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Probably because he really isn't.
If a Junkrat is demolishing your team, you have too many anchored characters and or tanks.
@DestructibleWatermelon You wanna know who's really op? Orisa. Completely broken right now
yeah I don't actually play that much
Although Junkrat would putting be a decent counter to her
its just funny how annoyed he gets
And Orisa is only good at one angle at a time, any character with mobility will out-pace her.
because he always says demoman from tf2 is a noob class so I compare them
so funny
psh, overwatch. back in my day, we had tf2
@ATaco have you played her in the PTR yet?
@ConorO'Brien I'm sorry for your loss. :P
@DJMcMayhem ಠ_ಠ tf2 >>>>>...>>>>> overwatch
I couldn't disagree more. But it's not worth arguing about
both are fun, in their own way
tf2 is a lot sillier, but the meta is a lot stricter
@DJMcMayhem hm, what's wrong with her?
Because Orisa's bullets are projectiles, and not ray-cast, a mobile character like Tracer of Soldier 76 can usually outrun her rounds. And her defensive abilities for the most part are all "Point forward". Simply flank her and she's done.
@ATaco Would you agree that she's op right now?
@mınxomaτ :o
I would agree she needs a bit of balancing, but there are worse characters right now.
@DJMcMayhem what? it's not like there are thousands of pages with no clear conclusion on a subjective matter on the subject!
Such as...
I mean there's like a billion, but salt-filled
@ConorO'Brien lol
there's one essay that I did like, posted on r/tf2 by a player of both games, I'll try to find it (no promises)
TL;DR: tf2 is fun, but it's completely different from OW in terms of gameplay
is that careting "there's one essay..." or "TL;DR:..."
the thing about op classes is that all of them tend to be op
probably "lol"
depending on who you ask
@Riker She has a lot of health but also has lots of abilities for blocking damage also (barriers, shields etc). Add to that her 144 DPS (which isn't the highest but still) and the fact the she pretty much never needs to reload
But IMO the worst part is that she kinda mimics a lot of other characters signature abilities (mini zarya ULT, mini static Reinhardt shield, left click is practically bastion)
The only downside is terrible mobility
cc @flawr
response to the prompt of "The year is 1910. Adolf Hitler, a struggling artist, has fought off dozens of assasination attemps by well meaning time travelers, but this one is different. This traveller doesn't want to kill Hitler, he wants to teach him to paint. He pulls off his hood to reveal the frizzy afro of Bob Ross."
Hey guys if you find anything funny on reddit or imgur and link it please ping me with it
I think me, possibly pavel, flawr, and DJ are the only ones who browse either of the two though
Ok you have the memo
Dj is on i think
What's going on here
@WheatWizard is making a Minsky machine good enough for TC?
@quartata random imgur posts and memes
@ChristopherPeart Yep
it was a discussion about OW, me linking a response to a writing prompt, and then what you see here
@WheatWizard Sweet updating my answer to have it
\n\ng\nr\n\n[\n\nd\n\n\n\n] btw is it
Q: JavaScript with HTML output takes a lot of time to Output?

user2241151- I input in a form in html to generate a sequence of customized numbers processed by JavaScript attached script to html page . 2- output & everything runs correctly , but the output came after 24 seconds which is a big issue to me. Despite i have powerful PC components (quad-core Intel CPU + ...

