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@Riker Yep it's awesome, I think we have a feed into Primes&Squares.
@LliwTelracs It doesn't seem all that hard. For every pair of stations generate a list of all paths between them (depth first search would work). Then for every order of station visits (e.g. A->B->C, A->C->B, B->C->A...) test every combination of paths until you find one that doesn't overlap.
Idea for a challenge: given a dictionary of string keys and string values, where the values are links, and one string, output whether, by following the link of a string key, by moving onto the string value, if it is a key in the dictionary, all the values eventually reach the one string
like how "every" article on wikipedia eventually leads to philosophy
@Riley yeah, that would take ages
@JanDvorak At least I have already reduced the map to the valid rails only
@JanDvorak It would get the job done eventually
About the evolution of powers of two. I extracted the codes. Edit distance of #18 is 12 and that of #44, #47, #52, #56, #60 and #66 is 11.
Only took me about 5k characters of conditional statements
Proves, I guess, that editing and calculating edit distance by hand is too error prone :P
/me Beats Sami with a wooden sign that says the single word "grandfathered"
(Copying numbers by hand is hard too)
@Riley The adjacency matrix for the rails is something like a 70*n by 70*n table
wow this illusion is way better than the checkerboard
the spot in the middle is the exact same colour
the same pixel value, or the same texture color?
Comparing the pixel values in face of wildly different lighting conditions would be a fatal mistake - an yet that's what everyone keeps doing when they call it an illusion
@SamiLiedes I checked #18, And the two unaccounted for differences are two homoglyphs that don't actually effect the challenge. Seems like the mistake of a text editor more than anything.
@JanDvorak the lighting conditions are the same
those are the conditions of whatever room you happen to be in
@orlp which spot?
the middle of the x's?
@Maltysen yes
Yeah, but those yellow and blue rectangles are either stained glass, or stained glass with very specific cutout in the middle, tuned to the camera position
@JanDvorak what are you talking about
I could print this image out on paper
then you could take scissors
and cut out the middle x parts
Then maybe. But I care about what the image represents, not what images are used to represent the images.
bring them together, and see that they are indeed the same color
Your argumentation might pass here because you're vague enough, but it falls apart in the cylinder-on-checkerboard image
@JanDvorak that's an unreasonable position, would this optical illusion only become real for you as soon as someone stitches it in real life? or paints it on a painting
the fact is that your brain interprets a color wrongly based on surrounding information
that's the illusion
yeah ok stop whining. the entire point is that you can't imagine them being the same shade in the checkerboard cylinder illusion
regardless of whether its because of the lighting
Then why does everyone keep calling the areas A and B in the checkerboard image "squares"? They clearly aren't. They're parallelopipeds.
Perhaps they are and the image was simply stretched?
@JanDvorak I'm not interested in arguing against your strawman.
I'm not interested in argueing.
I'm interested in code golf.
@ATaco: Also, in #66 one extra change is merely a change in whitespace at the end of lines, which I don't think probably matters.
I'm just saying your claim is being vague - and the less useful interpretation in real life.
And, the claims about the checkerboard image are blatantly false
CMC: The exponential factorial: Given an integer n, output (((...(1^2)^3)^4)...^N)
I take it you disagree with those other claims about "the squares being the same colors"?
I want you to delete that image
It offends me mildly - and your refusal to remove it offends me non-mildly
I don't think he can delete it anymore.
It's not an offensive image, any more than your saying someone's claim is vague and not useful in real life is offensive
Needs a mod or a bunch of flags.
Then trash please
Somebody cleared the "bunch of flags", unfortunately
more than one person.
@Rainbolt I'm trying to be objective. Did I come up as ad hominem?
Martin's avatar moved to the front. Is that an unintended giveaway that he took mod actions?
@Pavel Isn't that always 1?
Yes, pretend it starts at 2
@Rainbolt basically, yes.
I accept suggestions how to reword what I said
@Pavel that grows way too fast
Is point
make it more interesting by doing it modulo a second input :)
Sure, do that. It's a CMC after all.
oh actually it's fine
lambda n:1
