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beginning work on the hecksome overlord ai for real this time
I'm sending this message with my tablet, and my new (cheap chinese) bluetooth keyboard
well, I'm just thinking that this is going to be quite a task... also how I present info to a bot of whether a tile has no enemy in it, or that they don't know there is an enemy in it
@Dennis Please eleven my profile
also not much point of you beginning a bot, cos I haven't put out any docs of how to do that, and the code is really bad
@wat be careful what you wish for
> Check out Tomato
Tomato is tasty
please stop renaming it to tomatogoat
idk what you're talking about
> Vihan Bhargava changed this text
? very confuse
classic @Downgoat
@Downgoat did you get an anonymous user?
ok how remove goats
Q: Are we allowed to copy the output of the code to the clipboard?

haykamAsking for a friend... For "Hello, World!", you can save an extra 1 byte by using copy("Hello, World"). However, I am confused on if it's allowed for your output to be the clipboard. The question's rules say: The program must take no input, and print Hello, World! to STDOUT (this exact...

@DestructibleWatermelon No, I actually do not know who that is
Did you seriously replace space with goat?
@DestructibleWatermelon No I'm actually serious
ok stop with the goats
I'm starting to tire of your goat chauvinism
I am not Anonymous I swear
do IP lookup or whatever
send to NSA ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
seriously though there is no such thing as a goat literal
Running the JQuery $("div.user-116494").remove() complete removes goats.
@DestructibleWatermelon There's a first time for everything
I wouldn't know though
Well, from chat.
also shouldn't v and V be combined using U?
@ATaco :'( pls, we do not need to engage in such discriminatory acts. #GoatsArePeopleToo :P
@ATaco not a literal
@ATaco Ask @Riker for proof if importance
I did not porpoise that command tho
(I know, I did)
655 321 star record!
haha, so original
"Stack Exchange App Test"
how about a command that spams goats in the language spec?
ok @Downgoat this is the way to ruin it for everyone
@HyperNeutrino Thanks.
@ATaco huh?
@DestructibleWatermelon ok sorry but picture of doat was last thing
:/ for some reason imgur is down for me, I thought AWS was back up.
Anyone experiencing similar?
imgur is up for me
@HelkaHomba :/ that works for me too but images on SE sites (stackapps specifically) are not loading
What's with all the ses being changed to zs on the tomato doc?
Looks like Graffiti to me.
@Downgoat What are you talking about? That example is 2 lines tall, input is one character
um so @anyonewhoknows when do we get our design
@Pavel I'll know when they tell me.
like November 2020 or something?
@ASCII-only I'm pretty sure that's scheduled for November 1st.
asking when we're gonna get our design is like asking when Tantalus is finally going to be able to reach the fruit
One must pick the apple off their own tree through force, Use the Userscript, come to the darkside.
@ATaco ... I've been using the userscript for like a year
I wrote up my challenge. I've had not great response with the sandbox, so I'm a post it here and you lot tell my if there's any obvious problems, k?
@Pavel just link it
Then I have to go all the way to the sandbox, and post there, fine.
Oh I thought you had already put it on the sandbox
Misread "I've had not great response with the sandbox"
Thought it applied to the reception of that particular challenge
most people post in the sandbox and link it here if they need more responses
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

PavelNo 4-in-a-rows allowed code-golfrestricted-source Your task: given an input string, determine whether the binary representation of that string has 4 1s or 0s in a row, anywhere. Furthermore, your code itself should not contain any such runs of four in a row. Test Cases String Binary ...

Title idea: "Disconnect 4"?
Ooh, good one. I like it.
Wait, 15 character minimum.
Disconnect 4 bits
xXxDisconnect4quikscop3rxXx /s
:O is Christopher Peart Helka's sock
just look at his avatar
Oh hey, I didn't know Helka used to be Cavlin's Hobbies!
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

PavelDisconnect 4 code-golfrestricted-source Your task: given an input string, determine whether the binary representation of that string has 4 1s or 0s in a row, anywhere. Furthermore, your code itself should not contain any such runs of four in a row. Test Cases String Binary R...

