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Is there a meta post stating regex is a valid language?
@ConorO'Brien Is there an online interpreter of BrainCurses available anywhere?
Wait, WHAT?
S3 is out?
Amazon's stock is a better status page.
@wat Everything is on fire, yes.
omg aws
@Pavel Dupe
go up pls
@Pavel require('http').createServer(function(r,s){s.writeHead(418);s.end()}).listen(80‌​)
i don't actually know node
maybe that's golfable
but it's 80 bytes and listening on port 80
so there's that
oh yeah people beat me pretty bad on the link timmy posted
@Pavel nc -lp"HTTP/1.1 408"
Do anyone know an esolang which use a non-cartesian coordinate system?
Ask polar bears
@TuxCopter Self-modifying code count?
@KritixiLithos Or penguins.
@AdmBorkBork What would make self-modifying code non-cartesian?
@TuxCopter btw, I'm thinking about creating an esolang that relies on vectors on a graph (real-complex plane) to calculate stuff
@TuxCopter You can get non-Cartesian instruction paths because of how the code was modified on the fly. That's all.
@betseg Wait, I messed up on my pun. I thought that the real-complex plane was non-cartesian, so I said "polar bears". But nvm, it is cartesian
@AdmBorkBork The instruction pointer still uses cartesian coordinates
Yeah. Hence my question.
@TuxCopter Hexagony?
Does anyone else want to help with Tomato
@Mego Yeah
Cubix, too, then.
Wow, the AWS outage is affecting a lot of sites
Could someone ping me? I'm trying to check if my sound works and videos aren't giving me sound at the moment
@Sherlock9 k
Not on Youtube, not on the Rooster Teeth site, not when playing videos on my system
Oh there's a sound
So that's strange and inconvenient
@KritixiLithos I said penguins because a) penguins live at the pole and b) tuxcopter is a penguin and c) a penguin can understand a penguin
@TuxCopter Oh, not a non-Cartesian coordinate system, but Prismatic is pretty cool.
@Sherlock9 wat
@Sherlock9 try an mp3
Good call. Also doesn't work
Or VLC could be buggy. I'll try another player
But pinging does?
And Discord voice chat, which I used earlier
Really inconsistent, huh?
I am Trying to design golfing language meant to perform really well on type problems, but I don't have a lot of experience making golfing languages and was hoping to get some help.
What features are you thinking of that would help with restricted source?
@DJMcMayhem Instead of having set symbols that map to set functions you define a group size. Each operation is then that amount of characters probably the sum of the ASCII code points mod the number of instructions.
I have a few other features in mind
but thats the big one
@WheatWizard What language are you writing the interpreter in?
That sounds cool
I started in python (barely) but I wasn't really sure I wanted to continue
I don't really know many high level programming languages. Pretty much just Python and C++.
I know Java and Mathematica, so I probably can't help you out there.
@WheatWizard You could have command line flags that cycle the value that corresponds to each instruction. So if the easiest way to make an instructions is forbidden, you just make a different combinations of characters mean that instruction.
@Riley I want to avoid putting things in command line flags as much as possible. I do have instructions to cycle the intructions both ways for that purpose exactly
Or use consecutive differences between (code points of) source chars to encode the instructions. But that's probably sort of cheating
You can also change the token size on the fly
@WheatWizard I like that better.
@LuisMendo Huh, that's a funky method.
This also reminds me of OOO
The BF-related lang
Did AWS unbork itself or is this a temporary success I'm having?
Here is a gist with all of the instructions I am considering so far.
Why do you need a dedicated nop command?
Also, nop and not are both NO
Clearly not does nothing.
@Pavel I find it can be really useful to have a noop so that you can fulfill requirements without doing anything. Also nice catch
> Hand to hand combat has no place in warfare. To engage in hand combat in war, first one must lose one's gun, knife, vest, helmet, shovel, find a clear open space without a loose stone in sight, and then find another idiot who has done the same. source
Save time, buy a new printer
@Pavel @Downgoat goat abuse eleven
I had to install three separate packages to connect my laptop to my printer.
Just don't let Downgoat know how many goats you sacrificed
Don't worry, one of the packages had a node dependency for some reason, so it's guaranteed goat-friendly.
XD I miss the days of USB printers
Why can't we have USB printers that support Bluetooth. That would work
When did you have to deal with USB printers?
@ChristopherPeart USB printers still exist ... ?
@ChristopherPeart That doesn't even make sense.
@Pavel When I was younger. We still have one. They are super nice
@AdmBorkBork Yeah, Bluetooth makes everything worse.
Imgur gives 502 wtf
@betseg Imgur is powered by AWS iirc
@AdmBorkBork Bluetooth so your phones can connect
@TuxCopter yes and no. I don't think any are being made right now
@ChristopherPeart As I recall, USB printers were harder to set up, because the printer and the computer I was printing from were in different rooms, so I had to connect to the printer through an old, ancient desktop built in the nineties.
Wifi so both your phones and computers can connect
Still a pain to set up, but less of a pain to set up.
@betseg Good idea
But I still want USB
@Pavel That is why you have a desk with the printer on it.
@ChristopherPeart That's what's standard
@ChristopherPeart I have multiple computers and don't want multiple printers to deal with.
@Pavel Ah. Makes sense. betseg had a good idea
@ChristopherPeart Sure, but that has zero to do with USB
Idk why they need drivers these days... that take the sacrifice of several goats and installing node
@AdmBorkBork True. It is like frontend running on Windows ten and backend on a gamecube
I don't even know what you're trying to say. Bluetooth and USB are two different types of I/O interfaces. Parallel, serial, and Ethernet are others.
Does anyone remember that SEDE query that shows which language you have used to answer before?
@AdmBorkBork Nevermind I am bad at analogies
pretty sure bluetooth printers exist
I think so to, but they're not really widespread.
@ChristopherPeart What?
Had to get off for a sec
That is a legit email i sent (in blue) and legit response
Remember the response if from a 40+ year old male.
When you are older, you will realize how cringy that email you sent actually is.
I don't find it cringy. It's pretty neat that he's almost an eagle scout
Becoming en eagle scout is cool
@Pavel I was bored and needed info
At least he spelled things correctly. I've looked back on some of my communications in the past and the cringiest part is when I use texting abbreviations