that's my answer :)
1^2^3 = 1
@orlp yeah, I saw one like that before, with yellow and brown, but this one is better
@Pavel (((..(2^1)^2)^3)..^N)?
1^2^3^4^5 = 1
1 <- Pyth implementation
I meant to say ((2^3)^4)^n
that reminds me of when someone made a CMC that given input n output if n squared was prime
Let's just promise to not talk about optical illusions (air-quoted or not) here.
@JanDvorak how about no?
@Pavel surprisingly fun to Golf in Mathematica: ##2^1&@@Range@#&
I've never had issues posting them before
a lot of people find them (mildly) interesting and discuss them
@MartinEnder Which version is that?
There's like 4 now
your latest one
actually no
I was about to merge the suggestions into:
it's 2^3^...^N
Revised CMC: Given integers A, B, and C, output ((...((((A^1)^2)^3)^4)^...)^B)%C
so wrong associativity
@MartinEnder I'm somewhat surprised to realize that I know how that works mostly, but what is ##?
## is a sequence (like a splat) of all arguments. ##2 is the same thing but starting from the second argument. ##2^1 is syntactic sugar for Power[##2,1] then ##2 gets expanded so we get Power[2,3,...,N,1]
but like I said, unfortunately that's 2^(3^(...^N...))
@Pavel 05AB1E: ¹²GNm}³%
btw the challenge is equivalent to a^(b!)%c
Not familiar with what a splat is... is it just a set?
@orlp oh, really? huh
Bah, math is hard
@Pavel assuming positive numbers, (a^b)^c = a^(bc)
@Pavel no, it's just what the same thing is called in some other languages... it basically means that you insert a list without any "wrapper". {1,##,3}&[1,2] is {1,1,2,3} as opposed to {1,{1,2},3}, say.
@JanDvorak why are you so hostile? have I done something to upset you?
@MartinEnder So, it's a list that flattens into it's parent list?
@Pavel it's quite intuitive
let's say you have (a^3)^5
@Pavel basically
you can see that like this:
@orlp No I know
a*a*a * a*a*a * a*a*a * a*a*a * a*a*a
I just forgot
3 groups of 5
but that's the same as 5 groups of 3
It's been like a year since I've done this whole Algebra 2 thing
@orlp Not you specifically, but I don't like that people keep saying "ha! the brain is so stupid for thinking this image represents a 3d scene, and confuses the 3d scene with the image that represents it", while they themselves make the same mistakes.
or 1 group of 15
@JanDvorak again with the strawmen, I (nor did anyone else here) never mentioned that the brain was stupid for doing so, just interesting how the brain makes these kinds of mistakes
that's the whole point of optical illusions
I keep saying it's not a mistake
It's more like an assumption
and regardless of that, that's not the hostility I refer to
Can some mod trash this entire optical illusion discussion? Pretty please?
Well, I started with a question, to which you replied "what lighting condition are you talking about" as if the image was disconnected from any meaning
the part that's hostile is using comics that, when used as a reply to me, would refer to me as being 'smug', asking other users to self-censor mild jokes, abusing flags for that, constantly putting up strawmen and then attempting to argue against those straw men, and just in general being very argumentative and hostile
I got a pack of optical illusion cards once. its pretty cool
I just really don't appreciate it
A targetted joke is never percieved as mild
and I, particularly, have trouble distinguishing mild/non-mild jokes. I can apologise for that.
I didn't mean to call you smug, what I meant to say that a big part of these illusions is that the claims are poorly defined.
basically its just that even after being told its essentially impossible to see the colours as being the same
without isolating them
I have a KOTH idea:
Players submit a program in a 2d, self-modifying language (possibly the same one for all contestants, haven't decided) That fits in a certain size bounding box
The programs are put onto the same toroidal grid at different spots, and they compete to see how long their programs can run.
The key is that they interact with eachother, so if a program puts a "terminate" program" command somewhere, and another runs into it, the program that ran into it ends.
@MistahFiggins soooo 2d core war?
Now that's an interesting note - and one worth making - that the brain does not provide the low-level information. I suspect it's because this data isn't even present because the eye only detects changes, not constant values.
impossible colours are also fun
I had a 500-character reply prepared, but then I decided that a comic reference would be better percieved than anything I could say
@JanDvorak no, the low level information is definitely there
Esolang idea: The program flow follows an Hilbert curve
@orlp reference?
Q: How does the eye perform the equivalent of white balance?

