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That says Fall 2016, shouldn't you have gotten that earlier?
@Pavel No. It started in Fall 2016
That is the entire Algebra 2 curriculum!
Oh, nice. I did Algebra 2 last year.
:o nice
trying to do precalc over summer myself
I did that last year, this year I'm in AP Stats.
Will do precalc next.
@CheckOutTomato ._. This look Iike repeat of Algebra 1
what does?
I guess Washington has different content than California
@Downgoat The program we are using has some of the very basics (adding integers, SERIOUSLY?) and then it lets you ski[p them in the first "Knowledge Check"
any java people in here?
Kind of!
I can write it.
@CheckOutTomato oh, wow
RProgN2 is written in it.
@ConorO'Brien Unfortunately
@ConorO'Brien Too many
Java is scary and evil though
@Downgoat The first semester of every math course until Calculus is review of the previous year.
there is .length(), .length and .size()
It's a little sad.
@Pavel yeah, that is true :/
@ATaco yeah, I was hoping you'd be in here actually. Let's say I have parser.java in dir/parser/parser.java, and myException.java in dir/exceptions/myException.java. I try referencing myException in parser but it errors. how might I fix this?
(question open to anyone)
@ConorO'Brien Sigh yes
What's the error, and alternative try referencing it by its full path.
@ConorO'Brien If they're in different directories, you need to import the exception.
so dir.(?)exceptions.myException
Head the exception with package exceptions;, before your imports and stuff
Most IDEs will handle imports and importing automatically.
@ConorO'Brien If it is easy then why don't you crack it :) It won't take much time
haha I'm using n++
Then, in parser.java, import exceptions.myException;
I tried using an IDE but I'm like "I really don't care enough to learn all this cryptic jargon"
I recommend Eclipse, or Even just Sublime Text.
@ChristopherPeart well yeah but I have hw and this side project I'm working on
@ATaco Eclipse lol
I like eclipse.
IntelliJ > Regular text editors like Atom > Eclipse
@Pavel so, like:
package exception;

public class UnexpectedParseEndException extends Exception {
    public UnexpectedParseEndException(String msg){
Wait no.
Package name must be same as containing directory.
I knew it was too simple :/
package exceptions;
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

PyrrhaQuestion about locking people into solitary confinement with ASCII walls code-golf ascii-art You've got a rectangular prison: O------------------------------O | | | X X | | | | D D ...