@ChristopherPeart And that does or doesn't work if the Legendre conjecture is True?
@WheatWizard It works if it is true. Actually the way it won't work is finite tape if Legendre conjecture is false
btw, @ChristopherPeart you're pretty much stealing the answer of the other person
it works sure
Just curious how does it do that?
but it's not that impressive
@Riker actually he needs it to be false
@ChristopherPeart ...?
yeah, ik
but the point is that you didn't come up with the idea of using legendre's conjecture
you're stealing it from him, just modifying it a bit
Its perfectly fine if two people use the same conjecture
yeah ik
fine, yes. interesting? not really
@WheatWizard The operators must follow a pattern with the Legendre's conjecture
I don't know I think a conjecture can be done multiple times in interesting ways. It doesn't mean that every answer is interesting but it can be done. There are only so many conjectures
yeah, I agree
but i don't think this is an interesting way
Do you even understand how it works?
I'm not dumb
that doesn't mean I think it's cool though
I mean my language
yeah, I do
well I'm outta here too busy with bob ross
I am sorry that i am not able to make it "interesting" for everyone
I've been wanting to make a language that uses Prime-Gaps.
Has the Collatz conjecture been taken yet?
Use it for Looping, that'd be interesting.
It has been done
@JanDvorak yep
I was ninja'd
Swallow w/ a coconut is the most interesting right now imo. However I have not read Christophers in detail
@WheatWizard Don't i am not finished
I have a huge edit coming
@WheatWizard v1 or v2?
You can still write your own variant on it.
v1 was invalid
I would really like one on the Ringel-Kotzig conjecture
graceful labeling conjecture?
The Riemann hypothesis is still open
@WheatWizard i have a "v2" per say out but I am still working on it
@ConorO'Brien Yeah
Also I chose Legendre's is i am not that good at this fancy stuff an so chose one that was simple
Ah, wait, prime gap ~= Legendre's conjecture
Right now it think i bork le interpreter
@JanDvorak pretty much.
@WheatWizard challenge accepted
@ConorO'Brien Yaya!
@WheatWizard did you read my post v2?
I skimmed it
I have a lot to do for my job rn so I can't spend too much time rn
Ok thanks. If you notice anything you want added i can add it most likely
There theoretically exists two subsequent primes in which the distance between them is double any Integer > 0.
@WheatWizard gl!
For example, for an arbitrary number "13", the distance between the subsequent primes "2477" and "2503" is 13×2=26.
This Script generates those primes from a given distance.
oo I want to do that in stacked now
Big numbers take a darn long time to process.
:O Swift has dedicated currying syntax
@DJMcMayhem i responded to you here and here without pings
i don't mind tossing around ideas for site features that might improve the site, but as you know many such ideas have already been suggested, and of course SE devs have lots on their plate and don't necessarily consider customizing this site as a high priority, so there's that
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

rogaosPacking Primes for Posterity Introduction You've calculated which of the first n numbers are prime, and want to save your achievement for all future generations. Unfortunately, you're broke, and want to minimize storage costs (you'll be paying them forever, after all.) You need to determine th...