@ASCII-only Someone flagged this comment, but I don't understand it so I'll ignore it
@AkivaWeinberger That was me, it was an accident, clear it pls, thanks.
Already done, no worries
^ that
oh no too late half of SE chat is here already
(Flies back to mathematics chatroom in helicopter)
@ASCII-only I doubt it. The github linked in Chris' profile is older than Helka's
like, 1.5 years older
@MistahFiggins I know, I was just kidding, plus can't you change your avatar any time
Probably just 2 different people who like Calvin and Hobbes. Not unusual
Ok, nothing terribly wrong, right?
Posting now
Q: Disconnect 4 bits

PavelYour task: given an input string, determine whether the binary representation of that string has 4 1s or 0s in a row, anywhere. Furthermore, your code itself should not contain any such runs of four in a row. Test Cases String Binary Result U3 0101010100110011 Tru...

@NewMainPosts Lightning fast today.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

walpenYou Jelly? code-golf In this code challenge you are here to explain Jelly code for us simple-minded plebeians. To simplify things we are working in a restricted subset of Jelly. Details The input will be a Jelly leading constant chain matching the regex `/([01H+] )+/. For full explanation, se...

@ATaco where that from?
@Downgoat uh you did >_>
@Riker Wat's new lang, tomato
@Riker Is F.O.G. just "Let's throw some random shit in a lang!"?
@Pavel I think it is normal esolang just the goat part :P
oic. Is the Gaot++ functionality built in yet?
> Gaot++
btw my new bluetooth keyboard is working seamlessly, I am even typing this message with my bluetooth keyboard
@Pavel "wat"
@Riker I changed my username :)
It's pretty cool
Nah man
You know you can't change it for a month, right?
@MatthewRoh I've been using bluetooth keyboard for a few months now.
@Pavel yes, I'm aware
I used a bluetooth keyboard once, all of my gamer friends chewed me out for it.
I have a wired mechanical keyboard now.
Not for gaming though. For that I use gamepad+mouse combo.
Change it to "Check out Tಠmatಠ"
I should make myself degdeg
also I'm using this bluetooth keyboard with my android tablet
@CheckOutTomato But like half the games stop mouse input when controller input is detected.
but I'm sad at the fact it doesnt have RGB ;_;
Every esolang should have a gaot command
@Pavel yeah but tf2 doesnt
@MatthewRoh Bluetooth keyboards tend to not have RGB. RGB is for gaming keyboards, gaming keyboards and bluetooth don't mix.
oh darn I forgot middle click is home in android
btw mine doesnt even have a backlight
I don't know if this is true, but I think it has to do with battery life.
Backlit wireless keyboards would waste too many batteries I'd guess
Does anyone want to play on OPPCGMCS
Poll: Have you ever gotten more upvote on Sandbox post than when you post to main
@CheckOutTomato me
@Pavel right, it only has 400mAh of battery
@Downgoat Does having a negative score on main but 0 in sandbox count?
nah that is cheating
@MatthewRoh are you going to join?
@CheckOutTomato Yeah, just wait a bit
@DJMcMayhem Oh, right, I posted my challenge, you can answer it in V now.
Maybe, haha
I might be awarding bounties for clever solutions with no penalties.
Are there any langs designed specifically for challenges?
No, there's bound to be some out there
(Not counting Unary and Lenguage and such)
I mean, anything that deals with ASCII codes, or just patterns is decent
I just made a cup of cup noodles, and it's so tempting to start eating them now and not wait for them to finish cooking >_>
@Pavel Lenguage might as well be esolangs.org/wiki/Lenguage
It's also the least golfy language to exist, maybe ever.
@ConorO'Brien bork:
I'm pretty sure that snippet is buggy, e.g. I see || listed and that is 0111110001111100. — Ørjan Johansen 2 mins ago
Yey I got my Arduino and made a blinking display thing with the actual display
@Qwerp-Derp I have started work on my COTLR (name of my maze koth) ai
@DestructibleWatermelon I don't think you ever gave me the link to the GH repo
(phew, no onebox)
@DJMcMayhem "And you will have no mercy, and only leave when they are all dead!"
If you're quartata, then yes
@everyone How to move root to ssd?
That is an answer that will not fit into a chat post
I found a way to pass through UAC prompt
but is it a good thing?
Who knows :P
what is it?
@DJMcMayhem OK, clarification. My / right now is on a 1TB HDD formatted as btrfs with separate subvolumes for /, /home
There is also an EFI part with 500MB space and it is mounted as /boot.
I have separate subvolume for /steam (steam games) and caches and stuff as well.
CMC: Read a number from STDOUT and write it to STDIN
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Kevin CruijssenLoop up and down, up and down code-golfnumber Input: Two integers that are at least two apart. Output: Output the lowest of the two, and count towards the highest on the first line; then count down again towards the lowest+1 on the second line; then upwards again to the highest-1 on the thir...

