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Oh, OK
How long did it take to complete 5?
about 15 seconds
that's not too bad
@ETHproductions hmm, is that the feature that chrome has had since it was created?
but 6 must be incredibly more complex
@Poke probably :P
this code is running in O(n^n) time and space complexity
;) welcome back to the present, mozilla!
It is technically (n+1)^3n
@AdmBorkBork I used to, mainly for his tf2 stuff, still do sometimes
>> (6+1)**(3*6)
< 1628413597910449
OK then
That's a little more substantial than 46656
hi @ETHproductions
@fəˈnɛtɪk that's bad :)
Well the tab finally crashed.
Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing
surely someone has to submit a non javascript answer!
not that I don't know javascript of course :)
Let's see... the optimal algorithm would generate all hamming distance arrays, then take all combinations and find the largest one that has no close pairs
So I'm trying to figure out the time complexity of that...
it's bad.. but why not be greedy instead?
who needs optimal :)
@ETHproductions O(n^(n^2)) I think
Is there a... uh... polynomial formula for the number of possible combinations of any size of n items?
Oh, it's just 2^n
From my conversion to a graph I got a theoretical fastest program of about O(1.3^(n^n)) as I had converted it into the NP-complete problem of Maximal independent subset. For solving perfectly.
@ETHproductions The number of possible hamming arrays is exponential to begin with...
So brute force looks like it will end up being something like O(n^n^n).
Which is just insane
The greedy algorithm should give the best answer IMHO, but I don't know enough higher mathematics to know if this is accurate or even feasible
Is there an existing Lenguage compiler anywhere?
By greedy algorithm do you mean remove the points which have the most close points?
Yes, that's how I got 2,5,21
Because that fails at n=4, giving 67
Wait... really?
CMC: Name an RPG video game (one where you generally play as one main/hero character) that has no "infinite" drops anywhere in the game (i.e. the void in Minecraft, huge chasm in the landscape of Zelda, etc.)
It was the original algorithm I was using. I made some changes to restore points if they fell below the maximum
Factori... oh. RPG.
@HelkaHomba Original Legend of Zelda for the NES.
@HelkaHomba NetHack?
Uhh, cannot confirm any of these since haven't played
@fəˈnɛtɪk The maximum meaning... the number of points on the new [item with the most points]?
Pretty much any turn-based battle RPG?
Does Spelunky count as an RPG?
And Skyrim (as well other ES presumabely) certainly doesn't have any of those
There aren't any drops in the original Zelda, it's entirely flat two-dimensional top-down.
At each step it finds the point with the most connections. It then removes that point and adds back any points which had less remaining connections
Q: How great is your land?

Stewie GriffinIn this challenge, you'll calculate how great your land is. Write a program or function that calculates the size of your land, give a wall you have built. You're given a non-empty input string containing a set of 4 distinct characters of your choice that represent the four directions "up", "do...

@BasicSunset Paper mario had plenty of drops
@HelkaHomba Oh that's true. But most don't.
I thought Paper Mario wasn't turn-based
It has turn-based combat
@JanDvorak Sure
Great. Because spel... oh. Area 3. Nvm.
Is there a binaryfuck compiler?
I turned it into a graph so it is removing the vertex with the most adjacent vertices and replacing removed vertices which had less than the one which was just removed.
Honestly I think I might just attempt to figure out the formula for the number of Hamming distance arrays of length n
Lembik had a program that calculated this for any n, lemme see if I can find it
The first few are 1, 2, 9, 48, 297, 2040, 15425, 125232
Alright, that should be enough to go on, for now
hmm.. the numbers 2,5,21,81,372 start at a different n?
it's 372 out of 2040?
ok that makes sense
@ETHproductions so did you try a less expensive greedy approach?
exhaustive enumeration can't be the way forward
it's too exhausting :)
@Lembik hmm... "less expensive"? If you're talking about complexity, I don't think you can get less expensive
I think fəˈnɛtɪk's approach might be optimal, but of course I was wrong about my own being optimal
I know that my approach is going to start failing for higher values.
@ETHproductions Why not be greedy? Here is a method. Choose a random P and T and see if the resulting hamming distance sequence is far from all the ones you have seen. If it is, add it to the set
@fəˈnɛtɪk Oh OK, why's that?
@ETHproductions that's much cheaper
(ignoring e.g. memory issues, of course)
Otherwise I have solved an NP-complete problem in polynomial time...
You haven't
@Lembik Ohhh, for generating the Hamming distance arrays.... my bad
Wait, now I've confused myself
@fəˈnɛtɪk I'm assuming NP-complete means something along the lines of "can't be solved optimally without brute-force"
@ETHproductions NP-complete as in this problem is known to belong to Nondeterministic polynomial time. If I somehow managed to solve it in polynomial time (I haven't), I have proven that P=NP
Congrats! Can I have some of your prize money?
Q: Find a Four-Leaf Clover!

SparklePonySince today is St. Patrick's day, you will try to find a four leaf clover. And because you don't want to sit in the grass and sort by hand, you will write some code to do it for you. Your challenge: write a program that output the coordinate location of the following character: 🍀, in a field of...