I got bored and converted a small loan of a million dollars into 2008 Zimbabwean third dollar notes:
@betseg this is amazing
i asked whether a certain feature exists here, and if it doesn't already exist then i think it could improve the site to add it
> CIA: Our Billion Dollar Hacking Tools
> CIA: add this to vimrc if you forgot to use sudo
@ATaco Stacked. Could be shorter if not for a bug
Fails for 19.
i think as a general principle, if there seems to be a potential conflict between improving a post and attracting attention, improving a post should take priority
Should have given 30593 and 30631
what does it give? o-O
!function(n){"use strict";function e(n){var e,i,t,r=n.length-1,s="",o=n[0];if(r>0){for(s+=o,e=1;r>e;e++)t=n[e]+"",i=Rn-t.length,i&&(s+=l(i)),s+=t;o=n[e],t=o+"",i=Rn-t.length,i&&(s+=l(i))}else if(0===o)return"0";for(;o%10===0;)o/=10;return s+o}function i(n,e,i){if(n!==~~n||e>n||n>i)throw Error(En+n)}function t(n,e,i,t){var r,s,o,u;for(s=n[0];s>=10;s/=10)--e;return--e<0?(e+=Rn,r=0):(r=Math.ceil((e+1)/Rn),e%=Rn),s=On(10,Rn-e),u=n[r]%s|0,null==t?3>e?(0==e?u=u/100|0:1==e&&(u=u/10|0),o=4>i&&99999==u||i>3&&49999==u||5e4==u||0==u):o=(4>i&&u+1==s||i>3&&u+1==s/2)&&(n[r+1
it's a recursive function...
so, there have been times when i've seen a moderator discourage people from editing multiple posts in a short period of time to avoid flooding the front page
RProgN's isn't ;p
i can understand trying to prevent abuse from people who just want attention, but i think it's a bit of a strange way to prioritize things, if you let anything get in the way of genuine improvements to posts
CMC: Given an Integer >0, find the first prime in which the diference between itself and the following prime is 2n.
@ATaco FindInstance[PrimeQ[x]&&PrimeQ[y]&&y-x==2#]&
Might be golfable
I imagine this is what programming in Prolog feels like, but less cheaty.
Wait, that's wrong
One sec
Mathics doesn't seem to support FindInstance, can't make TIO link.
No wait, still wrong
I can't get FindInstance to work properly
@MitchSchwartz I've never personally encountered this problem or its solution. I say, edit when necessary.
@Cyoce how do I use J-uby?
o_O what is this language?
Do I just require the file?
It's not a language
I just bought a total of 4 (!) laptops at the surplus sale
also a dock, a gigabit switch, and I got a video card and monitor for free.
I would have bought a server, but a. I don't need another one, and b. it would have been far too loud.
@MitchSchwartz Abuse isn't the concern. It's just that the front page is meant to show posts with recent activity. It can't do that if the vast majority of its 50 items are minor edits.
does SE have a "minor edit" option for answers?
@CheckOutTomato Noice.
Personally, don't need another laptop, but that's cool.
They had desktop computers as well. I use one as a server.
(I bought it last year)
@ConorO'Brien the fundamental problem with this is that you want minor edits to appear on the front page
because otherwise, you could vandalize a post with nobody noticing
Yes, that's indeed a concern. It's pretty much the reason we need edits to bump in the first place.
Just replaced my switch with the one I bought
@KritixiLithos I have a question, do you have iOS 8 or iOS9? I'd like to use SFSafariViewController in the app, but if it'll drop support I wouldn't want to
i think it would be better to have a list of recent activity like what i mentioned just a bit ago, and going back maybe 500 entries, so that if someone wants to tag a bunch of posts they can just do it without needing to do it in spurts, or if someone finds a golf trick that applies to like 50 of their old answers, they can just go ahead and edit them
i mean, if they want to
alternatively, "queue" edits
hadn't thought of that
@ConorO'Brien if you mean like a review queue, that seems like the most tedious and uninteresting queue to go through
@NathanMerrill naw, I meant like, make a bunch of edits, and have an option to release the edit later ("put it on the queue")
I'm really not convinced that we need to worry about vandalizing edits because if a user does vandalize, they would eventually be found out and banned. They'd also have to pass the same system we use for spam detection anyways
but that's a personal opinion, and one that SE doesn't hold :)
> Laptop: "Dell"
> Laptop: has apple sticker
@Downgoat Why does EVERYONE comment on that
I thought it was funny
it really isn't funny
funny isn't word I'd use to describe it either
also, YASD in nethack again
killed by a leprechaun with a wand of striking, even though I probably could have zapped them with a wand of sleep or cast extra healing
@Pavel I would just add more parameters to getDeclaredConstructor to add more parameters to newInstance right?
still not as bad as that time I lost the chess game in the chess chat room
@Pavel sorry for the delayed response. You can clone the GitHub repo and then add require './func.rb' to the top of your ruby file or add -r ./func.rb to command-line options.
@Cyoce for J-Ruby are you planning on implementing ranks and ranking?
Question: does this URL vihan.org/p/gitgoat/repo.html#cheddar-lang/Cheddar work for you (should go to cheddar GH)
@Downgoat it does, but it temporarily says "pop up disabled" I think
@ConorO'Brien :/ hm
@Downgoat yes but it takes a second
@ConorO'Brien what about now?
and same as helka, too
^ (pop up blocked in chrome)
ugh, that is annoying
I am trying to create a permalink that opens in gitgoat if the gitgoat app is installed, otherwise open GitHub
currently doing:
Pop up blocked in Firefox, too.
  5 setTimeout(function() {
  6     window.location="https://github.com/" + window.location.hash.slice(1);
  7     a.close();
  8 }, 25);
  9 a = window.open("gitgoat://repo/" + window.location.hash.slice(1), "_blank");
A: How to open an app if installed through a webpage in Safari?