The Don Quixote wikipedia page needs expansion...
I have a copy of Don Quixote; I might help with that
That meme isn't particularly bad, it actually shows our appreciation to Java.
@Pavel but that doesn't have a run of four zeroes
It has a run of four ones
Q: Is this valid for this SE site?

DexterI am new to this SE and don't know if this fits theme of this website. That is why first posting in meta site. Feel free to suggest some other SE if applicable. Sorry for the long post. But this much info is needed to explain ! Background: I am student and working in one science institute. Our ...

I have a Python question for you all. I was thinking about how to find the largest divisor of n that is <= sqrt(n). The code that I wrote first was max(z for z in range(1,int(n**.5)+1)if n%z<1) (to be continued)
But I was thinking that if I just tried [n%z for z in range(1,int(n**.5)+1)] to get the remainders and found the rightmost index of a 0 (the remainder from a divisor) that would also work. The trouble is lists don't have a rindex function and I'm not sure how else to do this golfily. Any suggestions?
@flawr winter over, still couldnt peel like that ;-; it just doesnt stay as one piece
Do you think the tabs Questions Tags Users Badges Unanswered are superfluous?
Check out Stack Overflow for the new version of the tab bar
@JanDvorak Why?
It is changed today?
nah, not today
So I knew it before. Did you share your thoughts in any chatrooms?
@JanDvorak you didn't
ah, cool, we have yet another room to whine in
I think I'll pass
Eyy wassup bois
Golfing. You?
@DJMcMayhem hahaha
Getting food. Got work in a bit.
Oh, and hi kids!
Yeah I'm about to golf too
@MatthewRoh pls don't use broken english on purpose
@DanBrown hey
@Riker Yo. What's up?
@Pavel yes
@DanBrown not much, wbu?
@Riker oh, the irony
"pls" is not broken english
@Riker Why do I forget that like hundreds of times
it's an abbreviation I used because my cat was trying to step across my keyboard and generally being a pita
define "pita"?
pain in the ass
@Riker Deciding on peanut butter or marmite. Decisions, decisions.
that shouldn't even take effort
Yeah, but I adore both lol
peanut butter, of course
Use both then lel
ew no. Tried that, it's sickening.
just use marmite
I'd suggest honey + butter mix
I'm slightly ashamed to say I don't know what marmite is
How to explain marmite....
Marmite - Wikipedia
Marmite (/ˈmɑːrmaɪt/ MAR-myt) is the brand name for two similar food spreads: the original British version, a Unilever product since 2000; and a modified version produced in New Zealand by Sanitarium Health Food Company and distributed in Australia and the Pacific.
Marmite (/ˈmɑːrmaɪt/ MAR-myt) is the brand name for two similar food spreads: the original British version, a Unilever product since 2000; and a modified version produced in New Zealand by Sanitarium Health Food Company and distributed in Australia and the Pacific. Marmite is made from yeast extract, a by-product of beer brewing. Other similar products include the Australian Vegemite, the Swiss Cenovis and the German Vitam-R. The British version of the product is a sticky, dark brown food paste with a distinctive, powerful flavour, which is extremely salty. This distinctive taste is reflected in...
it oneboxes fwiw
oh dammit I tried to send first
@LliwTelracs Your edit to the Ruby on Rails challenge was not correct. Read the question again, and you can see it clearly allows diagonal entry to bridges.
> Tracks may combine with the stations, bridges and valley entrance/exit in the following ways
Roses are red
Roses are red
Roses are red
My keyboard is glitching
Roses are red
Violets are blue
This joke makes no sense
Red screens of death are red
Roses are red
Violets are blue
This meme is getting old
Blue screens of death are blue
@mbomb007 The description where they must exit on the opposite side confused me as I had taken it to mean opposite point in the 8 positions
It doesn't matter what they are
They still are bad news @MatthewRoh
Roses are red
Roses are red
Roses are red
Roses are red
Roses are red
WTF is my keyboard doing
oh my... my keyboard's caught the disease, too
@Riker Is that like Vegemite? It sounds like it is. In that case, I'll pass.
