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Well I accepted my summer research offer from Carnegie Mellon, seems lit.
:o nice!
@PhiNotPi I will never stop associating Carnegie Mellon with watermelons >_>
@Downgoat it's basically a watermelon
@PhiNotPi good luck with your research
^ if you happen to be part of Mathematicas R&D team and are researching on how to improve goat detectors, feel free to contact me, I have large sample set of goat pictures
In other news, I tried to explain branch prediction failure to CS teacher today
We have to do some operations on an unsorted matrix, and she is saying to use if instead of exponentiation. I feel unjust if class becomes programmer and makes their programs run 4x slower because CS teacher lied to them
@Downgoat I will let you know (the keyword is "if").
btw @Riker @ГригорийПерельман did you have any problems installing the app? (take your time if needed, just wondering)
my ipad is in hawaii
long story
not sure how to respond
(totally want to hear story)
@Riker stolen?
... and you left it in hawaii?
family accidentently took it in their bag
@Mendeleev oyi
won't be back til sunday or something
@Riker your family or a random family?
@ThomasWard ?
you has chess moves to make
also your desktop adapter card will be here in a couple days
link please? I'm on my laptop
@ThomasWard :))
Thanks :D
like Monday
and i'll send you it once i get it
I'll send you the 7.50 as soon as i can
dude seriously no rush
ocrap 450MB of updates on my laptop o.O
@ThomasWard what OS?
@Mendeleev Ubuntu 16.04 :)
Cool, I use Arch
@ThomasWard oh you can fix that by doing apt-get install, it'll remove kernel so no OS to update
wait, seriously?
he knows from experience >_>
in PPCG TF2 Server, Dec 24 '16 at 2:23, by Downgoat
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ No I only deleted the kernel
in PPCG TF2 Server, Dec 24 '16 at 2:23, by Downgoat
apparently you can just apt-get install the kernel
 ~ % sudo pacman -S
error: no targets specified (use -h for help)
pacman != apt-get
I know, I'm just sauing
 ~ % pacman -Qi linux
Name            : linux
Version         : 4.10.1-1
Description     : The Linux kernel and modules
Architecture    : x86_64
URL             : kernel.org
Licenses        : GPL2
Groups          : base
Provides        : None
Depends On      : coreutils  linux-firmware  kmod  mkinitcpio>=0.7
Optional Deps   : crda: to set the correct wireless channels of your country
Required By     : nvidia-340xx  virtualbox-host-modules-arch
Optional For    : None
Conflicts With  : None
@Mendeleev were you intending to take back your move or mine?
I accidentally clicked the button
@ThomasWard hahahahahaha, I did that once
@Mendeleev ah
well it's your turn. again :)
i see
and again :)
i feel evil
@Mendeleev knows why
Will flag if... oh wait
aaaand there's the other reason I feel evil. At least, for the next six seconds :P
@Mendeleev good match, by the way :)
very well played, though I wouldn't have moved that bishop at the last move, if you hadn't the game could've gone on longer.
There was no chance of me winning anyway
well there was, but I ran out of alcohol on Monday, and I usually am drinking by now :P
so alas, my brain is at full power :)
same to you, @Mendeleev
Thank you
I'm happy to continue our games, or you can find another opponent :)
I need to do homework, sorry, we might play again later
Any time :)
I'm going to wait for my food, and watch the Twilight Zone :)
so apparently someone flagged:
> A challenge where you dont get the amount and output the goats but reverse
I'm curious for context
Is meta working? I'm getting ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS in chrome and clearing my cookies/cache didn't help.
Wait, restarting Chrome worked. Wait, no it didn't
@HelkaHomba I was hearing earlier today people were having that issue
it was the move to codegolf.meta.SE I believe
@HelkaHomba Disable HTTPS Everywhere.
@Dennis Ah, that did it. but :s
Brb stealing everyone's passwords >:P
Ah, great
You know how some websites can run on all browsers but specifically contain code to only let you access it with IE?
My state's school system's online testing practice page does that, but with Chrome
And when I try to use Chrome on this computer, it makes Ubuntu hang and Win7/10 BSOD; I'm currently using Firefox
No idea what to do (don't even have the disk space to reinstall Chrome at this point)
Spoof the user agent?
Good idea
I'm Pretty sure TacO is as close to "Almost Turing Complete" as a programming language can get.
Any Turing-Computable Algorythm that does not require infinite time is computable, theoretically.
@ATaco Wouldn't that statement mean that the language solves the general Halting Problem?
Nope, because it's not Turing Complete.
Because it cannot solve any problem that requires infinite time, EG. a Truth Machine.
Although its own Halting problem can be redumentally solved as true.
As in, if all and only all halting Turing machines are computable, then it would solve the Halting Problem