so, to include X.java in the package, I put that at the top?
You need to package it, because java.
But to include X.java in Y.java, you need to put in Y.java import path.to.X
@Pavel wait, what if I have folder named java, and that has file. Can I use that file or will it conflict with java.*
@ATaco yeah, I learned that from reading RProgN 2 actually haha
You can do import package.* to import all classes at that level.
@Downgoat It won't conflict, I don't think.
Pretty hard to Conflict with two classes at the same level
But import a.* wont import a.b.c
if I'm in the parent dir, do I need the import?
You need import for all classes not in the same or lower dir than your own.
You don't need the import in subdirectories.
ohh ok
so a.b needs to import a.d.f but not a.b.c or a.e
I'm not explaining this well.
so, if I'm in dir from the previous example, I don't need to import dir/exceptions.myException
Never / in import statements.
And no.
Pretty sure dir isn't needed.
well yeah it was for illustrative purposes
Anything along the green line doesn't need importing, red lines do.
If, that makes sense.
what about the red green lines
I screwed up there.
Assume they're red.
MSPaint is not a professional tool.
but it does have ctrl+z >_>
Not if you draw it in one line.
Don't question my lines.
cuz he drew that all in one line >_>
Also, RProgN2 is not a good example of a way to write an Esolang.
I'm not writing an esolang actually
surprise surprise!
Actually, I think you do import things from lower levels. I'm not sure, but if it doesn't compile, import.
Yep, you do, my bad.
apparently also from higher levels? o-o
And lower levels, at that matter.
So I guess, just classes from the same level?
Packages in java are fun. It really makes you feel the OOP-oriented programming.
this is true tho
omgsh what is this lol
See: Package Maze
2 mins ago, by ATaco
tl;dr, if you're working on a small project keep everything in one directory.
Surprisingly one of the cleanest codes I've ever written.
*Submits RProgN2 to CR.SE*
"This isn't bad, to start"
Everything I do is at some level to rival CR.
Sushi just has one interface for functions and lambda expressions.
But then how do you find That one function?
Where ATaco's code is OOP-oriented, mine is Functionally-oriented.
And RProgN2 is entirely functional.
Can't OOP it if you tried.
4 mins ago, by ATaco
user image
The code itself.
Not the beautiful packages.
They didn't add much functional-programming capability until Java 8
speaking of which, what should java -version give if I have Java 8?
OpenJDK or Oracle?
I think oracle?
Well, for OpenJDK it should give:
openjdk version "1.8.0_121"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_121-b14)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.121-b14, mixed mode)
oh ok thanks
I got that tho s/openjdk/java(tm)/ or java hotspot
java version "1.8.0_91"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_91-b14)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.91-b14, mixed mode)
I got the following for Oracle JRE
so why isn't it called java 1.8?
I just remembered that I have like 5 JDKs installed and one of them happens to be the Oracle 8 one
@ConorO'Brien Back when OpenJDK came out for 1.5 (I think?) the OpenJDK people called it Java 5. People stuck to that numbering even though it was actually officially listed as 1.5.
It's not uncommon for Oracle versions to be referred to as 1.x and OpenJDK versions to be x
so what happens when we get to java 2.x?
@ConorO'Brien heresy/blasphemy
oh ok
0																												'
0 '
@ConorO'Brien Hasn't there already been a Java 2.0?
I think by then either the 1.x will be dropped in favor of x, or we just go on to 1.10
@0 ' uhhh maybe idk
@0 ' No. Only OpenJDK java's were called x.0, Oracle versions were all 1.x. And OpenJDK was after the second version.
Want this discussion to be more confusing? Go to tio.run/nexus/…, run it, then switch languages to Java (OpenJDK 9), and run it again.
0																												'
0 '
@Pavel Ah, found what I was remembering Java 1.2 through Java 1.5 were all Java 2
Right. Java versions are weird.
I'm actually banking on Java 9 finally settling the whole x/1.x thing.
I think it's actually just going to be Java 9
I just realized, that Java 9 has been in development for 3 years now.
^ is my homepage.
(I get *really* hyped about Java things)
@Pavel how small in a small project
Uh, do I give a concrete number? My IDE sets up packages and such for me, so I use it even for the smallest projects. When I can't use my IDE, I generally go to any lengths to avoid it, leading to really messy /src/ folders
@Pavel is 30 Java file small project?
am I supposed to have a /src folder? :/
@ConorO'Brien idts, CS teacher says to keep all in one folder to avoid bad practice import statement
You don't have to, but I generally have a /src/ for my code, and a /out/ for all of the compiled stuff to be dumped to.
from what I recall your CS teacher is insane
So that I don't have a ton of compiled code I don't want to deal with in my working directory.
@Pavel how do I change the target for compiled code?
I forgot. I set it up a long time ago, and I flat out cannout remember.
eh I'll be fine, I don't like at my folder anyhow
Which is fine.
@ConorO'Brien yeah
@Downgoat s/Regular expressions aren't a horrible evil thing like they're oh to commonly portrayed./Regular expressions aren't a horrible evil thing like they're oh too commonly portrayed. /
@ConorO'Brien goddammit
also you included a lot of context in that didn't you...
Question: There is little problem with GitGoat, is that GitHub API has two auth methods, new one, and old one. I am using new one, but for activity feed you need old one to access activity. So question is do you want activity feed at cost of security.
also this sentence:
But regular expressions is not as much greek letter
could be golfed a lot
@ConorO'Brien working as intended
oh no.