Wait one minute, did y'all just get censored? Didn't know we were in liberal ran countries.
@AdmBorkBork Yep, but not vegatarian friendly.
@AdmBorkBork ;-;
@DanBrown Please leave political opinions and topics at the door.
@AdmBorkBork sorry, lemme rephrase:
Are people being censored for saying 'dammit'?
In general, we're pretty lenient of language usage and swearing. So long as the posts don't violate the main Be Nice policy. And people remember that we do have minors present.
If people are getting censored for saying "dammit", how did you do that?
I don't know what the color of a rose is
I don't know what the color of a violet is
What is wrong with my head
Roses are grey
Violets are grey
I'm a dog
this is a haiku
did I do this right or not
yeah looks good to me
2nd line is 8 syllables
I like how if you remove "not" it becomes valid
better solution
Guys quick what's the difference between Big and Little Endian
Roses are scarlet
Violets are cerulean
Haikus FTW
I need to know this in the next five minutes
@AdmBorkBork actually, dogs are dichromats, not monochromats
@JanDvorak Shh. :p
@Pavel Count from front, count from back
Actually, how do I answer this comment
@Pavel The order of bytes. Most significant -> least, or least significant -> most.
It doesn't seem to matter in the context of the challenge?
Well, 01001100 01101000 (big-endian) has no runs of 4, but 01101000 01001100 (little-endian; bytes are reversed) has one
It can, because that matters for how the bits are mushed together.
Yeah, what ETH just said.
How can a beef die when its already dead
I have a question
would running a ddns server to direct to the ip on heroku be better than directly hosting the website on heroku
I mean, the first option could use domains more than just herokuapp.com or something
@ETHproductions What's the normal way on modern computers?
wait, can I just direct a domain to another domain?
Well, that's an interesting question.
@AdmBorkBork Whose?
@Pavel I honestly don't know very much about endian-ness. It looks like most modern processors use little-endian, but I'd suggest just sticking with big-endian because that's the traditional way of thinking about bytes (at least on PPCG)
Intel processors use little endian for storage, computation, and memory addresses. However, computer science convention and logical processing tends to use big endian.
Yes, that's what I thought
@MatthewRoh You can use a CNAME record to create an alias.
thanks for telling me
I'm trying to use heroku to host a website with .io tld for free
@Pavel You could just let people use whichever is more convenient.
you know, hosting .io websites are expensive
I think you'd still need to register a .io domain to do that
(I don't know much about setting up domains though)
:\ there are node.js ddns servers
maybe I should try directing a ddns to the ip of the original website
There are multiple steps. You need to purchase and register a domain. You need to designate the name servers for that domain. You need to purchase or setup a website host (IIS, Apache, Heroku, etc.). You need to create DNS records on the name servers to point to that website.
Heh, the only residents of the British Indian Ocean Territory (which owns .io) are about 4000 U.S. military personnel and contractors
Yea, I'm trying to use heroku
later bois
I really need to remove shift+space being an unbreakable space on my keyboard layout, it creates bugs that are stupidely hard to find…
btw @mbomb007 you commented on my bounty community ad, I finally got around to making a meta post about it
Spent 30 mins trying to find a problem with my automatically generated SQL query just to find that I generated it with an unbreakable space between two keywords and mySQL doesn't like that…
good thing the error it gave was helpful… jk it's garbage
"You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use" Well thanks, that certainly narrows it down a lot for a query of thousands of chars
Roses are yellow
Violets are blue
I'm an actual dog
53 mins ago, by AdmBorkBork
@JanDvorak Shh. :p
> Help me, I am trapped
In a haiku factory.
Save me, before they
wat. or should I say CheckOutTomato now?
(joke pls understand)
A: Disconnect 4 bits