A Truth Machine is one of the most basic Turing Computable algorythms, as such, This definitely does not solve the halting problem.
@LegionMammal978 they might be using window.chrome
If you find a way to output infinitely many things in finite time, then it may be possible.
As in, not all finite-time Turing machines can be computable
If all finite-time machines are, then the Halting Problem is solved
Also, anyone here got a sample Chrome user agent string I can use?
If someone wants to take a Stab at giving TacO an infinite loop however, I can free it from it's strange TC Limbo.
Halting problem is only undecidable in a turing complete context however
            window.addEventListener('message', function(message) {
                if (message && message.data && message.data.event === "ChromebookSetup") {
How to spoof this
Maybe send the window a message event with an object?
@LegionMammal978 Write to your state's board of education to explain that a testing practice page needn't have so much security. Wait 0-12 years. Profit. (I'm assuming it requires chrome for security concerns.)
@LegionMammal978 That should work
@HelkaHomba Considering it contains a "secure browser exit," that's probably the case
Also, I figured out how to send the message:
window.dispatchEvent(new MessageEvent('message',{'data':{'event':'ChromebookSetup'}}));
I got the link un-hiding code to run
The problem is, the page doesn't have the links to un-hide in the first place
I'm not sure that TacO can do Prime Factorization.
How interesting.
Is there anything you can do with strings yet?
besides print?
@MistahFiggins wanna play lichess?
Sure thing
will I make a game or will you?
You can iterate through, and concatenate.
And index.
wtf I'm trying to quickly do a puzzle and it doesn't work
And build them, with "..."
@MistahFiggins lichess.org/U1s8BPUd
wait a minute did I pick regular
oh good I didn't
This Factorizes an input, think you can turn this into Prime Factorization?
This is a generic mutation of the last that gets all the primes between and inclusive of 2 and n.
It may be possible for Prime Factorization.
@MistahFiggins DO THE KNIGHT OMG
are they still palying?
they're on thir ninth rematch I think
@MistahFiggins @DestructibleLemon Can I play the winner? THis looks insanely fun
@Mendeleev sure, If he wins at least
Someone play me battleship - en.battleship-game.org/id23521391
@HelkaHomba so I just click the link? or is someone already playing
Visit link and hit "play" I think
(and arrange ships first)
also this has funny rules
one space ships? heresy
ahh, it was russian, thats why the ships were weird
try clicking that @HelkaHomba
there we go
@DestructibleLemon The Russian rules are better
@Mendeleev HERESY
I forgot to change up the grid
aw you left
that was me maybe
can't play rn sorry
@DestructibleLemon I'm playing this one I think
(Although it's not up to date with the latest Version, so it doesn't run ;-;)
(Now it will run)
I have one of those battleship games thats computery
it has advanced weapons which are pretty fun
like the flight sqaudrons
@ATaco doesn't seem to work
Try it again..?
Running fine for me.
@HelkaHomba play please?
@DestructibleLemon looking for other games
Like can other people see and play agariohub.net/S4005B/default-mode ?
can't find you
> The SQLs are never as good as the original.
I'm :)
how to spit?
spit not split
what is box?
purple stuff!
my mass goes down
@DestructibleLemon Well, I'm Russian, so they're the only ones I've ever used
@DestructibleLemon w
nee more people @PhiNotPi @ATaco agariohub.net/S4005B/default-mode
how do you easily merge?
how did helka get so big...
you eat viruses. You can't easily merge.
@MistahFiggins I think it just happens, the only thing you can speed up is how quickly they merge when they start
Viruses are 100 food each.
I ate a lot of big purple stuff
They split you into pieces though.
The purple stuff isn't in vanilla agario
Let's play diep.io!
Have a private server link?
You're on!
Someone can come eat me
@HelkaHomba rejoins
one sec
on left side or map, its hard to break down
you can't chase me now, Mistah!
@DestructibleLemon I beg to differ
how much to eat a virus?
I'm grapes
@DestructibleLemon Do you guys have a private diep.io server?
@DestructibleLemon more people = more fun IMO
is there a way to join the same public server?
Mendeleev is probably making one from scratch if I know him
@HelkaHomba are you just playing on a public one?
You'll never find me
@DestructibleLemon What the hell is a mystery box?
I think you need an account
@HelkaHomba what mode?
Couldn't find custom diep.io or slither.io sites
@DestructibleLemon What an unfortunate spawn for me
are you kidding me?
I wonder if a big circle could even reach me here
without splitting
ugh great I just got hooked on diepio again
@HelkaHomba @MistahFiggins @DestructibleLemon diep.io/#D21223BBBB30365A307684
@Mendeleev that redirects me to plain diep.io
It's a party link.
who is team
I was killed by JP Morgan Chase ._.
are you in the server?
Ii just left
Did we just win?
Q: Big base, small digits