I always am trying to estimate ages and @Pavel I have floated between 20-35 years old on you
txt u l8tr ;)
People like who replied are amazing. If I received an email like that, I probably would mark it as spam before getting half way through, I can't even hold a proper conversation with people in the grade below me without being really condecending and considering them immature
I can't stand emails with texting abbreviations
Which makes me fear that what I'm like now would completely not pass what I'll be like in a year.
@ChristopherPeart Yeah no I'm fifteen.
@Pavel HAH youngin
Just wait until you're in the industry
you get to interact with people younger than you, older than you, attack helicopters, men, women, people of different races. it's all great fun
I'm a bit scared.
Attack helicopters?
On the Internet, no one knows you're not an attack helicopter.
I can't even get through movies with children in them sometimes.
@Pavel Oh don't be. Just wait till you join us old people (not like i am that old)
You're joining the Eagle Scouts, so you're 12, right?
@Pavel PG movies always seem to have one plot. Kids find treasure, adults who a klutz show up. Kids win
@Pavel Uhh way older. Older then you
@Mego Question out of the blue: Have you been available for Factorio at any point in the last month?
Eagle scout is the highest rank in boy scouts
@ChristopherPeart Wut, I thought Eagle Scouts was a thing for kids
I haven't really been available and I'm not certain when next I can play again
@Pavel No boy scouts starts at 11 and ends at 18. Earning the eagle scout is huge.
average age for eagle scouts is now 17.34 years old
@Pavel Maybe you're thinking of Cub Scouts?
Probably, I never joined any of these clubs.
Eagle Scout is the highest achievement or rank attainable in the Boy Scouting program of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA). The designation "Eagle Scout" was founded over one hundred years ago. Only four percent of Boy Scouts are granted this rank after a lengthy review process. The requirements necessary to achieve this rank take years to fulfill. Since its founding, the Eagle Scout rank has been earned by more than two million young men. Requirements include earning at least 21 merit badges. The Eagle Scout must demonstrate Scout Spirit, an ideal attitude based upon the Scout Oath and Law, service...
@Sherlock9 Not really. A combination of seeing friends I haven't seen in ages, work, and in-laws spontaneously visiting have kept me busy
@Pavel Try organizations lot more work then a "club"
@DJMcMayhem Oh, and I got my sounds to work again. Needed to restart my computer
It's often the simple solutions that you don't try first
I kind-of assumed your age after seeing that email, it sounds like you're 12 or playing DnD.
And it's not the latter.
Oh god, I'm awful at this.
@Mego Fair enough. I might consider playing again in late March if everything's died down on my end
@Sherlock9 Honestly I'm more interested in playing after the next update
There's an update coming?
@Pavel But you have to read closely. It is actually a well written email but just written very formal and with the eloquent prose of the late 1500
Hang on, let me find the news page on their website
I'm not afraid to tell people I'm fifteen, but my greatest fear is that people will think that I act like I'm fifteen.
It's... silly.
@Pavel You don't act 15 :P you act more like 20 most of the time
@Pavel In the vast majority of cases, fifteen-year-olds act like fifteen-year-olds. It's quite surprising, I know :P
@Mego You're blowing my mind
Anyway, I have to go and pick up my dignity.
The biggest sign of a lack of maturity is the inability to recognize when one's contributions to a conversation are unnecessary, and that they would be better off doing more listening than speaking. That's a constant issue when trying to find gaming groups online.
@Mego Wow. That is actually kinda deep. Then the end makes it relateable
I always assumed Dennis is an immortal all knowing sentient thing
Trying to play games online with young kids is a nightmare most of the time. They are often more interested in talking about what their friends did at school than planning and communicating relevant to the task at hand.
Some of the best experiences I've had while gaming is when everybody is silent 80% of the time - only talking when necessary, or between encounters. Those are the ones who effortlessly fly through challenges.
Mego, every play ArmA?
@Poke Nope. Milsims aren't my style
Well, turns out I still have a while.
Pavel I just realized your avatar is the logo from Dirty Bomb
And... just as I say that, I don't.
@Poke Yes.
I've been thinking it's the white supremacy triskelion for the last month
google image search saves the day
Fun stat I just learned about 5 minutes ago: V has 140 answers from 12 users
@Poke Anyway, best game evar, pls play.
VS corrupted all of fluff
(By pls play I mean we really, really need more people to play our game before it dies because Splash Damage doesn't want to spend a cent on marketting)
in CHATLAB and Talktave on Stack Overflow Chat, 1 min ago, by Andras Deak
Code golf, the one area of life where guys compare whose is smaller.
I've still yet to see implemented well.
Anyone know how (on windows) to get the Alt+## to be UTF 8?
Alt-Codes send Character-Codes, not bytes.
The thing about real life bowling though is that its rules provide a maximum score, 300 points. You can't add to the score by "padding it out" because there's no other actions to add points, where in the usual code bowling question you can just add bytes.
My theory is if there were only a few ways to add characters such that there was a maximum score, code bowling could work
But this is also 5 am brain talking, so your mileage may vary with this idea
the thing is is that in bowling you want to knock over as many pins as possible, not bowl as much as possible
so having code bowling analogous to code golfing is flawed
What about a hybrid? Use as many characters from your language's encoding as possible, but the shortest overall code?
I find that easy to abuse.
yeah unary
print("Hello World")//therestofuft-8
codebowling should really be: in some amount of bytes achieve as many goals as possible
that actually makes sense related to bowling
@DestructibleWatermelon chars that produce most values in 1..120?
CNR code bowling could work better--cops make bowled submissions, robbers remove characters
I still think the codebowling analogy is flawed
@ATaco indeed
I mean, they didn't call it code cricket for example, but both still want as many points as possible
and they have a recurring problem: people submitting things that should go here instead, in r/peoplewithbirdheads
I liked the idea of this one, but the challenge initially wasn't written too well.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