vforvendettaThe URL scheme works directly only if the app is installed on the iDevice. If not installed then it will throw an error. 1) To implement this functionality you will have to redirect the user to a webpage that will detect if app is installed, from your email link. Something like this www.yourweb...

That links screws my back button in mobile due to some redirect I'm guessing
@ConorO'Brien I did google for like 1 hour, how did I not see this before ._.
lol I googled for a minute or two
(navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPad|iPhone|iPod)/g) ? true : false )
"open link with app if installed" <-- googled
@Downgoat yes it's horrendous
I suspect a blaming of the hooves imminent
Seems like it'd be easier on Android ;)
can they even javascript
can you try to click this link again: vihan.org/p/gitgoat/repo.html#cheddar-lang/Cheddar
:O do my eyes deceive me, or is that @Geobits back? :)
One of him
@Downgoat still takes a sec but now doesn't give blocked pop up thingy
:D okay good
@DJMcMayhem You can see my back? O_o
@Downgoat just stays blank for me
Blank here
@HelkaHomba opls that mean your computer is weird
It's very simple JS, impossible for it to fail
@Downgoat oh now my thing is blank
how is possible
      SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list[Learn More]  repo.html:11:9
53 secs ago, by Downgoat
It's very simple JS, impossible for it to fail
heh oops
please attempt retries
It works for me ...now
Works but still slow for a redirect
Seems to work right in mobile chrome
okay, btw, I am preparing for releasing GitGoat, a modern, iOS GitHub client, for beta testing through TestFlight. Does anyone here right now is interested in beta testing.
Can't judge speed as well on mobile
modern meaning it don't look like shit
That word...
which word? did I misspell
@Downgoat sure, once I'm done throttling java
@Downgoat Geo dislikes swearing in chatroom maybe?
@HelkaHomba :/
Sorry. This was a (clearly) bad attempt at a Princess Bride reference, due to the misuse of the word "modern". I hereby apologize, and retract my statement.
@Geobits inconceivable
Which part is inconceivable?
Chat mini-question: Why are the standard PLC system languages used in industry so stupid?
His statement is quite believable
@Geobits Example of stupidity?
Ladder diagram "languages"
@Downgoat I'm more or less done throttling java, what should I do now
There's just no reason to use them that I can see. You have inputs, you have outputs... Why do people insist on using something so awkward when a million suitable languages (like anything) would be better?
(idk, I just wanted to say that word)
brb taking image of one laptop (they're all imaged with a standard image), then putting ubuntu on one and then flashing that to all of them
@Geobits you're supposed to guess that :P
(Would that be a good idea? I think it would be better than Windows Vista)
I plan on selling these
@ATaco using repr of a function?
The function itself though is never called.
what does the trailing { do?
It happens to set the iPointer to 0, which then immediately increments to 1 skipping the starting {
Initially a bug with {}
{`{.¶}  # This pushes this function to the stack.
      { # This doesn't have a matching "}", so it loops the iPointer back to 0, which happens to skip the "{" in the next iteration
 `{     # Pushes a "{" to the stack
   .    # Concatenates the function with the {, giving the complete quine.
    ¶   # Terminates.
So a really strange infinite loop bug is used to create a quine.
@ATaco Hofstadter would be ecstatic.
To phonetics experts: does a q word like quaint have a different number of "psuedo"-syllables than paint or taint? I mean, they are all one syllable but the qu seems to elongate quaint vs the other two. Is there a term for this nuance or am I over thinking?
Although it seems to have a different number of "Pseudo syllables", it's more that the first phoneme is the longer, more complex qu. Which makes a "Kwuh" sound as compared to the short and sweet "p" which is just itself. Both contain only 1 syllable.
Q: Print 'em goats

ATacoRelated Goats are great. Everybody loves goats. And they also, for some reason, are an excellent complex ascii art for many languages to have built-ins for. Because of this, I personally feel a catalogue to document just how easily a language can print goats is greatly needed. The Challenge G...