algorithmsharkThe J language has a very silly syntax for specifying constants. I want to focus on one cool feature in particular: the ability to write in arbitrary bases. If you write XbY for X any number and Y any string of alphanumerics, then J will interpret Y as a base X number, where 0 through 9 have the...

@ThomasWard Should I use vmfs5 or vmfs6?
I have an idea
Is holding an annual competition a good idea?
(btw, would asking in meta be better? you know, people here are more than people in meta)
Also, if we make a tag for it, what would the name be? ?
Q: Should we hold an annual contest?

Matthew RohI recently had the idea of making an annual contest in PPCG, like the Google Code Jam. But I went through this question. "Should we really hold an annual contest? If we should, how?" Could you tell me if we should make one or not, and if yes, with some possible ways to do it?

@MatthewRoh Well we kinda already have one
@ASCII-only Really?
Do you mean the New year special ones?
My idea was a bit different
Its more like a real contest, like the Google Code Jam
Code-Bowling for a program that has the same non-error output no matter how you re-arrange any of the characters in the program.
@AlbertRenshaw yeah no
that probably would just be a golflang program with infinite ones
Quiz: what is the worst language for pangram code-bowling?
I think not
I think the answer is whitespace
I'd say that Unary fares much worse
Whitespace (generally) uses more bytes, and whitespaces are 3 points down while 0 is 1 point down
I'd not say always, but it's usually the case.
How many zeroes do you think there will be?
@MatthewRoh I thought whitespace is 0 points/character, 0 is -3 points per repeat
@DestructibleLemon I'm posting it w/ your note in mind and I've added the rule that a subset of the program must not be able to complete the task (have the same output). Thanks for input, I think that will fix that problem!
@AlbertRenshaw one specific subset or every subset?
Yep - 0 costs 3, while costs only 1
Even just one specific subset (aka ALL subsets must not accomplish it)
@AlbertRenshaw seems very hard for golflangs...
Also, it's super-hard to tell if a submission Unary is even valid
Q: Chemistry 101 - Introduction to the Periodic Table

James WebsterQuestion Given the atomic number of an element in the range [1-118] output the group and period, of that element as given by the following Periodic Table Of Elements. For elements in the Lanthanide and Actinide series, (ranges [58-71] and [90-103]), you should instead print L for the Lanthanide...