So let's see... NP = solvable in polynomial time, NP-hard = at least as hard as the hardest NP problem, whether NP or not, and NP-complete is both? So... an NP-complete problem is in the set of the hardest polynomial-time problems. Am I understanding correctly?
Also, I made a mistake. It's a NP-hard problem and not a NP-complete problem.
@ETHproductions It means something similar.
@ETHproductions np = solution can be verified in polynomial time
but we don't need provably optimal solutions and the problem isn't np-hard anyway :)
it's just hard
@JanDvorak oh, ok
The provably optimal solution for what I turned it into is NP-hard. But you can get pretty close with polynomial time
Ah, P = solvable in polynomial time
So, you discovered a PTAS for the maximum independent set problem?
@JanDvorak I don't anyone claimed that
I'm just asking if they did
do people just not like my greedy approach?
What I meant is that for the values we are working with it is pretty close
> It might have made sense when people used shell accounts on vaxes with globally readable password files attached to thick ethernets that ran through unlocked janitors closets in student housing, but it makes little sense now.
or is it not clear what I am actually suggestnig?
I like fast approximate solutions
@JanDvorak ok so that's what I am suggesting
fast, greedy and randomized
it just needs a little coding, but not much
for example, "yes" approximates the solution to the Collatz conjecture to a very high degree.
of course my method may be nowhere near optimal but this needs to be tested
I am just hoping someone will code it up and see!
@Lembik My initial solution was a non-random implementation of the greedy algorithm for the Maximum Independent Set problem.
@fəˈnɛtɪk ok.. the point about the random one is that you can just run it for as long as you can bear
and the answer will get slowly better
@JanDvorak I have most of a proof that infinite divergent trajectories can't exist, but for obvious reasons I'm 99% sure that something's wrong with it
> The Get-ExBlog cmdlet opens your default browser to display the Exchange Team blog. This cmdlet works only if the Exchange management tools are installed.
Why is that a thing?!
@AdmBorkBork whaaaaaat
I mean, on the flipside, I can open a browser window just by typing exblog ... so, yay?
Why not just type chrome?
or iexplore or MicrosoftEdge or whatever you use
exblog is golfier
ie? or edge?
I call it IEdge
Holy crap. Younger Sister A is wrong about something we were talking about. Gets mad at me since she was wrong. Younger Sister B gets mad at me since I was right
@JanDvorak IEdge, YouChrome
Siblings do you even logic?
@Mego Nice.
I'm not sure how far ranting about siblings will get you in here. Especially since we don't know them
Why can I VTC but not VTO
@DJMcMayhem Didn't mean it as a rant :P just confused as it is a daily thing
@DownChristopher Wizard's Third Rule.
I have a lot of sisters so I know what that's like
@AdmBorkBork what?
@DownChristopher From The Sword of Truth series. Wizard's Third Rule is "Passion rules reason."
@AdmBorkBork I got to the Sword Of truth link but never found the excact tnaks
The books feature a series of "Wizard's Rules"
One of them, the Third Rule, is "Passion rules reason."
It's a good rule
Yeah. It explains a lot of PPCG
I mean have you looked back at the answers and pretended that you have no idea what code is?
CMC: What is the rank (bronze/silver/gold) of everyone's most exclusive badge (badge that the least amount of other people have achieved)
Silver for me (Strunk & White)
Runner-up would be gold
Bronze (Proofreader)
For myself it is Bronze (Proofreader)
> Sheriff: Served as an elected moderator for at least 1 year
Oh wait, that's not true
I can't remember whether or not we've had a moderator election :P
There are 11 with proofreader and only 10 with synonymizer. That's my rarest
Q: Jagged Mountaintop

user67090a.) Given an input integer n, output an array of random integers from 0 to n without repeating any integers. The array should be n + 1 in length. Assign the array created to the variable y. input: 7 y: 6 2 1 7 0 3 5 4 input: 12 output: 3 11 0 7 6 8 2 1 10 12 4 5 9 b.) Ass...

Mine's Socratic also (surprisingly not Constable).
Silver (Outspoken)
@HelkaHomba I am gonna get that eventually. :)
It might take me a while though
Oh, my bad, I have bronze with a total population of 12
I hope to be the first to get steward, but Martin will probably beat me
Apparently Socratic is tied for bronze [graphical-output], heh
I bet I can get second though
@HelkaHomba I'm closing in on that, currently at 41
kinda lame
Martin is really close
I'm gaining on him but I'm really far behind
Does anyone know for certain they were the first to get a particular type of badge (any rank) on PPCG? (socratic for me :D)
We all are
@HelkaHomba Martin was the first Legendary.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

DLoscIsland golf #1: Circumnavigation code-golf path-finding ascii-art optimization grid Given an island in ASCII-art, output an optimal path to circumnavigate it. Input Your input will be a rectangular grid consisting of two characters, representing land and water. In the examples below, land is ...

