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@ATaco nine
he's gonna get a pingflood soon
@Riker Thanks
@Riker won tho with the first one :P
@Riker Must... resist... pinging... @Downgoat...
@WheatWizard honestly, I'd say he got that, since he edited 2 seconds before you undeleted
DownTaco Deployed
also damnit now you're like impossible to distinguish
@DownTaco The image is not working
you're all red and black
3/4 names start with Down
and @DownChristopher looks almost exactly like the real downgoat
@Riker Yeah your right. He was nice and said he would edit it thought.
ah, okay
@DownTaco No, missing image icon
@Riker yeah it kinda does
Not this meme again!
I kind of changed my name earlier today
Seems to be fine for me.
@ГригорийПерельман nah I don't care it's good
Just loaded lol
@DestructibleLemon this is not a meme it it just a life change
-.- what happened to red tags
sorry for pingflood btw @ГригорийПерельман
ok, 1 more complaint: I have to tab more for each of you @DownChristopher @DownTaco
and also, shouldn't it be @ADownTaco
@Riker Shush
This is getting kind of ridiculous
Whats wrong with it
it's just really annoying
there's nothing wrong per se, it's just somewhat irritating
especially because people rely on avatars to identify people
and now you both hurt our eyes and are confusing
I do not see anything wrong with this
> there's nothing wrong per se
Do you have a problem with my life choices?
(I am making a joke)
yeah it's really not funny though
Succumb to the Downgoatness
Change your profile pic
I don't rely on avatars, they keep giving me broken image links due to firewall :P
Taco has UnDOwnGoated now.
It's probably for the best.
@ГригорийПерельман Pass
@fəˈnɛtɪk I do, because I can't read people's names without glasses >_>
I can't either apparently
I can't change my name back
also @fəˈnɛtɪk wot's with your name lol
@DownChristopher Pick a different site or ask a mod
@DownChristopher You have to wait a month
Thank goodness
@ГригорийПерельман That would suck
@DownChristopher ... it's not fixed
@fəˈnɛtɪk I don't like any kind of beer.
You do have to wait a month between username changes
@Riker i just needed to fix the name
it's not fixed >_>
says "Down Christopher" for me
Down Christopher is the right one
ah ok
what was the wrong one then?
@ГригорийПерельман there's a 5 minute grace period
@Riker The flipped version
@flawr ... chocolate disguised as beer?
@ГригорийПерельман hehe
@Riker :Ɑ
btw why are you so blue?
because I am a mod now
Mod of vegetarianism.se
and it's very depressing
thus the blueness
... she sure looks happy, I sure am blue...
@ГригорийПерельман yah
@flawr lol
Just make me the mod a ve.se
@Riker so you're veganarian?
Are you longing for meat already?
@flawr yes
Nothing bad will happen nothing at all
@JanDvorak no since in-n-out sells grilled cheeses
@Riker do you eat cheese?
yes, not vegan, just vegetarian
Vegetarians eat cheese vegans don't
do you like cheese?
@Riker I can't say I would be a vegetarian but i do respect the power it takes to avoid eating meat
@JanDvorak bacon
@flawr ... I'm eating a random piece of smoked gouda right now does that count
@DownChristopher can't say I won't miss bacon :(
@Riker that stuff is actually really good
thus why I'm eating it ;p
@Riker Wait so this is recent?
Why've you gone Vegetarian?
yes, couple of weeks
I mean tacos alone prevent me
@Riker great, you passed the test=)
@ATaco general reasons, mostly animal rights
@flawr <confetti>
@Riker Don't worry the pigs we raise for food have good rights
Fair enough, Won't judge someone for fighting for Animal rights.
user image
@geobits you live!
@Riker we do treat are pigs well
... no we don't >_>
@ATaco I'd probably have to start eating humans.
but I'm not getting into a discussion here
I was talking about the pigs our family raises
@Riker Have you ever had fondue?
I don't like the meat industry but if we raise it our selves there is no issue with me
if you want to continue further discussion about vegetarianism, move here, just don't be rude
It's my personal opinion that although the current treatment of animals in food production is bad, I still feel that mass produced meat is vital.
@DownChristopher that's different from my beliefs but you can have yours
@flawr yes, but I never really liked it. the wine always left a sour taste I didn't like
vodka fondue is good though
@Riker well there is a huge variety, just tell me if you ever come to switzerland=)
lol okay
in The Greenhouse, 30 secs ago, by Down Christopher
I have no idea why i came here, i mean i am not a vegetarian. Bye!
Why? Seriously, there's no point to that, it's not cool
it's gone btw
@Riker -1 fondue is missing
@Flawr i will find you one day and we will eat fondue
why does this feel like a threat?
sigh why did the star button have to move upwards with the pin button in it's place
@flawr idk i just want to have fondue
It's 2:23 am I can't sleep help
try r/noslep
cc @flawr, @ГригорийПерельман, it's amazing
not r/nosleep, r/noslep
I'll see it when I get home
Firewall here
@Riker :D
10/10 amirite
oh I'm already subscribed to it, do'h d'oh
Anyone have a direct link? Google is super slow rn
@DownChristopher en.reddit.com/r/noslep
@flawr so do you read reddit in english or german? I'd assume english, because your posts are in english :P but you never know
Is there a german reddit?
> Part 22:
> I jus wan kaema
> Boo pls
@flawr I dunno, but I do know that there's en.reddit.com for english specifically
oh there is, de.reddit.com
@Riker 2scary4me, y u seyed dis2me
german reddit = gelesnhabichs
@betseg lol
looks like de.reddit.com is reddit with some german text. the posts are the same, but the buttons and everything are german
but the content is the very same, it is just the interface that changed langauge?
yeah right
> 2 KommentareWeitersagenSpeichernhideSchenke Goldmelden
> Schenke Gold
No I only ever used reddit.com
ah ok
user image
omg this product is so broken amirite
@Riker some of them look very delicious /s
Q: Back-To-Front Permutation Index