Q: Rearrangeable Code Bowling

Albert RenshawCode-Bowling Challenge Write a program or function that produces the same output, no matter how you re-arrange the source code. Challenge Rules This output should be non-nil, non-empty, and non-error. Removing characters should cause a different output (or no output / or an error) to occur....

...okay then
@JanDvorak What do you mean
Does removing some characters from a Unary submission yield a shorter Unary code that performs the same task? Unless you're really good at golfing Brainfuck, you won't be able to tell.
@JanDvorak What challenge is this for though
@MatthewRoh can you explain the ∞ solution to my code-bowling?
or @JanDvorak
Try running that in Golfscript
Okay I see the issue thanks; I'll re-word in a bit and re-post
Brainfuck: tons of periods
@JanDvorak Unary can't get a positive score though
Unary: 'nuff said.
I have an easy solution where a penalty will start incurring if you repeat characters
but I want to do a little more research before I repost
Just as a note: when voting, vote based on the post itself, not based on its current score.
@AlbertRenshaw For your convenience:here
@MatthewRoh Thank you, I think the best way to avoid this is to have each character increase the score by +1, but each repeat character decreases the score by -1 (aka it doesnt count). So source-code 111111111111111 would only have a score of 1
Does anyone see room for abuse after that rule is added?
...Its just the pangram rule then
@AlbertRenshaw Why don't you post your challenge in the sandbox? You will get more feedback that way
@Downgoat I'm not usually the one promoting goat related stuff.
hi all
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Albert RenshawChallenge: "Rearrangeable Code Bowling", code-bowling pangram Write a program or function that produces the same output, no matter how you re-arrange the source code. (Output can't be an error) Removing any part of the source code however should cause that specific output to not be produced. ...

Thanks @Fatalize
@flawr Perth?
Euch apparently the plural for "consensus" is "consensuses"
Seems awfully unwieldy
I would prefer something like "consenses", it would make more sense IMO
@Downgoat Goat is smarter than VSauce
@fergusq By program, are you talking about the entire program, or just the process that performs the infinite calculations?
Q: Round the string

MatthiasSome decimal numbers cannot be precisely represented as binary floats due to the internal representation of the binary floats. For example: rounding 14.225 to two decimal digits does not result in 14.23 as one might expect but in 14.22. Python: In: round(14.225, 2) Out: 14.22 Assume, however,...

@KritixiLithos he's talking about magic
ok did someone just star their own sandbox post when new sandbox posts posted it?
... maybe?
@KritixiLithos VGoat. Goatsson here.
surely some python lovers want to have a go at my question?
or just anyone with an easy general purpose programming language
Nah, its just too hard.
Even if we could, we have no hope since Mathematica will dominate them
Congratulations to @MartinEnder on 2¹⁷ rep!
@betseg I think you're about 400 rep too late to the party
Oh yeah, speaking of power rep, I have 5^5 rep!
I have 19357^1 rep on SO
@JanDvorak :O TIL you have 19356 rep
How do I make useful stuff in GoL using Golly
btw, I have thought of a sequence called 'Hypersequence' which the amount goes extremely high just from index 3
H_1 = 2*2, H_n = 2 (H_n-1 amounts of uparrows) 2
Something like the Ackermann function?
Imagine H3, H3 is 2 (H2 amounts of uparrows) 2, H2 is 2 (4 uparrows) 2, which is 2 (3 uparrows) 2 (3 uparrows) 2, which is already extremely large, but that amounts of uparrows? Hell no.
btw, I want some reps to get to 750, but how?
I have some plans
1. Lotsa edits
2. Make a good question (Current question in mind: Pong in Game of Life)
@MatthewRoh I don't think that people are really interested in having a third large scale GOL question
What could be an appropriate name for a function that returns a list of n-length subsequences in the parameter list? (Eg. n=3, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] -> [1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 4, 3, 4, 5])
@fergusq flat_each_slice ?
so it should return [1,2,3,2,3,4,3,4,5] and not [[1,2,3],[2,3,4],[3,4,5]]?
@fəˈnɛtɪk Yes.
So it finds subsequences and flattens. so maybe name should have to do with that.
@MatthewRoh I don't think anybody can ever make "useful stuff" in GoL. Really.
For example, what I did by answering the clock challenge isn't useful to anyone. It's just fun.
Q: Uni-Dimensional String Golf