I was first in nothing
@Doorknob That'll be sheriff pretty soon here
@HelkaHomba I was close on the bronze decision-problem (there were six who got it originally), but I didn't earn it right away
@HelkaHomba I was the first bronze [popularity-contest], apparently. Not sure how proud of that I am :P
I'm fairly certain I was way late on all the others I have
@DownChristopher Good luck
It's near impossible to get a 0-score accepted answer, though I have one I think
We can help by downvoting all your accepted answers :P
@fəˈnɛtɪk So none?
If you ever get any
Tip: build boring answers that piggyback off the existing ones, but in a language where the technique is shorter
Its hard to get an accepted answer. The one time I did it was an accident
How long does a question have to be up before an answer can be accepted?
20 min?
I don't know that there's a time limit (there probably is though)
I was rather close to getting Tumbleweed a few months ago. The first upvote on my question came over 24 hours after I posted it.
updated chromium... and 2 gb ram usage with 3 tabs
@ETHproductions you have 2 0 score accepted
@DownChristopher Not sure there is a limit but on PPCG I'd wait at least a week
I wonder if I could be third to a gold string badge
@HelkaHomba No a real time limit
@fəˈnɛtɪk Do I? I've no clue how to check that
I think it is 20 minute
Go to your answers tab and sort by votes?
Besides going to my answer tab and... yes :P
There must be a quick way to see all your accepted answers, a query if nothing else
Wow... do I really have 15? I thought I had about 5
I have 0
I think I have 1 over the network...
@ETHproductions I have 422 answers, 3 of them accepted.
Yay verbose languages.
Were those 3 in PowerShell? (I don't know if you use any other languages)
I have 12. Every single one of them is in V
No wait, that's not true
2 in MATL, 2 in Vim
@ETHproductions I've written a couple answers in BATCH, I think one or two in Vbscript, and I think one each in Python and Java. So, yes, almost exclusively PowerShell.
All my accepted answers were in PS
I have two accepted answers and both of them are in Brain-Flak
I have zero accepted answers because there's not enough love for Java
shame on all of you
@Dennis Oh, I just went through mine manually, haha
esolang idea: a language that can look at previously executed commands and re-execute them
@NathanMerrill PowerShell can do that.
how does that work with loops?
@NathanMerrill related
Vim can do that. :)
I was more thinking along the lines of passing them a multi-dimensional array. The first element would be the main function, and then its children would be each of the commands its executed. If any of those commands were functions, it would have more children for its contents
so, instead of restricting languages to a 2D line of commands executed, you really have the entire history and stack trace of execution
Is that different from goto statements? (effectively functions)
> The next revision of the language (Fortran 2015) is intended to be a minor revision and is planned for release in mid-2018.
@Dennis Oh cool, thanks!
@Poke I have a new challenge that is crying out of a Java solution!
@Geobits You live!
Huh? It doesn't look like he's in here now
@DJMcMayhem Don't you remember, he's dead
@DownChristopher Do I?
My internet won't be turned on until the 27th, so I'm not sure this is what you'd call living
6 is being difficult
@Geobits Oh nevermind i guess you are not living
Q: "Windows" as a programming language?

Luis MendoI was going to give the green tick mark to the winning submission of this language, but I am unsure what to do. The shortest submission is this, which claims to use "Windows language", but I doubt that Windows can be considered a language. What do you think? I know our official definition of pro...

Q: Is Ctrl-C one keystroke or two?

Luis MendoPreliminary question: is it valid to score Excel in keystrokes? I guess it is, but I'm not sure what our policy is. Assuming it is (or, in general, for languages that are scored in keystrokes), does Ctrl-C count as one keystroke or two? If it is two, would uppercase "A" be two keystrokes as wel...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

ETHproductionsFind the optimal pattern code-golf string Given a string s composed of lowercase letters, such as aabaaababbbbaaba and a positive integer n, such as 4, output a length-n string t such that when t is repeated to the length of s, they have as many chars in common as possible. For the given e...

Wow, that was literally instantaneous
It wasn't. I see a ... -3 seconds delay???
Q: Golf you some subtraction!

FedaYou must subtract 2 numbers that are inputted and output the result. Rules are standard golf and I/O rules

@NewMainPosts I'm amazed this stayed open that long
@quartata It took me forever to find the dupe
My search-fu is apparently weak today
I searched for a duplicate but couldn't find it. And personally I don't see how "add" is a dupe of "subtract" :-)
@Mego and your spelling too :-P
@LuisMendo a-b == a+-b
@LuisMendo Huh?
But that would be pre-processing the input
^^ Sorry, it's my spelling which is wrong
@LuisMendo That's not what I meant
I confused "weak" / "week"
Swapping the sign of one of the inputs is a trivial change
It's really just restricting the domain
^^ Of course. I agree the challenge is trivial, and maybe even deserves being closed. I just don't see it's a dupe of that one
Not that it matters much, anyway
To quote Stewi @Mego & cc/Wheat Wizard... This is quite different in binary, unless the language can do binary maths. Nowhere is it said that this should be done in decimal. I'm attempting to solve this with simply bit-wise operations, although I'm struggling to keep it short, while handling negative results. (And no, that's not a loophole. I believe the loophole is to use a base that makes the challenge trivial
@DownChristopher "It's not a trivial modification in this one instance where I've intentionally crippled myself" doesn't mean it's not a trivial modification in general.

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