Jonathan AllanThe Challenge Given the number of items, n, in a non-empty, sorted list output the index, i(n), at which its "Back-To-Front Permutation" would reside in a list of all permutations if said permutations were sorted lexicographically. Results may be 0 or 1-based, just say which (that is i, not n)....

have you ever wondered why chocolate and cheese both exist in solid and fluid state, but not as a gas?
They'll vaporize if you put enough heat
@flawr now I have
@betseg that is not true (source: I've tried it as a kid.)
Well imagine chocolate gas that desublimates as soon as it comes into contact with skin.
(i'm outta here)
@flawr you can try putting heat into tungsten too (or wolfram or whatever it's in English) and you won't be able to melt it unless you have some expensive heating equipments
@flawr bai
@flawr see ya!
yeah, why do englishers call it tungsten instead of wolfram?
@DownChristopher probably a bad idea to link horror stories in chat
noslep != nosleep, so I felt safe linking that
@flawr same as with potassium, tin, gold, silver, sodium and all those other elements that someone changed the name of
@DownChristopher how about that. :P
@flawr what do you call lead in german? "lead"? something with a P and a B?
@Riker It triggers OCD when people remove messages
my deepest apologies for your struggles with OCD
@Riker it is not a real problem it just annoys me
yeah I know that was sarcasm, but still seriously don't link that stuff. and what you edited it into became basically clickbait
@Riker I thought noslep=nosleep
I am screwed
ok @Downgoat how do I use cocoapod to build gitgoat?
@DownChristopher >_> no noslep is a parody of nosleep
Can someone confirm this for me? My phone's screen is too small :(
confirm what?
@Riker if it's output against the rules or not
@betseg ah ok
I had a brainfart and had to google translate a word
> Output can be in any reasonable format, as long as it's clear there are rows and rightly aligned columns: I.e. STDOUT; returning as String with newlines; returning as list of Strings; etc. Your call.
The output may also contain a delimiter of your own choice (except for whitespaces and new-lines): I.e. , and ; and | are all acceptable delimiters.
The output lines may not contain a leading or trailing delimiter.
The output may contain ONE trailing new-line, and any line may contain any number of trailing spaces.
yeah that's good @betseg
My phone's screen is too small and it's hard to see if it forms columns or not
it forms columns yes
@DestructibleLemon your avatar hurts my eyes /s
Should I change my name to alnant? Betseg = BETelgeuse+SEGinus, BETelgeuse and ALNilam are in the same constellation, SEGinus and ANTares are in the same constellation.

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