CarcigenicateThis problem is based on a old chat-bot project I did. Problem: Given a string of words containing any of the characters: " !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~" Find the frequency of each triplet of words, offset by 1. All non no...

@DJMcMayhem ooooh
@Pavel ;-; windows only
@Riker I know, it's the only reason I still dual-boot with Windows.
my friend plays it and loves it though, I'll definitely get when/if it's available with mac
@Pavel and also I learned dark souls is windows only also ;-;
so I'll prolly end up dual booting soon >_>
@ConorO'Brien True
@Riker Likely not soon, the game is in kind of a shaky spot right now. Gameplay is fun, but there are lots of bugs and still no proper matchmaking.
don't put words in my mouth ಠ_ಠ
@Riker already subbed :)
Really small dev team, not a lot of funds.
@flawr lol of course you have
@Pavel and apparenlty the anti-nexos or something shit right?
since the game broke away from publishers, friend told me about that
@Riker Nexon used to be the game's publisher, Splash Damage got the game back and now has to maintain their own servers and stuff.
On the other hand, we have an anticheat now, which is nice.
vac is shit but it keeps out a good portion of hackers
Nexon contractually obligated them to use NGS, which is shite.
@DJMcMayhem how'd you get V to pipe keystrokes to vim?
Dirty Bomb seems cool but I can't download it as I'm on a mobile connection :/
Anyone know how i can type the jelly code page in visual studio 2015? I have been searching the web for a while and can't figure out how
I tried saving as UTF-8 but that doesn't change what you type
@ChristopherPeart why would you type Jelly code in VS
I am not typing jelly :P
I typing the jelly code page for Fluff
> how i can type the jelly code page
Today I got 40 spam emails
I am not coding jelly
@TuxCopter how many are from nigeria
@ChristopherPeart If you need a way to type Unicode characters use WinCompose and a Unicode search
@Riker Surprisingly, 0. Only casino viagra for some reason.
Just checked my Spam, According to the FBI I won $7,400,000 Dollars.
Which is only slightly strange as I'm an Australian Citizen.
Even worse: My spam filter visibly gave up as no email is filtered
Hopefully the spammed email is not my primary one
@Riker also if you find this offensive let me know and i'll remove it, please don't flag me
@Riker that's weird af and I'd remove it to be safe
> you have 2 seconds left for editing
oh well
just chat to move it offscreen ;;p
Let me know if you want something trashed
if you could move everythign from teh pic down including this that would be nice
I could move the pic
Mobile is stupid
yes pls
Wait riker did that actually happen?
no clue
ask imgur
OP said its' real but idk
ok making sure it wasn't you who said that thing
I think my HecksomeOverlord bot will navigate by sticking to a wall, navigating around it, then moving to another wall, so that it can make some progress to find the flag
Does "Levenshtein distance will be measured in UTF-8 characters" mean that the edit distance is computed between strings of Unicode codepoints (and the "UTF-8" is a red herring, since in this sense it doesn't matter whether you use UTF-8, UTF-16, UCS4 or something else)? — Sami Liedes yesterday
never responded to this, prolly just got lost in teh ping flood
@Riker Yes, Unicode and UTF-8 blend togather in my mind
Can you make that edit for me please? I'm on my phone right now.
prolly edit + comment then
@Pavel sure
Q: Leaderboard golf