Jonathan Winters Possible Duplicate: How can knowledge of human perception of color be used in photography? How does the eye perform the equivalent of white balance? Why is the camera not able to replicate it?

That answer essentially says that color processing is intrinsically local, doesn't it?
> uses separate white balance on different areas
pretty much what the retinex filter emulates
- and has the same benefits as the retinex filter - it boosts contrast in favor of absolute brightness. It's a feature.
also, ever heard of eigengrau?
Eigengrau (German: "intrinsic gray", lit. "own gray"; pronounced [ˈʔaɪ̯gn̩ˌgʁaʊ̯]), also called Eigenlicht ("own light"), dark light, or brain gray, is the uniform dark gray background that many people report seeing in the absence of light. The term Eigenlicht dates back to the nineteenth century, but has rarely been used in recent scientific publications. Nowadays, the phenomenon is more commonly referred to as "visual noise" or "background adaptation". Eigengrau is perceived as lighter than a black object in normal lighting conditions, because contrast is more important to the visual system than...
The information that's lost is exactly the kind of information that you only really care about while trying to find the deficiencies of human vision
@JanDvorak it says it happens in the visual cortex, which means the low level information is there at the eye nerves
The eye nerves carry differences, not (or only weakly) absolute values
at least in the peripheal vision
@JanDvorak you have to be more precise here
differences between what?
The change of brightness over time. The eye wiggles a bit to convert spatial edges into temporal edges.
@JanDvorak ah but that's the crux, that happens only per sensor in the eye
and each of the tristimulus sensors are doing that on their own
no 'white balance' happens
Except that the sensors seeing the flat areas stay completely silent. Only those that can see edges report any signal.
you can not have white balance until you combine tristimulus values not only cross-channel, but also non-local
I'm not entirely sure about the details, unfortunately
@JanDvorak your theory also doesn't work for slow changing gradients, your eyes would not be able to perceive a very slight gradient in a direction orthogonal to your eyes wiggle
Try fixating your eyes on a very slight gradient and you will notice it starts to disappear
@JanDvorak can confirm. Does dissapesr
@JanDvorak alright, but here's the crux
you claim the whitebalance correction occurs due to this effect, but we also see that this effect works slowly on a gradient, then why does it work instantly on the optical illusion? even if the optical illusion is only flashed for a fraction of a second?
it's a different mechanic
I expect most of it is given by the brain reconstructing a 3d scene from the image
if you see strawberries under strong blue light, you don't want your brain to think they're mold-grey and should be thrown out.
the brain is reconstructing a lighting scenario, and interpreting the image under that assumed lighting scenario, but that is not something that happens at the low level
that only happens in the visual cortex
the (objectively correct) low level information is there, and does make it to the brain
however we cannot access it, even if we are told of what is happening
What happens if you flash the checkerboard image while focusing on trying to get the raw data?
@JanDvorak I don't know, or even how to test that
but I do have another testable idea
you can make many different versions of the optical illusion I showed
On one hand, the raw stimulus should be more accurate, on the other you have trouble focusing the right pixels in the visual field
with different discolorations etc
and show people the image for 0.5 sec
and then ask them 'are the two centre colors the same, or not'
and then see if people do better than random chance
(assuming you told them the optical illusion beforehand, and that they must try to ignore that)
Yeah, be sure to communicate clearly
my hypothesis is that people will not be able to do better than random chance
@ConorO'Brien Not that I'm aware of
What color difference do you want them to discern as different?
Also yay i got an answer with >10 votes
some colors are difficult to tell apart even when presented with the exact same surroundings
The same kind of difference as is between the "white squares" (lit) and the "dark squares" (lit) on the checkerboard picture?
Do let me know the results
I'm not planning on executing the experiment, sorry
d'awww :-(
@0 ' Congrats for doing 3 meta-reviews today.
0																												'
0 '
@WheatWizard I nearly doubled my total number of meta close vote reviews today
One nice effect I like is the color afterimage effect. It doesn't work for me very well, though.
I'm about to post this soon. Does anyone have thoughts on it?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

DJMcMayhemHappy birthday V! code-golf ascii-art string V is a programming language that I wrote so that I could use and extend vim for code-golf challenges. The very first commit was on March 3rd, 2016, meaning that today V turns one year old! Woo-hoo Over V's first year of existence, there have been ...

Looks good to me.

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