So I was working on a Google Doc project with a friend. I added a code block in monospace and now he printed out doc in monospace thinking I wanted to change entire font
this is horrible
@Downgoat also your mathjax is screwed up
@ConorO'Brien It is client side, so your fault
>_> nope.avi
but, what is issue?
@Downgoat Is that the new "No, see, it's just that we don't support Internet Explorer, it's not our fault."?
oh, that
It seems to work sometimes and not other times
I have no idea why
shoddy coding?
Ooh. You know how in Java stack traces are just plain text? In Java 9 stack traces are going to be their own objects, allowing you to manipulate where you are in the stack and such.
I have no idea what that means and if it will be remotely useful, but it sounds cool.
You can already do in v8 :P
^^ Is basically me as I drop an hour or two looking through the JEPs.
@Downgoat But like, betterer.
@Downgoat > A regular expression is not a regular grammar. I have absolutely no idea why everyone believes this today.
I have no idea how or why, but yes.
@Maltysen only works in replies
@ConorO'Brien oh lol
@Maltysen yeah?
@Downgoat what you used is an extension of regular expressions
@Maltysen Every time Downgoat links that article a ton of people tell him he's wrong. :P
regular expressions by themselves can only parse regular grammars
@Maltysen errr no?
I think maltysen means conventional regexes like those in JS, python, ruby,... afaict they can't do that fancy stuff
@ConorO'Brien actually js,python,ruby ones can do that stuff
they aren't actual regular expressions they have the extra stuff
But those aren't true regular expressions
Some regular expressions are regular but the "regular" in regular expression does not mean regular grammar from my research
@Maltysen I know JS can't do the named thingies tho
@ConorO'Brien you don't need the name thingies
you need backrefernces
... I don't think JS has those either
@ConorO'Brien I can still do (.)\1+
which lets you do sutff that's not context free
@ConorO'Brien ^^
oh backreferences nvm
I'm an idiot
Back references aren't regular, iirc
I shows how ability of recursion however can allow CFGs even
so if they aren't regular grammars then what are they ?
@Downgoat a regular language is literally defined as something that can be expressed using a regex
In theoretical computer science and formal language theory, a regular language (also called a rational language) is a formal language that can be expressed using a regular expression, in the strict sense of the latter notion used in theoretical computer science (as opposed to many regular expressions engines provided by modern programming languages, which are augmented with features that allow recognition of languages that cannot be expressed by a classic regular expression). Alternatively, a regular language can be defined as a language recognized by a finite automaton. The equivalence of regular...
@ConorO'Brien i would say context-sensitive, but i'm not sure
retina is full turing complete
@Maltysen Er, a ∈ b =/= { a } = b
but it has more stuff than most
then again retina isn't your conventional regex
@Downgoat yeah but just take the contrapositive of it, which does hold true
if a regular expression was able to do stuff that's not a regular language
then by the above wikipedia statement, that stuff is part of a regular language
so regex can't do stuff that's not a regular language
but #2 implies #1 is false doesn't it? because the conclusions are contrary? or is this argument ad absurdum
yeah that
CMC: what is the funniest mathematical theorem name (besides the Hairy ball theorem)
@WheatWizard wait what O_O
@Maltysen I'm not sure what your point is? Are you saying regular expressions cannot emulate non-regular grammers?
> "Hairy balls" redirects here. For the former mayor of Fort Wayne, see Harry Baals.
ok but they actually expected people to go to "hairy balls" on wikipedia
ham-sandwich one?
or the "Killing–Hopf theorem"
@DestructibleWatermelon oh my
I konw that exit code is valid I/O, but is it still valid if it's caused by an error?
btw @Riker:
43 mins ago, by Downgoat
Question: There is little problem with GitGoat, is that GitHub API has two auth methods, new one, and old one. I am using new one, but for activity feed you need old one to access activity. So question is do you want activity feed at cost of security.
I'm cool with no activity feed
will perhaps add in future version then
In mathematical measure theory, for every positive integer n the ham sandwich theorem states that given n measurable "objects" in n-dimensional Euclidean space, it is possible to divide all of them in half (with respect to their measure, i.e. volume) with a single (n − 1)-dimensional hyperplane. It was proposed by Hugo Steinhaus and proved by Stefan Banach (explicitly in dimension 3, without bothering to automatically state the theorem in the n-dimensional case), and also years later called the Stone–Tukey theorem after Arthur H. Stone and John Tukey. == Naming == The ham sandwich theorem takes...
it was proven to be n-dimensional by John Turkey
I think it wins
@WheatWizard my teacher used to call the squeeze theorem "car-between-two-trucks theorem"
I enjoyed learning about the Chicken McNugget Theorem in number theory
Is that the one about 43 Chicken Nuggets?
My new favorite is the King Chicken Theorem
but that can't be a theorem...
it's a theory if its based on empirical evidence...
@TuxCopter is "a2m1" an actual french thing
yup, I'm not even french and ik it is
"a demain", n'est-ce pas?
@ConorO'Brien oui, c'est ca, mais il ne sonne pas bien
pourquoi pas? c'est un acronym. Vraiment, il est bizarre, mais la plupart d'entre eux etre comme ca
Ce ne serais pas un problème si les gens francais disaient la tout de les mots
(side note: I finally use conditional tense :D)
@WheatWizard ok but why
why does that exist
@Downgoat j'aime le conditionnel :D et est-ce que tu signifies "enunciate"? Je pense qu'il les le disent.
Q: Draw the arc of a ball