Marcos MYou have to simulate playing golf over a random string (the green). The green is guaranted to contain one and only once the two char secquence '()' representing the hole. This is a sample green: ABCDEFGHIJKLM()NOPQRSTUVWXYZ The simultaion consists in outputing each character where the ball fa...

Q: Object oriented programming in python

MannyI have this lab test which creates a shopping cart, adds items and removes items as the case may be. I have written the code and double checked every line but the lab test fails to submit. Here is the code class ShoppingCart(object): def __init__(self): self.total = 0 self.i...

@dim Nonsense. GoL is TC, so you can make (theoretically) anything.
@AdmBorkBork Is it truly useful if it takes forever to do something?
Depends upon how patient you are.
@AdmBorkBork Erm... Yeah, but this "anything" would certainly better be developed with something else. Don't you think so?
Sure. I'm not disputing that.
I'm disputing "I don't think anybody can ever make 'useful stuff'"
I mean, there's a reason why we don't all program in assembly
Assembly is still useful in the sense that some very low-level things can only be devloped using it, even if it's not practical. It's not the case for GoL. That's what I meant.
Ah, I think you're meaning "useful" as in "practical" yes?
Rather than strictly "It can do something"
Yes. It was a half-baked joke. I meant useful as in "useful for mankind". Which should obviously not be an objective when doing GoL.
Sure of what? That making designs in GoL aren't useful for mankind? Well, I'm not really sure, you're right. I'm not sure of many things, anyway.
But yeah it's almost certainly possible but horribly inefficient
@dim Are you sure that you're not sure?
Actually, no, I'm not even sure I'm not sure.
Oh dear.
@fəˈnɛtɪk If then, how do things like the thing in the golly main website logo?
How are imports handled with lambdas in python?
Can i have an import and a lambda or do lambdas need to be self-contained?
(for godegolf purposes ofc)
@Downgoat Do you know if anything supports ES2017 shared memory and atomics yet? Chrome claims to have it but it needs a flag
@MatthewRoh I can't really see how it's done because it is too small, but I think each 11 loops simply contains the pixels of each line, and there is a glider duplicator and glider to LWSS converter to generate the scrolling golly logo.
(which is most certainly made out of LWSS)
While Googling it I saw some weird file in TypeScript's repo about it which I didn't understand since the feature needs native code and TS can't do that
@quartata I believe if you are willing to compile V8 from source that works
Q: Number crossing

Kushal BhabraChallenge: Create a plus sign with 2 positive integers. Inputs: 1452 and 2583 Output : 2 1452 8 3 The common digit is determined by first digit matched from input 1 in input 2. If there is no match, do not print anything. Shortest code wins!

@Downgoat fun
So probably need to wait about 2 years then?
WebWorkers suck.
A: Unnamed Functions in Code Golf

MegoHere's what I (and the majority of the community) have been going by, which I think works well: Named functions/lambdas are acceptable (def foo(n): n+1, foo = lambda n: n+1, int foo(int n) { return n+1; }, auto foo = [](int n){ return n+1; }). Unnamed functions/lambdas are acceptable (lambda n:...

It's not too bad only takes around 30min tops(I think, I once compiled for Cheddar idk if I remember)
No I mean for the feature to be in browsers.

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