PokeJava 7, 142 bytes + 10*67 = 812 boolean b(char[]b){String d="",e="";for(char c:b){e=Integer.toString(c,2);for(;e.length()<8;e=0+e);d+=e;}return!d.matches(".*(0000|1111).*");} I am using newlines instead of spaces to try to minimize penalty... It doesn't work too well, haha. This can almost cer...

Can we all appreciate Poke's dedication to Java golfing in the absolute worst possible challenge for Java?
I gave an upvote to him(?) for that
Hah. I saw the restrictions and realized that {}| are all immediately responsible for several "demerits" and went "Nope, not a challenge for PowerShell."
What is a haiku pls
I really really need help on this
Send help code golfly please
haha thanks, friends. it's certainly not a straight forward solution to minimize score
i'm sure i'll need to iterate on it more
I did not know you can have methods and variables with the same name.
just another reason to love java
Love java??
Java is best language
Closely followed by J#
💩 <-- Uncodes thoughts on java
I did; that's why I didn't comment to answer your question.
@ChristopherPeart Shouldn't it be 5-7-5 syllables?
@Pavel Correct. It wasn't a haiku.
Wait it isn't :(
The online checker I found was wrong
Brb writing it again
Fixed it:

What is a haiku
I really need help now please
Send help code golfly please
Eh, haikus in English are so ridiculously loosely defined
Your haiku was wrong
It was an utter failure
And you should feel bad

I tried to make that more polite, but I couldn't fit it into the 5-7-5 format otherwise.
I made a rude one but I have to make it less so
Is there a poetry.SE, or is that just the lit.SE?
I think just lit
Little better:

You are such a noob
Your haikus posts suck a lot
I will wreck your face
@BusinessCat is it lit?
420 blazeit
Also would have made more polite but polite & haiku does not work
It's so hard >_>
It's probably easier in Japanese
I know. Like why is a rude Haiku so much easier then a nice one
Nice haikus, okay?
Just take your time writing them;
And you will succeed.
I love your haiku
It made me feel good inside
Please make more for me
^ There's a nice haiku.
Why is TNB now a haiku chat
I don't know
It feel like that should have been a haiku
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Roses are red
Deja vu
In the Nineteenth Byte,
With no challenges to code,
We resort to verse.
*clap* *clap* *clap*
CMC: Check if a post is a haiku that rymes
Q: Write a haiku-w detector

DomTheDeveloperA haiku is a poem with three lines, with a 5/7/5 syllable count, respectively. A haiku-w is poem with three lines, with a 5/7/5 word count, respectively. Challenge Write a program that will return true if the input is a haiku-w, and false if not. A valid haiku-w input must consist of 3 lines,...

I will go cry myself to sleep
You can't properly define a syllable or rhyming without an massive, complicated mess.
CMC: Write a program that does anything (besides error) and has a output. But is a haiku
Not the output... the code
Googles Perl poetry
If that is a thing...
PowerShell can just take a string literal, with newlines, and place it on the pipeline for implicit output. So, just pretend that any of the previous haikus were encapsulated in quote marks, and I'll use that as my submission.
^ Same with most golfing languages
Q: Factorial in haiku!

TheDoctorTask Create a program that calculates the factorial of a number using no built-in factorial functions. Easy? The catch is that you must write your entire program (including testing it) in haiku form. You can use as many haikus as you need, but when pronounced, they must follow the 5-7-5 syllab...

I don't even know

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