowflake. Rules: The program must generate one side of the Koch snowflake to the nth d...

Anyone here good at Clojure?
@ThomasWard Your package arrived, thanks!!
I'll send the $7.50 soon
@ConorO'Brien JavaScript, 49 bytes: for(;;){for(i=0;Math.random()>.001;i++);alert(i)}
@ConorO'Brien PowerShell, 39 bytes -- for(){for($i=0;(Random 1000);$i++){}$i}
@Ascii you just got outgolfed by powershell
I like how we had the same exact algorithm
@ConorO'Brien Yeah, because PowerShell is a golflang in disguise
I can cheat a bit, because Random 1000 is really [0,1000), so there's a 1/1000 chance that it's 0 and non-zero values are truthy so the loop continues until it's 0.
[0[1+][1000 rand]until show]loop in stacked
Actually, 38, because I can move $i++ into the loop body and trim a semi-colon.
Wait, no, that might fencepost.
No, if I do $i=1 instead of $i=0 then it should be fine.
I hate fenceposting.
0\n8\n0\n15\n19\n1000\n10\n19\n2\n11\n1\n4\n\n1\n2\n\n11\n6 in OIL, 42 bytes
Charcoal, 21 bytes: W¹«A⁰ιW‽¹⁰⁰⁰A⁺ι¹ιIιD⎚, 18 bytes: W¹«A⁰ιW‽φA⁺ι¹ιIιD⎚ but not on TIO yet
Not a codegolf language at all and more compact than Javascript, wow, I'm proud of my little language.
Plus thanks, it made me find a mistake
@ConorO'Brien ;_; my lang only outputs at the end ;_;
which lang?
@L3viathan link to interpreter?
@ConorO'Brien yes
except you spelled it wrong
I'm not putting the accent on it.
well enjoy being wrong
I enjoy my ASCII keyboard more than I enjoy being right
Ok then, but from now on you're Conor O"Brien
that has absolutely nothing to do with it
@ConorO"Brien I don't care
oh well
also I can't reply to you anymore
why not?
I'm en-us, I have no idea how to put an accent on a letter.
get one of those compose keys
@AdmBorkBork What do you do when you want to write ∴ or ¬ or ∀ or 𝄢?
lol I don't even know how to write those
Internet search for "Unicode Upside Down A" or whatever
I was using US-INTL, but it didn't have all the characters I need for RProgN2, like š, so I made my own keyboard.
Or I reword what I'm going to say
I have a math keyboard for windows that I made, it's quite nice
Or, back in University, I would use LaTeX
a ≤ b ∧ b ≤ c ⊃ a ≤ c
I have a program that expands abbreviations for things like that. Whenever I google for a symbol for the second time, I'll add an abbreviation for it
@MartinEnder: re your rules list for making into an FAQ, the default I/O methods post is clearly relevant; however I think that (like the loopholes post) it has a fairly worthwhile structure at the moment
Who needs a Math Keyboard when you have $\sum^{\LaTeX}_\text{MathJax}$
@ConorO'Brien Nice
I think it may be worth suggesting having a few "megaposts" like that (and the loopholes post) in order to decide the rules for certain areas; perhaps those posts are to determine the rules, and the consensus is summarized in a post
(I also have my own input method that can type German (äöüÖÄÜß) and Romanian symbols (ăĂșȘțȚÂâîÎ))
@ConorO'Brien Isn't that like "subset of" rather than "implies?"
I can do German fine with my RProgN keyboard, not all of Romanian though.
@AdmBorkBork I've seen it used as implies, and I've misplaced where the actual implication symbol is
⊃ is 'contained within' (member of backward)
@ais523 I don't know. I've completely lost track of that and I get a notification for each new answer.
@AdmBorkBork My logic teacher used it as implies, too. Different logic schools.
@MartinEnder the reason the post is useful is that you can quickly look it up to find the answer to a question on the topic, you don't have to go hunting all over Meta
I also made my $ a dead key, that lets me type currency symbols.
although perhaps making it unowned would be a good idea (maybe not, though; it'd be nice if multiple people could get notifications for that sort of post)
Ah. I think I've only seen a double-arrow ⇒ ... but, it's been many years since I've done any real maths.
How to make a keyboard that types everything in two keys: Key 1: swap character, Key 2: type character
the turning tarpit of keyboards?
@ais523 Probably :P
@SIGSEGV So inefficient
Just make it the binary of the Unicode characters
@ASCII-only Thats the point of the keyboard XD
Speaking of swapping characters, will using numlock to swap the characters on the numpad a nice idea?
@ETHproductions you see this?
@SIGSEGV I think you accidentally a word
@ASCII-only That would be fun. Ctrl+1100011 copies to the clipboard
Or just chorded keyboards
another 29 byte JS answer to my challenge, diff approach
@SIGSEGV do you happen to be Russian?
@Riker No, I haven't
@MartinEnder: By the way, I'm also in favour of language-specific rules summaries; perhaps we could have a Stack Snippet that filtered the list of rules to only the ones that were relevant to a particular language
@VisualMelon Good guess, but no
by the way, in terms of the whole programming language thing, my understanding of the current consensus is that we have a definition of what counts as a programming language, but the definition isn't actually used unless the challenge specifically disallows non-programming languages
wait really?
@ais523 I thought it was used except on kolmogorov complexity questions
there are two relevant meta posts; one says it's legal to use them on , the other that it's legal to use them anywhere
and those two opinions don't contradict
although the fact that it's so hard to figure out what the rules are is a good reason for having an explicit list!
(I just linked the two relevant meta questions to each other, they weren't before)
@MartinEnder on your paste bin: I'd change the wording for REPL to indicate that REPL is a different language.
@ais523 I've been cajoled into writing a challenge about/for you. Any requests? (chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/36329386#36329386)
not particularly, but you might find my user page on Esolang a useful source of inspiration (in addition to my activity on PPCG)
I like how rendering a lowercase letter is a "technical limitation" for a wiki ;)
MediaWiki is by default case-insensitive on the first letter of a word or phrase
because people keep putting links at the start of sentences
and having to manually correct the case each time would get very annoying
it's easy enough to change the case-sensitivity rules but you typically don't want to
Why don't you put {{lowercase}} in the article?
a) it's not an article; b) it didn't originally exist when that page was written; c) it's easy enough to fix the case on the user page, but not of my user name (which is the whole point)
also it's a joke
although given that {{lowercase}} actually works nowadays (and has done for years; that page was made a long time ago), the joke's kind-of lost the context that makes it funny, as the message in question is no longer everywhere on wikis like it used to be
{{DISPLAYTITLE:...}} has worked for a long time (at least since 2011), too (if $wgAllowDisplayTitle)
07:22, 19 May 2006‎ Ais523 (talk | contribs)‎ . . (262 bytes) (+262)‎ . . (created user page)
Not far off. The feature was released in MediaWiki 1.7, released in February 2007
right, although Esolang is often some distance behind the most recent release
@MendeleevLemon Glad to hear it, let me know if the card works :)
@MendeleevLemon No rush!
@ThomasWard works
I like how you wrote the name as "Mendeleev TNB"
The clerk was very confused :)
@MendeleevLemon well you didn't send me your full name with the address, so...
and a ship label has to have SOMETHING :P
I could have put "Authorized Recipient or NSA" but that would've pushed things.
@ASCII-only Error: state(users.ThomasWard) is 'Lazy'
in any case
delivered, hail chaos, i'mma go grab more coffee.

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