TBH, this should be reopened (sorry taco)
it's not off-topic or unclear
it's a dumb question in many people's opinions, but tha'ts not makign it off-topic
@HelkaHomba maybe just a case of Ambisyllabicity
@Riker yeah
in a chat server application, is it bad design to have a thread for each client?
because that way each thread can constantly listen for its respective client.
sounds right to me
what's the alternatives?
idea for a kolmo complexity:
@Riker Or should everything be on one thread? Because c# Socket Recieve method halts execution untill it recieves
so, imagine a function which returns a string
f(0) = "foobar"
f(x)= f(x-1)+"y mc"+f(x-1)+"face"
print the tenth iteration or something
@AshwinGupta hm, not sure
I think it should be multiple threads
@DestructibleWatermelon that's not KG
KG is a fixed string iirc
tha'ts certainly [string] but not [kg]
thats why you print the tenth iteration
maybe the 13th
@NathanMerrill lol I happened to be browsing worldbuilding, nice question
but I mean the tenth itself is ridiculously long
when ya fingers are one row off
I mean too long for me to post it in the sandbox
@Downgoat hahaha you edited
is match that bad
@Riker huh?
you edited the answer that conor found for you
to remove .match
Hey could someone help me make a Stack Exchange data explorer Query I don't know TSQL and I am very confused.
person is either crazy or evil
@WheatWizard I could help, but I am not a SQL guru either >_<
@Downgoat what's so bad about it
@Downgoat Ok thanks.
@WheatWizard what are you searching for
@Riker too many things
I wanted to find the tag where the lowest voted question is the highest.
it is wasteful of resource
@Downgoat top 3?
also it is just stupid
@WheatWizard o_O
and it is absuing JS weird casting
highest of what
oh, I see
For example the lowest voted question in has 43 votes
where the lowest voted answer of a tag is higher than all other lowest voted answers of other tags
@WheatWizard *language
@Riker because Boolean([]+"") == false
I want to find the tag with the highest one of those
that's a bugger of a word
but [] == true
@Downgoat well yah tha'ts just JS being stupid
@Riker exactly
Good thing: I saw good idea on how to make UI better. Bad Thing: Now I have to change UI which is pain in ass with Xcode
@Downgoat :(
also TIL about 'hasaccepted' and 'isaccepted' in search queries
first is for questions, second is for answers, both take ':1' or ':0' to represent whether they have/don't have or are/are not accepted
i.e. 'user:userid isaccepted:1' would return all accepted answers by that user
ok, I finished my posting to the sandbox


Where you can play with chat features (except flagging) and ch...
view the glory of the tenth iteration of the functiony mcfunctionface
Random Idea: TNB Chat Client, go to alternative website (e.g. tnb.ppcg.lol) for PPCG-customized TNB client
@Downgoat I am making a chat client
@CheckOutTomato wasn't that just original chat.SE wrapped in electron
no, I'm writing one with Ruby and GTK+
Maybe python
sorry dumb question
won't work on mobile though :(
SE mobile client still kinda bad
SE has habit of doing things 50% and then forgetting about it forever
see: PPCG
Petition to rename @DownGoat GoatyMcGoatface
so, there is a whole thing about anagram names?
Does the new star indicator look better than the old design?
Okay, I think I'm up to 4 major bug caused by typo
Which one is the old design again?
And I have iOS 8
@Downgoat @Riker I finished the Query
I'm making an esolang but I can't decide if I should make it a procedural lang with function declarations and whatnot and really put work on the lang, or make just a list of basic commands and finish the lang in a short time
Wait wrong link. Here is the correct one
@ConorO'Brien Yes

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