Vi.Golf the leaderboard of this question (id=111735). Your program should issue one HTTP request to StackExchange API, parse it and present to user in form similar to a typical Leaderboard Snippet Sample output (for the question 47338 instead of this): Leaderboard Author Language Size 1. ...

Q: Java TextField not showing

user66158I am trying to make a stream controller program that will basically take someones input and write it to a text file which will then be displayed on stream, but I'm not able to get my textfields to show. Probably a simple problem, but I'm a noob import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; /** * C...

@NewMainPosts ded
@Pavel lol I'm the second youngest here still then
I thought you were my age, 14
@NewMainPosts I think we need a big ol' message on the Submit Question button that says "Hold on, Are you looking for StackOverflow?"
Q: Simulate an instant runoff election

PyrrhaIt's the election! The area which we are in implements the system of voting called instant runoff (sometimes called alternative vote or preferential voting). Each voter orders each candidate from most preferred to least preferred, marking a "1" for their most preferred candidate, a "2" for their ...

And I wonder if CS.SE gets the same problem.
Has anyone seen any challenges lately that could be done in Brain-Flak? (about numbers, but not about digits or primes)
@WheatWizard there was a CMC earlier today, dunno if you want challenges in main however
@Downgoat CMCs are fine I'm just bored
6 hours ago, by Pavel
CMC: Given two ints a and b, output the sum of every multiple of 3 in the range [a,b]. So given a=7, b=18, output 9+12+15+18=54
babby tapir is almost as cute as babby goat
@WheatWizard if we tried really hard we could do the Evolution of powers of two?
yeah nope it's impossible currently
I don't think it is possible
not nearly enough brackets yet
that's basically saying "make 2^70 in 10 bytes"
I did the #2 but Before I hit submit someone else answered
@Downgoat DjMcMayhem already did that in Flak, iirc

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