xnorDraw the parabolic trajectory of a thrown ball. The input is the ball's initial upward velocity, a positive integer v. Every second, the ball moves 1 space right and v spaces vertically, and then v decreases by 1 to due to gravity. So, the upward velocity eventually steps down from v to 0 and d...

@ConorO'Brien désolé je pense que je veux dire "tout de les mots".
@Downgoat @TuxCopter would I use conditional instead of imparfait of dire here?
@Downgoat I think it's just present tense
@DestructibleWatermelon No it is an actual theorem
is there a way to see a list of recent activity on the site as individual actions, as opposed to the front page where if user X updates their post on question Y and then user Z updates their post on question Y, user X's update is in a way hidden, as what is displayed is just the most recent activity on the question
dont think so
Congrats on 10k score in @MartinEnder!
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

NoOneIsHereInterpret "Chameleon" code-challenge interpreter Introduction Chameleon is a new language of my design. Here is how it works: The Chameleon interpreter takes two arguments: a filename, and a string. This can be taken in STDIN, in an array, or in any convenient format. The Chameleon interpret...

@ConorO'Brien est ce que vous savez quel est la différence entre signifier et vouloir dire?
@Downgoat signifier comme "signify" en anglais
You know there's too many JS libraries when: javascript-game.firebaseapp.com
Drinking game for web devs: (1) Think of a noun (2) Google "<noun>.js" (3) If a library with that name exists - drink
Could not find sanwhich.js
what would you call the operation of reversing then transposition?
github.com/torvalds/linux is listed to have Infinite contributors... o.0
@ConorO'Brien detransposition? That sounds like its undoing transposition though
@Pavel I pretty much have ~all his soundcloud in a playlist
My playlist is MDK + A few other things.
MDK and Monstercat
@Pavel ayy someone else listens to monstercat
who flagged those two messages >_<
what wo messages?
the two after my "hm"
both are now cleared
@MistahFiggins omfg mobile chat makes replying hard, but what i anted to say is: yah, good music
Not my favorite style, though
What I hate about mobile is how you can't seem to ever click on the reply arrow, which highlights the message it refers to
I can click it reasonably well
I've never had issues.
Se chat needs Discord-like commands
I could make a Userscript to implement basic ones.
SE chat needs mathjax, better markdown, and a REPL environment
@ConorO'Brien The title maybe? (I don't think it's that offensive, I'm just guessing)
Well, I have a usescript for $\LaTeX$, I have better markdown thanks to The Graduation Script, and a REPL isn't high on my priority list.
that would make sense
emojis as well :P
wait grad script has better markdown?
Not markdown, silly me.
But what would we do with the markdown?
@ConorO'Brien repl?
@JanDvorak I guess I need a bigger screen or better fingers
'twas a joke
@ConorO'Brien repl for what
SE chat :P
which language
You could set that up in a custom room
the chat >_>
@ATaco Yes, we need commands for ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, ಠ_ಠ, (ノ°Д°)ノ︵ ┻━┻
I'm just not sure how to intercept the enter button.
Replace it completely with your own?
@ConorO'Brien a read eval print loop for se chat? what would it eval though
@ASCII-only ... your text. I have no idea :P
@ConorO'Brien this maybe?
maybe lol
@ASCII-only you python right?
@Pavel What's the command for ಠ_ಠ?
There isn't one in Discord, I suggest /Disapprove
There we go.
@DJMcMayhem that's...harder than I thought it would be
Question: So I installed Ubuntu because I liked the user-friendliness and Unity DE. So just now I realized that I'm not actually able to get all the bleeding-edge software that I could be getting, since the Ubuntu people have this weird idea that stability is more important than new features. So I was wondering if it's remotely possible to connect to the Arch or Fedora repos, and get the latest software that way?
Or I might just be saying silly things.
@Pavel try ubuntu testing repos
Hmm, thanks, I'll look at it.
I also considered just switching to Fedora, but apparently, it doesn't support Unity.
And I don't like Gnome.
Actually nevermind dont do that
Wait why not
I linked to the wrong tutorial
@Pavel Why not? With a few usability tweaks it can be much better than Unity.
I have tried that.
I especially like their lack of taskbar, using the Activities overview as main window changing mode
The lack of taskbar severely dampened my first impression of Gnome, yes.
I think my one complaint with Unity is that alt+tab doesn't cycle through multiple instances of the same program.
@Pavel Try alt+`
You can disable this in tweak tool
Why would I want to disable that?
To alt+tab through same program's windows instead of alt+(the key below esc)?
@betseg That's probably why it only has two answers
I thought you meant disable alt+`, so I'm stuck with the alt+tab behavior.
Ah k
@DJMcMayhem I can find absolute value pretty easily but direction is hard
I'm currently printing a reprap printer at school
I think it will take around half a week of just printing
@ConorO'Brien yeah, why
I think I said I would post this earlier:
Game of life glider image I made in Gmod
Well, my C answer to The Martian question wasn't too longer than Python. Feelsgoodman.
@KritixiLithos now only 100 bytes longer than JS
link to the question?
Q: Rotate a camera; save an Astronaut

DJMcMayhemNote: Minor spoilers for The Martian are in this challenge. Read ahead with caution The Martian is a Science Fiction novel about astronaut and botanist extraordinaire, Mark Watney, who has been accidentally stranded on Mars. At one point in the book, Mark tries communicating with NASA, but the...

@Riker uhh wow, thanks, I had no idea. :D
that moment when the setup for the school wifi is apparently malware...
I can't access my email account...
wait it works but for some reason when I go to mail.google.com it doesn't offer the option to switch user straight up
2 hours later…
@Downgoat Conditional, and the correct sentence is “Ce ne serais pas un problème si les francais (gens is redundant) disaient l'entiereté des mots”
nvm, the correct tense is imperfect
Well seems like I'm buying a Nintendo Switch then...

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